@cpierce I live in Florida and air conditioning is a must. If my central air breaks, I have a small backup window air conditioner along with a second room a/c that has the pipes go outside a window. We could die here without A/C.
I think the repair companies rip you off. They charge $89 just to visit and they will charge you $150 for a new capacitor which retails for about $10 if you bought it yourself. But you’re stuck using them because it’s an emergency and local companies refuse to sell you parts unless you’re licensed.
I recently had a compressor replaced under warranty for my rental property. That cost me $990 just for labor and coolant costs. Imagine if I had to pay for the compressor too. Now that’s a rip off.
What other kind of industry gets away with charging you $990 to repair something under warranty?
@cengland0@cpierce I had a similar experience with a refrigerator - the compressor failed during the latter part of the warranty that covered only parts, but not labor. The labor charge was almost half the cost of a new refrigerator. Sucks.
We still have pleasant, sunny days in fall. Not too hot like summer, not too cold like winter, not too muddy like spring. Just right. And fall leads to winter, which is my second favorite season
… Cool-weather with spurts of warm and less flying critters. Perfect for amusement parks and walks in the forest. Rarely any tornados. Fall is the definitive season. It’s only downturn is the harbinger to winter. Not a bad thing but would be much better if it lasted until spring and spring back into fall. That I could rally around all the time…
All of the above and because it’s one step closer to winter and skiing. My deposit gets mailed out today for a ski trip to Grindelwald. Yes, I’m excited.
I cannot wait for fall! Fall means cooler weather, bonfires, changing leaves and Halloween! It also means I can dust off my leather or suede boots and start wearing them with jeans, skirts or sweater dresses! Oh, and guess what, it means winter is right around the corner!
no because it means my short summer season is just about gone and its gonna get crappy cold, windy, rainy, sleety, and snowy. yep, that kinda covers it.
Living in PA, I enjoy all four distinct seasons and the extremes of each don’t last too long. I love summer flowers and long days! Fall colors, coolness and Halloween are great too.
I am a total BWG and love everything fall: Bath and Body Works candles, cozy sweaters, the smell of fallen leaves, PSL, reading in front of a cozy fire. All of it.
@EsmeGrumble Which BWG?
BWG -Balboa Water Group (Tustin, CA)
BWG -Bankers Warranty Group (St. Petersburg, FL)
BWG -Business Working Group
BWG -Backup Working Group
BWG -Bankwesengesetz (Federal Law on Banking, Austria)
BWG -Beam Waveguide (antenna)
BWG -Bundesamt für Wasser und Geologie (Federal Office for Water and Geology, Switzerland)
BWG -Bilateral Working Group (various locations)
BWG -Bundeswahlgesetz (Federal German electoral law)
BWG -Birmingham Wire Gauge
BWG -Bergwerk-und Walzwerk Maschinenbau GmbH (German: Mine and Mill Engineering; Duisburg, Germany)
BWG -Blue Water Grill (restaurant)
BWG -Big Wide Grin (band)
BWG -Biometrics Working Group (CESG)
BWG -Big White Guy (website)
BWG -Bioinformatics Working Group (Texas A&M University)
BWG -Biotechnology Working Group (various organizations)
BWG -Brown-Wilson Group (market research)
BWG -Biodiversity Working Group
BWG -Barrington-Wellesley Group, Inc.
BWG -Bookworm Gardens (Sheboygan, WI)
BWG -Boston Working Group
BWG -Brain Wave Generator
BWG -British Wire Gauge
BWG -Black Wyrm Games
BWG -Broadband Wireless Group (Sprint)
BWG -Blue Water Gaming
BWG -Beatwork Group (record label)
BWG -Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft eV (Berlin Scientific Society, registered)
BWG -Buildings Working Group (UK)
@jerk_nugget@medz@Milyvan1 Basic White Girl.
Sorry…i’m more used to Facebook and Instagram, where that acronym is more widely known. Still new to the community.
@mikey Where in CO?
Used to live in Boulder, and yes, that was great. Ski areas not too far away, rock climbing nearby, lots of hiking spots etc. Due to the altitude and lack of humidity there were days in Jan. you could wear short sleeves, plus now…legal pot… What’s not to love?
I love fall. Apple picking, corn mazes, the Covered Bridge Festival, the color of the leaves, the cool, crisp nights where it’s still warm enough to sleep with the windows open but cool enough to need a light blanket, the sound of the marching band and Friday night high school football from the stadium down the street, hobo fires and trick-or-treaters at Halloween. Oh and candy corn! As a recent transplant from the deep South to the Mid-West I am loving all these things about Fall. Previously, it just meant a slight dip in humidity.
I love fall for the weather, and the pretty leaves, and because all the idiot football fans spend most of their time sitting on their asses in front of the couch instead of shambling down the street with their glassy eyes, their low-stakes high-energy parochialism/triumphalism, and their pathetic ‘athletic’ jerseys.
I live in Seattle. I love my city. But things got fucking awful around here when the stupid seahawks won the super bowl. All of the sudden every rube had a goddamn sticker on their car, a flag, a sweater, ten athletic jerseys, etc etc. None of these people ever cared about football until there was a winning team. Thank god we ditched the basketball team a decade ago. Football next, then soccer, then we can dismantle the stadiums, exile the moaning sports fans to Spokane where they’ll be much happier anyway, and life will get pretty fucking great around here. Lots of poetry and tea.
Women’s basketball and soccer are fine, btw. Gee, I wonder why?
Uncle Vinny woke up cranky.
(Edit: and it’s a small consolation that the sport will be transformed/extinct within 20 years, as parents finally get it through their heads that nobody in any league from grade school to pro gives a shit about their child’s concussions.)
@UncleVinny oh my Vinny, you ARE in a mood today, aren’t you?
I on the other hand am also in the Seattle area and I say HELL NO I am not ready for fall yet. We do not get nearly enough summer around here. We get plenty of grey, drizzly, depressing, blah weather for fall, winter and spring though. The warm weather and the sun making my pupils dilate feels wonderful. I am not ready to go back to grey-all-day blahness. Not good for those of us that deal with depression for sure. I need to get OUT of here. aRRRGH
PS @tinamarie1974 my general indifference to women’s sports is that their fans are generally more women & girls than men, and so far less violent, thick-headed and annoying. Thus my “gee I wonder why” comment, not boobz zomg.
I’m not ready for Summer to end… Honestly I’d move to Florida if I could. Or Hawaii. I’m all about that Sunshine life! Fall exists for like 2 weeks and then it gets crazy cold and I’m miserable until it gets warm again
@drinkaffeine Sounds like our time in Int’t Falls MN. Summer was that short period in the middle of July when the mosquitos didn’t have to wear sweaters…
yes. because it will hopefully be less fuckin’ hot. in related news, our electric bill for the past month was triple what it normally is so…yeah. pass the cooler weather and cranberry sauce please.
(also i love the holidays and hate the heat. however i will miss the produce.)
Fall is such a happy time: It starts 12 days after the statistical peak of Atlantic hurricane season, and hurricane season is almost ⅔ over! Yay. Only 68 days left to worry that I might be slaughtered by a weather apocalypse (or home destroyed, pets killed, etc). And cooler weather is only 3 months away!
Such a happy time… At least that’s my Florida perspective.
Because this past Winter was nothing short of a BI*CH, I am trying to enjoy this Summer even more than normal & am NOT wishing it away for Fall, no matter how much I normally like the season. (I know what comes as part of late Fall & thereafter…)
@tohar1 You can say bitch here. Jesus knows what you mean in your heart anyway. And if you’re trying to use decorum, well, you didn’t mask your word very well…besides WE all know what you meant in your heart too.
@jitc@therealjrn With both of my window AC units BLASTING, my house still does not drop below 87 during the summer. Damn 1920s plaster wall no insulation no vent house.
@kenzvdad With both of my window AC units BLASTING, my house still does not drop below 87 during the summer. Damn 1920s plaster wall no insulation no vent house.
I love unhooking the spark plugs and winterizing the mowers after the last mowing in the fall, knowing they will not be needed again until late March. I hate mowing almost as much as I hate ticks and mosquitoes. Almost.
Its much cooler in the fall. More comfortable.
@cengland0 so obvious and yet so profound

/giphy cincinnati bengals
@jdude727 how many times are you going to change the giphy?
@msklzannie hey, I’m a picky guy.
@jdude727 the season hasn’t started yet and the Bengals already have 4 losses
@cpierce @jdude727 you beat me to it…
Make the humidity go away please…
Sick of this heat.
Less ball sweat.

/giphy ball sweat
Pumpkin spice everything!


Halloween time is the best time.
My air conditioning is
roke. Fuck summer.
@cpierce You can’t say that, Rick!
@cpierce I live in Florida and air conditioning is a must. If my central air breaks, I have a small backup window air conditioner along with a second room a/c that has the pipes go outside a window. We could die here without A/C.
I think the repair companies rip you off. They charge $89 just to visit and they will charge you $150 for a new capacitor which retails for about $10 if you bought it yourself. But you’re stuck using them because it’s an emergency and local companies refuse to sell you parts unless you’re licensed.
I recently had a compressor replaced under warranty for my rental property. That cost me $990 just for labor and coolant costs. Imagine if I had to pay for the compressor too. Now that’s a rip off.
What other kind of industry gets away with charging you $990 to repair something under warranty?
@cengland0 @cpierce I had a similar experience with a refrigerator - the compressor failed during the latter part of the warranty that covered only parts, but not labor. The labor charge was almost half the cost of a new refrigerator. Sucks.
Crisp days, fall foliage, and of course, football.
Yes, fall is the bomb, probably my favorite temperature range, watching the leaves change, etc.
Flip side, I work at a University, which means the return of the students, and back to actual work rather than lazing about.
Cooler weather and the start of the holiday season.
Fall is the gateway to winter and cold, cold weather. So except for football and then basketball, I am not looking forward to fall.
We still have pleasant, sunny days in fall. Not too hot like summer, not too cold like winter, not too muddy like spring. Just right. And fall leads to winter, which is my second favorite season
No, because it might hurt.
@shahnm The fall is painless. The landing on the other hand…
I got up to say this
@aetris got up from where?
@moonhat - I’m laying low.
@aetris @moonhat Eh, rumor has it you were seen out of your neighborhood.
College football and sweatshirts.
@edwardsm6 hell yeah. zip up hoodie time!
@edwardsm6 @medz and sweaters…

/giphy sexy sweater
@edwardsm6 @medz well that was a ‘bust’ again!
It seems to rain every weekend in the fall around here.
I was just getting to really enjoy the blazing heat,
and now you want me to get ready for colder weather?
Oh hell no, fuck that!
Yes. It hit 114 again today. Fuck climate change.
I’m ready. Fuck this humidity.
Nice weather.
… Cool-weather with spurts of warm and less flying critters. Perfect for amusement parks and walks in the forest. Rarely any tornados. Fall is the definitive season. It’s only downturn is the harbinger to winter. Not a bad thing but would be much better if it lasted until spring and spring back into fall. That I could rally around all the time…
It’s cape weather.
Summer makes you wish for fall so much that leaf raking is worth it.
curious whether this place cools down and has any nice and non ballz-humid/hot or tornadoie weather.
It’s nice here in New Jersey in the summer. Hot but not too hot, consistently.
@Fej I work in New Jersey. It’s too hot and it’s New Jersey. Double suck.
Cooler, hopefully more people ordering delivery so I can have enough money to do more than just pay my bills
All of the above and because it’s one step closer to winter and skiing. My deposit gets mailed out today for a ski trip to Grindelwald. Yes, I’m excited.
@cinoclav, mailed? Who uses the mail?
@kittykat9180 The person running this trip apparently. I offered to Venmo it.
Pumpkin Lattes!!!
Cooler weather, with beautiful colors! Although NOT looking forward to what follows a few months later…
I cannot wait for fall! Fall means cooler weather, bonfires, changing leaves and Halloween! It also means I can dust off my leather or suede boots and start wearing them with jeans, skirts or sweater dresses! Oh, and guess what, it means winter is right around the corner!
no because it means my short summer season is just about gone and its gonna get crappy cold, windy, rainy, sleety, and snowy. yep, that kinda covers it.
I like all the seasons, so long as it’s not winter.
Living in PA, I enjoy all four distinct seasons and the extremes of each don’t last too long. I love summer flowers and long days! Fall colors, coolness and Halloween are great too.
@callow Dunno, I don’t seem to recall much in the way of spring or fall anymore.
@cinoclav Don’t you remember that one week in April?
@callow I think I slept through it.
The cool night air and the warm days.
… oops, you guys are sooooo sneaky.
I am a total BWG and love everything fall: Bath and Body Works candles, cozy sweaters, the smell of fallen leaves, PSL, reading in front of a cozy fire. All of it.
/google bwg
BWG Strategy
@EsmeGrumble @medz haven’t seen that acronym before but after careful consideration i’m going with “basic white girl.”
@EsmeGrumble Which BWG?
BWG -Balboa Water Group (Tustin, CA)
BWG -Bankers Warranty Group (St. Petersburg, FL)
BWG -Business Working Group
BWG -Backup Working Group
BWG -Bankwesengesetz (Federal Law on Banking, Austria)
BWG -Beam Waveguide (antenna)
BWG -Bundesamt für Wasser und Geologie (Federal Office for Water and Geology, Switzerland)
BWG -Bilateral Working Group (various locations)
BWG -Bundeswahlgesetz (Federal German electoral law)
BWG -Birmingham Wire Gauge
BWG -Bergwerk-und Walzwerk Maschinenbau GmbH (German: Mine and Mill Engineering; Duisburg, Germany)
BWG -Blue Water Grill (restaurant)
BWG -Big Wide Grin (band)
BWG -Biometrics Working Group (CESG)
BWG -Big White Guy (website)
BWG -Bioinformatics Working Group (Texas A&M University)
BWG -Biotechnology Working Group (various organizations)
BWG -Brown-Wilson Group (market research)
BWG -Biodiversity Working Group
BWG -Barrington-Wellesley Group, Inc.
BWG -Bookworm Gardens (Sheboygan, WI)
BWG -Boston Working Group
BWG -Brain Wave Generator
BWG -British Wire Gauge
BWG -Black Wyrm Games
BWG -Broadband Wireless Group (Sprint)
BWG -Blue Water Gaming
BWG -Beatwork Group (record label)
BWG -Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft eV (Berlin Scientific Society, registered)
BWG -Buildings Working Group (UK)
(Google sux: Bing gets results.)
@jerk_nugget @medz @Milyvan1 Basic White Girl.
Sorry…i’m more used to Facebook and Instagram, where that acronym is more widely known. Still new to the community.
@EsmeGrumble @jerk_nugget @medz @Milyvan1 I have a teenager that taught me about basic white girls a while back. I love new acronyms- keep them coming.
@EsmeGrumble I figured that’s what it was given the context. Welcome to the community!

/giphy welcome, BWG
@EsmeGrumble @medz @Milyvan1 no need to apologize, and hi!
@EsmeGrumble @jerk_nugget @medz
Thanks for the new acronym and welcome! 
@EsmeGrumble @jerk_nugget @medz @Milyvan1 Imma big fan of BWGs since I can remember, welcome!
Fall back! Its nice because we reclaimed the hour so cruelly wrenched away from us in the early spring.
We moved to Colorado this summer after a lifetime in Florida. I cannot wait to see the leaves change color! I cannot wait for cold weather!
@mikey Where in CO?
Used to live in Boulder, and yes, that was great. Ski areas not too far away, rock climbing nearby, lots of hiking spots etc. Due to the altitude and lack of humidity there were days in Jan. you could wear short sleeves, plus now…legal pot… What’s not to love?
I love fall. Apple picking, corn mazes, the Covered Bridge Festival, the color of the leaves, the cool, crisp nights where it’s still warm enough to sleep with the windows open but cool enough to need a light blanket, the sound of the marching band and Friday night high school football from the stadium down the street, hobo fires and trick-or-treaters at Halloween. Oh and candy corn! As a recent transplant from the deep South to the Mid-West I am loving all these things about Fall. Previously, it just meant a slight dip in humidity.
Apples, and pumpkins, and balloon fest, oh my!
/giphy trick or treat

I love fall for the weather, and the pretty leaves, and because all the idiot football fans spend most of their time sitting on their asses in front of the couch instead of shambling down the street with their glassy eyes, their low-stakes high-energy parochialism/triumphalism, and their pathetic ‘athletic’ jerseys.
I live in Seattle. I love my city. But things got fucking awful around here when the stupid seahawks won the super bowl. All of the sudden every rube had a goddamn sticker on their car, a flag, a sweater, ten athletic jerseys, etc etc. None of these people ever cared about football until there was a winning team. Thank god we ditched the basketball team a decade ago. Football next, then soccer, then we can dismantle the stadiums, exile the moaning sports fans to Spokane where they’ll be much happier anyway, and life will get pretty fucking great around here. Lots of poetry and tea.
Women’s basketball and soccer are fine, btw. Gee, I wonder why?
Uncle Vinny woke up cranky.
(Edit: and it’s a small consolation that the sport will be transformed/extinct within 20 years, as parents finally get it through their heads that nobody in any league from grade school to pro gives a shit about their child’s concussions.)
@UncleVinny oh my Vinny, you ARE in a mood today, aren’t you?
I on the other hand am also in the Seattle area and I say HELL NO I am not ready for fall yet. We do not get nearly enough summer around here. We get plenty of grey, drizzly, depressing, blah weather for fall, winter and spring though. The warm weather and the sun making my pupils dilate feels wonderful. I am not ready to go back to grey-all-day blahness. Not good for those of us that deal with depression for sure. I need to get OUT of here. aRRRGH
@UncleVinny Oh, and we’re still on for watching the Hawks beat Cincinnati on Sept 8th, right?
@UncleVinny FYI, Mr. Cranky Pants, 2nd highest concussion rate is held by woman’s soccer.
@zinimusprime I have a sneaking suspicion that @UncleVinny is not watching their heads
@zinimusprime ok great! Shut it down.
PS @tinamarie1974 my general indifference to women’s sports is that their fans are generally more women & girls than men, and so far less violent, thick-headed and annoying. Thus my “gee I wonder why” comment, not boobz zomg.
@moonhat I’ll be at home licking out ashtrays that day, sorrrrryyyyyy!
@UncleVinny @zinimusprime woops, sorry
@UncleVinny So you’re not particularly thrilled that Seattle is getting an expansion NHL team for the 2021 season, huh?
@cinoclav @UncleVinny C’mon! How cool will it be to start every game by yelling at the top of your lungs, “RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!”

Always Always Always! Especially when I lived in New England. It’s still my fav in Alabama… all 2 weeks of it.
Summer oppression be gone!
@lseeber you must live in NORTH Alabama! Here in central AL it’s more like a random Tuesday in Nov.
@chienfou Yep!! N. Ala.
I’m not ready for Summer to end… Honestly I’d move to Florida if I could. Or Hawaii. I’m all about that Sunshine life! Fall exists for like 2 weeks and then it gets crazy cold and I’m miserable until it gets warm again
@drinkaffeine Sounds like our time in Int’t Falls MN. Summer was that short period in the middle of July when the mosquitos didn’t have to wear sweaters…
No Summer is boats and beaches
@CaptAmehrican exactly! I got to watch the Blue Angels from the water last weekend, such a neat experience. Boats, beaches, sun, summer= happiness
@CaptAmehrican @moonhat Oh yeah. I got to watch them from the water also once.
Because I’m a Libra and October is the best month of the year!
Crockpots and fireplaces and NO heat indices (or indexes if you prefer)
yes. because it will hopefully be less fuckin’ hot. in related news, our electric bill for the past month was triple what it normally is so…yeah. pass the cooler weather and cranberry sauce please.
(also i love the holidays and hate the heat. however i will miss the produce.)
ps, and also, hockey!!
Fall is such a happy time: It starts 12 days after the statistical peak of Atlantic hurricane season, and hurricane season is almost ⅔ over! Yay. Only 68 days left to worry that I might be slaughtered by a weather apocalypse (or home destroyed, pets killed, etc). And cooler weather is only 3 months away!
Such a happy time… At least that’s my Florida perspective.
@MrNews Amen!
@MrNews Jax resident here agrees wholeheartedly. But remember, when the leaves eventually fall, we can hear the 30-50 feral hogs coming.
NFL. Pumpkin everything. Hoodies. Apple desserts. The best weather.
@zinimusprime yeah baby, cheering on your team with @unclevinny never gets old. That guy is like, a superfan, lemme tell ya.
@UncleVinny @zinimusprime vinny please don’t storm over to the KCCH and kill me I’m just teasing you
Yes, because it means that I am still alive.
@mml666 WORD. Preach it!
Because this past Winter was nothing short of a BI*CH, I am trying to enjoy this Summer even more than normal & am NOT wishing it away for Fall, no matter how much I normally like the season. (I know what comes as part of late Fall & thereafter…)
@tohar1 You can say bitch here. Jesus knows what you mean in your heart anyway.
And if you’re trying to use decorum, well, you didn’t mask your word very well…besides WE all know what you meant in your heart too. 
@therealjrn @tohar1 Decorum is sometimes inappropriate. If you step on a Lego, what use is it?

/giphy decorum
@OldCatLady @therealjrn @tohar1

@tohar1 …what about the 30-50 feral hogs coming ?
@mediocrebot Not sure about the feral hogs, but those little piggies sure do taste good on the BBQ…but that’s any time of year!
Ok, the one thing I like about non-summer seasons is wearing boots. I’ll give you that, autumn.
@moonhat I wear my Timberland waterproof boots all year round. Never know when you have to splash in a puddle…or use a public rest room
I will be happy when it isn’t 84° in my home on a daily basis anymore.
@jitc 84°? Inside? Around here we try to keep that shit outside where it belongs.
@therealjrn We don’t like to pay for the air conditioning, so we just live with it and it cools off immensely at night so we sleep fairly comfortably.
@jitc @therealjrn With both of my window AC units BLASTING, my house still does not drop below 87 during the summer. Damn 1920s plaster wall no insulation no vent house.
@kenzvdad With both of my window AC units BLASTING, my house still does not drop below 87 during the summer. Damn 1920s plaster wall no insulation no vent house.
DEFINITELY Fall. In AZ, it’ll be nice to have high temps not in triple-digits again.
@gilby722 Yeah, but it’s a dry heat…

/giphy yeah right
@ybmuG I will admit, I’ll take 110-115 F with no humidity over 95 with a dew point of 70 in a heartbeat.
@gilby722 Living in upstate NY where we had just that (95 and dp 70+) I wholeheartedly agree!
I love unhooking the spark plugs and winterizing the mowers after the last mowing in the fall, knowing they will not be needed again until late March. I hate mowing almost as much as I hate ticks and mosquitoes. Almost.
YES! Fall means cyclocross in the PNW!
The poll needs a “meh” option.
Fall has the most superior food, weather, and beer varietals!
Shameless plug: Great tasting beers from Tavour
Sign up with this link http://www.tavour.com/?invitedby=124486 and we both get $10 after you purchase a beer.
Fall is perfect! Trees are beautiful. Weather is great. No shoveling yet. No hot weather and humidity. My favorite season!
I am loving the nice warm summer. I am weird that way.
I am looking forward to local produce especially tomatoes and apples. Fall colors and decor are good but the worst thing is the cold creeping in.
@speediedelivery I’d fear the 30-50 feral hogs coming !
I can wear my cutest clothes then