Hopefully they'll have something worth buying. I haven't bought anything in WEEKS. (My cat is starting to lose her healthy fear of people who leave packages on our porch, where she lives)
I have been told by the powers that be that there'll be a fuku. I have been telling everyone on the Clash of Clans this for a weeks now. They didn't believe me.
However, once there is a Fuku tomorrow night, all will believe and will be silent.
@denboy I'm thinking that meh will be extra mediocre i'll bet that the item is sold out before its up for sale. That or a buyback. Meh will buy back 1 item. Oh a reverse fukubukuro. Send a fukubukuro to meh get something or nothing in return!
@sohmageek Yes, reverse Fuku sounds wonderful. Right up to the point at which we receive bags of insects and poop. Oh wait, that already happened in the Seligman project......maybe we're more ready for this than I thought.
@juststephen What will happen is that they will say fuku and when we are finally able to click buy, the next screen will say "april fools sucker" and they will send us only a box of texas air. Without the plastic wrapper.
@Pavlov The max purchase is always 3. Always unless it is two for Tuesday and then you get three sets of two. But if they sell irk dolls I can buy 3 for you and you can pay me back. Several people did that for me prior to christmas with, do not laugh, speaker docks for kids. They were all thrilled too.
@Kidsandliz No, the max purchase is not always three. It may USUALLY be three, but regardless of your "two for Tuesday" example, the max purchase is not always set to three. Sometimes the max purchase is one. It has also been much higher than three (yes, on a single account).
Why the heck someone didn't just make another account for speaker docks is beyond me, it isn't like there is any danger of them selling out.
@Thumperchick No one I know really does pranks and sometimes I am a little disappointed. Then I am reminded that people like @Willijs3 exist and I am over it
@chellemonkey I don't do them anymore, because it's hard to find the line between hilarious and hurting someone's feelings. But this ^^ would make me crack up.
@denboy What you are sending us all your broken trash? Guess what that's nothing new. My sony dream machine was busted. Got a busted stadium chair… you've already done that one. But there is a fanny pack. That, hopefully, won't be busted. Or missing. Had a missing fuku bag one fuku (which you did make right).
@denboy I'm still to this day paying off bills from my first marriage that keep popping up - and I divorced her in 1998. Harsh realities . . . I'm very familiar with.
Probably a fucking speaker dock.
People really need to stop bring this up, site is gonna get smashed.
They will pretend to be Wootazon for a day and will sell 100 different things across several category.meh.com sites.
@darksaber99999 sounddock.meh.com here I come!
Hopefully they'll have something worth buying. I haven't bought anything in WEEKS. (My cat is starting to lose her healthy fear of people who leave packages on our porch, where she lives)
Just a huge banner on the website.
Experiment Complete.
Thank you for your participation.
I have been told by the powers that be that there'll be a fuku. I have been telling everyone on the Clash of Clans this for a weeks now. They didn't believe me.
However, once there is a Fuku tomorrow night, all will believe and will be silent.
Or not. Whatever.
@juststephen you should get some wagers going and if everyone loses Meh gets the proceeds
@denboy I'm thinking that meh will be extra mediocre i'll bet that the item is sold out before its up for sale. That or a buyback. Meh will buy back 1 item. Oh a reverse fukubukuro. Send a fukubukuro to meh get something or nothing in return!
@sohmageek Yes, reverse Fuku sounds wonderful. Right up to the point at which we receive bags of insects and poop. Oh wait, that already happened in the Seligman project......maybe we're more ready for this than I thought.
@denboy "if everyone loses Meh gets the proceeds"
Isn't that basically how this site works anyway?
@jqubed It seems you've adjusted well to regular disappointment.
@juststephen What will happen is that they will say fuku and when we are finally able to click buy, the next screen will say "april fools sucker" and they will send us only a box of texas air. Without the plastic wrapper.
@denboy It was some good advice I got from a pirate.
Plenty of bitching and moaning no matter what happens
I'm retracting my answer above.
I believe Meh will offer a really, really crappy product that no one will be interested in, and it will be offered at $5.
If /when you order it, it turns into a Fuku after sellout (or the next day if it doesn't sell out) in your order history.
So mote it be.
I really hope there's a mystery box or mystery item for sale, with a number of wildly different and contradictory descriptions about what it could be.
Irk dolls!
@TerriblyHuang I'd buy 3 of those and start staging them around my office to mess with people. That'd be awesome!
@sinless I'd be disappointed if the max purchase was three. I'd prefer that sale to be like the light-bulbs. I'm good for all I can charge.
@Pavlov The max purchase is always 3. Always unless it is two for Tuesday and then you get three sets of two. But if they sell irk dolls I can buy 3 for you and you can pay me back. Several people did that for me prior to christmas with, do not laugh, speaker docks for kids. They were all thrilled too.
@Kidsandliz No, the max purchase is not always three. It may USUALLY be three, but regardless of your "two for Tuesday" example, the max purchase is not always set to three. Sometimes the max purchase is one. It has also been much higher than three (yes, on a single account).
Why the heck someone didn't just make another account for speaker docks is beyond me, it isn't like there is any danger of them selling out.
Whatever it is, you all have fun. I'm going to be busy at 9 pm tomorrow so I'll check it out after the dust settles.
They should just sell "nothing" for $1. See how many people buy it. I would.
@phatmass For many of us, VMP is exactly that. I need to start buying more things to make it worth my dough.
There will be no Meh button to click, thus breaking everyone's streak.

@Thumperchick No one I know really does pranks and sometimes I am a little disappointed. Then I am reminded that people like @Willijs3 exist and I am over it
@chellemonkey I don't do them anymore, because it's hard to find the line between hilarious and hurting someone's feelings. But this ^^ would make me crack up.
@Thumperchick Have any favorite prank stories, either done by you or done to you?
@dashcloud Not that I'm admitting to here... well, besides the goat story.
My guess is a pair of Mediocre Bluetooth Speakers
@MrMark why not a trio?
Let's do this!!
Mince pies.
Anyone notice the Illuminati Eye blinks?
Wow the home page is really making my brain hurt
I'm betting I'm getting a (broken?) speaker dock in my bag.
@Pavlov Those who have gone the Fuko route may experience some harsh realities of the unlucky
@denboy What you are sending us all your broken trash? Guess what that's nothing new. My sony dream machine was busted. Got a busted stadium chair… you've already done that one. But there is a fanny pack. That, hopefully, won't be busted. Or missing. Had a missing fuku bag one fuku (which you did make right).
@Kidsandliz I'll just let today's product pic speak for itself.
@denboy I'm still to this day paying off bills from my first marriage that keep popping up - and I divorced her in 1998. Harsh realities . . . I'm very familiar with.
@Pavlov eek. guessing the fuko will be a walk in the park then.