April 7th – "Movie Madness”


Movie Madness

Galactic Goat enjoys a good Netflix Original or Prime Original Series binge watch just as much as the next goat. But every once in a while I get excited for a good old fashioned movie night.

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Movie night for the Goat is sort of a mixed blessing. On one hoof, there’s the relaxation and enjoyment of a few good movies and the reward of actually switching off for a change. On the other hoof, there comes this blinding realization that the Goat has shit taste in films.

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No foolin’. I like some pretty embarrassing movies. I kid myself into believing I’m all cerebral and stuff, but then I see Napoleon Dynamite is on and I can’t switch the channel fast enough.

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If you ask me to name my all-time favorites, there’s not a single film by Akira Kurosawa, Orson Welles or even David Lynch. I’ve never even see the Twin Peaks movie.

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Hey there! How YOU doin’?

Much as I like to think I’m a thinker, my favorite films are basically a who’s-who of cinema fluff. I would be hard pressed to choose a single “all-time favorite” but among the top is Emperor’s New Groove, Waking Ned Devine, Napoleon Dynamite, Closer You Get, Superbad, Barrytown Trilogy films (The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van). All a bunch of cinematic shite, BUT I LOVE THEM AND I CANNOT EXPLAIN WHY?!?!?!

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The closes thing to a think film I’d have in my top 10 list would be Lost in Translation, and I freely acknowledge that’s not exactly Anbe sivam, is it.

I read Smithsonian, Archaeology, Scientific American, Nat Geo… I don’t read Mad Magazine or Readers Digest, so I like to think I have SOME cerebral awareness going on in there.

It’s time to speak up. What are your movie tastes? Brainiac or brain dead? Think piece, or think again? Admit those guilty pleasures!