April 4th - "April Showers Bring May Flowers. Then the goat eats them."


April Showers Bring May Flowers. Then the goat eats them

Those of you in the path of the brewing mayhem in the southeast, please batten the hatches! Wishing the best for you and your loved ones, and hoping this turns into little more than a bit of a gust and a little precip.

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Speaking of April storms, surely we’re all familiar with the expression “April showers bring May flowers.” But do you know the origin of this phrase?

In 16th century England, a farmer and poet by the name of Thomas Tusser created a collection of writings and poems he called “A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry”. Here you can read a 1812 reprint of the original 1557 edition (https://books.google.com/books?id=Zk0UAAAAYAAJ)

In the April Husbandry section, Tusser writes “Sweet April showers do spring May flowers.”

Taken literally, this is a reference to early spring storms quenching the soil and paving the way for a bustle of growth in the coming month.

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But Tusser’s intent wasn’t necessarily literal. Taken figuratively, this line is a reminder that the most challenging ordeals we endure today can lead to good things in the future. Working hard, living right, exercising, putting forth effort to better ourselves, our families, our situations and positions and environment… these are the storms we endure today, with the “May flowers” coming in the form of health, happiness, prosperity.

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So again I say, sou’easter be damned! Weather the storm well my east coast friends! Today’s challenge will be overcome, and tomorrow’s sunshine will feel all the more sweet.