April 22 Temporary Goat: Take a Little Trip
8We’re off on another wildly unbalanced world tour, and we need tour guides. We need vehicles to carry us in style on land, sea and air. We need crew to staff the vehicles and obey our every whim. We need food, and we need places to stay. We don’t need no stinkin’ passports or security lines or budgets, because this is OUR tour. We need places to go, things (and people) to see, and mementos to bring home with us. Tour kicks off tonight, at midnight EST. Come on along!
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I volunteer a vehicle.
Here’s transport for @Barney
Here’s a car for @f00l

You didn’t like my first car? Well, ok. I like this new one too.
Here’s a second valiant steed for you, so the first equine beauty can get some rest now and then.
@f00l Achoooo!
(I thought the clown car fitted you better.)
Here’s an attitude for @mfladd to wear on our trip:

And when @mfladd wants coffee, here’s his very own coffee cup:

And here’s his personal attendant:

@f00l Wow, you are being too good to @mfladd.
Perhaps a huge welcome will slow down the flow of “The universe is all hideous darkness, and I’m super evil” nonsense coming from @mfladd.
@f00l I would normally post some type of “fuck” stuff to you here, but I can’t. You gave a great “personal” attendant.
Don’t want you to ruin the trip. ; )
@mfladd Just hold on until midnight. I have a whole excursion planned with you in mind. You think you’re the only one with an attitude? No! ‘…Cheerfulness and optimism contrast with gloom and despair…’
I found a palanquin for @OldCatLady:

Here are two of the palanquin bearers, I’m still taking applications tho:

@f00l You are being nice to everyone else. Why are you giving me horses?
I know you don’t want to ride all by yourself.
Will this do for a companion?
@Barney, if you don’t like those horses, and prefer another choice, I’ll instead let you ride the very tamest and sweetess and most obedient horse in the world. Which just happens to be this one:

@f00l Only if he will climb down off of his high horse.
@Barney check the ninja edit.
@f00l @OldCatLady would probably like the dude on the horse as a companion (the dude, not the horse).
Don’t listen to her, @Barney. We have a fleet of these, and you can have one.
@OldCatLady No purple?
Ok ok ok.
But I was also busy procuring these for @Barney
@f00l Yeah, sure, after we twisted your arm behind your back.

Remember, that doesn’t work. I’m insane and all. But I always intended to relent on the equine aspect.
Would you rather travel this way?
Or this?
@f00l Is there any doubt?

Here’s my jacket
and helmet
Oh, my motorcycle license has expired. Will I be arrested?
Purple Need For Speed, I see. OK.
@Barney What? None of these?

And if you need a spare
@Kidsandliz Black and dangerous jacket. Purple helmet accents the bike.
How do @kidsandliz and @CaptAmehrican want to travel?
Would this do, or did you prefer something else?
The Mondango
@f00l Nope. Want a traditional rigged schooler.
I don’t know how to pick a good one out. You’d better do it.
@f00l @CaptAmehrican can. I’m too tired and there are too many good ones.
@Kidsandliz Let’s grab When and If. She is a lovely schooner and if good enough for General Patton good enough for me.
@CaptAmehrican Sounds good to me.

Do any of these please you?
@f00l they are all lovely.
I might travel by ICPM. No, not ICBM.
Insane Clown Posse Missile
If @shrdlu decides to come, she might work out a special form of transport with CERN:
@narfcake might travel by special means:

Also perhaps special transport for @carl669? Do you like it fly on private aircraft?

@f00l Lightspeed flying cats are scary.

/image travel by catbus
I will not be on time for the tour at midnight. Going to bed now as I spent the day packing stuff at the no kill shelter iIvolunteer at. Comcast is coming tomorrow to paint the place (That their employees are coming to paint I appreciate, I still hate the company). Likely will be helping with the work day tomorrow too. You will need to send a spaceship to come get me, while you are at it sneak in a quick tour of the moon (might take too long to run me to mars), including an on moon ground side trip, then land me on the schooner.
I hired a special charter tour (3 hours) for all of us.

@Barney LOL
I guess we started the tour a little early.
Get out of here. Go outside and catch a meteor shower.
Lights Off, Blankets Out: Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight https://n.pr/2p4g5Jc
Cloudy. But I imagined…
Please allow me to introduce myself.

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name.
I will not be laying tracks for troubadours, who will not be killed before or after they reach Bombay.
This trip will be a safe one.
Ah, nature. Lovely.

people! I’ve had drinks.
I hope you’re ready for the tour. You’re booked on a luxury private jet, The Flying Fuck.
@f00l prettttyyyy sure i don’t need i private jet for where i’m going.

This particular jet, the Flying Fuck, also promises an instant hangover cure to all passengers who board.
@carl669 We are now donning our special socks, in your honor.
@f00l but I don’t get hangovers. it’s my superpower.
@OldCatLady those socks are awesome!
@carl669 IKR? Look in your gift basket for the trip, you got a pair. Others may have different items.Like these:
@OldCatLady I never thought to wear my fishnets over something else.
@OldCatLady ok, I searched. These are available for purchase from Sock Dreams. I’ve purchased from them before with success.
@RiotDemon Your gift basket has some new things to try.
@RiotDemon Killer socks take on a whole new meaning here. Amanitas and deadly nightshade.
@OldCatLady my favorite thing I’ve ordered from the site are these:
Being tall with bigger legs… These things actually went to the tops of my thighs which I thought was pretty amazing.
@RiotDemon They get a lot of my business, too. Wish I’d known about them when I was still traveling for work and it was a constant fight to find tights etc. that fit. I love the glue (roll-on adhesive) that keeps thigh-highs in place.
I’d like to get away for good. This would have worked nicely, but it left without me:

/image cassini probe
@looseneck let’s take a trip to visit the Pillars of Creation.
@RiotDemon So pretty!

All the way to:
/image big bang universe
Good morning! I went outside to commune with stars and lost track of time. Breakfast is overdue. Pull up a chair.
The servers are on their way. A little formal for this hour, but they have their standards.
Hurry up with the coffee.
Our recruiters are trying to pirate drivers from other companies. Good of them to post videos of candidates.
For those who selected a more formal setting:
Attitude is improving. It’s @carl669’s influence.
Must get some shopping in. The London toy show looks promising:

We got culture. Using our handy time machine, we will be attending this year’s Salzberg Whitsun Festival. First class seats to every performance, charity lunch included.
Frothy escapism like Ariodante, La Donna del Lago, La Sylphide… http://www.salzburgerfestspiele.at/whitsun
It’s custom-tailored for @mfladd and @kittysprinkles and like souls. ‘ Charming scenes in a sunlit garden sit alongside wicked schemes concocted in the dead of night. Cheerfulness and optimism contrast with gloom and despair. Arcadian pleasure keels over into nightmarish fright.’
From the programme:
O bards of other times! Ye, on whose souls the blue hosts of our fathers rise! strike the harp in my hall; and let Fingal hear the song. Pleasant is the joy of grief! (James Macpherson, Carric-Thura)
Speaking of shopping and @kittysprinkles, these are in the gift baskets, because.
@OldCatLady Oooooooh, the things I could do with those.
@KittySprinkles weapons against eyeballs?
@Kidsandliz If @mfladd thinks my nails now are scary…
@KittySprinkles this?

Time for a musical interlude, if you’re not feeling operatic or balletic.

@OldCatLady much love for this photo.
Well, I suppose we could have some classical music.
or some kilted music.
Time to head to the beauty parlor. I saw this in a magazine, and it spoke to me. Back in a few.
@OldCatLady That Alice is hot with the Tat’s.
@OldCatLady my hair dye arrives today. I’m only dying the underside… I wonder if I’ll like it enough to dye my whole head.
@RiotDemon Picture. Please. Maybe it’ll give me courage to try something like it next week on my birthday.
@OldCatLady And which day next week is your birthday? And how many anniversaries of turning 29?
@Kidsandliz Walpurgisnacht. My lifetime National Park Service Senior Pass arrived in the mail today, so it’s been a few. It’s the mileage that gets to you, though.
Nothing too crazy. Like I said, I only did the underside. If my hair is down, it peeks trough a little. If it’s in a bun, I get a pink swirl in it. Depending on how it fades, I might do my whole head.
In different lighting, it looks more reddish/auburn. I tried purple in my ends mixed with some of the fuchsia, but it looks the same as the rest, lol.
@RiotDemon That is GREAT color saturation, and it’s lovely. If you have all that hair, you absolutely get to play with it. Keep it up!
@OldCatLady I’m hoping it lasts a long time. Pretty much all the reviews on this dye says it’s really long lasting.
My only complaint is that it smells like artificial grape candy. I hate grape candy.
Wow. Wowowow.
What color is your natural shade? Did you have to lighten first? Can you put it up somehow, so that we can see it swirl around, and then get a pix from the back?
Sigh: gonna have to figure out how and where I managed to accidentally block instagram. : (
@f00l the natural color is the part that doesn’t look pinkish. It used to be blonde, now I guess you’d call it brunette. It gets darker the older I get and the less time I spend in the sun. When in the sun, it looks more gold.
I did not lighten my hair. If I lightened it, my hair would look neon.
I’ll try to get a photo of my hair in a bun.
Didn’t @mfladd have a problem with his Instagram and clicking on a direct link worked? The thing I linked is just a promo for the upcoming Invader Zim special.
www. instagram. com/p/BSkQ-zrAG3T/
@f00l @OldCatLady
With and without flash. Quick twenty second bun. Excuse the flyaways.
Was not aware that there will be an upcoming movie.
Though they still have open positions for background and storyboard.
(Then again, I only found out late last year that a different show I watched would be releasing a 2 hour movie Nov 2017. And I found out a few minutes ago that a DIFFERENT show I watched will ALSO be getting a TV special.)
@RiotDemon It looks spectacular! Your hair is now dark blond, a long way from brunette.
@RiotDemon It looks awesome!
@PlacidPenguin the only reason I know is because I follow Jhonen (the creator) on Instagram. He created Johnny The Homicidal Maniac (comic book) and I actually watched Invader Zim because I enjoyed that comic book so much. His Instagram is just weird and right up my alley.
@OldCatLady thank you. Whenever I’m talking to someone in person, if I reference anything about my hair being blonde, they usually say that my hair is not blonde. Even a friend of mine that used to cut hair says it’s not blonde.
Thinking about dying your hair now?
@dashcloud thanks
Amazing hair. How long is it? Is it thick? Looks like it has good texture.
In the pix where you have it flowing, it appears like a dark intense golden wheat color, which is a kind of dark golden blonde I guess.
In the bun pix, your hair looks like a light golden brown or a light mahogany, with a really rich saturated color.
Either way the color is gorgeous.
BTW just sorta came up with those color terms based on the pix - I don’t know anything about what various hair colors are supposed to be called.
@f00l it’s currently to the bottom of my butt. Needs a bit of a trim though. Been keeping it between the top of my butt and the bottom for a couple of years now.
It’s very thin. I used to shave the underside of my hair… But eventually I stopped because my ponytail felt like it was nothing. I watch a lady with the same length hair do tutorials on YouTube and I’m always pretty envious because she’ll sometimes pull a section of hair to do a braid, and her hair is probably four to five times as thick… So her little braid will be the same as my entire hair, lol.
I remember once helping someone put her butt-length super shiny gorgeous med-red-gold-brown hair into braids.
(Her elbow was bruised up and sore.)
Picking up her hair felt like lifting weights. When it was braided into a single braid, the braid was more than a bit fatter than both my wrists together.
Then I looked at my hair. It’s not terrible, but it was never close to that.
When her hair was washed, combed, and air-dried with little attention, it looked exactly like the hair you see in L’Oreal ads.
I admit to some small envy at the time.
@f00l the worst hair envy I had was my partner’s before he cut it all off. Waist length, super dark brown to the point of almost being black… 3-4 times as thick as mine. When I got to braid it for him, I felt that envy bubble up. But I also liked the way it looked on him, so I was happy he had it.
(Now I’m sad because it’s gone, lol)
What brand hair color did you use for that?
Does it slowly wear off back to normal? Or do you know yet?
@f00l Arctic Fox. It’s a semi permanent so it will slowly wash out. I have no idea how slowly yet. I don’t wash my hair every day. When I’ve colored my hair previously, it would usually fade very fast, but the remnants would stick around for months sometimes. This brand is not supposed to have that quick fade, but we will see. People that bleach their hair, it usually sticks around longer since their hair is more porous from the bleaching process.
If you want it out faster, you use clarifying shampoos.
K thx.
What is the generic name for non-clarifying shampoos? “Gentle”? “Sulfate-free”? Or is there some other common advertising and labeling term? I’ve never pay d any attention to this before.
@RiotDemon Or you get little-old-lady-lavender clip–in hair extensions.

Which I am seriously considering.
/giphy purple hair
@f00l sulfate free or for color treated hair.
Yoga Time!

@mfladd I knew we could depend on you. Uh, wait-

Musical philosophy. Mine is ‘yes’.
Because with music you’re never alone.

Let’s try some soothing images of nature again. That last one didn’t work too well. Let’s rock!
We all need new cars. And you get a new one! And you get a new one! And @Barney gets a purple one!
@Barney may have to take the purple one that George R.R. Martin ordered. He won’t mind, he’ll just kill off her character.
Just some sightseeing in Barcelona (?). I’ve been there, it really does look like this.

I still remember the first time I saw a photo of one of Gaudi’s buildings. I had to stop what I was doing and spend a week just looking at more photos of his stuff. Fuck end of term deadlines.
@f00l Whenever I travel to new places, I stare like a country bumpkin. Blase is not my style. Gaudí buildings looked nothing like the Ohio farmland and Florida orange groves I’d grown up with. The Alhambra about did me in, especially since we were on a package tour and they hustled us through. Magnificent buildings change your brain, permanently.
Have you been to France? If so, did you go into Sainte Chappelle on Ile de la Cite?
The light in that place … part of me wanted never to leave.
@f00l A weekend package tour of Paris didn’t include this, but some day I WILL go back.
Yes. If you get a chance, you must get your eyes to this feast of light.
Not horribly far from Notre Dame.
Was originally a royal chapel in the royal palace, built to house relics brought back from the Crusades, including the purported Crown Of Thorns.
Gorgeous gothic 13th century construction and stained glass.
It’s hard to appreciate the exterior now as one would like; it’s crowded by other former royal buildings that are now govt administration buildings. So you can’t get much of a clear view of it, unless they’ve removed some surrounding construction.
But the interior …
I remember it clearly far better than I recall most of the Paris I saw decades ago. I remember feeling transported toward something made of light, so beautiful that it seemed beyond the reasoning mind.
When I was there, it still had pews, I think. But one mostly looks up in wonder. You don’t want to speak. You just want to be there in that light.
I’m interviewing travel staff. Currently in Ireland. Yes, I am aware it’s going slowly. Help is needed.
Searching the countryside. I keep getting distracted.

It’s time for a drink.
@OldCatLady Just ginger ale and Jameson? I’ve done that before.
@dashcloud And half a lime. In a copper mug. Don’t worry, somebody else is driving.
The drinks will be served here.
Alternate location:
While we review shopping loot:
Time for a evening dip.

Need I remind you I can’t swim?
@mfladd I had to look at the picture carefully before I liked it. I was expecting a carnivorous something to jump out at me.
@OldCatLady @mfladd
I like to go on walks in the evenings.
You’re invited to join me as long as you don’t bring any chocolate.
Just this once, then, I won’t.
Is that a threat, or a promise?
How often do you expect me to go out for evening walks with no chocolate involved?
This is a serious form of sacrifice on my part.
Oh, you could take chocolate with you on your evening walks, just not if you join me.
I choose …
penguin companionship. This time.
Well, it’s wine o’clock.

I’m starting to relax.

lots of choices of places to sleep

@f00l Use your filter you scrolling nightmare!
@f00l three of your images you uploaded were blocked by avast on my computer saying it blocked a threat (most aren’t loading and I am getting out of this thread before they do. @thumperchick @shawn could you please delete her long series of images?
@f00l Only the last nine images will load. They’re lovely, but-.
The images all came off google image search links.
If these images do present a threat in some sense, I would presume that if the images don’t load, you’re pretty safe. I have that assumption, but I don’t have actual knowledge, fwiw.
The images aren’t triggering any blocks or warnings for me on multiple devices/OS’s, but beyond that, I can’t speak to what issues they may present.
@f00l @OldCatLady @kidsandliz
The images which aren’t loading are on a site which doesn’t allow hotlinking.
@f00l @shawn @PlacidPenguin here is what is still coming up
And each time I scroll past those images I get a new set of the infection block messages.
Here’s the fun thing:
Those pictures aren’t even on the site listed in your picture.
@PlacidPenguin I didn’t bother to go to the site listed as I know the pictures themselves are loaded to the cloud (or at least I think they are) before they are posted here. But, regardless of that, something is happening somewhere somehow to trigger this. Literally each time I scroll past the same three warnings pop up. Each. Time. Tested other pages on meh with lots of pictures and nothing. This is the first time this has ever happened on meh.
If someone links to a image url, it doesn’t get re-uploaded.
Turns out, the images you are getting warnings about ARE on that site, but they’re loading fine for me. (The reason I thought otherwise was because I checked the pictures NOT loading.)
I’m not getting warnings. OK that could mean I’m being careless.
OTOH antivirus and antispyware sw is known to come up with false positives from time to time.
@f00l @PlacidPenguin Well I figure it isn’t my problem whatever is the issue. I am not a tech guru and have no clue what the deal is other than I use a Mac and Avast is very rarely is triggered on my computer. When I click on the message (in my email) I am replying to (in this case the one above this) I bypass that part of this page and no warnings are triggered. When I scroll past those photos then the avast message is triggered 3 times. I can’t fix it, I have no clue what the deal is. I am done. : )
Apologies. Had no idea I was putting up images that might create problems beyond that of my excessive enthusiasm for rooms that contain notable amounts of purple.
@f00l Not your fault as you didn’t do it on purpose (well other than try to break the thread with photos LOL). But since you are the deputy goat and I have no idea who is taking over today, I will blame you anyway. (grin).
@PlacidPenguin I have some that load and some that do not. I have no idea which ones trigger the message - only the last 2 load for me and there are what? some ridiculous number like 15 or 20 (haven’t counted) in that message. I figure @shawn (or whomever) can figure out what is going on. Seems to me the easiest/fastest way to cure it is to just delete that message and then it should go away. If he wants to flag me when/if that happens I can scroll past and see what happens to see if it is cured. Since I know for sure it happens when I hit that message, I have no plans to scroll through this thread to find unread ones. If I am tagged, going straight to the tag (presuming none of that message is nearby) doesn’t trigger anything so from here on out reading tags or anything below that message I might read. I saved an email that tags me that is below that mess and I can enter this thread that way, bypassing the mess.
@shawn - What says you?
Ok as a navigator I think we need to plot our course. Where are we heading?
6 the Andes mountains
@CaptAmehrican Hogwarts please.
Think we’ll see the former goats at the goat farm?
I vote for Hogwarts, the S Pacific, the North Pole, and Atlantis.
And perhaps this, tho we are not allowed ashore:

Are you considering a ScapeGoat reunion?
Oh gosh no.

I’ll bring the cupcakes.
@mfladd I’ll skip the eating while flying broomsticks. After we land, thanks!
@CaptAmehrican I vote for 3,3,6,and 5. Skip the goat farm unless we are going to have a scapegoat party there. I already lived with goats and they tended to butt me when I’d give them their evening goat food (they mostly ate the back yard where I was staying, we just supplemented their diet of poison ivy, twigs and whatever with goat food in the evening).
@RiotDemon It’s better than drinking and flying.

Goddamn those bedroom gifs. @shawn can @f00l be fitted with some type of limiter that keeps her from excessive image posts (maybe text too)? Thanks.

You wish.
It’s dark now. Let’s ride!

@OldCatLady I’m ready.

With ya.

@Barney doesn’t want to ride horseback, so she can ride this one.
Maybe I’ll just sit for awhile.
Good morning, it looks like we are going to Hogwarts first. We take all our enchanted transportation and arrive in England. Hatred greets all you goals and herds you toward the castle. He exclaims “So good of you to come with all the troll issues lately. Oh I should not have said that” as you arrive at the castle you wonder "what troll issues"
Do you
Ignore the issue and use crying broom to play Quidditch.
I get to be the Golden Snitch.

So… The game won’t end since nobody will try catching you?
That’s the wonder of being both repulsive and insane.
Yes, the game never ends.
@f00l Perhaps this explains my life:
@PlacidPenguin can we talk to “Hatred” first?
Takes a deep breath
Lets breath out.
@PlacidPenguin want to consult with him about why my broom is crying.
Probably something to do with Alice.
@RiotDemon sorry new autocorrect on galaxy phones is messing with me.
@CaptAmehrican it’s ok. I thought it was pretty funny.
Oh look, the gift basket has more items. It refills itself, you know.
You pull them on as you sit on your chair.

And now for the big game the quidditch match for the ages. Meh (mascot Irk) vs woot (mascot flying monkey)
And they are off. @Narfcake is a beater who womps the ball back away from hitting @Barney only to then complain he got dirt on his favorite t shirt. @fool is our seeker and starts zooming around after the golden snitch. @placidpenguin is one of the meh chasers and quickly scores thru the hoop. Oddly as she is flying back to the field she almost knocks the galactic goat @ruouttaurmind out of a tree as he was looking for wifi. Oh no as the fans are distracted the woot flying monkeys have scored twice. @eluno is supposed to be acting as a chaser but has gotten distracted chatting with arragog the giant spider. @fool however gets knocked by a blunder and spins to the ground falling head over heels and somehow ends up landing on the golden snitch.
I’m feeling Awesome!
/giphy FTW

@CaptAmehrican Damnit @ELUNO what are you doing!?
@CaptAmehrican Yeesss! Our House colors are purple and purple.
@RiotDemon She was flirting with me!
We are definitely going white water rafting.

Oh Shit! We lost @f00l!
@mfladd Lost more than her. Looks like they lost 3? What did you do? Throw @kittysprinkles out of the boat too? Not sure who that last one is who landed in the drink.
@Kidsandliz I made sure @KittySprinkles (Jimmies) landed on a sharp rock.
Oh dear. How very sad. I’ll just have to resign myself to haunting you.
I’ll try to do it well. I promise!
You must forgive @mfladd if he seems a little off balance today.
In one topic he’s the self-confessed Master of Public Restroom Blowjobs.
In another topic he’s the self-volunteered Master Of Colonoscopies.
I’m sure all this can spin his head right around a bit.
@f00l Well going down rapids chutes like that one @mfladd (by the way the first time I saw your name I thought it said madflack for some reason and now I can’t get that out of my head) when you dump it can resemble being flushed down the toilet… just sayin’
@Kidsandliz Back in the days of deals.woot someone said they thought of a duck every time they saw my name. Now you come up with something close to AFLAC (madflack).

@mfladd You’ll always get sympathy here. Sort of.
@mfladd Maybe a bunch of hints to change your meh name then?
@mfladd @f00l
Good news: madfIack is still available.
@madflack Hahaha
Ok, we are going out on the town tonight and bringing Hell with us!

@carl669 and @KittySprinkles get your ASSES up!