April 16th - "Mindless Yammering"


Mindless Yammering

Probably indistinguishable from any of my posts, today’s topic is lacking focus and continuity. Just a bit of mindless yammering.

I love my dogs. They make a vital contribution to my existence. I have two. Super Belle the Wonder Dog (aka Miss Belle), and the Zoe Monster. I call Miss Belle my watch dog. Not because she keeps intruders at bay, but because she has an uncanny ability to know within a minute or two when it’s meal time. Particularly annoying when I didn’t get home until 5am and she’s used to having breakfast at 7:30am sharp. At 7:29 I had the pleasure of waking up to the sound of Miss Belle’s 5 pound paw smacking at my bedroom door. Heaven forbid I could get a few extra minutes of sleep!

Stealing a page from Irk “Maybe it bothers me more than it should”. I find it particularly objectionable when retail companies play the pricing game. Like those shops in New York that have the perpetual “Going out of business!” sales. Amazon in particular is very bad about this. List an item “sale” price, and list the “regular” price as some fictitious inflated number. “Save over 55% off the regular price!” Well, sure Amazon, maybe off the MSRP price, but that’s not the “regular” price you sell that item for, is it. Also very prolific among Amazon Marketplace sellers in the daily Lightning Deals on Amazon. I see the same stuff in there for days and days on end touted as a Lightning Deal. Well, that’s now the regular price then, isn’t it.

Today is Easter, so to all those who celebrate, Happy Easter!

To those who don’t celebrate Easter, Happy first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox! Even if you don’t celebrate Easter, there’s no reason you can’t grab those after-Easter candy sales at the market. Last year I grabbed a bunch of after-Easter candy for the office. They killed about 10 pounds of candy in one day. Guess I shoulda got more?!

It’s possible the lack of sleep is catching up with me. I seem to be making less sense than my usual nonsense.

Anyhoo, happy Sunday. I hope, whatever you celebrate (or don’t celebrate) your Sunday is great!