Anyone up for Mehfia?
5Has there ever been a Mafia game played on this forum?
It seems a requirement for all forums to eventually play a game of Mafia. Anyone up for a game?
Usually about 12-15 is a good number if enough interested. For those unfamiliar.
It comes in various forms and rules but the simplest explanation is. There are two teams “Townfolk” (majority) and “Mafia” (a few bad guys). The game has two phases, night and day. During the day phase town has to vote who they think is mafia and whoever gets most votes gets executed. During the night phase the mafia gets to assassinate a town person of their choosing.
The game ends when either: a) all Mafia have been executed: town wins. b) town no longer has more people than Mafia: mafia wins because they control the daily vote.
There are usually other special roles too for either team, but won’t complicate things talking about them.
Anyone interested? Has it been done before?
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I think it has been years, but I remember seeing some Werewolf game threads a long time ago. I’d be interested in playing!
Yep, it’s been played here. It was fun; I’m sure it would be fun to play again.
Here’s a summary of Meh’s game:
Except @Barney stole my wagon or something.
@therealjrn That’s Judge Barney, you thieving grave robber.
@Barney I fully intended on doing another shortly after with added help for the villagers but I think it started getting too complicated and then I got distracted.
I found some of my notes, I actually don’t remember this at all but I had written:
I don’t care for Mafia movies, and it makes everyone basically play the same character, hence the first one being a Western. I wanted to do another genre for the next one, so I remember brainstorming things like “moonbase and aliens” “wizard school but maybe ghosts?” and apparently I settled on “Skeleton Pirates.”
@Barney @Moose my favourite… Not good for when people are new… Is the “unknown” format where only the person running it, and maybe one town role know the nature of the threat and everyone else is in the complete dark.
You never know what to expect.
@Moose We think you did a great job with your townies v. mafia and we were really hoping for another version.
@Moose ran the game for us quite awhile ago. But I think we might be up for another.
@therealjrn Meh’s townies were pretty dumb.
@Barney @therealjrn That is just because us villans were so convincing!!
/giphy old west

@Barney @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 I felt a little bad lying.
/giphy but not that bad

I would be interested in playing
Count me in!
Jethro ran off with the pretty purple wagon that @therealjrn gave us. Last I heard he was selling purple popsicles in the town of Limp Ridge. So, I guess I’ll just sit this one out. Hell, I never was in the other one.
Anyway, I’ll just read about all the happenings in the newspaper.
I see in:
@barney sure you’re out?
@moose at you in? You can run it (don’t want to steal your gig) or play.
@therealjrn are you in too?
Give sign ups a week to give everyone a chance. Post official rules and roles on the weekend and let everyone know their roles. Starting the Monday after?
Anyone have a preference for theme?
Mafia? Vampire? Sci-fi? Or Unknown Evil where town doesn’t know the nature of what’s hitting them at first? (Usually when doing this someone has a hidden role so at least one person in the town knows but rest are in the dark).
@OnionSoup I’d be up for it. Halloween is not that far away so maybe save vampires/skeletons for then?
/giphy all about the aliens

@OnionSoup Yeah, I’m out. I only stepped into the first one because the silence was so deafening at times that it was hurting my ears.
So I’ll just sit on the stoop drinking my herbal gin and reading last week’s paper about what didn’t happen.
@OnionSoup nope, y’all have fun
Hell yes.
I’d play, but I’m still not sure I completely get it…
@shahnm Oh, you’ll get it alright… heh heh
Ditto, but I’m game too.
@chienfou @shahnm basically you have a group of the good people and then some bad people. The good people need to try and figure out who is bad. The bad need to convince the good that they are good.
When we did it for meh’s 2018 birthday we were in some western town so we all typed with a southern drawl.
It’s part strategy, part roleplay. I had no idea what I was doing but it was easy to get into.
@chienfou @RiotDemon Sounds like fun. Especially if I can go by the name Dirty Coconuts.
@RiotDemon @shahnm
OK, that cleared that right up…
Who does the initial distribution of good/bad? How?
@RiotDemon @shahnm
Not sure you can still do that without offending someone’s sense of cultural appropriation…

/giphy shrug
@chienfou @shahnm
Whoever is running the game. Pulls names out of a hat?
I would probably be in again. I know last time my active hours on the forums were different from most of the other people playing so that limited my participation a bit, but i think it should be better this time around.
I would love to play. Last time I got stabbed in the back. Boo,
This is why I’ve been a long-time fan of the tube top.
@therealjrn And I bet you look pretty cute in one, too.
@Barney aw, yer making me blush.
@therealjrn lol
I’m in!
I do not understand something: don’t the bad guys just say, “Hello friends, shame about all these murders,” same as the good guys?
Where’s the hooky clue information mechanic?
I mean there’s the voting record. That’s public.
@InnocuousFarmer it’s a lot of fun guessing and whispers behind the scenes.
@RiotDemon I bet it’d be hard for the mafia to hide emotional reactions to winning or losing in person. As long as you voted like a townsperson, it’d be relatively easier to play a perfect game on the forum, I think.