Anyone playing Overwatch?
4So, I just started playing Overwatch. And I can see this is going to be a new gaming addiction for me. I have tried a number of characters, but Reaper is far and above the one I do best with so far.
So I am wondering if anyone else here is playing it? What characters you like and why? Also any tips or tricks would care to pass on.
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No. Never played it.
Moira is hella fun. Mei can be annoying once you learn her. Tracer is cool for flanking. Really there’s something for every type. Have fun and gg!
@pflipcakes Thanks, I was annoyed with Mei from the beginning. I will take a closer look at Moira.
My son plays it. There’s a wiki for the game that lays out the heroes and their strengths & weaknesses, which other heroes they pair with, etc.
He’s also playing Destiny 2, Black Ops4, and World of Warships. I’ve got yuge backlogs on Steam, Origin, GOG, Ubisoft, HumbleBundle, and now the Epic store (the Fortnite people). Lots of game giveaways and sweet deals over the years, so we’ll never be bored.
@mike808 Yes, I am definitely just an older kid.

I’ve got between 100 and 200 hours in it (it oddly used to put my boy to sleep when he was 1). I haven’t played too much lately now that I got a Switch and (currently playing Smash Bros).
Junkrat is fun, but they’ve nerfed him. Dva has always been a favorite. Widow is fun, but I’m not a good sniper. I might have the most time on Junkrat because he’s a blast.
Now you’re making me miss it and I should probably get back on.
Need to team up?
@luvche21 I can always use a friend who knows what he is doing. I looked at Widow, but I also learned from PvsZ GW2 that my sniping abilities are lacking. I am quite good at GW2 but only with characters that I can utilize their abilities to the fullest, and that fit my style of gameplay. I will look at Junkrat now.
@mfladd I saw you mention below that you play on Xbox, I’m on pc, so I assume there’s no cross platform play at this point?
@luvche21 That’s a good question. I will find out. I know there is for Roblox (my son, not me
Though he does make me play it with him sometimes. I enjoy that time with him, but those games not so much.
@luvche21 @mfladd My son said you can’t cross platform — guessing you know that by now but I just wanted to try to be cool and leave a comment.
@kiddo8888 @mfladd that sounds right, the only cross platform game that I’m aware of is Rocket League (which was my pre Overwatch addiction).
@kiddo8888 @luvche21 Yes…but thanks! I googled it this morning. Supposedly they thought it would be done between Xbox and PC in 2018, so it is close.
p.s. You are cool!
@kiddo8888 @luvche21 There are a number of cross platform games.
All cross-platform games
Console wars are so last-gen. Check out all the games that support crossplay
By Steven Petite — Posted on January 17, 2019 10:44AM PST
Not that long ago, the thought of cross-platform online multiplayer between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo sounded like a pipe dream. In the past year or so, thanks to games like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Rocket League, competitors have realized that supporting crossplay is a win for all (Sony only just realized this, but better late than never). Cross-platform play is a beneficial feature for everyone. It has the potential to drastically increase player pools so you’ll never have a problem finding a match online and allow you to play your favorite multiplayer games alongside friends on other consoles. While the feature is still in its infancy, we’ll likely see it expand in the coming years to cover major franchises like Call of Duty and Battlefield. For now, here’s a running list of all the games that already support cross-platform play.
Right now, only two games support full crossplay across all platforms, but the list is likely to grow in the future.
Fortnite: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, mobile
Rocket League: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4
Many games support crossplay with some platforms, but not all.
Note: / indicates separate crossplay support for different platforms
Minecraft: Xbox One, Switch, PC, mobile
DC Universe Online: PS4, PC
Ark: Survival Evolved: Xbox One, PC
Astroneer: Xbox One, PC
Brawlhalla: PS4, PC, Mac
Chess Ultra: Xbox One, Switch, PC / PC, PS4
Deep Rock Galactic: Xbox One, PC
Disc Jam: Switch, PC / PC, PS4
Eve: Valkyrie: PS4, PC
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: PS4, PC, Mac
Full Metal Furies: Xbox One, PC
Games of Glory: PS4, PC
Guns of Icarus Online: PS4, PC, Mac
Happy Wars: Xbox One, PC
Hearthstone: PC, Mac, iOS, Android
Hero Siege: PC, Mac, mobile, Switch / PC, Mac, mobile, PS4
Hex: PS4, PC
Hover: Xbox One, Switch, PC / PC, PS4
Kabounce: PS4, PC
Mantis Burn Racing: PS4, PC / Switch, Xbox One, PC
Mushroom Wars 2: Switch, PC, Mac, mobile
Next Up Hero: Xbox One, Switch, Mac, PC
Overload: Xbox One, PC / PS4, PC
Paladins: Switch, Xbox One
Phantasy Star Online 2: PS4, PC
Pinball FX 3: PS4, PC / Switch, Xbox One, PC
Pox Nora: PS4, PC, Mac
Pure Chess: PC, 3DS
Rec Room: PS4, PC
Riptide GP Renegade: Switch, PC / Xbox One, PC
Roblox: Xbox One, PC, Mac, mobile
Siegecraft Commander: PS4, PC / Switch, Xbox One, PC
Spacelords: PS4, PC / Xbox One, PC
Sports Bar VR: PS4, PC
Star Trek: Bridge Crew: PS4, PC
Street Fighter V: PS4, PC
Square Heroes: PS4, PC
Super Dungeon Bros: PS4, PC, Mac / Xbox One, PC
Super Mega Baseball 2: PS4, PC / Xbox One, PC
Trailblazers: PS4, PC, Mac / Xbox One, Switch, PC
Treasure Stack: Xbox One, Switch, PC
Tooth and Tail: PS4, PC, Mac
Ultimate Chicken Horse: PS4, PC, Mac / Switch, PC, Mac
War Thunder: PS4, PC, Mac / Xbox One, PC, Mac
Weapons of Mythology: New Age: PS4, PC
Werewolves Within: PS4, PC
Microsoft’s Play Anywhere initiative allows many first-party titles to be bought once and played on both Xbox One and PC. Some of the games in the program even support crossplay.
Crackdown 3 (upcoming)
Fable Fortune
Forza Horizon 3
Forza Horizon 4
Forza Motorsport 7
Gears of War 4
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Halo Wars 2
Killer Instinct
Sea of Thieves
What platform? Best advice is to not be afraid to switch characters mid match if the enemy team is a bad setup for your character.
@Bluedragon07 I’m on Xbox One. Good advice as I will do the same in GW2 based on the flow of the game. Sometimes a sunflower is just not conducive to how the game is going, and I will have to change to a chomper to score more kills and harass the enemy.
The coming Reaper buff is going to make him insane as a tank buster.
For Support, I like Lucio and Moira. Lucio default button for console is nonsense, if you turn on backwards wall ride and switch his jump button to a bumper you can get better fire accuracy while skimming walls, giving you a chance at being distracting and setting up for effective environmental boops in maps with pits and cliffs.
For DPS, Soldier 76 is solid once you get comfortable finding a strategy at balancing fire/helix/heal whole doing swapped position flanking at mid distance.
Widowmaker, you gotta find changes in sensitivity settings that work with your thumbstick style, but once you get that sweet spot you could destroy teams.
Junkrat is great for chaos play.
Hanzo is satisfying, very visceral feeling of plunking his full-strength single shot in a crit hit.
For tanks, I personally have fun with Wrecking Ball, I prefer the run-and-gun approach where I don’t sit in place and shoot too much, but bait enemies into taking focus away from guarding a point or funneling the choke tunnels.
Zarya feels impossible at first, but finding the way to effectively use bubble to charge her beam and finding the balance of shot and beam is why she’s a regular tank for top tier competitive.
Some good arcade modes to learn the tricks:
Mayhem - with reduced cool down on abilities and faster recharge on ults, it lets you play around with those techniques to get a faster feel for effective timing, aiming, and counters. The trade-off with Mayhem is, with everyone getting double health/shield, it really is mayhem.
Mystery Heroes, where you are randomly assigned a different character with every respawn, forces you to learn different characters and their play styles in the pressure of a match. You will suck at most of it for a while, but in lower xp ranks, so will everyone else (unless you’ve got some smurfs creeping around), so sooner the better.
And if you get killed and wonder “how the heck”, watch the Kill Cam. I learned so much strategy, not just in how the other character is played, but in how I made myself an easy kill and how to avoid it, from analyzing the kill cam footage.
Thanks for all that great information! I will try out some of the characters you mentioned especially Wrecking Ball, as that 's my approach to the game also.
The mix mode I am familiar with from GW2. Not my favorite thing even if it does help you to learn each character. I am just not that good with many of them. I tend to find a few that I am comfortable with and stick with them.
@Targaryen @leftoverburrito
My son plays it. I can tell because he screams hysterically at the computer that it’s not fair. Seems like fun?
@sammydog01 It is, but I am still early in the game and trying the learn the characters and leveling up thru AI battles. I know I am in for a rude awakening and will get handed my ass when I go into live multiplayer action. This will be humbling after being able to kick ass in in GW2 - but that was the same in the beginning too - being noob meat to be slaughtered. I was surprised that when I started playing, it’s the same game as Paladins! But apparently Overwatch came out first.
I play every now and then, but usually only when friends invite me to play. I got kinda burned out playing and watching it all the time.
@FeralRants Characters you play most?
Also, why do I enter a game, pick a character, and then it almost immediately resets me to a new game? This can happen up to 3 times in a row. And it certainly isn’t my internet connection.
I also dislike that two people can’t pick the same character during a game. In GW2 you can have an entire 12 player team of zombie imps if everyone picked that character.
@mfladd There’s a game mode called “No Limits” where you can all play the same hero, if you want. Watch the arcade for that. The reason you can’t in regular play is that team synergy is promoted through diversity of abilities.
The game resetting before finding you a match used to be a bigger problem on PC too, I don’t know if you’ve seen less of it recently, but I certainly have. The matchmaker either got everyone queued up but because it was waiting to some timeout period for everyone to join, spawns a new game, and so on, until everything seems right. If it’s not resolved on Xbox, know that players complain about it and it’s been fixed on PC, so I imagine you have one coming too.
So, with the characters I liked at first - such as Reaper - I found I was not doing that well with them as I moved into harder aspects of the game. And then came Moira! She is hella fun, just as @pflipcakes said. I like players that balance healing and killing ability.

I am still training with AI. I am at “27”, and I do very well on Medium, but have just started playing Hard (where your technique has to change to a more sophisticated gameplay), so I am taking a beating there at the moment. I did notice at 27 I am almost always the lowest ranked player on a team there.
I tried multiplayer a few times and got my ass handed to me, but with Moira I was still able to get on the voting board a couple of times. In multiplayer mode I noticed I started to get some endorsements. Are those player or computer generated endorsements? And if people, how do they give them?
I’m a player, roughly lvl 500 (bronze border with 5 stars), but generally a low skill player. I keep with it because it’s hella fun. I also main Reaper, he’s got some huge buffs lately that make him way more viable. I try to flex a lot, but always feel Reaper can just slay, especially at lower levels of play (yay for me!).
I play a lot of S76, which helps with aim and counters the freaking Pharah. I like Moira, Brigitte, and Mercy for heals, depending on comp. I like Rein and Orisa as tanks, but will go Monkey if I need to dive a sniper or if Sym/Torb are spamming turrets.
I never played training. I have to say, it’s gotten better, I just played on hard a few days ago and actually died. 2 years ago I popped in and I don’t think anyone on my team died. I’d go into QP and learn there, to be honest. Gameplay is vastly different against real people.
I’m on PC, so if they ever blend the two (I honestly doubt they will), I’d really enjoy playing with you. I’ll post my account later. Enjoy the game, home slice!
@MagnaVis Thanks for the offer. I really wish there was crossover. I could use a friend there. After reading your post I started playing quick play. I mostly had my ass handed to me. I had to go back to PvsZ GW2 just to feel good about myself again

I am not sure how but after a some time that day I was awarded a portrait. The xbox achievement unlock says it is for 50 medals during competitive or quick play. Not sure how I recieved that many medals unless they are including AI training, but that wouldn’t be competitive or quick play, right?
And now people probably expect more of me with it, which they will be sadly mistaken about. I always seem to be taken out by fucking snipers. Not sure how people do in many of the locations with close up fighters/healers since the fighting seemed to be done at a distance much of the time I was in.
Also, am I really messed up if I say I want to sleep with D.Va?
@mfladd How close everyone is to the action depends, largely, on experience and hero picks. The flexing comes in by identifying where and how the fighting in taking place and picking heroes that fit in to the type of combat currently taking place or shifting the status quo enough to change where combat takes place. I can give a couple examples:
I’m not sure about your achievement, I didn’t think anyone ever earned them from PvAI. OW has been knows to have a few bugs related to achievements though, so it doesn’t surprise me.
If you keep getting sniped, and you’re a Reaper main, you need to learn how to move about maps while staying out of the common line of sight paths from sniper posts. Use the teleport to get across wider, more open areas, and keep wraith form for disengaging, if you can. Try to teleport from covered areas to covered areas, snipers can easily headshot you on either side, and Widow can one shot you with a head shot.
Good luck, my man! I still vouch for QP, but I don’t get so invested in the idea that I’m causing my team to lose. If I’m there to learn a new hero or practice something I’m not good at and people start being dicks, I just pop out of team chat. It’s QP, not Comp. They can suck it.
I’ve been playing for almost 3 years now. Its more addicting than crack. If you’re more of a team player, play Lucio or Reinhardt. If you wanna play more of a go getter character I’d say D.Va, Genji, or Ashe.
@MartianOnMars Thanks, I’ve been wanting to try D.Va out. I am a team player and is why I like a healer, but at times I like players too who are just brute force and don’t require a lot of aiming skills. Not my forte.
@mfladd a lot of the tanks are nice for not having to aim. Wilson, D.Va, Reinhardt, and Roadhog work great and require little to no aiming effort as long as you’re close enough
I do. Usually tanks or healers. Typically Zen or Moira, a little Brigitte. Tanks: Rein, Roadhog, D.Va, Zarya, and sometimes I’ll play Mei like a “tank” by using ice walls to separate team members at choke points or cut off healing.
As far as advice, I’d say watch OWL when it starts on February 14th and find some players that fit your play style. I’m a fan of Jayne, he is an assistant coach for the Dallas Fuel. He shows people how to play at all skill ranges. A good example of this is he breaks down game play in others videos so you can see how and where they messed up and correct your own play.
Anyone plan on watching Overwatch League? I’m setting up an Overwatch fantasy league. Same as any other sports fantasy league (go deep in stats or pick whoever), offline fantasy draft soon. Free to join, for fun only. Link below: