I often find myself contemplating and sometimes buying things I wouldn’t otherwise get simply because the deal was paused to give us eastcoasters a chance at it. Brilliant marketing by Meh!!!
You can call me a sucker. Saw the deal at midnight and clicked meh. But out of curiosity checked again this morning to see how many sold. Then saw deal paused and then I thought hmmm when the clock struck 8 maybe I should buy that stupid speaker dock.
Nope. I generally come here once a day. If something is paused, I generally won’t be back until the next day unless I’m in the midst of a good convo on the board. I’ve never seen a fuko go up for sale either.
Not me.
@HeadphoneMic not meh too
@HeadphoneMic At least not this time.
It does give the items a little more perceived value, knowing that people actually want them for whatever silly reason.
You can call me a sucker. Saw the deal at midnight and clicked meh. But out of curiosity checked again this morning to see how many sold. Then saw deal paused and then I thought hmmm when the clock struck 8 maybe I should buy that stupid speaker dock.
Nope. I generally come here once a day. If something is paused, I generally won’t be back until the next day unless I’m in the midst of a good convo on the board. I’ve never seen a fuko go up for sale either.
/giphy YES!
/giphy guilty
Definitely! Love it.
Because of when I’m active, I often get snubbed by the pause. LOL
The pause has given me second thoughts about not buying somethings…so yes.
I want what I cannot haz
I only checked when there was a fuko.