I noticed since I’ve been trying to load @f00l’s profile page every day to find out what’s wrong with it. It finally partially loaded for me yesterday, and I realized it was basically loading every forum post for the past 30 days.
I noticed, but I didn’t confirm. I thought I was starring too many posts XD @f00l is the reason I started hanging out in the forums, and is one of the few reasons I continue to do so
@f00l I thought that was a pizza slice and couldn’t figure out the connection. I really ought to get a larger laptop or cheaters with a stronger magnification.
@conandlibrarian That gif is from an excellent movie, My Neighbor Totoro. It’s a little slow, but it gives an excellent peak into rural Japanese culture.
@f00l sometimes does not comprehend the basic concept of TL;DR. And @f00l sometimes does not care. Let’s face facts here. @f00l is an @f00l.
@f00l posts on the fly and off the cuff, so to speak. However, a period of conscious reflection - or even consciousness period - on the part of @f00l would likely not improve things.
@f00l tries to live up to the high standards of the username @f00l. @f00l sometimes fails in this thru accident or distraction or lack of effort, but will keep trying.
@f00l thinks this username reflects an appropriate aspirational standard for this particular @f00l, personally speaking.
@f00l does NOT star posts just to check them off. (Well, sometimes, kinda accidentally, but that’s not the point.) And @f00l would not star posts at meh.com just to mark them read. Nothing wrong with that, just not @f00l’s intent. @f00l would likely be bored with a forum in which @f00l was tempted to star posts to mark them read, because it is not @f00l’s habit or style to do that. However, it would be a valid technique for keeping track of what’s been read, if someone wanted to use it for that.
@f00l tries not to star @f00l’s posts, but accidents happen.
Some threads just never get read or caught up with, because TIME or # of posts or @f00l is stressed or @f00l is usually extra-stupid in that area. So no stars, cause no reading. @f00l does assert the ability to read. Some authorities consider this assertion as yet unproven.
@f00l sometimes does not read/star posts in Fuko/Fuku threads because @f00l is pouting.
@f00l usually does not star posts in boredom and ennui thread because @f00l is yawning.
Some posts don’t get stars because @f00l misses them or - rarely - has other issues.
@f00l sometimes doesn’t star posts as a deliberately potential and unlikely-to-be-noticed tease, because @f00l is bored and stupid.
@f00l finds it irritating that the profile page effectively kills every browser on every platform tried so far.
@f00l thinks the lack of pagination as an option on profiles is a philosophical error. Meh should correct its thinking and move forward.
@f00l thinks exactly the same thing about the lack of pagination options for the main page of forums threads. Hey, Meh. I know your reasoning on this. Keep it fresh, blah blah and other conceptual errors. This is WRONG. Pls fix asap. @f00l is the Universal Authority on this topic and is not to be questioned.
@shrdlu also appears star every - or almost every - post, but that profile is likely disabled, so probably harder to check that, if anyone wanted to. @shrdlu appears to understand and appreciate privacy. @shrdlu may star or not star posts for reasons that are completely personal to @shrdlu and are unrelated to @f00l’s philosophy of giving stars to posts. @f00l would draw no conclusions about @shrdlu’s choices, because @f00l is a @f00l.
PS. @f00l thought @shrdlu was awesome long before before @f00l realized that @shrdlu was an admirer of Marni Nixon. But that takes awesome way beyond awesome, something in the realm of (awesome^[awesome])th.
Practically, if a user is starring a lot of posts, loading a profile could be a challenge. It can be difficult to get the profile page to load sufficiently to change the filtering. And @f00l’s profile will not load even with the “star” options turned off. POUT.
Which developers should be personally harassed about pagination, so they can put @f00l on Permanent Ignore and continue down the path of Sinful Coding?
@f00l i have already logged an issue in github for this. no, not pagination. an issue to limit the number of things on the profile page. muahahahaha… you thought there was only one solution.
@katylava @f00l did not think there was only one “solution”. @f00l thinks there is a particular Solution which @f00l prefers, and which is, coincidentally, The Correct Solution.
@f00l knows about logic. @f00l and logic and very chummy, once you go Through The Looking Glass. @f00l never makes logical errors, tho sometimes @f00l deliberately proposes what might appear to be a logical error, just for fun.
See Grandmother story in this thread, for verification of the above statement.
@f00l i think the last time i asked the @fool@f001@foo1@fOO1@f00l the reply was the algorith was something other than ‘every post’
( no further details were provided )
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In Python longs are of unlimited length (yeah, right! Hey, Python, please print out ALL of Pi… I won’t hold my breath while I wait) so I’m guessing it actually uses strings for numbers larger than the underlying hardware’s native precision or some small multiple of it. (I mostly stopped worrying about how data structures are implemented years ago and now just use them, though on occasion I do check when needing to squeeze performance out of something.)
@baqui63 @f00l knows - or once knew - Number Theory rather better than @f00l knew coding. The was a long time ago, and @f00l is rather forgetful.
But @f00l does respect that these are kinda bff types with each other. It’s hard to keep them apart. They whine and start sulking.
@f00l sometimes uses aliases. One of these, in decimal, is:
(2^[274,207,281]− 1)
which is a number with 22,338,618 digits. (Wikipedia! @f00l is lazy.)
This number was located by distributed effort - the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.
So another affinity.
Regarding your Hexadecimal deconstruction of @f00l’s identity:
You have made @f00l curious. @f00l might be somewhat less lazy than usual this weekend.
@katylava @baqui63
after some pondering of Longs - of stuff @f00l, has, obviously, barely an infant’s understanding of:
if the boundaries of a given logical address space are assume to coincide with those of the possibilities of absurdity, as seems reasonable in the universe of this thread - well, there’s technically and logically no reason to assume a limit size of any kind. go big. go small. go rational, or irrational, or imaginary, or well beyond. shift left. shift right. how would one know one had shifted? what ground would get to be the “fixed point of the day”?
even this lovely image
contains some limiting words. is “observable” as a parameter really justified in the example? is “universe”?
all of which means time and address space enuf for a second slice of pi.
Key Lime.
@medz @f00l currently does not code. Aside from a few scripts, it’s been decades, and @f00l lacks the skills. When @f00l did code, @f00l sometimes dreamt in code.
This was weird. And @f00l because even more of worthy of the username. Perhaps @f00l should not be dreaming in code.
@f00l I love it when @f00l refers to @f00l in the third person, tho I think it’s a relatively recent phenomenon. Is this the new @f00l “normal*”?
*used advisedly
The third person aspect of@f00l is a “special” just for this thread. However, if @f00l is tipped to be @goat, @f00l might have to use the third person a lot on @narfcake and @mfladd, who appear to have been the primary instigators of that nonsensical notion.
Well, since I’ve been dragged, willy-nilly, into this, I’ll admit it. I star a lot of posts. I think I star less than the fool, though, but not by a lot. On the other hand, I ALWAYS star my own posts. When I found out that the cool kids frowned upon self-voting, I just had to.
My profile page is indeed inaccessible, and the funny thing is, unless I go into my account and made it accessible, even I can’t see it. It makes me happy to be able to turn it off. I’m fine with the results.
I don’t think I read as many threads as the fool, but then, I have other responsibilities. There’s Woot’s new Drone Delivery (and my best entertainment in reading the thread about it is the number of people who lack a sense of humor).
There are some really fun threads on Meh. Java Developer’s Glasses, or the in-depth look on Spider Relationships by Thumperchick. Then there’s the countdown to December 14th. You make me laugh, I have to star.
@Shrdlu @f00l knew @shrdlu had a considered and, of course, likely somewhat “contrary” philosophical reason for self-starring. @f00l simply didn’t guess what it was. @f00l likes the reason.
@f00l is self-referring in the third person in this thread, because @f00l is convinced that it’s potentially funny. @f00l will figure out whether or not it is actually funny later. @f00l is a procrastinator.
@f00l does not self-star, partly for amusement - to see if @f00l can pull it off. The erroneous self-stars amuse @f00l.
The other reason @f00l does not self-star is more complex.
One of @f00l’s Grandmothers was the Always-Right Grandmother. This Grandmother was a wonderful person, who was often considered to be possibly wrong by others, esp family members; but not in her own opinion, which she herself never questioned. Always-Right Grandmother did not second-guess herself. And she never ceased attempting to impose her own personal and political views on everyone within 3000 miles. Esp her family, her friends, and her local favorite victim, a member of the US House of Representatives who had a famous and stellar, if variable, career.
@f00l’s relationship with Alway-Right Grandmother was complex, but there was plenty of affection, humor, and respect on both sides. When one had a difference of opinion with Always-Right Grandmother, the dispute was normally more humorous than accusatory and hateful.
@f00l’s Always-Right Grandmother would have disapproved of self-starring. @f00l honors the memory of Always-Right Grandmother in this small way.
@f00l fears that @f00l rather didn’t and doesn’t abide by Always-Right Grandmother’s preferences in many other areas of personal choice. Always-Right Grandmother was accustomed to this, and considered genteel and relentless warrior patience to be a virtue.
If Always-Right Grandmother were still present, she would still be attempting to rescue @f00l and @everyone else from their errant ways. Always-Right Grandmother did not understand the meaning of “pick your battles”, nor of “surrender”. She believed she honored her own ancestors this way, although, technically, there were a few surrenders way back when. She would have re-labeled those as “strategic retreats” with a “surrender feint”. Always-Right Grandmother understood the concept of “spin”.
@f00l believes Always-Right Grandmother is worthy of some considerable honor. Within @f00l’s family, Esteemed Always-Right Grandmother receives such honor, by being everyone’s favorite person to tell stories about. Most of her own children’s stories about their Mother contain the phrase “Now Mother, don’t you think that perhaps (…)” somewhere in the story.
Always-Right Grandmother never thought “that perhaps (…)”!!! Indeed! Imagine any such thing! The very idea! She would not!
even if the suggestion were phrased in the most gentle and reasonable manner. But Always-Right Grandmother was a Lady. And she successfully practiced being a Ladylike Cosmic Force for more than nine decades.
And so @f00l attempts to avoid self-starring @f00l’s own posts.
@f00l is sure this is logical. If it isn’t, then @f00l will create a logical framework to handle the situation in a rigorous manner; or such will be asserted by @f00l in any case. @f00l is Always-Right Grandmother’s grandchild.
@Yoda_Daenerys @f00l thinks of Always-Right Grandmother sometimes, hearing that song.
@f00l is particularly partial to the version on the Live: 1975-1985 album.
Similar to this performance:
Always-Right Grandmother was largely suspicious of all rock and roll, tho she admitted that “Yesterday” and “In My Life” were lovely. She lived thru the years in with Springsteen became famous, but probably did not know of him.
@f00lthinks Always-Right Grandmother might have liked this song. Esp the lyric
"No retreat, no surrender"
Which would, in her mind, have echoed and likely been derived from the famous and incendiary letter written by Colonel Travis from the Alamo, during the 13 day last stand.
Colonel Travis’s letter contained the underlined phrase
“I will never surrender or retreat.”
And, of course, it was a matter of Enlightenment principles and of 19th century Honor, and Col. Travis meant it.
For Always-Right Grandmother, who could recite portions of Travis’s letter from memory, this was a point of family honor as well.
“We were there. Remember that”, she would say, about such iconic historical events.
/image Alamo
Visiting a historical place with Always-Right Grandmother flashed into my mind during the film Patton, when, in Africa, Patton goes off-track toward Carthage, and tells of its destruction during the Third Punic War.
Grandmother could also look out in the now, and see history enacted here and now, on a soft veil laid over the present moment.
(Warning, sound a bit out of sync)
But she would have been somewhat suspicious of Springsteen’s impertinent attitude toward school.
And she was concerned that all these “hippies and artists and modernists and freethinkers” failed to properly despise Communism. Or to be properly suspicious of socialism and suspicious of some East Coast establishment foreign policy intellectuals who she found “rather soft and quite arrogant”.
Springsteen was from Jersey. His being from the working-class (from her POV) might mean he was not tainted by that “East Coast over-educated disease”.
Always-Right Grandmother understood hard times. She understood being straight-backed facing tragedy. She understood that One Does Not Complain. Despite her self-conscious public “wearing-her-heritage dignity”, she understood well that “social class” had nothing to do with “worth”. She understood about losing all and beginning again. She loved all her hometowns. She would, @f00l thinks, have appreciated this song:
That version of No Retreat, No Surrender is on the compilation album. If you have the 3 cd set, it’s early on the third cd. Perhaps near “I’m On Fire”?
@f00l first bought that on vinyl. Then on cassette, twice?, cause one of the tapes got stretched. Then, at least 3x on cd. Cause @f00l would lose track of where they were, in a move or something.
Then wanted them digitally, even if the commercial rip sucked, so that at least would know where they were. But although most of the rest of the catalog was up on the major digital music stores, not this album set. @f00l guesses, since it was a larger live compilation, lots of venues, lots of performers, some covers, they had trouble clearing the rights for digital release.
Anyway, about a year or two ago, finally. Bought this for the umpteenth time, Amz.
The “driver training school method” mentioned in “My Hometown” is how @f00l first came to drive a car. Age 6-7, possibly? 1st or 2nd grade.
This method had been used first with @f00l’s older sibling, who promptly hit a curb and messed things up. @f00l’s Mom was not pleased, having needed the car on the following day.
So further driving lessons took place in the enormous, empty parking lot designated for sports parking at a local school. Great fun. Adjusting all the seats and levers and hitting the horn were almost as excellent as the driving.
Forbidden to be extremely stupid, or to go over 5 mph (later 10 mph!), stay away from the edges, otherwise, just drive around.
Mom was not pleased, but @f00l’s Dad had learned to drive exactly this way. Only he had been a rural kid and got a special rural kid license not too many years later, and could legally drive at some absurd young age. @f00l and siblings begged, pleaded, manipulated, pouted, promised; but were not granted the same freedom of the roads or legal right to risk wrecking things.
Newish bicycles appeared. Perhaps the manipulative attempts had some small success in the end.
@f00l it seems you and @Yoda_Daenerys share feelings for the same rock star, @Yoda_Daenerys have the vinyl, and that’s it. have you heard summertime bruce? it’s a classic bootleg, now released for sale. @Yoda_Daenerys’d be happy to share it with you.
@Yoda_Daenerys first had it on 8-track, then cassette, then digitally, now legally.
you are particularly verbose of late, everything good with you?
@Yoda_Daenerys’m enjoying the reading of the fool’s post, although @Yoda_Daenerys am in the middle of a move and my spouse and @Yoda_Daenerys want to ring each other’s (others’?) neckz.
moves suck. unless you are very young, and don’t own that much yet, and are convinced that you will always and forever have all the energy you could ever imagine wanting. you have @f00l’s sympathies.
did not know of Summertime Bruce. it looks wonderful. @f00l is only seeing it on trad media, not digital purchase. do you know what’s going on with that? (sorry, @f00l would address you formally by UID as is proper under the circumstances, but yours is so damned long to type.)
@f00l has never approached the standing of aficionado with music. just a decent and happy fan. @f00l stopped following music so much, say, mid-90’s? too much pop on the airways, and @f00l got into audiobooks about then. so @f00l is kinda clueless after that. but yeah, Bruce.
@f00l used to own a lot of vinyl, say 1K albums, including some nice bootleg collector pressings. but then, sadness. all was briefly stored in a rural shop on @f00l’s property at that time. this should have been safe enuf - the shop was concrete and metal. yeah but: the insulation was flammable, and @f00l did not understand this. it all went up, including books, furniture, heirlooms, and a buncha ammo that the previous resident had left in the shop, hidden in concrete blocks for some reason. there was an investigation. the story was that skunks had chewed thru the wiring and set the fire.
only that’s not the story. there were tiny traces of accelerant. and according to rumor, stuff showed up at distant flea markets. but no evidence. @f00l pretty much knew; but could prove nothing, and didn’t want to. the likely party had, over several years, suddenly lost a spouse due to heart attack, was supporting a good-for-little relative, was estranged from children, had no insurance, and had terminal cancer. and @f00l had plenty other issues closer to home. @f00l let it go.
regarding verbosity: no doubt @f00l could use a good diagnosis or something. but @f00l prob won’t bother. no physician or headshrinker has ever suggested mania tendencies - more the opposite. Or perhaps they were scared to.
alt factors: @f00l’s life is in some transition. not bad stuff. but it does sometimes ramp up the energy.
so who knows?
regarding this thread: when @f00l first spotted it, the thread already had a bit of life to it. and @f00l does star a lot. and it’s all nuts.
these are a nice set of initial conditions.
so @f00l chose the approach of max absurdity: more or less: stretch the thread as hard as possible, in as many directions as possible, in whatever fairly random orientings occurred: with a spontaneous mix of “Sense and Sensibility”, and the complete lack thereof.
and then what happens next?
will it break? implode? offend? will folks avoid? start to experience pity? enjoy? condescend? be bored by? find annoying? pretentious? utterly full of shit? all that and more? zero interest?
and (pretentiousness alert) will the construction break up in flight? or did that occur, unnoticed by @f00l? or occur multiple times?
@Yoda_Daenerys @f00l did not click thru re Third Tone until just a bit ago. @f00l loves chants, tho @f00l did not grow up in that sort of a liturgical tradition. @f00l has made an effort, at times, to hear Cistercian and Benedictine chants live. a Cistercian order includes these as part of normal service at a local university. @f00l is accustomed to hearing them in Latin, and @f00l might know a few words but can handle few phrases. So @f00l has attended, in years past, for for the glorious sound. https://www.cistercian.org/abbey/liturgy.html
@f00l should know about musical terms, and doesn’t. can you recommend a fairly straightforward way to re-learn some of the very elementary stuff @f00l has forgotten? @f00l could prob read music again, with a little practice and a keyboard.
@f00l seems to get way more done on weekends with music instead of spoken word. your post inspired @f00l toward this:
@Yoda_Daenerys @f00l appreciates @Yoda_Daenerys’s playing along with the “stupid absurd self-addressing custom” designed for this thread. @f00l finds this entertaining. @f00l is afraid of @Yoda_Daenerys’s username - it may be beyond @f00l’s typing skills on any platform. @f00l is cheating by using cope and paste.
@f00l did note @Yoda_Daenerys’s mention of the “edu” institution in a previous post. @f00l intends to try to get around to making use of that later this evening. @f00l is terrible with email but will try.
@f00l is envious of @Yoda_Daenerys’s quest for musical instruments and the mastery of them. @f00l has not messed with trying to perform music - even chopsticks - even out of earshot of anyone else - in such as very long time. @f00l would like to know how that goes.
@f00l trust @Yoda_Daenerys, copy/pate is @Yoda_Daenerysfiend friend for my whack UN, in this post i will copy pate paste over me/my instead of i, yea, whatever
my playing along should be considered in the line of mockery copying is the most important form of flattery.
yup, @Yoda_Daenerys subconscious/state.of.mind really screwed that quote up
@Yoda_Daenerys don’t see any email from the fool/fOOl/f001/f00l yet, so hows-about you tell @Yoda_Daenerys your email here in a super discreet manner?
f00l was surprised last nite and today with several urgent threads re goathood. f00l tried to battle the forest fire of opinion. @f00l does not know if the fire is put out, or smoldering. @f00l is watching. @f00l is covered with soot.
plus MONDAY. fucking MONDAY.
plus there were talking heads on the TV. @f00l watched, thus somewhat confirming that @f00l is a @f00l.
drama so very. wow noise.
so @f00l has not emailed yet. cause @f00l is way bad at email, by which @f00l means really really monstrously fucking shitheaded about it.
@f00l must warn @Yoda_Daenerys that the way people get @f00l to look at email is to call or text or message or otherwise bop @f00l on the head and ask why @f00l hasn’t dealt with said email yet. @f00l has a secret agenda to make email incredibly inefficient by conditioning or persuading everyone not to deal with any email at all until each person gets a court order, email by email.
however, if @f00l knows there is a email of personal interest, @f00l will prob look at it within some hours.
@f00l has also not answered TH vs BS musical musings in other thread. but ya know, tonite, Goodnight Moon came and went hours ago. some things gotta wait for sleep.
@f00l would like to have the best voices carry
so: onwards “Til Tuesday”:
Back when you could live in East Village or Alphabet City on the cheap.
My experience - It was more or less fairly safe to walk late at night - in a huge parts of Manhattan, not just the famous and tourist parts - at any hour of the day or not, alone if you wanted. I did it all the time, but so did everyone else.
(Esp on snowy nights for some reason)
Always on a weekend
Often, when very late at night - say, 2-6am,
Walking home from someplace in Manhattan, prob a private party
Under the conditions of serious cognitive and intoxicant impairment @f00l and friends would sing this song a cappella
As loudly as possible
As drunkenly as possible
Mostly in industrial areas, but people live in those areas
Sometimes in residential areas
Anyway sometimes - often - people would open windows or doors to tell us to STFU
Funny thing
Mostly they never finished telling us to STFU
We would yell "sing with us! Come on!"
And almost every time, they joined into the singing, loudly, and in the end, filled with joy
And we all pumped fists and laughed together and sometimes sang it again.
People who live in Manhattan mostly love Manhattan passionately
Even noisy drunk street singing Manhattan at 5am.
Walking home from someplace to someplace else in Manhattan at 5am Sunday morning is one of the truest joys of living there. Even when the thermometer is in minus territory.
Perhaps hard to explain. Perhaps being young has something to do with it.
In @f00l’s own case, doubts have been expressed from time to time regarding @f00l’s sanity. Since @f00l does not have to be concerned with sanity or real world facts, when @f00l needs more time, @f00l steals it from Stephen Hawking.
@f00l has appreciation for @TickledLizard’s approach to the subject. When certain facts are less then clear, it is interesting to watch the assumptions - and the avoidance of assumptions.
@f00l wishes to point out that the Google Doodle is more than worthy today; in fact, artistically stunning.
No threats? No inducements? No harassment? No supportive offer of decency? No reduculous giphys? No madness? No special vacation travel offers with an excellent traveling crew? No torment?
I feel like most people automatically assume everyone is a guy on the internet unless their username is something like GAMERGIRRRRL but then I sometimes assume they are a guy that wants attention, haha.
I remember when I would play first person shooters with my friends online, and even when I started speaking on the mic, people would usually assume I was a guy that hadn’t gone through puberty until a few more rounds went by and they really listened to my voice. Then they would usually make comments about wanting to see my tits.
@RiotDemon To be fair, there were many many many kids that hadn’t gone through puberty playing Counter Strike and it really was hard to distinguish them from girls. I actually used to play with my sister, so thankfully we she didn’t get any of those comments!
@ELUNO the biggest difference is that younger males tended to not sound very intelligent… Making rape jokes and talking about your mom. Or just babbling constantly out loud instead of keeping the thoughts inside their head. To be fair, a lot of adults did that too. When I would talk, I would have conversations with my team mates during the breaks, and during the game, we’d talk strategy. I hate to stereo type, but that’s how it mostly was. Maybe still is. I don’t play FPS online at the moment.
one friend’s daughter plays online games. Fwiw, she’s quite attractive.
When she gets the “wanna see your tits” type remarks, she comes back with “too bad you’ll go blind before you see anyone’s.” Or similar. She improvises.
This usually gets them to start bragging about their incredible imaginary sexual expertise. She laughs.
For the “only hideous/loser girls game” she might come back with similar to: “Limited experience? Wonder why? What’s wrong with you? I guess you repulse people?”
She won’t take serious creepy shit tho. @f00l hears she’s reported a few outright pervs.
@RiotDemon I’m pretty sure that will never die. I don’t play on PC anymore, and unless I am in a party with friends, I avoid wearing a headset on consoles so I don’t get to hear them…
@f00l yeah, there’s quite a few I reported to Xbox. I really did just like outright laughing at them and telling them how pathetic they were to be asking some random person online instead of having the balls/guts/charisma to be able see tits in person.
@RiotDemon For what it’s worth, when I used to play MMORPGs (which never ended well, since I made enemys who filled their blogs with posts insulting me), I got hit on by all genders.
It was extremely annoying when guys did it, and some of the girls constantly tried talking to me or stalking me.
if you chose to report on the social results of your choosing not to proffer information, without disclosing anything personal, it would be interesting to hear.
however, even discussing what one has observed or inferred by staying somewhat mum can appear to reveal personal stuff about the speaker, to 2nd or 3rd parties. or those parties can think so. which can be annoying.
not to mention: time, effort, privacy, personal preference. so @f00l can understand silence well enuf.
anyway, interested less in the “questions” and the “answers”; more in hearing how it works out and what you find out when you choose not to answer.
regarding not answering certain questions (which is cool, since sometimes people feel they kinda have to answer, whether they want to or not);
without mentioning individuals or their responses, can you pick up vibes based on assumptions other people appear to make about you?
can you pick up vibes that communicate what assumptions people actively don’t make about you when they simply refuse to jump to a conclusion and how that plays into behavior?
in other language, @f00l thinks one result of your choice not to provide certain categories of information to the public is to provideyouwith information. @f00l is curious, without being specific about anyone, or even any site, or interaction setting; what kind of info you are getting by the spoken and unspoken reactions to your choices?
(pls don’t answer any of these, unless you want to - as we all believe we give out and pick up stray info everywhere.)
and if none of what @f00l wrote makes any sense, pls communicate that. thx.
@TickledLizard wants to know if the whole thing which @f00l wrote about picking up vibes is specifically what @TickledLizard feels about themself, or if it’s a general question.
@TickledLizard would also like to inform @f00l that they are more than willing to answer almost any question about themself.
Although to an extent, @TickledLizard can pick up certain vibes about the assumptions people (don’t) make.
It’s a bit complicated to explain.
@TickledLizard will try explaining this a bit more later.
@TickledLizard @f00l was immediately curious about what vibe an online social situation had, if @TickledLizard refused to answer certain q’s or confirm/deny certain assumptions.
are some people extra-careful? if so, are they a mix of extra-careful , making no assumptions, and extra-careful but they seem to have assumed they really know, and you can kinda tell that think they know?
or are they just relaxed and cool about it and don’t worry?
or do they assume they possess whatever fact, and proceed, with subtlety, or openly, to act on the assumption that they know?
what can you pick up in that regard from those you interact with?
@f00l is also interested in other aspects of @TickledLizard. @f00l will think about that later, becuz need sleep.
Indeed. But perhaps…
Hmmm. A very long suffering and quite socially competent close family member once proposed a more glam alternative; presumably as a sop, or the equivalent of a tootsie roll, to get that one to STFU. Probably.
@f00l does not mind. Will take either “compliment”.
That particular family member plays a lot of basketball and could possibly beat people up. But he is the non-violent sort - and would likely be amused by the word “corpulent” as applied to him; since a very fit daughter-in-law (possibly attempting to motivate her new hubby) has been known to comment - in the most helpful way - on various “hunks” with “abs” in his presence.
He also might think your vid offering is a better and more accurate comment on @f00l’s state of being than his own clear absurdist flattery.
I mentioned his social competence because: Most family members possess this. Sometimes @f00l can fake it for brief intervals.
Possibly your “failure” was associated with the failure of @f00l’s speed-scan technology, esp for long threads and catching up. Esp when the light is about to turn green.
Unless @f00l was daunted by the thread in the 1st place.
This is not your fault.
@OldCatLady? Don’t make @f00l retrieve that hunk @f00l sent you. This is your blame to bear. Step up.
Here: @f00l will offer a sweetener to help with the blame burden.
No. These stars will not decline in value.
the stars @f00l gives out will, in one year’s time, explode into (metaphorical) smiling rainbow bouncy unicorns and you will be happy and beloved forever.
Metaphorical - so that they can be carried around in your special inner place of peace; and you don’t have to order special “bouncy unicorn” food from Amazon that way.
(@f00l retains all transaction rights. Don’t even think about Ebay or Craigslist.)
What damage @f00l has done in the past 24 hours:
f00l is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 56025
+551 starred posts in past 24 hours
+5 extra seconds of load time to see his profile compared to this time yesterday. Took me 30 seconds to pull it up.
@f00l is a freaking animal. Here’s an update:
“f00l is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 116452”
/giphy daaaamn
While we’re discussing @f00l, it’s intriguing to me that several people refer to @f00l by one (and pretty much only one) gendered pronoun. But @f00l seems to have transcended such pettifoggery, and escalated f00lsself into a kind of plasma-infused purely literary field, like a kind of Borges-esque Higgs domain; omnipresent, omnidirectional, ‘n’ largely phantasmal. It’s kind of refreshing.
@UncleVinny That “gender” thing is just a side effect of using too many words. Were the FDA involved, @f00l words would be pulled from the market due to unintended, serious side effects…on itsself and others (grin)
@UncleVinny PS (too late to edit) although perhaps she could get rich quick by selling this as a way of accomplishing a sex change - no drugs or surgery involved - although perhaps carpel tunnel syndrome would be the side effect.
@mick as @shurggie implied, define “lady”… female definitely, age likely on the “other” side of young based on things posted and stated witnessed first hand… but older than you? Perhaps you need to disclose first? (grin)
@hems79 I think I figured out why so many star clicks: It is not possible to retroactively click every meh face… it is possible to retroactively star every post… thus is she already can’t have one record due to lack of conscientiousness, the face eating bot…, she will be certain to get the other… Ya think? Maybe? It is plausible? Right? or maybe it is just OCD and voices in her head telling her to click everything because the alternative is worse. Hmmm @f00l?
Stupid of me not to tag @f00l on this topic.
I noticed a few months ago. I wanted to try doing that too, but realized I was so far behind that I would never catch up. I gave up.
/giphy I give up
@looseneck please don’t. i mean, do give up on it.
I noticed since I’ve been trying to load @f00l’s profile page every day to find out what’s wrong with it. It finally partially loaded for me yesterday, and I realized it was basically loading every forum post for the past 30 days.
@katylava On my workplace’s fast internet, it just took a good 25 seconds to load the page… and that’s after I already loaded it an hour ago.
I noticed, but I didn’t confirm. I thought I was starring too many posts XD @f00l is the reason I started hanging out in the forums, and is one of the few reasons I continue to do so
@f00l lured someone in to this dungeon? Nice work, @f00l!
Ha ha ha ha just try to leave.
/giphy dungeon
Maybe he is trying to make it difficult for people to troll his profile… He’s clever that way…
@chienfou “she” by the way…
/giphy I honestly don’t see any problem with that.
Sometimes I need that affirmation.
@f00l I thought that was a pizza slice and couldn’t figure out the connection. I really ought to get a larger laptop or cheaters with a stronger magnification.
Thus the name, @f00l.
@f00l is an unsung hero.
@f00l for SpookTober GOAT!
/giphy rock the vote
@hems79 That’s somewhat of an exaggeration there, as there are plenty of posts he didn’t star.
@narfcake There are only so many hours in a day.
@f00l sometimes doesn’t star posts in order to mislead @narfcake.
@narfcake Posts can be starred long after they’re posted. Keep checking. Every post, every topic.
/giphy "delayed action"
/image hunk
@f00l Where the heck did you find - oh. Um. Nice, very.
@OldCatLady @f00l
@f00l Thanks for that pic!
@OldCatLady I totally agree…yummy!
@f00l I’m curious…
/image babe
@baqui63 not at all what I was thinking…
/image whore
@baqui63 It was worth a try…
/image hottie
I noticed a while ago.
I just thought @f00l liked me.
/giphy sad in the rain
@conandlibrarian You mean no one really likes me in here?!
@conandlibrarian That gif is from an excellent movie, My Neighbor Totoro. It’s a little slow, but it gives an excellent peak into rural Japanese culture.
@conandlibrarian @ELUNO Next you’re going to tell me @Shrdlu doesn’t actually find me incredibly witty either
@jqubed Bad day, huh?
Thinking about it
Ok, just this once.
@Barney I don’t even know what to believe anymore.
I love @jqubed.
@Barney Yay!
Doctor: This is the worst case of carpal tunnel I’ve ever seen!
@f00l: ⭐️
@f00l sometimes does not comprehend the basic concept of TL;DR. And @f00l sometimes does not care. Let’s face facts here. @f00l is an @f00l.
@f00l posts on the fly and off the cuff, so to speak. However, a period of conscious reflection - or even consciousness period - on the part of @f00l would likely not improve things.
@f00l tries to live up to the high standards of the username @f00l. @f00l sometimes fails in this thru accident or distraction or lack of effort, but will keep trying.
@f00l thinks this username reflects an appropriate aspirational standard for this particular @f00l, personally speaking.
@f00l does NOT star posts just to check them off. (Well, sometimes, kinda accidentally, but that’s not the point.) And @f00l would not star posts at meh.com just to mark them read. Nothing wrong with that, just not @f00l’s intent. @f00l would likely be bored with a forum in which @f00l was tempted to star posts to mark them read, because it is not @f00l’s habit or style to do that. However, it would be a valid technique for keeping track of what’s been read, if someone wanted to use it for that.
@f00l tries not to star @f00l’s posts, but accidents happen.
Some threads just never get read or caught up with, because TIME or # of posts or @f00l is stressed or @f00l is usually extra-stupid in that area. So no stars, cause no reading. @f00l does assert the ability to read. Some authorities consider this assertion as yet unproven.
@f00l sometimes does not read/star posts in Fuko/Fuku threads because @f00l is pouting.
@f00l usually does not star posts in boredom and ennui thread because @f00l is yawning.
Some posts don’t get stars because @f00l misses them or - rarely - has other issues.
@f00l sometimes doesn’t star posts as a deliberately potential and unlikely-to-be-noticed tease, because @f00l is bored and stupid.
@f00l finds it irritating that the profile page effectively kills every browser on every platform tried so far.
@f00l thinks the lack of pagination as an option on profiles is a philosophical error. Meh should correct its thinking and move forward.
@f00l thinks exactly the same thing about the lack of pagination options for the main page of forums threads. Hey, Meh. I know your reasoning on this. Keep it fresh, blah blah and other conceptual errors. This is WRONG. Pls fix asap. @f00l is the Universal Authority on this topic and is not to be questioned.
@shrdlu also appears star every - or almost every - post, but that profile is likely disabled, so probably harder to check that, if anyone wanted to. @shrdlu appears to understand and appreciate privacy. @shrdlu may star or not star posts for reasons that are completely personal to @shrdlu and are unrelated to @f00l’s philosophy of giving stars to posts. @f00l would draw no conclusions about @shrdlu’s choices, because @f00l is a @f00l.
PS. @f00l thought @shrdlu was awesome long before before @f00l realized that @shrdlu was an admirer of Marni Nixon. But that takes awesome way beyond awesome, something in the realm of (awesome^[awesome])th.
Practically, if a user is starring a lot of posts, loading a profile could be a challenge. It can be difficult to get the profile page to load sufficiently to change the filtering. And @f00l’s profile will not load even with the “star” options turned off. POUT.
Which developers should be personally harassed about pagination, so they can put @f00l on Permanent Ignore and continue down the path of Sinful Coding?
I love @f00l.
@f00l That. Is. Epic.
/giphy fool
@f00l ⭐️⭐️⭐️
@rv617 @f00l Three stars! That makes you pretty mediocre. Congrats!
@f00l i have already logged an issue in github for this. no, not pagination. an issue to limit the number of things on the profile page. muahahahaha… you thought there was only one solution.
@Barney (I would have given you a purple star, but I couldn’t find one.)
@rv617 Aww…
@f00l did not think there was only one “solution”. @f00l thinks there is a particular Solution which @f00l prefers, and which is, coincidentally, The Correct Solution.
@f00l knows about logic. @f00l and logic and very chummy, once you go Through The Looking Glass. @f00l never makes logical errors, tho sometimes @f00l deliberately proposes what might appear to be a logical error, just for fun.
See Grandmother story in this thread, for verification of the above statement.
@f00l TL;DR.
@f00l Did you find some kind of horrific / amazing… horrifimazing, username description autogenerator?
@f00l approves of tl;dr. Sometimes @f00l’s conduct appears to demand that response.
Yes. Medical professionals allege that I am currently possessed by such an object.
/giphy body snatchers
@f00l i think the last time i asked the @fool @f001 @foo1 @fOO1 @f00l the reply was the algorith was something other than ‘every post’
You triggered a special subroutine.
when i was a childhmmm…when i was a younger childnopewhen i acted childishawe fuggetaboutitin the past, my teachers and doctors also said i was “special”
Will this help?
(thx, Milne)
@f00l you know, I just realized that your username is actually a hexadecimal constant of type long (“F zero zero long”).
The value is 3840 in decimal but the representation of a “long” varies quite a bit.
In C a long is a signed integer of at least 32 bits, so your username would be represented by “00000000000000000000111100000000” as a numeric constant (maybe with more leading zeros).
In Python longs are of unlimited length (yeah, right! Hey, Python, please print out ALL of Pi… I won’t hold my breath while I wait) so I’m guessing it actually uses strings for numbers larger than the underlying hardware’s native precision or some small multiple of it. (I mostly stopped worrying about how data structures are implemented years ago and now just use them, though on occasion I do check when needing to squeeze performance out of something.)
@f00l knows - or once knew - Number Theory rather better than @f00l knew coding. The was a long time ago, and @f00l is rather forgetful.
But @f00l does respect that these are kinda bff types with each other. It’s hard to keep them apart. They whine and start sulking.
@f00l sometimes uses aliases. One of these, in decimal, is:
(2^[274,207,281]− 1)
which is a number with 22,338,618 digits. (Wikipedia! @f00l is lazy.)
This number was located by distributed effort - the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.
So another affinity.
Regarding your Hexadecimal deconstruction of @f00l’s identity:
You have made @f00l curious. @f00l might be somewhat less lazy than usual this weekend.
@f00l meant to mention,and @f00l forgot:
@baqui63 actually, in python longs are limited by available memory
after some pondering of Longs - of stuff @f00l, has, obviously, barely an infant’s understanding of:
if the boundaries of a given logical address space are assume to coincide with those of the possibilities of absurdity, as seems reasonable in the universe of this thread - well, there’s technically and logically no reason to assume a limit size of any kind. go big. go small. go rational, or irrational, or imaginary, or well beyond. shift left. shift right. how would one know one had shifted? what ground would get to be the “fixed point of the day”?
even this lovely image
contains some limiting words. is “observable” as a parameter really justified in the example? is “universe”?
all of which means time and address space enuf for a second slice of pi.
Key Lime.
@f00l AIIIIEEEEE, Brooke Adams in Invasion 1977! OK, 1978, but who’s counting.
@f00l that would be TL;DR diarrhea of words? OCD starring comments?
And there’s nothing wrong with it!
Probably has an extension to randomly star 70% of the posts on each page.
@f00l currently does not code. Aside from a few scripts, it’s been decades, and @f00l lacks the skills. When @f00l did code, @f00l sometimes dreamt in code.
This was weird. And @f00l because even more of worthy of the username. Perhaps @f00l should not be dreaming in code.
@f00l I love it when @f00l refers to @f00l in the third person, tho I think it’s a relatively recent phenomenon. Is this the new @f00l “normal*”?
*used advisedly
The third person aspect of@f00l is a “special” just for this thread. However, if @f00l is tipped to be @goat, @f00l might have to use the third person a lot on @narfcake and @mfladd, who appear to have been the primary instigators of that nonsensical notion.
Will @f00l star negative comments about him?
@f00l sucks!
@ELUNO @f00l would be the first to do so.
@f00l just might.
@f00l Hooray!
/giphy celebrate good times
@Barney Or sometimes the second.
Well, since I’ve been dragged, willy-nilly, into this, I’ll admit it. I star a lot of posts. I think I star less than the fool, though, but not by a lot. On the other hand, I ALWAYS star my own posts. When I found out that the cool kids frowned upon self-voting, I just had to.
My profile page is indeed inaccessible, and the funny thing is, unless I go into my account and made it accessible, even I can’t see it. It makes me happy to be able to turn it off. I’m fine with the results.
I don’t think I read as many threads as the fool, but then, I have other responsibilities. There’s Woot’s new Drone Delivery (and my best entertainment in reading the thread about it is the number of people who lack a sense of humor).
There are some really fun threads on Meh. Java Developer’s Glasses, or the in-depth look on Spider Relationships by Thumperchick. Then there’s the countdown to December 14th. You make me laugh, I have to star.
@f00l knew @shrdlu had a considered and, of course, likely somewhat “contrary” philosophical reason for self-starring. @f00l simply didn’t guess what it was. @f00l likes the reason.
@f00l is self-referring in the third person in this thread, because @f00l is convinced that it’s potentially funny. @f00l will figure out whether or not it is actually funny later. @f00l is a procrastinator.
@f00l does not self-star, partly for amusement - to see if @f00l can pull it off. The erroneous self-stars amuse @f00l.
The other reason @f00l does not self-star is more complex.
One of @f00l’s Grandmothers was the Always-Right Grandmother. This Grandmother was a wonderful person, who was often considered to be possibly wrong by others, esp family members; but not in her own opinion, which she herself never questioned. Always-Right Grandmother did not second-guess herself. And she never ceased attempting to impose her own personal and political views on everyone within 3000 miles. Esp her family, her friends, and her local favorite victim, a member of the US House of Representatives who had a famous and stellar, if variable, career.
@f00l’s relationship with Alway-Right Grandmother was complex, but there was plenty of affection, humor, and respect on both sides. When one had a difference of opinion with Always-Right Grandmother, the dispute was normally more humorous than accusatory and hateful.
@f00l’s Always-Right Grandmother would have disapproved of self-starring. @f00l honors the memory of Always-Right Grandmother in this small way.
@f00l fears that @f00l rather didn’t and doesn’t abide by Always-Right Grandmother’s preferences in many other areas of personal choice. Always-Right Grandmother was accustomed to this, and considered genteel and relentless warrior patience to be a virtue.
If Always-Right Grandmother were still present, she would still be attempting to rescue @f00l and @everyone else from their errant ways. Always-Right Grandmother did not understand the meaning of “pick your battles”, nor of “surrender”. She believed she honored her own ancestors this way, although, technically, there were a few surrenders way back when. She would have re-labeled those as “strategic retreats” with a “surrender feint”. Always-Right Grandmother understood the concept of “spin”.
@f00l believes Always-Right Grandmother is worthy of some considerable honor. Within @f00l’s family, Esteemed Always-Right Grandmother receives such honor, by being everyone’s favorite person to tell stories about. Most of her own children’s stories about their Mother contain the phrase “Now Mother, don’t you think that perhaps (…)” somewhere in the story.
Always-Right Grandmother never thought “that perhaps (…)”!!! Indeed! Imagine any such thing! The very idea! She would not!
And so @f00l attempts to avoid self-starring @f00l’s own posts.
@f00l is sure this is logical. If it isn’t, then @f00l will create a logical framework to handle the situation in a rigorous manner; or such will be asserted by @f00l in any case. @f00l is Always-Right Grandmother’s grandchild.
@f00l is all of the introspection and elaboration going to get you behind on your star quota?
It is a heavy burden.
/image billions and billions of stars
b) you can pick your battles, and you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your friends’ battles
/youtube bruce springsteen no surrender
@f00l thinks of Always-Right Grandmother sometimes, hearing that song.
@f00l is particularly partial to the version on the Live: 1975-1985 album.
Similar to this performance:
Always-Right Grandmother was largely suspicious of all rock and roll, tho she admitted that “Yesterday” and “In My Life” were lovely. She lived thru the years in with Springsteen became famous, but probably did not know of him.
@f00l thinks Always-Right Grandmother might have liked this song. Esp the lyric
"No retreat, no surrender"
Which would, in her mind, have echoed and likely been derived from the famous and incendiary letter written by Colonel Travis from the Alamo, during the 13 day last stand.
Colonel Travis’s letter contained the underlined phrase
“I will never surrender or retreat.”
And, of course, it was a matter of Enlightenment principles and of 19th century Honor, and Col. Travis meant it.
For Always-Right Grandmother, who could recite portions of Travis’s letter from memory, this was a point of family honor as well.
“We were there. Remember that”, she would say, about such iconic historical events.
/image Alamo
Visiting a historical place with Always-Right Grandmother flashed into my mind during the film Patton, when, in Africa, Patton goes off-track toward Carthage, and tells of its destruction during the Third Punic War.
Grandmother could also look out in the now, and see history enacted here and now, on a soft veil laid over the present moment.
(Warning, sound a bit out of sync)
But she would have been somewhat suspicious of Springsteen’s impertinent attitude toward school.
And she was concerned that all these “hippies and artists and modernists and freethinkers” failed to properly despise Communism. Or to be properly suspicious of socialism and suspicious of some East Coast establishment foreign policy intellectuals who she found “rather soft and quite arrogant”.
Springsteen was from Jersey. His being from the working-class (from her POV) might mean he was not tainted by that “East Coast over-educated disease”.
Always-Right Grandmother understood hard times. She understood being straight-backed facing tragedy. She understood that One Does Not Complain. Despite her self-conscious public “wearing-her-heritage dignity”, she understood well that “social class” had nothing to do with “worth”. She understood about losing all and beginning again. She loved all her hometowns. She would, @f00l thinks, have appreciated this song:
@f00l she sounds amazing
i enjoyed reading the post, don’t recall the acoustic version being on the 75-85 penta-album-set, or is it penta-set-album?
That version of No Retreat, No Surrender is on the compilation album. If you have the 3 cd set, it’s early on the third cd. Perhaps near “I’m On Fire”?
@f00l first bought that on vinyl. Then on cassette, twice?, cause one of the tapes got stretched. Then, at least 3x on cd. Cause @f00l would lose track of where they were, in a move or something.
Then wanted them digitally, even if the commercial rip sucked, so that at least would know where they were. But although most of the rest of the catalog was up on the major digital music stores, not this album set. @f00l guesses, since it was a larger live compilation, lots of venues, lots of performers, some covers, they had trouble clearing the rights for digital release.
Anyway, about a year or two ago, finally. Bought this for the umpteenth time, Amz.
The “driver training school method” mentioned in “My Hometown” is how @f00l first came to drive a car. Age 6-7, possibly? 1st or 2nd grade.
This method had been used first with @f00l’s older sibling, who promptly hit a curb and messed things up. @f00l’s Mom was not pleased, having needed the car on the following day.
So further driving lessons took place in the enormous, empty parking lot designated for sports parking at a local school. Great fun. Adjusting all the seats and levers and hitting the horn were almost as excellent as the driving.
Forbidden to be extremely stupid, or to go over 5 mph (later 10 mph!), stay away from the edges, otherwise, just drive around.
Mom was not pleased, but @f00l’s Dad had learned to drive exactly this way. Only he had been a rural kid and got a special rural kid license not too many years later, and could legally drive at some absurd young age. @f00l and siblings begged, pleaded, manipulated, pouted, promised; but were not granted the same freedom of the roads or legal right to risk wrecking things.
Newish bicycles appeared. Perhaps the manipulative attempts had some small success in the end.
@f00l it seems you and @Yoda_Daenerys share feelings for the same rock star, @Yoda_Daenerys have the vinyl, and that’s it. have you heard summertime bruce? it’s a classic bootleg, now released for sale. @Yoda_Daenerys’d be happy to share it with you.
@Yoda_Daenerys first had it on 8-track, then cassette, then digitally, now legally.
you are particularly verbose of late, everything good with you?
@Yoda_Daenerys’m enjoying the reading of the fool’s post, although @Yoda_Daenerys am in the middle of a move and my spouse and @Yoda_Daenerys want to ring each other’s (others’?) neckz.
in the third tone, @Yoda_Daenerys
@f00l i also got a few exciting chances to steer, but i wouldn’t call it learning.
now with seat belts and bucket seats and the like, my kids didn’t get that chance.
i think seat belts were an upgrade when i was growing up, so NOT.
moves suck. unless you are very young, and don’t own that much yet, and are convinced that you will always and forever have all the energy you could ever imagine wanting. you have @f00l’s sympathies.
did not know of Summertime Bruce. it looks wonderful. @f00l is only seeing it on trad media, not digital purchase. do you know what’s going on with that? (sorry, @f00l would address you formally by UID as is proper under the circumstances, but yours is so damned long to type.)
@f00l has never approached the standing of aficionado with music. just a decent and happy fan. @f00l stopped following music so much, say, mid-90’s? too much pop on the airways, and @f00l got into audiobooks about then. so @f00l is kinda clueless after that. but yeah, Bruce.
@f00l used to own a lot of vinyl, say 1K albums, including some nice bootleg collector pressings. but then, sadness. all was briefly stored in a rural shop on @f00l’s property at that time. this should have been safe enuf - the shop was concrete and metal. yeah but: the insulation was flammable, and @f00l did not understand this. it all went up, including books, furniture, heirlooms, and a buncha ammo that the previous resident had left in the shop, hidden in concrete blocks for some reason. there was an investigation. the story was that skunks had chewed thru the wiring and set the fire.
only that’s not the story. there were tiny traces of accelerant. and according to rumor, stuff showed up at distant flea markets. but no evidence. @f00l pretty much knew; but could prove nothing, and didn’t want to. the likely party had, over several years, suddenly lost a spouse due to heart attack, was supporting a good-for-little relative, was estranged from children, had no insurance, and had terminal cancer. and @f00l had plenty other issues closer to home. @f00l let it go.
regarding verbosity: no doubt @f00l could use a good diagnosis or something. but @f00l prob won’t bother. no physician or headshrinker has ever suggested mania tendencies - more the opposite. Or perhaps they were scared to.
alt factors: @f00l’s life is in some transition. not bad stuff. but it does sometimes ramp up the energy.
so who knows?
regarding this thread: when @f00l first spotted it, the thread already had a bit of life to it. and @f00l does star a lot. and it’s all nuts.
these are a nice set of initial conditions.
so @f00l chose the approach of max absurdity: more or less: stretch the thread as hard as possible, in as many directions as possible, in whatever fairly random orientings occurred: with a spontaneous mix of “Sense and Sensibility”, and the complete lack thereof.
and then what happens next?
will it break? implode? offend? will folks avoid? start to experience pity? enjoy? condescend? be bored by? find annoying? pretentious? utterly full of shit? all that and more? zero interest?
and (pretentiousness alert) will the construction break up in flight? or did that occur, unnoticed by @f00l? or occur multiple times?
@f00l did you click through on the third tone above?, pretty peaceful stuff.
drop me a line at yoda dot daenerys at geemail dot edu - just kidding on the edu part - i’ll turn on on sonny to something strong
/youtube summertime blues springsteen
@f00l did not click thru re Third Tone until just a bit ago.
@f00l loves chants, tho @f00l did not grow up in that sort of a liturgical tradition.
@f00l has made an effort, at times, to hear Cistercian and Benedictine chants live. a Cistercian order includes these as part of normal service at a local university.
@f00l is accustomed to hearing them in Latin, and @f00l might know a few words but can handle few phrases. So @f00l has attended, in years past, for for the glorious sound.
Now @f00l mostly gets those sounds from youtube.
startling, somewhat, to hear it in English.
@f00l should know about musical terms, and doesn’t. can you recommend a fairly straightforward way to re-learn some of the very elementary stuff @f00l has forgotten?
@f00l could prob read music again, with a little practice and a keyboard.
@f00l seems to get way more done on weekends with music instead of spoken word. your post inspired @f00l toward this:
@f00l @Yoda_Daenerys’m no expert on music, or re-learning music.
oddly enough though, @Yoda_Daenerys have been making a
fabledfeeble attempt at learning the electric bass.@Yoda_Daenerys also heard a community band playing on the streets so @Yoda_Daenerys’ve begun to search for a nice used trombone.
@Yoda_Daenerys wonder if any aMeh.rican or Meh.xican Meh.tizens might have one for sale?
@Yoda_Daenerys don’t suck at grammar as much as it may appear, @Yoda_Daenerys am following your pattern by using third person with cut paste of @Yoda_Daenerys of “i”.
/image sad trombone
/youtube sad trombone
sad trombone
54D 7R0M80N3
/l337 sad trombone
@f00l appreciates @Yoda_Daenerys’s playing along with the “stupid absurd self-addressing custom” designed for this thread. @f00l finds this entertaining. @f00l is afraid of @Yoda_Daenerys’s username - it may be beyond @f00l’s typing skills on any platform. @f00l is cheating by using cope and paste.
@f00l did note @Yoda_Daenerys’s mention of the “edu” institution in a previous post. @f00l intends to try to get around to making use of that later this evening. @f00l is terrible with email but will try.
@f00l is envious of @Yoda_Daenerys’s quest for musical instruments and the mastery of them. @f00l has not messed with trying to perform music - even chopsticks - even out of earshot of anyone else - in such as very long time. @f00l would like to know how that goes.
@f00l trust @Yoda_Daenerys, copy/pate is @Yoda_Daenerys
fiendfriend for my whack UN, in this post i will copypatepaste over me/my instead of i, yea, whatevermy playing along should be considered in the line of
mockerycopying is the most important form of flattery.yup, @Yoda_Daenerys subconscious/state.of.mind really screwed that quote up
@Yoda_Daenerys don’t see any email from the fool/fOOl/f001/f00l yet, so hows-about you tell @Yoda_Daenerys your email here in a super discreet manner?
as long as @Yoda_Daenerys keep ‘moving’ the whole later.in.life.performer thing is on hold, maybe @Yoda_Daenerys’ll go create that geemail.edu account
f00l was surprised last nite and today with several urgent threads re goathood. f00l tried to battle the forest fire of opinion. @f00l does not know if the fire is put out, or smoldering. @f00l is watching. @f00l is covered with soot.
plus MONDAY. fucking MONDAY.
plus there were talking heads on the TV. @f00l watched, thus somewhat confirming that @f00l is a @f00l.
drama so very. wow noise.
so @f00l has not emailed yet. cause @f00l is way bad at email, by which @f00l means really really monstrously fucking shitheaded about it.
@Yoda_Daenerys could PM @f00l at woot. @Yoda_Daenerys will be able to guess @f00l’s uid over there. @f00l will happily hand over an email addr there by pm.
@f00l must warn @Yoda_Daenerys that the way people get @f00l to look at email is to call or text or message or otherwise bop @f00l on the head and ask why @f00l hasn’t dealt with said email yet. @f00l has a secret agenda to make email incredibly inefficient by conditioning or persuading everyone not to deal with any email at all until each person gets a court order, email by email.
however, if @f00l knows there is a email of personal interest, @f00l will prob look at it within some hours.
@f00l has also not answered TH vs BS musical musings in other thread. but ya know, tonite, Goodnight Moon came and went hours ago. some things gotta wait for sleep.
@f00l would like to have the best voices carry
so: onwards “Til Tuesday”:
@f00l i tried to log into Woot! to PM - fail, fuggetaboutit
but it is a really good show, you can get it at brucespingsteen.net/livedownloads or something along those lines
Bruce Live 1978
@f00l appreciates the link. @f00l
actually does intend to deal w email at some point.
What happened at woot? Couldn’t send pm? Oh, no login.
Wow late. Much very.
/image doge sleeps
@f00l yea, i can understand email challenges, but if @yoda… cannot share this concert with
/giphy the fool
/youtube i will survive
/image offer not accepted
Re i will survive
Back when you could live in East Village or Alphabet City on the cheap.
My experience - It was more or less fairly safe to walk late at night - in a huge parts of Manhattan, not just the famous and tourist parts - at any hour of the day or not, alone if you wanted. I did it all the time, but so did everyone else.
(Esp on snowy nights for some reason)
Always on a weekend
Often, when very late at night - say, 2-6am,
Walking home from someplace in Manhattan, prob a private party
Under the conditions of serious cognitive and intoxicant impairment
@f00l and friends would sing this song a cappella
As loudly as possible
As drunkenly as possible
Mostly in industrial areas, but people live in those areas
Sometimes in residential areas
Anyway sometimes - often - people would open windows or doors to tell us to STFU
Funny thing
Mostly they never finished telling us to STFU
We would yell "sing with us! Come on!"
And almost every time, they joined into the singing, loudly, and in the end, filled with joy
And we all pumped fists and laughed together and sometimes sang it again.
People who live in Manhattan mostly love Manhattan passionately
Even noisy drunk street singing Manhattan at 5am.
Walking home from someplace to someplace else in Manhattan at 5am Sunday morning is one of the truest joys of living there. Even when the thermometer is in minus territory.
Perhaps hard to explain. Perhaps being young has something to do with it.
I thought I was special. :’(
@DrunkCat I thought I was being stalked.
@Barney @DrunkCat Is there a difference?
@DrunkCat you are
@Barney you are
@f00l @Shrdlu i would probably star as much as you if i read as much as you… where do you find the time?!
@f00l cannot speak for @shrdlu.
In @f00l’s own case, doubts have been expressed from time to time regarding @f00l’s sanity. Since @f00l does not have to be concerned with sanity or real world facts, when @f00l needs more time, @f00l steals it from Stephen Hawking.
whoa, @f00l is a secret g3n1us
@f00l Given Mr. Hawking’s well-known capacities, I’m confident that he’s onto @f00l and has worked out a most elegant solution
@f00l was caught by S. Hawking, but he was merciful and understanding. Now S. Hawking and @f00l time-share.
@f00l Do you bank points with RCI?
@compunaut @katylava Ever notice how you never see @f00l and Stephen Hawking in the same place at the same time? Hmmm… Kinda makes you think, right?
/giphy Stephen Hawking
@f00l’s time-share arrangement is managed thru a private cosmological LLC, using a non-disclosed methodology.
I was happier thinking he just found me entertaining.
@f00l does.
@CaptAmehrican Ditto!
@f00l Aww so sweet
@f00l gave me my first star. You people can’t be my first anymore, but you can be my next.
/giphy nudge nudge
@therealjrn I showed my wife this, and she lost it. Great giphy.
If a few days, the nominations will open for October goat. And by all means, @f00l would be perfect for the job.
My suggestion is don’t cave in. That’d be waaaay too easy.
At least, not yet. Now should the community decide that goats need longer terms …
@narfcake But I already voted for him… SpookTober is f00lTober.
A potential @f00l as @goat might just be a @RevengeGoat.
/giphy revenge goat
@ELUNO I think @f00l is a she. I thought @kittysprinkles was in line to be Octogoat, due to hard work and natural inclination.
@OldCatLady Ahem… I’ve been pinged?
@OldCatLady whaaaaat?!?!
/giphy mind blown
@f00l is interested in uncertainty.
This is a database-driven history of uncertainty in this area (unconnected with current political issues).
@f00l’s Mom had to call a Washington Congresscritter once about this very issue, when @f00l was school-aged. (Many decades back.)
Let the issue be for a bit.
/image amazing hunk
@OldCatLady I, too, think @f00l is a she. I was shocked when people referred to her as a he.
/giphy shocked
@Barney whaaaaaaat?!
/giphy mind continues to be blown
@Barney @OldCatLady I think it was our craft beer discussions that led me to believe @f00l is a he. But that’s probably just
/giphy sexist
@compunaut Aha! There you go bringing in cat gifs.
/giphy cat gifs
@KittySprinkles Yes, it’s going to be Halloween and all that, and you’ve been off having a life or something. Wouldn’t you like to be goat?
@OldCatLady oh I don’t think that I’m quite up to that again haha
@KittySprinkles Okay.
@f00l has appreciation for @TickledLizard’s approach to the subject. When certain facts are less then clear, it is interesting to watch the assumptions - and the avoidance of assumptions.
@f00l wishes to point out that the Google Doodle is more than worthy today; in fact, artistically stunning.
@f00l I’m not losing any sleep over the subject. Hope you are not disappointed.
@f00l This place is completely mined on explosive assumptions! I’ll try to avoid all of them.
/giphy "walking on eggshells"
Nah. Just funny as hell. More, perhaps later.
/giphy purple glory
Where’s the purple? But I like the giphy.
Fuck eggshells.
More laterz perhaps, on that.
@f00l The real question is, why is that sign on the right so high?
Re: @KittySprinkles as potential blame magnet:
Just, “OK”?
No threats? No inducements? No harassment? No supportive offer of decency? No reduculous giphys? No madness? No special vacation travel offers with an excellent traveling crew? No torment?
Esp no torment?
Has anyone else been let off with a mere “OK”?
@f00l guesses one is supposed to fly over it?
I have no idea if @f00l is male or female.
I feel like most people automatically assume everyone is a guy on the internet unless their username is something like GAMERGIRRRRL but then I sometimes assume they are a guy that wants attention, haha.
I remember when I would play first person shooters with my friends online, and even when I started speaking on the mic, people would usually assume I was a guy that hadn’t gone through puberty until a few more rounds went by and they really listened to my voice. Then they would usually make comments about wanting to see my tits.
Did you have a snark comeback? One hopes?
@f00l sometimes. It depended on what they said. Sometimes I’d just laugh at them. It’s amazing how mad some people get when you laugh.
Sometimes I’d start talking in a sexy voice and just say sarcastic shit to them.
And sometimes it was just best to ignore them because they would get nasty and talk about how only fat or ugly women would play video games.
@RiotDemon <insert comments about wanting to see your tits here>
@RiotDemon To be fair, there were many many many kids that hadn’t gone through puberty playing Counter Strike and it really was hard to distinguish them from girls. I actually used to play with my sister, so thankfully we she didn’t get any of those comments!
@ELUNO the biggest difference is that younger males tended to not sound very intelligent… Making rape jokes and talking about your mom. Or just babbling constantly out loud instead of keeping the thoughts inside their head. To be fair, a lot of adults did that too. When I would talk, I would have conversations with my team mates during the breaks, and during the game, we’d talk strategy. I hate to stereo type, but that’s how it mostly was. Maybe still is. I don’t play FPS online at the moment.
one friend’s daughter plays online games. Fwiw, she’s quite attractive.
When she gets the “wanna see your tits” type remarks, she comes back with “too bad you’ll go blind before you see anyone’s.” Or similar. She improvises.
This usually gets them to start bragging about their incredible imaginary sexual expertise. She laughs.
For the “only hideous/loser girls game” she might come back with similar to: “Limited experience? Wonder why? What’s wrong with you? I guess you repulse people?”
She won’t take serious creepy shit tho. @f00l hears she’s reported a few outright pervs.
Insert that comment where? Need medical diagram of the insertion.
@RiotDemon I’m pretty sure that will never die. I don’t play on PC anymore, and unless I am in a party with friends, I avoid wearing a headset on consoles so I don’t get to hear them…
@f00l yeah, there’s quite a few I reported to Xbox. I really did just like outright laughing at them and telling them how pathetic they were to be asking some random person online instead of having the balls/guts/charisma to be able see tits in person.
Which appreciation?
Just read this conversation, not sure what’s going on, although there’s something about @narfcake and goats, and some stuff about @RiotDemon
Now I see what’s going on.
Carry on.
@RiotDemon For what it’s worth, when I used to play MMORPGs (which never ended well, since I made enemys who filled their blogs with posts insulting me), I got hit on by all genders.
It was extremely annoying when guys did it, and some of the girls constantly tried talking to me or stalking me.
if you chose to report on the social results of your choosing not to proffer information, without disclosing anything personal, it would be interesting to hear.
however, even discussing what one has observed or inferred by staying somewhat mum can appear to reveal personal stuff about the speaker, to 2nd or 3rd parties. or those parties can think so. which can be annoying.
not to mention: time, effort, privacy, personal preference. so @f00l can understand silence well enuf.
anyway, interested less in the “questions” and the “answers”; more in hearing how it works out and what you find out when you choose not to answer.
assuming you ever wanna address that. all cool.
@TickledLiard is a bit perplexed by what @f00l is asking (in statement form).
sorry. was way too obscure, @f00l sees.
regarding not answering certain questions (which is cool, since sometimes people feel they kinda have to answer, whether they want to or not);
without mentioning individuals or their responses, can you pick up vibes based on assumptions other people appear to make about you?
can you pick up vibes that communicate what assumptions people actively don’t make about you when they simply refuse to jump to a conclusion and how that plays into behavior?
in other language, @f00l thinks one result of your choice not to provide certain categories of information to the public is to provide you with information. @f00l is curious, without being specific about anyone, or even any site, or interaction setting; what kind of info you are getting by the spoken and unspoken reactions to your choices?
(pls don’t answer any of these, unless you want to - as we all believe we give out and pick up stray info everywhere.)
and if none of what @f00l wrote makes any sense, pls communicate that. thx.
@TickledLizard wants to know if the whole thing which @f00l wrote about picking up vibes is specifically what @TickledLizard feels about themself, or if it’s a general question.
@TickledLizard would also like to inform @f00l that they are more than willing to answer almost any question about themself.
Although to an extent, @TickledLizard can pick up certain vibes about the assumptions people (don’t) make.
It’s a bit complicated to explain.
@TickledLizard will try explaining this a bit more later.
@f00l was immediately curious about what vibe an online social situation had, if @TickledLizard refused to answer certain q’s or confirm/deny certain assumptions.
are some people extra-careful? if so, are they a mix of extra-careful , making no assumptions, and extra-careful but they seem to have assumed they really know, and you can kinda tell that think they know?
or are they just relaxed and cool about it and don’t worry?
or do they assume they possess whatever fact, and proceed, with subtlety, or openly, to act on the assumption that they know?
what can you pick up in that regard from those you interact with?
@f00l is also interested in other aspects of @TickledLizard. @f00l will think about that later, becuz need sleep.
An excellent answer.
/giphy shrouded in mystery
This, and the gifs, are the reason their profile page won’t load. They broke it with all those stars and stuff.
@f00l breaks things sometimes.
All the mo’ betta’.
Indeed. But perhaps…
Hmmm. A very long suffering and quite socially competent close family member once proposed a more glam alternative; presumably as a sop, or the equivalent of a tootsie roll, to get that one to STFU. Probably.
@f00l does not mind. Will take either “compliment”.
@f00l I keep reading your post above as “socially corpulent”
That particular family member plays a lot of basketball and could possibly beat people up. But he is the non-violent sort - and would likely be amused by the word “corpulent” as applied to him; since a very fit daughter-in-law (possibly attempting to motivate her new hubby) has been known to comment - in the most helpful way - on various “hunks” with “abs” in his presence.
He also might think your vid offering is a better and more accurate comment on @f00l’s state of being than his own clear absurdist flattery.
I mentioned his social competence because: Most family members possess this. Sometimes @f00l can fake it for brief intervals.
@f00l We’re all just faking it.
Starting this topic, it was only fair that I starred it.
/image I’m so witty, it hurts.
/image Andromeda galaxy
“@f00l is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 55851”
+377 from 17 hours ago.
/image Daaaaamn
I am sad when @f00l doesn’t star my post. I feel like I failed at something. I’m not exactly sure what I failed at, but it was something.
Possibly your “failure” was associated with the failure of @f00l’s speed-scan technology, esp for long threads and catching up. Esp when the light is about to turn green.
Unless @f00l was daunted by the thread in the 1st place.
This is not your fault.
@OldCatLady? Don’t make @f00l retrieve that hunk @f00l sent you. This is your blame to bear. Step up.
Here: @f00l will offer a sweetener to help with the blame burden.
/image gorgeous hunk
@f00l I’m bearing the blame. I’ve recruited help, though.
@f00l? No. Genius.
/giphy Einstein
@harveydanger this is the gif I didn’t know I wanted.
Someone appears to have illegally obtained @f00l’s home vids, and you came across them somehow. @f00l is sure you are an innocent party.
However, along the way, someone tinkered with the image and popped in the face of some dude with white hair.
@f00l looks more like this:
Are adjustments going to be made for the inflation caused by @f00l stars? Is every star going to actually be worth half a star a year from now?
No. These stars will not decline in value.
the stars @f00l gives out will, in one year’s time, explode into (metaphorical) smiling rainbow bouncy unicorns and you will be happy and beloved forever.
Metaphorical - so that they can be carried around in your special inner place of peace; and you don’t have to order special “bouncy unicorn” food from Amazon that way.
(@f00l retains all transaction rights. Don’t even think about Ebay or Craigslist.)
What damage @f00l has done in the past 24 hours:
f00l is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 56025
+551 starred posts in past 24 hours
+5 extra seconds of load time to see his profile compared to this time yesterday. Took me 30 seconds to pull it up.
@hems79 You realize that metric is only going to make him star more posts today, right?
/image animal
so, not only can you “star” other posts, people actually do it?
@ekw Yes.
@ekw It makes me feel altruistic.
@narfcake apparently it’s been so long since I did it that I forgot you could.
@sligett according to my profile, I don’t have that feeling
@ekw Aw.
/youtube bTvU3BELZEo
If one stars posts, with truth and goodness in one’s soul:
@sligett I didn’t know Mitt Romney used to sing when he was younger.
@ELUNO Dang. The resemblance is really strong, but Bill Medley is a bass-baritone, while Romney sounds like he’s a light tenor maybe.
@f00l That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!
@melwin Just blame me. I can take it.
/giphy superstar
or perhaps just a starfucker?
@melwin this is mesmerizing! Do you know who they are?
/youtube Nine Inch Nails starfucker
I always just assumed he was really interested in everything I had to say
@f00l is fascinated.
/giphy curious
Apologies re late reply
/giphy I’m late
@f00l Wonder Woman is pregnant?!?!?!
@f00l is intimidated. @f00l thinks Wonder Woman will decide about announcing that.
/giphy intimidated
@f00l Why is @f00l intimidated?!?!?
Wonder Woman intimidates @f00l
/giphy Wonder Woman
/giphy drooling
@f00l is a freaking animal. Here’s an update:
“f00l is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 116452”
/giphy daaaamn
/giphy INSANE!!!
@f00l - How do you do it? Isn’t your star-clicking finger worn out?
Fucked up my wrist once. Took a few weeks to heal.
/giphy clockwork
@f00l - Hmmm . . .
I knew it! I knew you were a robot!
You outed me!
I’m just a spambot. I’ve always been nothing but a spambot. I was hoping that if I didn’t fess us, you all wouldn’t kick me out.
/image 2001 starchild spambot
My wrist is fucked up again. Prob from messing with podcasts all day all day like a maniac.
Did you know that StarChild SpamBots sometimes have to wear wrist-braces due to self-inflicted damage?
(PS the above was Spam.)
@f00l - Have you tried new batteries?
@f00l - You could requisition a replacement, but it will cost you an arm and a leg.
@KDemo groan…is this what goes on while I am fast asleep?
@mikibell - Oops, did I wake you?
Go back to sleep. It’s just a dream.
@mikibell should note this dream in her dream thread.
@KDemo wide awake…slept hard for a few hours earlier and can’t go back to sleep.
@f00l if start dreaming about meh people, I quit…done for it… I have enough scary thoughts without involving you people!
@mikibell - You are getting verrrrrry sleepy . . .
@f00l need to find that video again. It is in an old thread somewhere…
@KDemo thank you, darlin…took a sick day, woke up at noon with the mother of a headache! But I was well rested!
Upon careful consideration, I suggest…
Not one person better think of taking this kill from me.
If you hunt me down, I’ll let you have a few tacos.
Just a few.
/giphy tacos
I detest pagination
Except here.
I pagination. Use the mobile browser a lot.
: )
While we’re discussing @f00l, it’s intriguing to me that several people refer to @f00l by one (and pretty much only one) gendered pronoun. But @f00l seems to have transcended such pettifoggery, and escalated f00lsself into a kind of plasma-infused purely literary field, like a kind of Borges-esque Higgs domain; omnipresent, omnidirectional, ‘n’ largely phantasmal. It’s kind of refreshing.
@UncleVinny That “gender” thing is just a side effect of using too many words. Were the FDA involved, @f00l words would be pulled from the market due to unintended, serious side effects…on itsself and others (grin)
@UncleVinny PS (too late to edit) although perhaps she could get rich quick by selling this as a way of accomplishing a sex change - no drugs or surgery involved - although perhaps carpel tunnel syndrome would be the side effect.
@Kidsandliz @f00l I used to wear this every time I visited a doctor …
/image Pilz-e side effects
Used to have a shrink in order to get a Prozac script. Always wore a t-shirt like this one:
@narfcake I love Foamy. Pilz-E is awesome.
i have always thought @fools was just a little older, old lady than me.
@mick @f00l
@mick as @shurggie implied, define “lady”… female definitely, age likely on the “other” side of young based on things posted and stated witnessed first hand… but older than you? Perhaps you need to disclose first? (grin)
@f00l is a certified nutcase and a certified asshole lunatic.
But that’s just my opinion, man.
And @f00l is absolutely, 100% correct.
@Kidsandliz ummm, no! YOU first! lol 57.
@f00l imma, just about there also…
@hems79 I think I figured out why so many star clicks: It is not possible to retroactively click every meh face… it is possible to retroactively star every post… thus is she already can’t have one record due to lack of conscientiousness, the face eating bot…, she will be certain to get the other… Ya think? Maybe? It is plausible? Right? or maybe it is just OCD and voices in her head telling her to click everything because the alternative is worse. Hmmm @f00l?
@Kidsandliz @hems79
There are numerous posts which @f00l won’t be able to bring herself to star.
That’s right. There are posts I won’t star and posts I think about first.
Am somewhat interested in seeing how perfectly insane all this becomes, tho.
/image crazy!