Hmm. $8.99 shipping on your first order earns you free shipping for a whole hour? Looks like members/VMP get free shipping whenever and a 10% discount with the VMP code. Sweet.
@heartny@xobzoo I guess that guaranteed return engagement (even if it’s to just cancel the membership, because maybe the customer will decide to buy something on the return trip instead) is worth an enormous amount of money to online retailers. It really does seem like a ridiculous setup if you stop and think about it enough, though.
@haydesigner@werehatrack Never thought about it. I am usually on my phone. Top right on the menu bar here is a thought bubble. Click/touch drop down to which forum you want. Can’t go to Mediocre or Pastadrop that way but Sidedeal and Casemates work.
I guess that morning tv woman’s market is into all sorts of cheapo crap where they can justify spending $100 in $5 increments but spending $100 is otherwise seen as spending too much money. Guess they can’t add. Well this is at least consistent with the general tenor of meh so you can’t accuse them of being inconsistent. They know their target market. LOL Hopefully that site will sell the rare exception too.
@btwonder yeah, I’m not into the diamond pave thing, and I’ve never seen a piece of jewelry with that that looks good. But then again, I just don’t like diamonds in general, so it looks like I’m not in their demographic
@kitkat34 if you’re talking about ring size, same. I’m a half size (actually, quarter fits even nicer if I can get it), and I absolutely won’t spend a lot of money on a ring that won’t fit me right
@FreePasta Hmm, jewelry AND imitation jewelry.
I guess we know where all those pearl necklaces offered on Meh will go.
Was “” already taken?
Yup. A squatter wants $3K for it.
@mike808 Is it you?
@mossygreen nope.
What, no green diamonds??

@ircon96 I see some green diamond earrings
@heartny I was thinking more along the lines of J.Lo’s new ring, rather than something that somebody colored in with a green Sharpie!
Hmm. $8.99 shipping on your first order earns you free shipping for a whole hour? Looks like members/VMP get free shipping whenever and a 10% discount with the VMP code. Sweet.
@heartny Morningsave and Sidedeal have the same shipping option.
@heartny Wow, it really is that blatant. Why wouldn’t you just get the membership for the whole month to save on shipping?
Unless that $9 shipping for an hour actually delivers it to you in that hour. Then it’s probably worth it.
@heartny @xobzoo Some people would actually rather pay a little more, and never have to worry about canceling something later. I can’t blame them.
@heartny @xobzoo I guess that guaranteed return engagement (even if it’s to just cancel the membership, because maybe the customer will decide to buy something on the return trip instead) is worth an enormous amount of money to online retailers. It really does seem like a ridiculous setup if you stop and think about it enough, though.
Sidedeal has a forum with a copy of the daily deal thread this week. All kinds of changes.
/8ball Is change good?
Without a doubt
@speediedelivery, man, no helpful link provided?
@haydesigner @speediedelivery
It’s diabolically well hidden near the right side of the SideDeal Menu Bar, cleverly disguised as “Community”.
“Community” <—Cleeekitty
@haydesigner @werehatrack Never thought about it. I am usually on my phone. Top right on the menu bar here is a thought bubble. Click/touch drop down to which forum you want. Can’t go to Mediocre or Pastadrop that way but Sidedeal and Casemates work.
I guess that morning tv woman’s market is into all sorts of cheapo crap where they can justify spending $100 in $5 increments but spending $100 is otherwise seen as spending too much money. Guess they can’t add. Well this is at least consistent with the general tenor of meh so you can’t accuse them of being inconsistent. They know their target market. LOL Hopefully that site will sell the rare exception too.
Good catch. Shows how much I pay attention!
oooo I’ll have to keep my eye on that site. The only problem I see (personally) is that they don’t sell Jewelry sets, which I prefer.
@mbersiam Give them time to get it rolling.
I dunno, seems pretty cheugy.
@btwonder yeah, I’m not into the diamond pave thing, and I’ve never seen a piece of jewelry with that that looks good. But then again, I just don’t like diamonds in general, so it looks like I’m not in their demographic
Seems kind of cool…if you’re a size 7!!
@kitkat34 if you’re talking about ring size, same. I’m a half size (actually, quarter fits even nicer if I can get it), and I absolutely won’t spend a lot of money on a ring that won’t fit me right
@kitkat34 if they’re all size 7’s they’re probably display case rings. Those are often 7’s.
I’m happy to see that it’s all the kind of jewelry I hate, so I won’t be tempted at all.
It’s Latin
@medz Very yeasty. Are they hoping for a rising star, I wonder?