One can dream.....
That would be so derivative...
but fun
It would be meh-hem
I still like meh-rathon.
@jqubed mehltdown
@medz Mehracle
@heartny Human Mehntipede
@jqubed mediocre madness
@jqubed i'll wait 'til cyber mehnday
You are all wrong...the correct answer is Fuk-Off
@studerc fukubukake
...I'll see myself out
or even a fuku? I still have my fingers crossed for a roomba
Speaker Dock Friday! A limitless supply of them, one right after another! All day!
Is that what you were dreaming about?
You betcha.
Let the mediocre employees enjoy their day off.
But that following Monday better have a good deal
@Kevin its all posted by robots anyways
Last year was Beats Headphones. :/
If you put a guy named Jack in charge of it then you could call it a Jack - Meh - off
@somf69 Did you start this thread just to make that joke? If so, well, okay. Cool.
@Pavlov Least he didn't take as long as a boy and his dog. can't believe I sat there for 90 min for a punchline.
@Pavlov waiting a year to post that joke....
Wouldn't it make more sense to have a cyber Monday meh-off / fuk-off?
That would be so derivative...
but fun
It would be meh-hem
I still like meh-rathon.
@jqubed mehltdown
@medz Mehracle
@heartny Human Mehntipede
@jqubed mediocre madness
@jqubed i'll wait 'til cyber mehnday
You are all wrong...the correct answer is Fuk-Off
@studerc fukubukake
...I'll see myself out
or even a fuku? I still have my fingers crossed for a roomba
Speaker Dock Friday! A limitless supply of them, one right after another! All day!
Is that what you were dreaming about?
You betcha.
Let the mediocre employees enjoy their day off.
But that following Monday better have a good deal
@Kevin its all posted by robots anyways
Last year was Beats Headphones.
If you put a guy named Jack in charge of it then you could call it a Jack - Meh - off
@somf69 Did you start this thread just to make that joke? If so, well, okay. Cool.
@Pavlov Least he didn't take as long as a boy and his dog. can't believe I sat there for 90 min for a punchline.
@Pavlov waiting a year to post that joke....
Wouldn't it make more sense to have a cyber Monday meh-off / fuk-off?