1So my mother is mad at me because apparently she didn't know about my cracked surface screen(it's been cracked for about 7ish months) and I am receiving the silent treatment. For those of you who are actually parents, how should I proceed (I should mention I apologized and she wasn't very keen on accepting it)? Do I just give it time?
- 7 comments, 39 replies
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I hope she grounds you and takes away your computer privileges forever.
@Barney :)
@Barney ouch that one hurt
@Barney That one even got a rare snapstar.
@jsimsace Ahh, I see Canada agrees with me too.
@Barney Ow! ROFL! What happened to our poor sweet @Barney!
@jqubed She snapped.
Pay for a new one.
Not only offer to pay for one, research best options of where to purchase and how to replace it. Take responsibility. Surfaces are NOT cheap, I would bet your mom busted her butt to get you one -- or someone near and dear to you. Also, give her time not to kill you.
Edit: P.S. If there is something she continually tells you to do to keep it safe, i.e. put it in the case -- DO IT NOW!
@mikibell what ended up happening was my dad dropped it because he didn't know the keyboard was magnetic, The case was weak, so it caused a crack in the top right corner and it kind of spread over the right side, I paid for it on my own from a tennis job thing but I feel like what you said still applies, as she might think something along the lines of not wanting me to waste money or she wants me to learn the value of money
@mikibell I'm not sure the replacement thing will work because if I do offer she'll get mad at me for thinking it's about money and it might launch her into more anger
@legendornothing awesome that you bought it with your own money, but parents do want children (of any age) to learn the value of money/caring for things. I cracked my daughter's tablet screen, because it was on the floor and out of the case. While technically it was my fault, she was not taking care of a gift her grandparents gave her -- because her parents could not afford to gift her or her brother with such slick tablets.
Show her you are heartfelt sorry and she will come around. As I tell my children, in the parents' book of life, I always have to love them; I don't always have to like their behavior!
@legendornothing You could be right, or you can handle it with tact -- "Mom, I know you are disappointed and I screwed up, I have been researching how to fix/replace the screen, yada yada yada" But, yeah, give her a few days.
@mikibell I want you to be my Den Mother.
@Barney Me?
@mikibell I know why your scouts like you so much.
@Barney @mikibell for Meh Den Mother.
@connorbush Cool, and @Shawn can create a new badge.
@mikibell ok, Thank you so much for all the help, in return for your incredible advice, I promise not to be a troll on the forums
Ouch I just read what I wrote and it sounds REALLY sarcastic, but seriously it isn't, thank you so so so so so much
@connorbush @barney it helps that I never grew up!
@legendornothing I think you are a good kid! I would greatly appreciated if you would resist inflaming the forums. :) How did you do on your exams?
@mikibell oh good got above a 92 in everything but Chem and history (82 in bio 85 in history
@legendornothing thanks for asking
@legendornothing sweet achievement! my son was complaining tonight because his math teacher told him he received a harder test than the rest of the class. Now he is worried his grades will suffer. I asked him to wait and see, he might get a 100 on the harder test and perhaps it was worth the challenge. I am a strange duck, I LOVE exams. I also wouldn't go back to high school if you paid me!
@mikibell I skimmed through and read this:
But my brain saw this: "[...] but parents don't want children (of any age) [...]"
Yes, I'm having one of those days.
@MrsPavlov I am sorry your day is not going so well...
@mikibell You remind me a lot like my mom and how she feels about school
@legendornothing I really hope you have a warranty or replacement plan- none of the Surface tablets are easy to repair (see here: iFixit Surface guides).
They do sell parts for all of the Surface models though.
@dashcloud yeah the screens are glued on, but replacement is a hundred dollars, a small price for the original price I paid
@legendornothing out of curiosity, what made you decide on a Surface over an Android or ios tablet?
@hallmike Well I am really into animation and graphic design plus the surface was really useful for school because everything was on my computer (notes, homework, even for math and stuff) because I could use lined paper from OneNote.
@hallmike Also I wanted a 2 in 1 computer so I could easily use it for other stuff
@legendornothing OneNote is fantastic. I used the original version when I was in college and it just keeps getting better.
When you get a new one, get the Surface Book with the discrete GPU and let me know how it works.
I have been eyeballing one but don't wanna be the guinea pig.
@thismyusername My friend happens to have one, Ill ask him and tell you; the surface pro 3 8 GB Ram 500 GB Storage i7 is already amazing, the book came out afterward, so if I had to guess I would say its good too, but I'll go find out
After reading your post and all of the replies, both from yourself and other mehmbers, I want to throw my two cents in.
First, give her a few days as was previously advised. After that, let her know that you absolutely intend to make it right and simply apologize! Don't blame dad, even if it's his fault. She will cool off, and all will be well.
Also, thank you, young man. This was the first I've seen you simply calm down and post. A real, chill and earnest post. And you've interacted in a mature manner with everyone and addressed them. So, this is how you do it, my dear. You don't have to go crazy to get attention, or post in all caps. At times the most useful things you can do while cruising the internets (that's what we old people call it) is pause, take a deep breath, and ask yourself if you really, REALLY need to say/do whatever you're about to.
@jaremelz damn. That was so fucking elegant.
@studerc @jaremelz And then he goes and starts another thread...
@studerc Damn fucking straight it was.
@Barney Thus clip continues to come to mind...
@studerc haha
@mikibell oh.