And this year’s winner of the Griswold Award is…


I saw an article in the paper about this Christmas display in Dallas, and I had to see it with my own eyes. It did not disappoint.

Have you ever seen so much happy in one place?

(Kip’s Big Boy makes an appearance here)

So Many Santas! Hopefully none of them are murderers.

A choir of snowmen, with penguins and Pooh:

And this eerie giant head that will haunt your dreams tonight? None other than the original noggin of Big Tex himself. As any @fool in Texas knows, Big Tex started life as a creepy Santa Claus in Kerens, Texas before becoming an ambassador to the State Fair of Texas. This head was sold to the highest bidder after he was upgraded in the 90’s, so it was not incinerated in the 2012 fire.