AITA for asking meh to help me honor a warranty?


So long story short:
A long time ago I bought two of these items:
It clearly states that it comes with a 5 year manufacturer warranty with Jasco. I contacted Jasco so that they could help my with my warranty and they told me that since this commerce is not an authorized reseller then cant honor “ebay seller sales warranties”
I explained a ton of times that meh is not an ebay seller but they still refused.
So I contacted meh customer support and they replied:

MAR 20, 2019 | 02:49PM CDT
Jonathan replied:
I’m sorry to hear that.
Unfortunately, the in house warranty for that has expired. We are not able to replace that. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

to which I replied:
I’m not asking for an in house warranty: you sold me a product that you; meh, said it had a 5 year warranty with the manufacturer… I contacted the manufacturer and they will not honor the warranty because they don’t acknowledge you as a legit seller.
So either help me fulfill my warranty with Jasco or honor the warranty you specifically stated the product had.
You can’t leave your customers hanging like that

to which meh replied
Jonathan replied:
Hi again.
We advised of a 90-day warranty with us, and a 5-year manufacturer warranty.
The 90-day warranty with us is expired.
I’m sorry for any confusion.

to which I finally replied

ok, you said, 5 year manufacturer warranty… we agree on that… the manufacturer stated that they will not honor the warranty because you guys are not an authorized dealer…
Im still on my 5 year warranty period… which you stated the item has… with a manufacturer that will not honor said warranty…
Are you telling me that you sold this item through lies? because if the manufacturer is not honoring the warranty because the issue lies within you… as in, not being authorized to sell said item, then why did you guys sold the item stating in the item description that it indeed came with a 5 year warranty
its not a confusion, there are 3 parties involved: MEH the seller, JASCO the manufacturer and Me the buyer… Meh the seller sold Me the buyer an item covered with 90 days warranty with the seller and 5 year manufacturer warranty… I need said warranty for my items because they no longer work, I contacted JASCO the manufacturer and they told me that MEH the seller is not an authorized dealer hence no warranty exists… so I return to MEH the seller who sold me an item with a 5 year warranty.
if you are not going to honor my warranty then could you please tell JASCO to honor my warranty?
Someone has to, again the item I bought came with a warranty… and im not making that warranty up, you in your item description stated that the item came with said warranty.

I have yet to hear back from Meh, but am I being reasonable here? Id just like to know the general opinion on whether I should continue asking help from meh, or just give up