Air Purifier
0Any decent, sub $100, air purifiers that can be legally shipped to CA? My Meh one died a while back. Please advise. It seems like the previous 12 I looked into were unable to ship to the fun-sucker state. Looking to purify a 100 sq ft room and a 400 sq ft room (so 2 purifiers).
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I didn’t know there were ever shipping restrictions.
The ones I have were the big round (and loud) Honeywell models. All were purchased second hand for <$15 in good condition. They’ll still be sub-$100 inclusive of replacing the pre-filter and HEPA at retail prices.
@narfcake My research has shown no ION or OZONE ones for CA. Then, even if they don’t have those features, they still need to pass a stinkin’ CARB inspection. I will check into some second hand stores. Good idea.
@connorbush Ah, and it’s about fucking time! There’s enough smog here in the air already – there’s no need to generate more!
The ones I discuss in context are like these:
/image honeywell 50250
@connorbush More reading:
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