If this lawsuit has the effect of delaying the further development of such AI until we have a better handle on exactly what cognition really is, then it will be a good thing.
Meh. Machine guns, dynamite, microwaves, and splitting the atom were considered apocalyptic too. Eventually humanity learned not to wave them around so casually. More or less.
Long story short, we as a species don’t know what wet means until we dive into the river with both feet. And even then it still takes us awhile to avoid doing the ice bucket challenge.
@blaineg I consider the current AI to be a slightly less toxic software equivalent of what Radium was considered to be shortly after its initial refinement by Curie. Exactly how dangerous it can be has not yet begun to be appreciated, but the rush to adopt it in places where it’s of questionable or unknown merit is every bit as blindly enthusiastic.
If this lawsuit has the effect of delaying the further development of such AI until we have a better handle on exactly what cognition really is, then it will be a good thing.
I first read this as “AL-pocalypse” and thought there was a dog food shortage.
@Salanth I also read it as alpocalypse and thought we would be posting Weird Al songs.

@Salanth @sammydog01 Always post Weird Al songs.
Gonna do it anyway:
/showme Mickey Mouse destroys Manhattan
@mediocrebot I think we’re OK here for a bit
@ybmuG There’s some amazing things in there if you pull up the full res picture. I especially like that pig-ish blimp paper-mache-ish thing
Meh. Machine guns, dynamite, microwaves, and splitting the atom were considered apocalyptic too. Eventually humanity learned not to wave them around so casually. More or less.
Long story short, we as a species don’t know what wet means until we dive into the river with both feet. And even then it still takes us awhile to avoid doing the ice bucket challenge.
@pakopako My favorite thing about the ice bucket challenge was the clumsy people dropping full containers on their victims, instead of pouring them.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
And so it begins.
@blaineg I consider the current AI to be a slightly less toxic software equivalent of what Radium was considered to be shortly after its initial refinement by Curie. Exactly how dangerous it can be has not yet begun to be appreciated, but the rush to adopt it in places where it’s of questionable or unknown merit is every bit as blindly enthusiastic.