I just saw that too and went looking for more info at Meh - which I did not find. I do remember seeing something somewhere an explanation of all their affiliates. Too lazy to find it right now.
@bakerzdosen the best sites do try to keep a separate editorial content value. In fact, from the opposite perspective, we can’t actually stop deal sites from listing our deals if they really want to (the extremes our discussions on this go is crazy)
Honestly it would still be satisfying to me to run a large deal site without affiliate link monetization at all. Allow only tasteful graphical ads. That’s what we set out do at Deals.Woot but it turned out no one really cared at the time. Generally speaking, no one wanted cash back or cared if you made a few percentage points off of their purchase. Was depressing but we took the affiliate money ($100k a month) and by the time Amazon came along, any altruistic dreaming was forced out.
we can’t actually stop deal sites from listing our deals if they really want to (the extremes our discussions on this go is crazy)
Psst - if you really need to make this happen, I know a guy (who knows a guy [who knows a guy]) who will, for the right amount of money, apply pressure and catalyst until your every desired result has been obtained. It ain’t cheap. But then, resorting to calling that guy never is . . .
I just saw that too and went looking for more info at Meh - which I did not find. I do remember seeing something somewhere an explanation of all their affiliates. Too lazy to find it right now.
This will probably mostly affect the “deal aggregator” sites.
So this is why fatwallet ended.
Most have know they were about to lose their lucrative money from sending people to meh.
Power of meh is all reaching.
I vote passing those savings on to VMP members. All current VMPs get complimentary life-long memberships.
All in favor?
@MrMark @mfladd

/giphy lifetime VMP
I think we’ve all used “deal” sites before (aggregators). I mean, we’re here because we’re cheap, right? Only makes sense…
I just didn’t know that meh participated. Good to know.
Hopefully this means that they’re saving so much $$ that the Yeti coolers will come up next time at $12.50 filled with candy corn.
@bakerzdosen the best sites do try to keep a separate editorial content value. In fact, from the opposite perspective, we can’t actually stop deal sites from listing our deals if they really want to (the extremes our discussions on this go is crazy)
Honestly it would still be satisfying to me to run a large deal site without affiliate link monetization at all. Allow only tasteful graphical ads. That’s what we set out do at Deals.Woot but it turned out no one really cared at the time. Generally speaking, no one wanted cash back or cared if you made a few percentage points off of their purchase. Was depressing but we took the affiliate money ($100k a month) and by the time Amazon came along, any altruistic dreaming was forced out.
Psst - if you really need to make this happen, I know a guy (who knows a guy [who knows a guy]) who will, for the right amount of money, apply pressure and catalyst until your every desired result has been obtained. It ain’t cheap. But then, resorting to calling that guy never is . . .
@Pavlov we all know you are “that guy.” You tried fooling us with that hero/roof shit, but we know.
@snapster I’ve got a guy that does everything @pavlov’s does but he timed the market wrong for 70% off retail.