@ConAndLibrarian I didn’t either. Actively avoided for years. Then someone managed to relate to me that underneath all of the nonsensical silliness there’s a surprisingly deep plot going on. I recommend this link. If it doesn’t remotely grab your interest then the show just isn’t for you.
@sammydog01 mugs & water bottles in the cartoon network shop. there was a pint glass at one point, so i’m sure someone somewhere is selling it, but i didn’t come across one readily available.
finally something worth buying… my VMP isn’t going to waste this month!
sadly, i can’t change shipping to the friend in Norway to whom I’m sending every one of these.
damn… VMP is useless.
(don’t you dare cut off my vmp)
@G1 Unfortunately I don’t think it works that way, I think it’s when the entirety of the sale is about to sell out that the breaker trips, and whatever is left goes forward.
@PlacidPenguin Ya don’t gotta be a man to be a manchild. And if you let your kids or grandkids watch Adventure Time, you’ve gone astray somewhere along the line…
i absolutely love adventure time. and i have a handful of various AT things. however, having read the reviews in the past across various sites on various pint glass sets, i’ll have to pass, esp when i factor in the shipping for me. maybe if one of the sets was the ice king/gunter set.
no worries though, i still have my oversized dweeb & cool guy mug set to drink and/or eat out of
What’s in the Box?
2x OR 4x Glasses
Adventure Time
C’mon grab your friends
We’re going to very
distant lands
with Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human
The fun
will never end
it’s Adventure Time!
Price Comparison
$58.10 at Amazon (with reviews)
$25.99 at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Jan 21 - Thursday, Jan 23
Dong dong
At last!
What the what? These are actually a thing…?
@haydesigner Cartoon tie-in merchandise is surprising how exactly?
Are they glass or plastic?
@sohmageek one review said glass but you need to hand wash so the decal doesn’t come off according to more than one review.
@sohmageek they are glass
from the reviews - hand wash - the decals come off otherwise.
Bring back the bidets to wash away this crap!
Oh. My. Glob.
@hashybrown I love you

I have to say it…
I do not get the appeal of this show
@ConAndLibrarian how about Regular Show?
You of all people should know that a show does not need an appeal to be funny.
(Not that I have ever watched Adventure Time.)
@ConAndLibrarian I didn’t either. Actively avoided for years. Then someone managed to relate to me that underneath all of the nonsensical silliness there’s a surprisingly deep plot going on. I recommend this link. If it doesn’t remotely grab your interest then the show just isn’t for you.
@UnseenMaiden oohhhh so we’re crying today. Got it
@ConAndLibrarian Ice Bear likes Adventure Time.
Drinking in the meh offer - ok not
Good news. It looks like reading the reviews says if you don’t want the decal–Throw them in the dishwasher!!!
@sohmageek That is a better spin on this than I had posted.
Pass. I prefer Regular Show.
@JT954 Me too. Any of their stuff out there @mandirose?
@JT954 I actually get zero enjoyment from that show. Watching them repeatedly fuck up everything gives me anxiety.
@sammydog01 sadly I have not come across any
@mandirose That’s OK, these are pretty cool.

/giphy queenlike clammy starfish
@sammydog01 mugs & water bottles in the cartoon network shop. there was a pint glass at one point, so i’m sure someone somewhere is selling it, but i didn’t come across one readily available.
@sammydog01 I’ve got one of these.
@lordbowen Nice! I used to watch that show with my son.
most meh ever
Never seen the show, and I prefer my glasses either generically cute (think halloweeny or silly creatures) or just… glass.
@Pantheist So it is safe to say you are ready for Adventure Time?
I’ll buy a set in a few months when the price is reduced. until then - meh
Well…these will go right next to my Ren and Stimpy glasses
@somf69 I wish I had some R&S glasses… sadly I’m stuck with only my coffee mug set.
Hmmm… I have a $25 eBay coupon, and time is running out to use it (since I can’t buy an eBay gift card with it).
I found a listing for the shot glasses for $13.94, just contemplating if I’d ever actually use them…
@somf69 i was carrying a ren and stimpy wallet up until a week ago
Will it hold my fluoroantimonic acid?
@awk gross keep that to yourself
@awk only if you add water…
@awk You just had to go there…
Will use as part of a complete bacon pancake breakfast.
/youtube making bacon pancakes
@lordbowen Don’t forget these. Just bought a pack at Target today.

@cinoclav Ooh, thanks. Will have to try these asap.
Adventure time is exactly what I call it when I start pouring pints…
Maybe i’m missing something? The drawings aren’t special i was looking for a reason to buy them , Sorry Meh and Happy Easter !! !!
finally something worth buying… my VMP isn’t going to waste this month!
sadly, i can’t change shipping to the friend in Norway to whom I’m sending every one of these.
damn… VMP is useless.
(don’t you dare cut off my vmp)
How DARE you call Pcess Bubblegum non-major, @JasonToon!?

Bummed I missed the set w/ BMO, glad I got the rest.
/image novel-bawdy-sulfur
@brhfl princess bubblegum is my fav too!
Are the Faces really sold out, or do we get another shot at them?
Not like I’m going to get up that early…
@G1 Unfortunately I don’t think it works that way, I think it’s when the entirety of the sale is about to sell out that the breaker trips, and whatever is left goes forward.
Dang. Wish the faces didn’t sell out so quickly! Was going to be a gift for someone else. Oh well.
@bpingel93 You are in luck. The faces won’t last long anyway. They come off in the dishwasher.
Garage sale glasses at ridiculous prices! Happy Easter?
Oh man I hope I can still snag these
I didn’t realize this was actually a show. I thought it was just a bunch of GIFs that people posted on the meh forums.
I underestimated how nerdy you old, liberal manchildren are. So much so that you care about a nerdy weeb thing that I don’t give a damn about.
What about the women who bought this and/or people who bought this for their children/grandchildren?
@PlacidPenguin Ya don’t gotta be a man to be a manchild. And if you let your kids or grandkids watch Adventure Time, you’ve gone astray somewhere along the line…
Eh. I could think of worse things for somebody to let their kid/grandkid watch.
If they don’t lose their clothes when you add liquids, then… MEH…!

Now, if these were Archer rock glasses, I’d be in for three.

@mike808 Yup, that’s another category of glasses I would buy.
Just canceled my VMP. Meh has gotten so much worse than meh and I’ve just been handing $$$ over for nothing.
@obxer That’ll learn 'em!
@El_Oel Exactly. I’m bringing down this whole house of cards single-handedly.
I’m just going to throw out there that this is by far the best thing Meh has ever sold.
fell asleep early, slept in late, missed the BMO face.
Those are probably the ugliest looking tumblers I’ve ever seen. Not exactly cheap either.
What a pile of shit!
Shit merch from a shit show. Don’t waste our fucking time with this garbage.
@Melodius I agree that this is the best thing Meh has ever sold.
@Melodius sour much?
@CrossIT Suck a turd much?
@PlacidPenguin right
i absolutely love adventure time. and i have a handful of various AT things. however, having read the reviews in the past across various sites on various pint glass sets, i’ll have to pass, esp when i factor in the shipping for me. maybe if one of the sets was the ice king/gunter set.
no worries though, i still have my oversized dweeb & cool guy mug set to drink and/or eat out of
I wasn’t aware these glasses were so polarizing. Perhaps that should be added to the specs.
Adventure Time is alright!
Sweet boneless Christ on a cracker, some of ya got your knickers in a twist over glasses based on a cartoon.
Got both the available (gender swap & finn + jake).
/giphy destroyed-virtual-tick

You misspelled “principal” (as “principle”). Any self-respecting school principal would boycott this listing on principle.
/giphy supreme hurt elbow

Ice Bear likes drinking glasses
Finn looks like he’s up for an adventure…
I had to pass on these because I have waaaay too many pint glasses already… I’m glad to see the adventure time train is finally rolling!