Admire my furry piranha!
10Ok, somehow that sounds like a lewd euphemism directing you to my Only Fans. In actuality, here is my precious but highly destructive baby, destroying the last of my 3rd? 4th? order of chew toys. I buy extra squeakers to keep her occupied longer, but she can razor through canvas in seconds, so these had no chance.
Anyone else got destructive babies? What toys survive, while still being entertaining?
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Charlie destroys all stuffed toys, ropes and tennis balls within minutes. I stick to Kong rubber toys, Redbarn filled bones, Nerf toys (they have some good aggressive chewer toys), and some amazing YOGA BALLS I found on Amazon. They are guaranteed not to burst and were like $5 in the amazon warehouse. He wears himself out running around the yard playing with them
This one is a little big, but he figured out how to jump on top and ride his way down as it rolls. #CircusDog
And I don’t want @Felton10 to get jealous, but there are a lot of balls around here. To give you an idea of size, the fence is 6’.
There is one more ball hiding somewhere but I can’t see it from the porch and I don’t feel like walking down in the yard in my boot.
@tinamarie1974 Am always jealous of bigger balls than mine, but what I don’y make up in size I make up for in quantity.
@Felton10 wait. So you have more than FIVE!!
@tinamarie1974 That is SUCH a great idea!
I would love to see that - how funny, and it sounds like he’s having a blast!
@Kyeh I have been trying to take a pic/video because it is hilarious. No luck so far, it happens so fast
@tinamarie1974 Yes-especially with the ones that KHJ sent me.
@tinamarie1974 You need one of those wildlife cams that people put up on the mountain trails around here! Some hilarious and fabulous videos get posted to Nextdoor of bobcats and bears, etc.
@tinamarie1974 Here’s a picture that I stole off of Nextdoor - it was posted with the caption "Bears making bears!"
@Kyeh oh my GOSH! Do you think the bears knew their porno was being leaked ?!?!? Lol
Exhibitionist bears?!?
@tinamarie1974 This is brilliant. If she can’t get her mouth around it, maybe it’s safe…
I was going to comment how the “Admire my furry piranha” might be taken two ways especially by those who have a dirty mind (not me of course), but I’m glad you addressed that from the get go. Me I’ll just sit here content to play with my “balls”.
Have you seen the movie Teeth?
@yakkoTDI Pretty good movie actually. Certainly unique.
@yakkoTDI OH YES
One of the animal shelters I volunteer at says Kong toys (as someone else mentioned) take longer for the dogs to destroy than some other brands.
I had a GSD/Tervuren mix who was the ultimate destroyer of all destroyers. The Wobble Wag Giggle Ball was literally the only toy he didn’t/couldn’t destroy… and he loved playing with it! Even most of the “indestructible” Kong toys would be gnawed to pieces in minutes, but despite his best efforts, he wasn’t able to tear this one apart. It does make noise so we had to hide it every once in a while for our sanity, but it survived years and years of abuse.
Wobble Wag Giggle Ball
@bblood Ok, that is DEFINITELY someone’s OF.
Seriously though, looks interesting, and she does like things that scream.
@bblood @brainmist Cora’s giggle ball came yesterday. It’s perfect for the deck since it won’t roll under the railing like her other balls. But she was scared of it. And then started barking relentlessly at it (she’s not generally a barker). But today she’s out there having a blast. Thanks for the recommendation.
@brainmist @sammydog01 Yay!! I’m so glad she likes it
Also, Jolly Balls are awesome! Scout was a big guy so the first one I got him was actually a toy for horses, but it was another toy that he absolutely loved. The first one lasted at least a year or two, the second one was made for dogs and lasted a lot longer
Jolly Ball
And here is a link to a video of Scout playing with the Wiggle Ball for the first time:
enter link description here
@bblood those are excellent!!
@bblood That’s adorable!
@bblood @tinamarie1974 I may have to try one of those. Cora seems to be getting less destructive, her newest Outward Hound invincible snake still has all of it’s squeakers. But a squeaky ball might interest her.
Ooh, there’s a glow in the dark one! I might pick that up if she likes the regular one.
I have a cat who destroys iphone charging cords (the flat end), my radio antenna, chews on any power cords, charging cords, computer cords, etc. he can find, and on any plastic on backpacks, shoes, etc., also rips apart anything netted, and I have been, so far, unsuccessful in getting him to stop biting my fingernails as if they are his claws that he is cleaning… He is the great destroyer of cat toys as he attempts to kill them as well. The damage he causes though doesn’t sound nearly as expensive as some of what some of the dogs on here have done so I guess I am lucky. Oh and I haven’t broken him, so far, of puking on my bed.
@Kidsandliz Thankfully, while dogs do sometimes puke on beds, they generally try to make it outside.
My little monster has a knack for finding expensive things to nom.
Like the air conditioner cord.
@brainmist I had trained a previous cat to jump off the bed and chairs when he was going to puke. This one… we will see.
Hard to keep everything they chew on out of their reach. In this respect they act like demented toddlers.
I give up. All the gifs for “demented toddler” suck.
Also right now my demented toddler is sleep growling. Breathes in, growls out. She is a savage awful thing.
My cat–sadly, recently departed–would sometimes chew on stuff like cables and whatnot, but ultimately he had a taste for human flesh. I swear that biting was his love language, and he did in fact do it with varying firmness (for instance, he was mostly gentle when he nibbled on my chin and hands). He would sometimes break skin and leave scars, but mostly he just caused pain. Sometimes it kinda tickled or felt like a sort of mouth hug though.
I miss that bitey motherfucker.
/giphy sob

@joelmw Mine has that same idea. When I play with him he always wants to bite so I avoid using my hand; I guess they don’t understand that we haven’t got that lovely fur to protect us…
They leave such a huge hole behind even though they’re so small.
I’m sorry you’ve lost your cat.
@joelmw @Kyeh I’m so sorry for the loss of your bitey MF. Dogs and cats should live longer. I don’t understand why we don’t breed for that.
@joelmw It’s so sad when our buddies die. I mean we know this before we even decide to have/keep them, but it is still hard.
@Kidsandliz @brainmist @Kyeh
Thanks, y’all. He and I had a special relationship. It’s been hard. We went through a lot together. He was a mangled mess of an abandoned abused kitten–with an open wound on his back and bloody truncated tail–when we first adopted him (and that was even after a good friend had already started nursing him back to health). We had to bottle feed him and we were never sure he’d outgrow his wounds. Honestly, of the three of us in the house, I might have done the least to care for him (I did plenty, but I didn’t even want a cat and my departed wife and our daughter were remarkably committed; we all invested a lot in him, but my kid the most), but he attached to me and quickly established my neck as his preferred place for nightly repose and my laptop as his favorite hangout. Eventually he was clearly my cat. He seemed to dislike a lot of people–especially other men and strangers. But we had a bond.
I was unemployed when we adopted him, went through some nasty shit at work, lost a wife, etc. He used to greet my like a loyal pup when I came home and was always there when I needed him, despite his sometimes curmudgeonly personality.
I could go on. It’s been about a month and I’m still processing. I lost my mom at 13, my grandfather (with whom I also had a close relationship) at 16, my first wife at 43, a couple of good friends who died way too young. Those were obviously worse, but I guess what’s kinda shocking is despite all of that, how hard this hits. Even though losing a human is obviously harder overall, there are definitely ways in which losing a beloved pet is more difficult. I’ve shed more tears than I figured I would (and I definitely figured I would). Part of it is just not knowing what it was all like for him, not being able to communicate with words through those difficult last months, weeks, days and hours (I talked, but, yaknow, he never responded in English, and verbal is a big thing for me) . But we snuggled plenty. He turned into more of a lap cat in his dotage, which was of course nice, but also just deepened the connection and made it harder to say goodbye.
Sigh. Yeah, death sucks. Again, I’m not even a cat person. But I was his person.
@brainmist @joelmw @Kidsandliz
I’m not really a Burroughs fan, but he went up in my estimation when I learned that he deeply loved cats (as I do.)
This quote hit home for me - that last line says it so perfectly, what it feels like to lose what you love:
@joelmw @Kidsandliz @Kyeh Losing a human is losing a part of your life.
Losing an animal you’ve bonded with? Is losing a part of your soul.
Takes a while to heal from that. I hope you become another critter’s person, because they need it almost as much as we do.