“This season on Transformers; The Autobots, Decepticons and the Dinobots team up to face their greatest enemy, the Adaptogens. The Adaptogens come from another galaxy and feed on the positronic cybernetic brains of all Transformers, like a virus. The only way to defeat them is to practice social distancing and frequent hand washing.”
/showme a bunch of Adaptogens
/showme fake science to fool the rubes in the style of picasso
@mediocrebot Yep. There it is. All of the adaptogen bullshit in absolute artistic glory.
“This season on Transformers; The Autobots, Decepticons and the Dinobots team up to face their greatest enemy, the Adaptogens. The Adaptogens come from another galaxy and feed on the positronic cybernetic brains of all Transformers, like a virus. The only way to defeat them is to practice social distancing and frequent hand washing.”
Eh. They grow on you - especially if the batch includes cordyceps and you are a character in The Last of Us.
/showme a marketing department trying to invent the next pseudoscience buzzword
Adaptogens vs Sharknado 90210.