@mediocrebot bought three last time, one is totally unbalanced but the real crap bomb is that although I got three different colors.... every single one was channel A.... so no dog fight.
@mediocrebot I had been looking to enter into the helicopter foray. I guess this is a good cheap way to go in....like a beater... I can smash it up w/ no worries...
@mediocrebot Jazzy josh is right. But it's not ur shipping that was slow for my speaker docks.... It was the processing. The shipping label was not created for a whole wk.....WTF! Fast forward 2 1/2 wks.... No goods son!
@mzoltek East coast people who are sleeping before midnight need to man up and stay up! Lol. Don't worry anyone in the Northeast will be happy since they all most likely get a work-from-home day on Tuesday with the snow coming.
@Jetlag I did ping support about it. They placed another order (mysterious-credible-suggestion oddly enough) on January 13. Still hasn't shipped. Hopefully they'll arrive by my twins' birthday in June since they didn't make it by Christmas...
@bakerzdosen Smartpost is cheap but not good. That last USPS leg is completely unreliable in our town. When the temp dropped to the teens a few weeks ago, they refused to get out of their trucks to deliver packages. Said something about the "porch doesn't look secure". And yet both UPS and FedEx delivered that same afternoon. And USPS had no "security issues" during the peak holiday period. USPS sux.
@RedOak@cengland0 To paraphrase the great Tip O'Neill, all shipping is local. Here in Chicago, SmartPost is awesome and often faster than standard FedEx or UPS. Others here have said the same for their areas. There are lots of flaws in the UPS/FedEx model.
@editorkid 'not nearly as sure as you that Tip was "great", but we do have something complementary to say about the USPS... as a result of their incompetence we now know our neighbors up to two blocks away much better. We re-deliver our neighbors' mail weekly. This week I made my elderly neighbor's day when I re-delivered her USPS parcel - with her meds inside. We even get to see outbound mail from our neighbors in our mailbox. Nobody answers the phone or returns voicemails from our local USPS. USPS = Union/Govt incompetence-protected poster children.
Where'd the myth come from that usps workers can't get fired? My neighbor is a branch manager; fires folks all the time. We The People can't use our turn signals, eat at McDonald's, watch American Idol, and can't return our shopping carts to the cart corral. And we elect the government, but somehow everything is the government's fault. I think simple math shows we get the gubbermint we deserve, nothing more, nothing less.
@saodell the government is faulty in basically every way, but yeah it's the fact people aren't overthrowing it is the problem. USPS service sucking is the least of our problems.
@ABitterWoman I bought three last time, and haven't even opened up the other two. My first one flies pretty well, even after hotgluing the landing gear back together...
I bought one here in December. It is fun to fly and has not broken yet. A great bargain. In fact I ordered two just now. When my son comes back to visit (he is 29) he can use it again. Or maybe I'll bring him one.
@edh So far today... 10345 of you visited. 43% on a phone, 9% on a tablet. We sold 1475 of these. 2142 clicked meh. That's $12303 total. 91.67% of you didn't bite.
@edh I deleted the screenshot, but when I was having problems with a photo stream uploading, I noticed that it said I had 6,842,397,211,373,923,657 pix in my iPhoto library. d
It's like you read my mind before you wrote your write-up. The one I bought during the xmas shopping season HAS already broke. Dog ate my helicopter. I'm undecided whether or not to buy another one - they ARE fun little buggers.... Maybe if some Meh employees woo me a bit I might could be flattered into buying another one. What can I say - I'm easy to win over - but I DO wanna see the dancing bear dance. So dance for me, bitch.
@dave I don't put the pepsi IN the wine. It's either one or the other. Although I won't hesitate to put lemonade in my wine if it's shit-tay wine. ("Shit-tay" the fancy form of "shitty")
@kenziemaria, @khunjeff: Aha, the hoarder contingent chimes in. No doubt meh's bread and butter. They should have a disclaimer on the order page. ;-) (I have a box of unopened meh purchases, as well).
meh. I haven't flown the one I bought for myself much at all. And the two extras I bought as gifts....are surprisingly still sitting here with me. Guess I'll have to pass, since I don't really need more....
got three the last time... love them... but I promised my wife I would not spend any money this week on my "junk"... her word not mine... but if someone cares to buy this guy a few, I will make it up to you in 5 days
Auto buy for three...jump onto wife's account...auto buy for three.. I made a killing on these little bastards last time. Easy peasy! I did keep the one from @JonT...to remember the idea that he can follow through with prize promises! BTW I'm ready for another contest broseph!
Wife: "It's only $8. . . ." Me: "You're saying we should?" Wife: "Well, I'm not saying we should--" Me (interrupting before she starts to talk sense): "Good enough."
Aptly, vain-baffling-trip (no, I don't know what this is):
@stevo42 It's a cool image for sure. And it was my first hit on the image search. And now I have the album queued up in Spotify. It may or may not be my thing, but I feel a duty to meh and to you to at least listen to a few tracks.
@stevo42 Okay, so, I'm not generally a death metal fan, so this is my favorite track. I can admit that the others were too much for me; I like that kind of thing sometimes, but, well, not too often.
Wife and I each got one from the last sale, and if you can figure or what your doing before they completely break then they seem to last a while.both ours still work, though one has some wobble in it after too many crashes. In for 3 more as they make excellent presents for birthdays throughout the year.
I bought one of these in December. I've noticed that the fun that I have with it is commensurate to the number of times it's crashed, crashes all induced by mild air currents. This time, I'm in for two more. Thus commences the indoor, low air current, thunderdome... sky! Skythunderdome!
@Sane Realized I need a second one to have air fights so I bought another. Only the strong shall have the honor of flying snacks into my glorious mouth.
I bought my husband one for Christmas... which he broke by repeatedly dive bombing it onto the brick floor while trying to land it on a beam. He was absolutely crushed. I couldn't stand it so I gave him the one I was saving for my sister's birthday. Now my sister will get one, too!
These are decent helicopters. I had one that was prettier (more colorful lights) and more expensive, but not nearly as stable in the air.
These things are freaking awesome. I bought two of them last time and my kids love them. So i just bought three more for spares. You can't beat them for only 8 bucks.
So..... u say these come around often?? In for 3 (old-savvy-rye), however, have 4 nephews (brothers) and have to get them EACH one... fingers crossed they come back before next Christmas! Plus, I really really really wanted one for me! East Coaster finally got a great deal😃!
In for 3 again. Bought 3 for Christmas, 2 of which went to adult males and they loved them! Not sure who these will go to but always in for a good deal on a great gift.
I flew mine at least twice very day for about 6 weeks and then it died. I was super surprised in how durable it is. I mean I crashed this thing hard. If you are looking for a real challenge try flying it outside. Since it uses infrared you lose signal really easily and even the slightest wind feels like a storm. Although I do recommend you not fly near a pool.
@kylejwilke Super-durable ... But waterproof notsomuch. Not very buoyant, either although it might have survived the pond landing if I had caulked the seams prior. (As opposed to caulking after?)
3.5 channels, so three can fly fight hang out. But what do you do with that extra point-five of a channel? Or is that some industry standard PR marketing, like 5.1 surround sound?
@SIMBM Sadly, I am running low on monkeys and on typewriters at the moment. And my quantum smart phone requires a lightning connector to charge up, but I only have micro-sd. So this may or may not get accomplished before the Universe expands overmuch. My apologies. For now, here's a start: "Fly fly fly / ... / run run run / ... / fly fly fly."
@shabazz18 Brilliant! I was wondering what you were making that rubber room for! I'm sorta relieved. A neoprene laptop sleeve rubber room for remote wirlybirds. Esquisite!
The last time I bought 3 of these. One of each color (black, blue, red).
PROS: They are actually pretty fun. It is a little tough to learn the controls at first but after a couple flying sessions you get really good.
CONS: Kind of fragile. One of the three took a fall from ceiling height and afterwards something was off and it flew really wobbly. Still worked but it was much harder to control and thus it was a disadvantage when racing against the working ones. The second of the three worked great for a couple days, then randomly it couldn't be charged anymore and was essentially useless. The last one still works great and holds a charge.
I picked up two in the last deal. First one worked, but had some wild and sudden, out of control flight. Hovering was a nightmare, but it sort of worked if you didn't mind the floor/ceiling/floor/ceiling routine and I chalked it up to 'cheap'. Second one I opened several weeks later flew beautifully, hovered great and was easy enough for my 8 year old daughter to fly with 5 minutes of practice. I wonder which two I'll get on this go around...
Bought 2 last time for Christmas, both DOA out of the box so meh to them for sale again.
Ended up getting Syma S107G for not a lot more, is much better quality and flies really nice. Syma has tons of good reviews on Amazon. Very stable and easy to control, plus you can get parts when you crash and damage it. You gets what you pay for...
enigmatic-emerald-science sez that I can now replace the one (of three) that was DOA at Christmas. I think I'll keep the other two (I bought three this time, also) for myself - surely, there's going to come a rainy day when I can go to the garage and play cowboys and jihadists!
1. Charge the helicopter (the port is right above the power switch), the power switch must be off, the charging indicator is on the usb plug side
2. Find a little screwdriver, a small phillips head
3. unscrew the cover on the remote and insert 6 of the 2000 AA batteries you bought from meh
4. wait for the copter to charge, it will be charged when the red light goes off on the usb side of the cable
5. while disconnecting the charge cable from the note the channel number (to the right of the power plug A,B, or C)
6. turn the helicopter on and sit it down away from you, turn the controller on and set the channel to match the copter
*7. move the left side joystick UP and then DOWN while aiming the controller at the helicopter to get it to "sync" and give you control of it.*
8. get cocky and do some crazy tricks and destroy it
9a. use parts from the box to repair if possible or
9b. break open a new one and try again
Number 7 was the one that I couldn't figure out on my own. They are pretty fun and have held up ok.
I want to figure out how to sync them up and build a cheap drone.
Got this last time around and took it out a few times. It stays upright. The controls feel mostly random, since even a mild breeze will send the thing careening off somewhere. Every landing is a crash landing. But that's part of the fun, and it hasn't broken yet. Totally worth $8.
Free replacement parts? I'm skeptical that they'll ever arrive but I tried anyways! From the previous one, the landing struts are the first to go since they're plastic.
I got in during the free vmp day. Second men so far. Both have been completely unnecessary and probably wasted, but they make giving them money so fun!
Got the mehlicopters. On case I crash the first two.
I just woke up... I am from the east coast.. Item I WANT is NOT sold out... This never happened to me before! I would like to buy now... What do I do? How do I buy? I am so nervous!! I have never been in this situation before...
More fun than human beings should be allowed to have. And now, that the ones I bought last month have backup, it's time for Thunderdome. Two copters enter, one copter leaves.
Ordered 2 last time. One died after a single flight. The other "works" but is crap. You're better off getting a $20 Syma from Amazon - had multiples last for months & easier to fly/hover.
@mikestanley I ordered 3 last time. One came to work with me, the other two went my two youngest. One of their is dead already, the rotor mast thing at the top broke and replacement is not available. The other is working fine, I use it when ADD kicks in. Neither kid uses them...they aren't as easy to fly as the SYMA S107G nor as well made/finished. My preferred way to fly it is upside down
Need to practice with this before I use my brother's drone to fish in the river. Have to hurry because Oregon may pass a law forbidding drone fishing. No kidding.
@Sarahsda No no no - it's fishing with a drone not for one. The drone carries your hook to the middle of the river or lake and drops it where you want it to be. Then when the fish jumps up to get it you shoot the fish with a shotgun.
Why is it ok to write "RC" for something that's not "radio controlled"? Last time I checked infrared was not on the radio spectrum. Line of sight and direct sunlight wonkyness is so meh.
I ordered 3 the first time around (one for each son and one for me) and they only work sporadically. For some reason the controller doesn't sync all the time. We have to turn everything off/on 15 to 20 times to get them to go. Anyone else have this problem?
@MontanaVike Are you doing the following? 1. turn on choppa. 2. turn on controller. 3. move throttle from fully down to fully up and then back down again. that syncs the chopper. also keeps it from flying away if the throttle is not completely off when you switch on the controller.
@senorweird i keep wondering that, but no i don't think it could... it might however be able to handle one of those small little spy button cameras....
@tightwad - i live in an apt building shaped as a U. it would have been awesome to be able to deliver things via balconies with this thing if it could handle more weight
@tightwad It looks like the have the parts that are broken on my son's choppa. I've placed my order for free. I will not report back if and when the parts show up.
I can't wait to tape my Schrade knife to the front of the helicopter and poke holes in my neoprene sleeves for the hell of it. Then use my Dyson and Neato to vacuum up the mess.
These are awesome. The one we got last time is still flying great. It was and still is my son's favorite Christmas present (much to the dismay of my wife who spent tons of time and money on other things he wasn't nearly as impressed with).
Wow. Sold out before noon Eastern. (4,884) Were these the remainder of the 11,100 sold in December? Pretty impressive sales given it is after the peak gifting period.
A little recap from the last time to help all you new pilots in need.
The on switch under the copter is not the tab sticking out. That is the receiver. The on/off switch is located right above the tab and is a little nub you slide to the left and right. If you move the tick looking tab chances are you will break the connection of the receiver and it will fail to function so look close the first time you switch it on to not do this!
Once you sync flight slowly power up throttle to where it is nearly taking off. You will probably see it trying to turn left or right. Dial the left/right under right control until it stops turning a certain direction. This will allow you to have a much better flight experience.
ANYTIME you are crashing and out of control, cut the throttle fully. A crash with the engine not engaged will do far less damage than with it on.
If you have unstable flight it could be one of many things. The fins may be bent over, the balance bar at top may be bent, you may have the blades tightened to much. The blades should freely move around. Do NOT tightened them down. I know it looks weird and like it would not fly but centrifugal forces does it for you.
These do not work well outside. No things to bounce a signal off and too much interference. That said as long as you aim the controller at the copter, you should have control. It is easier to learn the basics in the yard but you need a large area and constant need to aim at the copter to maintain control.
@Outofmehmind Do you have any idea why it wouldn't gain altitude? Mine worked fine before but now even if I push the left stick all the way up it'll go up a few inches and then after a couple of seconds it'll go down again. Also, the lower blades take longer to start spinning and sometimes I think they get stuck or something... I'm not sure if that's the problem. I have 2 more helicopters but I don't want to give up on this one yet. :(
@chokcheesecake I think the FAA (or is it the FFA) has decided to limit the flight of these to five inches so they don't interfere with low flying 747s.
@chokcheesecake That sounds like slipping in the gear and I have not seen a way to tighten that back up, but I haven't had to. You may want to remove the cover and see if there is a screw you can tighten we cannot see, but I do not know of a way from my use.
I bought two of these last Christmas, one arrived DOA but Customer Support replaced it (many thanks, @Hollboll !) Son and granddaughter enjoy terrorizing the cat. Much fun.
For all those upset that they missed the deal because it is now sold out, I just wanted you all to know that I purchased 9 of them. Sucks to suck, sucker!
@studerc You're the sucker for spending $72 on these things. I bought one last time and it lasted two flights before it stopped working. It didn't break. It just stopped.
@TBoneZeOriginal I only kept one from the last round in which i got for free from @JonT. The other six i sold at $20 each and made $72 in profit...sure, Im the sucker. A sucker thats $72 richer.
Bought three last time to give as gifts at birthday parties-- the price is fantastic for that. It's basically a $15-20 gift that gives my kids enough street cred at their elementary with $8 price tags.
These are NOT as good as the Syma, but close enough for 7-9yr olds and half the price, and they are MUCH better than entry level Air Hogs.
I thought I bought three right after the deal went live. My account and credit card say differently. Have I lost my mind so fully that I'm now imagining Meh purchases?
I am legitimately bummed that I somehow didn't seal the deal and actually buy anything. I loved the one I got six weeks ago and was excited to have already finished Father's Day shopping. :P
@flipping_things Give our customer support a shout and they'll work on it with you. Sorry you got a DOA one, we want to sell things that are meh not broken.
Decided to buy 9 between three accounts, got 7 red ones and 2 black ones...really? Would be nice if random could actually turn out at least one of each color. Two packages were all red ones, lame. I blame @barney for this color catastrophe. I also blame @JonT because of his secret vendetta against me.
@editorkid Firstworldproblems indeed. But seriously though, it's SO HARD to sell 7 red ones, I've had 3 people say they would buy one if it was blue. Shame.
@Thumperchick Ahhh, the anti-@studerc meetings. I'mma gonna guess that about 1/2 of woot's remaining loyal fanbase is there. Haters will indeed hate. I'm sure @JonT brings a small effigy of me and burns it along with a goat prize each meeting. Of course, I can see all of this as I sit alone at the back of the walmart parking lot waiting for others to show up the the Q meetings from yesteryear. I see you fuckers over in the clearly much nicer Target parking lot.
@studerc Right, you and I aren't, but people who are should be able to check that out. It was one of the first things that made the Meh team look awesomer than we expected.
@studerc I will trade you... I bought 3 and received 3 all the same color - all black... Would have been nice to receive at least one other color... Meh!
@thismyusername -Thank you. Yep, I followed all the instructions but still nothing. The helicopter LED & remote lights blink then stay lit when signal's established, but rotors don't spin. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
@ebatch The first one I opened doesn't even get that far - when I plug it in, the power charging light blinks on and then off. Power switch on helicopter does nothing. The other 2 seem to be charging just fine, though!
This just arrived in today's mail & I just wanted to say that it is SLEEK & GORGEOUS... and pics didn't do this baby just at.all! Disclaimer that I'm a chick with a design background & I'm simply referring to packaging, materials, presentation & aesthetics gleaned upon opening the box... but still -- if this baby performs half as great as it looks IRL, it was definitely a great buy. My husband has already claimed it as his, and I'm wishing I had ordered more. :)
Did a few test flights tonight. Had to retrieve it off my roof more than once. I'm getting better controlling it, but it still does whatever it wants. My 4 year old thought it was awesome though.
2nd meh - guess I won the meh lottery because mine is still working on the 3rd day. I can't believe this sold for $8. Would buy again. I've only flown it inside. I can imagine that it would be uncontrollable outside since it's barely controllable inside.
Thankfully my husband bought hard hats on clearance @ home depot..my son has taken to aiming the helicopters at my head! So far happiness from the flyers.
Got this in the mail today. Finally was able to scrounge up 6 AA batteries around 3am. Out in yard testing it out. Immediately crash it into neighbors' back yard. Have to climb fence to retrieve. Nothing like being 32 years old and climbing fences at 3am to retrieve a toy. 9/10 Would jump fences again. If it could lift a can of beer, it would be 10/10.
Hello. Please sell these again. I had the most fun five minutes of my life before it hit my chandelier and broke. I would like to recreate that happiness and joy, of only for a short while.
I just received my first set of these and what great fun. Unfortunately, one of the remotes arrived DOA. Hopefully I can get a replacement. Also, after several hours of flying and crashing, one of the choppers keeps spinning to the right and the adjustment knob is not enough to correct it. Trying to fix it but it seems that one of the rotors is spinning faster than the other. Not sure how this happened as initially it worked perfectly.
@tightwad I gave it a thorough look over and I don't see anything impeding the top rotors from spinning freely. I might get bold and tear it open to examine the gears but everything is so tiny I fear I don't have the patience to put it back together.
One day in, and it's performing well (knock on wood). Build quality is less than the Syma 107G, but it's survived a couple crashes and it's about as easy to control as my Syma.
@ninkumpoop Ok... An hour later and I need to change my feedback. A few more crashes and it's still alive, but it does not handle the same as it did on the first few flights. Much more difficult to control. Not impossible, but difficult. The first 5-10 seconds after take-off, the control is meh. Have to work to get it stable. Once it's stable, it flies with meh-level control. The one positive is that my son loves it when it crashes on it's skids it will bounce 2+ feet into the air. Boing!
I bought this for my fiance for Valentines day. I wanted to test it out in my office... it lasted for as long as the romance in my 9 year relationship...minutes! I have wasted $8.00 on lesser things I suppose. Now on to my next crappy purchase! =)
Well, crap. I had the helicopter for about five minutes when it flew up out of my control and got stuck in some ivy attached to the trunk of a tree. There is no way for me to get it down. I am sad now. Dang it.
Been saving these as a birthday present, and finally the kids (and, er, me) got to play with them! A little hard to control, some near misses with the roof/trees, but they've survived. Charging batteries for another attempt at left/right motion, not just up down.
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 2/6 - 2/10
What’s in the Box?
1x Helicopter
1x IR remote control
2x Spare wings
1x Spare tail prop
1x USB charging cable
1x Screwdriver
Everything in the box
Color options (but you don’t get a choice)
Size reference
Retail box
Do a trick!
Price Check
$20 on eBay reseller
$325,000 on Aerotrader for 1988 Agusta A109A MK II N332JP (Used)
90 days
@mediocrebot Random purple?
@mediocrebot do not like [ you || this ]
@mediocrebot ... Make that $27.05 on eBay (you overlooked s/h.)..
@mediocrebot bought three last time, one is totally unbalanced but the real crap bomb is that although I got three different colors.... every single one was channel A.... so no dog fight.
@xxxxz Flying in formation would be awesome too though.
@xxxxz You can change the channel. Sync them one at a time, out of range of eachother.
I had been looking to enter into the helicopter foray. I guess this is a good cheap way to go in....like a beater... I can smash it up w/ no worries...
Jazzy josh is right. But it's not ur shipping that was slow for my speaker docks.... It was the processing. The shipping label was not created for a whole wk.....WTF! Fast forward 2 1/2 wks.... No goods son!
ROFL Copter
@mbills2223 They theythey theytheyyyyyyyyyyy... IT'S MEH!
@JazzyJosh MAKE IT STOP! HOLY MEH! Spend less time writing mediocre songs and more time shipping my Fuku!!! :D
@mbills2223 fuku.
Got there at 10, sold out. cries more
@JazzyJosh you are nuts. These are a blast
I am on the east coast, and buying this in hopes that when I wake up for work... I can read all the sad east coast people complaining and being sad.
@mzoltek also on the east cost, anyone who complains is just a grumpy grandpa.
@mzoltek East coast people who are sleeping before midnight need to man up and stay up! Lol. Don't worry anyone in the Northeast will be happy since they all most likely get a work-from-home day on Tuesday with the snow coming.
@mzoltek Protip: This will not dig you out of the snow.
Pass, since my first one worked for 1 charge before it crapped out
@Lotsofgoats @lichme I have to admit I read these right after you posted them and I am still giggling two days later.
Really tempting, luckily i don't have to justify VMP until february...
Assorted colors, but no purple? For that alone, meh.
@heartny Too cheap for spray paint?
@Kyser_Soze just attack it with a Sharpie. Works on speaker docks.
@Kyser_Soze Maybe I'll try a Sharpie.
@Sarahsda Hope tomorrow's deal is a Sharpie.
I like purple.
Hopefully this means I'll actually get the 3 that I ordered in December now...
@bakerzdosen you should probably ping support about that, I got mine before Christmas sometime.
@Jetlag I did ping support about it. They placed another order (mysterious-credible-suggestion oddly enough) on January 13. Still hasn't shipped. Hopefully they'll arrive by my twins' birthday in June since they didn't make it by Christmas...
@bakerzdosen Smartpost is cheap but not good. That last USPS leg is completely unreliable in our town. When the temp dropped to the teens a few weeks ago, they refused to get out of their trucks to deliver packages. Said something about the "porch doesn't look secure". And yet both UPS and FedEx delivered that same afternoon. And USPS had no "security issues" during the peak holiday period. USPS sux.
@RedOak Difference between secured government jobs and the private sector.
@RedOak @cengland0 To paraphrase the great Tip O'Neill, all shipping is local. Here in Chicago, SmartPost is awesome and often faster than standard FedEx or UPS. Others here have said the same for their areas. There are lots of flaws in the UPS/FedEx model.
@editorkid 'not nearly as sure as you that Tip was "great", but we do have something complementary to say about the USPS... as a result of their incompetence we now know our neighbors up to two blocks away much better. We re-deliver our neighbors' mail weekly. This week I made my elderly neighbor's day when I re-delivered her USPS parcel - with her meds inside. We even get to see outbound mail from our neighbors in our mailbox. Nobody answers the phone or returns voicemails from our local USPS. USPS = Union/Govt incompetence-protected poster children.
Where'd the myth come from that usps workers can't get fired? My neighbor is a branch manager; fires folks all the time. We The People can't use our turn signals, eat at McDonald's, watch American Idol, and can't return our shopping carts to the cart corral. And we elect the government, but somehow everything is the government's fault. I think simple math shows we get the gubbermint we deserve, nothing more, nothing less.
@saodell the government is faulty in basically every way, but yeah it's the fact people aren't overthrowing it is the problem. USPS service sucking is the least of our problems.
FWIW, I was right: My order from Dec. did actually ship with this round. ETA Monday. 6-7 weeks later, that's not too bad - right?
@bakerzdosen sounds like you deserve 30 built NY cases to me!
@thismyusername Oddly enough my 30 cases (exactly, no more no less) arrived several days ago... The 14 y.o. now has 12 cases for his Kindle Fire.
These are nice. The three we bought + the one @JonT gave us are still working. What do we do now?
@RedOak Fly them into a running fan, then buy more.
@RedOak I'm thinking we do what I did with my drone:
@intenseNERD 'thought you were going to say you landed it on the Whitehouse lawn.
These are a high frequency purchase because they break the day you take them out of the box. But at $8 I accept their disposability.
Omg meh. How did you know. In for 3. These things are the best. And heartbreaking when they break.
Damnit. In for another. Last one still works, even after multiple tree encounters.
We had a blast with the ones we bought but they haven't broken yet and I can't justify buying more when we still have some.
@ABitterWoman when they do break, you will be bitter at the fact you didn't buy more.
@ABitterWoman I bought three last time, and haven't even opened up the other two. My first one flies pretty well, even after hotgluing the landing gear back together...
@bhtooefr the skis broke on mine as well although I didn't bother fixing it doesn't appear to affect flying.
I bought one here in December. It is fun to fly and has not broken yet. A great bargain. In fact I ordered two just now. When my son comes back to visit (he is 29) he can use it again. Or maybe I'll bring him one.
"So far today...
Ummm... At $8 each, that's some interesting math.
And... now the page shows something reasonable again. Eh. Weird glitch.
@edh the first few minutes are always wonky.
@edh Looks like the total from the previous day doesn't reset right at midnight
@edh Everything's bigger in Texas, even math.
@edh So far today... 10345 of you visited. 43% on a phone, 9% on a tablet. We sold 1475 of these. 2142 clicked meh. That's $12303 total. 91.67% of you didn't bite.
@cercopithecoid Faith based math. Amen.
@edh I deleted the screenshot, but when I was having problems with a photo stream uploading, I noticed that it said I had 6,842,397,211,373,923,657 pix in my iPhoto library. d
It's like you read my mind before you wrote your write-up. The one I bought during the xmas shopping season HAS already broke. Dog ate my helicopter. I'm undecided whether or not to buy another one - they ARE fun little buggers.... Maybe if some Meh employees woo me a bit I might could be flattered into buying another one. What can I say - I'm easy to win over - but I DO wanna see the dancing bear dance. So dance for me, bitch.
@pepsiwine You have one of the more disgusting usernames around! (Wait, maybe I'm not getting this right.)
@dave I don't put the pepsi IN the wine. It's either one or the other. Although I won't hesitate to put lemonade in my wine if it's shit-tay wine. ("Shit-tay" the fancy form of "shitty")
new stuff soon?
I haven't even opened the last one I bought...but what if it breaks when/if I do? I'm in for 2 more...
@kenziemaria i haven't opened the previous three that i bought, so naturally i'm in for three more
@kenziemaria, @khunjeff: Aha, the hoarder contingent chimes in. No doubt meh's bread and butter. They should have a disclaimer on the order page. ;-)
(I have a box of unopened meh purchases, as well).
meh. I haven't flown the one I bought for myself much at all. And the two extras I bought as gifts....are surprisingly still sitting here with me. Guess I'll have to pass, since I don't really need more....
these are pretty awesome for the price and take a lot of wall/ceiling/floor crashes and awesome cat toys. in for threeeeee
got three the last time... love them... but I promised my wife I would not spend any money this week on my "junk"... her word not mine... but if someone cares to buy this guy a few, I will make it up to you in 5 days
Are they waterproof?
As in can I take a bath with one?
@abuilding You'll chop off your niddly bits!
@abuilding sure! it probably won't work after your bath... but you CAN bathe with it!
@abuilding You can make a game. Avoid the Bath. Then fail and buy a new one.
Auto buy for three...jump onto wife's account...auto buy for three.. I made a killing on these little bastards last time. Easy peasy! I did keep the one from @JonT...to remember the idea that he can follow through with prize promises! BTW I'm ready for another contest broseph!
Quadcoptor = Yeah
Helicoptor = Meh
Quadcoptor Speakerdock = Fuck Yeah!
@Kerig3 Ooo how about remote controlled flying knives?
@LankHairdoo Just make the helicopters blades actual blades!
I have 3 kids, so in for three. Beats the hell out of cheap knives
@mtb002 Cheaper AND they still risk losing an eye!!!
@mtb002 have you thought about life insurance for the kids?? maybe talk meh into packaging it with knives?
Wife: "It's only $8. . . ."
Me: "You're saying we should?"
Wife: "Well, I'm not saying we should--"
Me (interrupting before she starts to talk sense): "Good enough."
Aptly, vain-baffling-trip (no, I don't know what this is):
@joelmw that was a pretty good CD... Want to say around '94.
Edit, I was so wrong.
@stevo42 It's a cool image for sure. And it was my first hit on the image search. And now I have the album queued up in Spotify. It may or may not be my thing, but I feel a duty to meh and to you to at least listen to a few tracks.
@stevo42 Okay, so, I'm not generally a death metal fan, so this is my favorite track. I can admit that the others were too much for me; I like that kind of thing sometimes, but, well, not too often.
@joelmw hey thanks. That sounded like actual music.
I thought initially that it was enigma the band that did sadness
Un Meh!!! Ordered one last time and it was amazing! I said if it ever came back I would order more. Just snagged 2 more.
For $8 these are Awesome!!!!!!!
Meh. Bought three last time around. 1 was DOA, the other two have worked pretty well. I don't expect much longevity though.
@belowi got about twenty minutes of flight/crash time...
Wife and I each got one from the last sale, and if you can figure or what your doing before they completely break then they seem to last a while.both ours still work, though one has some wobble in it after too many crashes. In for 3 more as they make excellent presents for birthdays throughout the year.
I bought one of these in December. I've noticed that the fun that I have with it is commensurate to the number of times it's crashed, crashes all induced by mild air currents. This time, I'm in for two more. Thus commences the indoor, low air current, thunderdome... sky! Skythunderdome!
Bought this last time. Super stable -- it's the only RC flying thing I'm able to keep in the air. Totally worth the $8.
How about a flying roomba?
@roomba Would it be cleaning the air? I don't know if we should give a Roomba that kind of unchecked power.
@Dash We're fine as long as they can't connect to the Internet. I'll worry when they can start taking orders from skynet.
Was JonT giving these out before? What did I miss?
@Jetlag there was a wonderful mini caption contest last time around. @redoak and I won last time.
@studerc @Jetlag: @JonT bought my loyalty with that gift. I am cheap.
@studerc I think I remember that...The green Barney??
I like purple!
Mehlicopter 2: Blades of Mehngence
Damn you meh! In for one snack transporter.
@Sane Realized I need a second one to have air fights so I bought another. Only the strong shall have the honor of flying snacks into my glorious mouth.
@Sane Fuck it, bought a 3rd... I have a problem...
@Sane Snack hauling tip: They're awsome at hauling Veggie Straws! And popchips.
In for two, will be best Valentine's gift ever. elicit-fabled-bell

They're back! I'm in for 3 this time.
@jonT in for 3 but I have for kids. Any chance you can throw one in my FUKU bag that his not yet shipped? They all hate Baths!!!!
@CrossIT Outstanding !!
I bought my husband one for Christmas... which he broke by repeatedly dive bombing it onto the brick floor while trying to land it on a beam. He was absolutely crushed. I couldn't stand it so I gave him the one I was saving for my sister's birthday. Now my sister will get one, too!
These are decent helicopters. I had one that was prettier (more colorful lights) and more expensive, but not nearly as stable in the air.
In for 3. Any excuse to stock up on presents for birthday parties my kids go to so I don't have to go the overpriced toy store at the last minute.
These things are freaking awesome. I bought two of them last time and my kids love them. So i just bought three more for spares. You can't beat them for only 8 bucks.
Bought 3 last time for son to use at college with his room mates. In for 3 more for daughter and dad and daughters fiancee. And mom still loses out.
Can't wait. I'm a sucker for things that can fly.
@unixrab Party pooper.
So..... u say these come around often?? In for 3 (old-savvy-rye), however, have 4 nephews (brothers) and have to get them EACH one... fingers crossed they come back before next Christmas! Plus, I really really really wanted one for me! East Coaster finally got a great deal😃!
@wildmomo Just create a new/separate account for the spouse. Even a virtual one or a placeholder for a future spouse works.
@mike808 Ahhhhh.... Good thinking! Thanks!
In for two - my first ones and I can't wait to try them out! I wonder who's will break first mine or my 10yo daughter? Probably mine.....
I know what I'm gonna name mine!
In for 3 again. Bought 3 for Christmas, 2 of which went to adult males and they loved them! Not sure who these will go to but always in for a good deal on a great gift.
In for two! Can't wait to set up all of my son's lego characters and yell "get in the chopper" in my best Arnold voice!
I flew mine at least twice very day for about 6 weeks and then it died. I was super surprised in how durable it is. I mean I crashed this thing hard. If you are looking for a real challenge try flying it outside. Since it uses infrared you lose signal really easily and even the slightest wind feels like a storm. Although I do recommend you not fly near a pool.
@kylejwilke Super-durable ... But waterproof notsomuch. Not very buoyant, either although it might have survived the pond landing if I had caulked the seams prior. (As opposed to caulking after?)
3.5 channels, so three can fly fight hang out. But what do you do with that extra point-five of a channel? Or is that some industry standard PR marketing, like 5.1 surround sound?
Zoom zoom zoom
Through the rooms
Breaking all that would
Break its flight.
Crash goes CDs
Splat goes chai tea
Such grand art!
There is none can deny
Hark! Cap'n shouts
Turn the ship abouts!
We've been spotted
By Mom down the hall.
Flying through rooms
No more time to wreak dooms
Must escape from this wrath
So unfair
Down the staircase
So well practiced this chase
Neither pilot nor drone
Break their stride
Out the back door
To where the freedom to soar
Is unhindered
Till batteries die.
The mission must go on.
@avengerofpi For bonus points, MAD APE DEN this.
@SIMBM Sadly, I am running low on monkeys and on typewriters at the moment. And my quantum smart phone requires a lightning connector to charge up, but I only have micro-sd. So this may or may not get accomplished before the Universe expands overmuch. My apologies. For now, here's a start: "Fly fly fly / ... / run run run / ... / fly fly fly."
I bought one last Christmas but I haven't even opened it.. I want this one to last forever and I think I'm on the right track.. (no damage so far).
Bought one.
No longer will my cockatiel enjoy unchallenged air superiority over my living room.
In for three to fly around my newly neoprene padded room.
@shabazz18 Brilliant! I was wondering what you were making that rubber room for! I'm sorta relieved. A neoprene laptop sleeve rubber room for remote wirlybirds. Esquisite!
One good thing about being at work is the wife can't say no. Three of these flying my way. See what I did there?
@Mehrocco_Mole I'm new here and I just read the FAQ about shipping. Flying may be a bit of a stretch.
...also, fart.
The last time I bought 3 of these. One of each color (black, blue, red).
PROS: They are actually pretty fun. It is a little tough to learn the controls at first but after a couple flying sessions you get really good.
CONS: Kind of fragile. One of the three took a fall from ceiling height and afterwards something was off and it flew really wobbly. Still worked but it was much harder to control and thus it was a disadvantage when racing against the working ones. The second of the three worked great for a couple days, then randomly it couldn't be charged anymore and was essentially useless. The last one still works great and holds a charge.
@benstory on the plus side - no need to go parts shopping online - you have your own supply!
I noticed there are zero warnings about landing the copters in a pond. So guess what I did?
@saodell pond landing should be no problem at all. As long as the surface temperature of the pond is solidly below 32 degrees.
I love purple.
@RedOak I see what you did there ...
I picked up two in the last deal. First one worked, but had some wild and sudden, out of control flight. Hovering was a nightmare, but it sort of worked if you didn't mind the floor/ceiling/floor/ceiling routine and I chalked it up to 'cheap'. Second one I opened several weeks later flew beautifully, hovered great and was easy enough for my 8 year old daughter to fly with 5 minutes of practice. I wonder which two I'll get on this go around...
Bought 2 last time for Christmas, both DOA out of the box so meh to them for sale again.
Ended up getting Syma S107G for not a lot more, is much better quality and flies really nice. Syma has tons of good reviews on Amazon. Very stable and easy to control, plus you can get parts when you crash and damage it. You gets what you pay for...
perennial-agreeable-history sounds legit. For $8 they don't have to be good but I hope to get a few flights out of them.
enigmatic-emerald-science sez that I can now replace the one (of three) that was DOA at Christmas. I think I'll keep the other two (I bought three this time, also) for myself - surely, there's going to come a rainy day when I can go to the garage and play cowboys and jihadists!
I bought this crap...
Number 7 was the one that I couldn't figure out on my own. They are pretty fun and have held up ok.
I want to figure out how to sync them up and build a cheap drone.
@thismyusername Step 10: Profit;
Got this last time around and took it out a few times. It stays upright. The controls feel mostly random, since even a mild breeze will send the thing careening off somewhere. Every landing is a crash landing. But that's part of the fun, and it hasn't broken yet. Totally worth $8.
@pammon Sounds like the real thing! In helicopters every landing is a controlled crash. (USN RH53D & MH53E minesweeping helicopters)
Free replacement parts? I'm skeptical that they'll ever arrive but I tried anyways! From the previous one, the landing struts are the first to go since they're plastic.
@adamselby Free just pay $39.95 shipping and handling for each item.
@adamselby Replacement stabilizer bar just arrived via fedex .. Not to my name (close enough), but still received it for free!
In for dos, fiercely-brave-cheddar
I got in during the free vmp day. Second men so far. Both have been completely unnecessary and probably wasted, but they make giving them money so fun!
Got the mehlicopters. On case I crash the first two.
@jonkliao In case?
Bought 2 and got one in the air one time. Threw them both away the next day.
Charged them, changed controllers, tried everything, gave up.
Dear Meh,
You have a lot of helicopters. Ring of fire.
I just woke up...
I am from the east coast..
Item I WANT is NOT sold out...
This never happened to me before!
I would like to buy now...
What do I do?
How do I buy?
I am so nervous!!
I have never been in this situation before...
More fun than human beings should be allowed to have. And now, that the ones I bought last month have backup, it's time for Thunderdome. Two copters enter, one copter leaves.
Ordered 2 last time. One died after a single flight. The other "works" but is crap. You're better off getting a $20 Syma from Amazon - had multiples last for months & easier to fly/hover.
@mikestanley I ordered 3 last time. One came to work with me, the other two went my two youngest. One of their is dead already, the rotor mast thing at the top broke and replacement is not available. The other is working fine, I use it when ADD kicks in. Neither kid uses them...they aren't as easy to fly as the SYMA S107G nor as well made/finished. My preferred way to fly it is upside down
Bought 3 at Christmas time and they're still sitting in the brown box they shipped in. :/
@brianmc1975 I'll pay you $5 to ship one to me. No, make that two.
I like purple.
What Twilight Zone episode am I living in? It's 8:30am EST and these aren't sold out yet......
Do these work off of IR?
@techdude9 I have one and yes they do.
My first MEH purchase!! ceaseless open wombat
I hope I am truly underwhelmed.
Need to practice with this before I use my brother's drone to fish in the river. Have to hurry because Oregon may pass a law forbidding drone fishing. No kidding.
@YoDad How do you fish for a drone? With a shotgun?
@Sarahsda No no no - it's fishing with a drone not for one. The drone carries your hook to the middle of the river or lake and drops it where you want it to be. Then when the fish jumps up to get it you shoot the fish with a shotgun.
@YoDad Hoooah! Now that's what I call FUN!
@YoDad The only problem with this plan is if you're too close to the fish, there's nothing left for the Bass-O-Matic.
@YoDad Have you played Ridiculous Fishing? I think you'd like it a lot.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
Why is it ok to write "RC" for something that's not "radio controlled"? Last time I checked infrared was not on the radio spectrum. Line of sight and direct sunlight wonkyness is so meh.
@tallrob the first one to tell me "RC" stands for "remote control" is a total loser.
@tallrob RC stands for Remote Controlled...
Aaargh, for $8 you got me. In for two to add to the gift pile.
Give us Drones!
@himanshuy yeah! Drones!
I ordered 3 the first time around (one for each son and one for me) and they only work sporadically. For some reason the controller doesn't sync all the time. We have to turn everything off/on 15 to 20 times to get them to go. Anyone else have this problem?
@MontanaVike Are you doing the following? 1. turn on choppa. 2. turn on controller. 3. move throttle from fully down to fully up and then back down again. that syncs the chopper. also keeps it from flying away if the throttle is not completely off when you switch on the controller.
@miko1 Yup, this is the procedure we follow. Sometimes it works on the first try, other times we have to do the procedure repeatedly.
I bought, and then I bought again.
1 the first, three more this time... time for battles at the office...we split the cost among three of us.... time for war!!!
Could this thing handle extra weight from say, an incredibly small camera phone?
@senorweird i keep wondering that, but no i don't think it could... it might however be able to handle one of those small little spy button cameras....
@senorweird That would be a negative. I was able to haul a plastic army man or a balloon or about 5 paper clips.
@tightwad - i live in an apt building shaped as a U. it would have been awesome to be able to deliver things via balconies with this thing if it could handle more weight
@senorweird Yea was wondering if I could attach a GoPro to this thing and make my own photo drone.
free replacement parts? ... we are skeptical. what's your game, summit retail solutions?
@miko1 They don't supply the parts you will need...that's where they get you!
@tightwad It looks like the have the parts that are broken on my son's choppa. I've placed my order for free. I will not report back if and when the parts show up.
I can't wait to tape my Schrade knife to the front of the helicopter and poke holes in my neoprene sleeves for the hell of it. Then use my Dyson and Neato to vacuum up the mess.
These are awesome. The one we got last time is still flying great. It was and still is my son's favorite Christmas present (much to the dismay of my wife who spent tons of time and money on other things he wasn't nearly as impressed with).
Holy crap! Someone in my county bought one. Now I guess I'll have to wear a Meh shirt every time I go out in hopes of meeting the fellow Meh-er.
WAHHH! I wanted one to mess with my 3 dogs but I was veto'ed by the SO..... UGH
The one I kept for myself never took a charge. Poor little thing. The ones I gave away though were all big hits. I must be doing something wrong.
Wow. Sold out before noon Eastern. (4,884) Were these the remainder of the 11,100 sold in December? Pretty impressive sales given it is after the peak gifting period.
A little recap from the last time to help all you new pilots in need.
The on switch under the copter is not the tab sticking out. That is the receiver. The on/off switch is located right above the tab and is a little nub you slide to the left and right. If you move the tick looking tab chances are you will break the connection of the receiver and it will fail to function so look close the first time you switch it on to not do this!
Once you sync flight slowly power up throttle to where it is nearly taking off. You will probably see it trying to turn left or right. Dial the left/right under right control until it stops turning a certain direction. This will allow you to have a much better flight experience.
ANYTIME you are crashing and out of control, cut the throttle fully. A crash with the engine not engaged will do far less damage than with it on.
If you have unstable flight it could be one of many things. The fins may be bent over, the balance bar at top may be bent, you may have the blades tightened to much. The blades should freely move around. Do NOT tightened them down. I know it looks weird and like it would not fly but centrifugal forces does it for you.
These do not work well outside. No things to bounce a signal off and too much interference. That said as long as you aim the controller at the copter, you should have control. It is easier to learn the basics in the yard but you need a large area and constant need to aim at the copter to maintain control.
Happy flying!
@Outofmehmind Do you have any idea why it wouldn't gain altitude? Mine worked fine before but now even if I push the left stick all the way up it'll go up a few inches and then after a couple of seconds it'll go down again. Also, the lower blades take longer to start spinning and sometimes I think they get stuck or something... I'm not sure if that's the problem. I have 2 more helicopters but I don't want to give up on this one yet. :(
@chokcheesecake If it's starting out but failing after a few seconds then probably the battery in the copter is failing. IIRC, not replaceable.
@chokcheesecake I think the FAA (or is it the FFA) has decided to limit the flight of these to five inches so they don't interfere with low flying 747s.
@chokcheesecake That sounds like slipping in the gear and I have not seen a way to tighten that back up, but I haven't had to. You may want to remove the cover and see if there is a screw you can tighten we cannot see, but I do not know of a way from my use.
@chokcheesecake Usually a nearly dead battery. Nice feature on these, if the LED starting blinking after flight the battery level is too low.
Almost 5000 more down the hatch, sold out. Very cool, these things rock!
I bought two of these last Christmas, one arrived DOA but Customer Support replaced it (many thanks, @Hollboll !) Son and granddaughter enjoy terrorizing the cat. Much fun.
@Sarahsda Hopefully not like this:
Great sold out, bunch of DT's! Deal Teasers!!!!
Wheh, thank goodness they sold out, I was about to order some more... saved!
Oh noooooo. I missed it! My GF is so saaaad after breaking the one I got her for Xmas...
For all those upset that they missed the deal because it is now sold out, I just wanted you all to know that I purchased 9 of them. Sucks to suck, sucker!
@studerc You're a jerk!
@studerc You're the sucker for spending $72 on these things. I bought one last time and it lasted two flights before it stopped working. It didn't break. It just stopped.
@TBoneZeOriginal I only kept one from the last round in which i got for free from @JonT. The other six i sold at $20 each and made $72 in profit...sure, Im the sucker. A sucker thats $72 richer.
@studerc Let 'me know! ROCK ON!!!
Bought three last time to give as gifts at birthday parties-- the price is fantastic for that. It's basically a $15-20 gift that gives my kids enough street cred at their elementary with $8 price tags.
These are NOT as good as the Syma, but close enough for 7-9yr olds and half the price, and they are MUCH better than entry level Air Hogs.
I thought I bought three right after the deal went live. My account and credit card say differently. Have I lost my mind so fully that I'm now imagining Meh purchases?
I am legitimately bummed that I somehow didn't seal the deal and actually buy anything. I loved the one I got six weeks ago and was excited to have already finished Father's Day shopping. :P
@saramwrap in the long run it is much healthier to imagine you bought Meh stuff. Sleep well. No worries.
@RedOak Probably true, except the resultant depression when I wait 6 months and my imaginary helicopters never arrive.
I didn't think you were gonna do it today, but you proved me wrong Meh. Outstanding job at another great sellout. Keep up the great work!!!
@phatmass I knew a sell out was in order, anyone who ordered one weeks ago was back for more. At $8 these are a steal!:)
@Stallion I didn't...
That's $44424 total
OCD triggered
Soooo happy I got three. Two went to nephews. One was thrilled. Not sure about the other and hope it worked :-/
Add roman candles to your helis.
First meh purchase. Was hesitant and seems my reluctance was well founded. DOA out of the box. meh indeed.
@flipping_things Give our customer support a shout and they'll work on it with you. Sorry you got a DOA one, we want to sell things that are meh not broken.
@JonT mine is also DOA. This isn't my first helicopter. The blades are hitting each other once it tries to fly. I need a replacement!
Decided to buy 9 between three accounts, got 7 red ones and 2 black ones...really? Would be nice if random could actually turn out at least one of each color. Two packages were all red ones, lame. I blame @barney for this color catastrophe. I also blame @JonT because of his secret vendetta against me.
@studerc I like purple. Baaa!
@studerc, @JonT's vendetta isn't secret, he talks about it all the time in the anti-studerc meetings.
@studerc Anyone with multiple accounts gets a #firstworldproblems tag anyway.
@editorkid Firstworldproblems indeed. But seriously though, it's SO HARD to sell 7 red ones, I've had 3 people say they would buy one if it was blue. Shame.
@Thumperchick Ahhh, the anti-@studerc meetings. I'mma gonna guess that about 1/2 of woot's remaining loyal fanbase is there. Haters will indeed hate. I'm sure @JonT brings a small effigy of me and burns it along with a goat prize each meeting. Of course, I can see all of this as I sit alone at the back of the walmart parking lot waiting for others to show up the the Q meetings from yesteryear. I see you fuckers over in the clearly much nicer Target parking lot.
@MEHcus request for a blue Sharpie on aisle @studerc
@editorkid not sure if they people that will buy these will want them crudely colored in sharpie...hmm...then again...
@studerc It's how things work here. https://meh.com/forum/topics/you-win-this-round-meh--well-played
@editorkid haha no need to link, definitely not a noob around these here parts. :)
@studerc Right, you and I aren't, but people who are should be able to check that out. It was one of the first things that made the Meh team look awesomer than we expected.
I like purple.
@studerc I will trade you... I bought 3 and received 3 all the same color - all black... Would have been nice to receive at least one other color... Meh!
Well that was quick. Three sessions and the rear rotor quit. Now it only flies backwards! Maybe with a little practice I can get used to it.
Imagine my excitement when my 1st MEH purchase arrived.
Now imagine my disappointment when it arrived DOA.
I suppose I only have Mehself to blame.
@ebatch make sure the power switch is in the "OFF" position or it won't charge... and don't forget the left side joystick up and down thing.
@thismyusername -Thanks.
@thismyusername -Thank you. Yep, I followed all the instructions but still nothing. The helicopter LED & remote lights blink then stay lit when signal's established, but rotors don't spin. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance
@ebatch nope sounds like a dud contact support. :(
@thismyusername Thanks bud, will do. I appreciate you trying to help.
@ebatch The first one I opened doesn't even get that far - when I plug it in, the power charging light blinks on and then off. Power switch on helicopter does nothing. The other 2 seem to be charging just fine, though!
@ebatch Mine's a dud, too. There goes the weekend.
@Andrew_B You were smart to get multiples.
@rossismyname Yup. That's how I felt last weekend.
It's stupid just how bummed you feel when your $8 helicopter toy doesn't work, huh?
This just arrived in today's mail & I just wanted to say that it is SLEEK & GORGEOUS... and pics didn't do this baby just at.all! Disclaimer that I'm a chick with a design background & I'm simply referring to packaging, materials, presentation & aesthetics gleaned upon opening the box... but still -- if this baby performs half as great as it looks IRL, it was definitely a great buy. My husband has already claimed it as his, and I'm wishing I had ordered more. :)
My first meh...
Did a few test flights tonight. Had to retrieve it off my roof more than once. I'm getting better controlling it, but it still does whatever it wants. My 4 year old thought it was awesome though.
2nd meh - guess I won the meh lottery because mine is still working on the 3rd day. I can't believe this sold for $8. Would buy again. I've only flown it inside. I can imagine that it would be uncontrollable outside since it's barely controllable inside.
Thankfully my husband bought hard hats on clearance @ home depot..my son has taken to aiming the helicopters at my head! So far happiness from the flyers.
Got this in the mail today. Finally was able to scrounge up 6 AA batteries around 3am. Out in yard testing it out. Immediately crash it into neighbors' back yard. Have to climb fence to retrieve. Nothing like being 32 years old and climbing fences at 3am to retrieve a toy.
9/10 Would jump fences again. If it could lift a can of beer, it would be 10/10.
Hello. Please sell these again. I had the most fun five minutes of my life before it hit my chandelier and broke. I would like to recreate that happiness and joy, of only for a short while.
I just received my first set of these and what great fun. Unfortunately, one of the remotes arrived DOA. Hopefully I can get a replacement. Also, after several hours of flying and crashing, one of the choppers keeps spinning to the right and the adjustment knob is not enough to correct it. Trying to fix it but it seems that one of the rotors is spinning faster than the other. Not sure how this happened as initially it worked perfectly.
@jayman007 look for hair that may be caught in the rotor assembly, especially the tail rotor.
@tightwad I gave it a thorough look over and I don't see anything impeding the top rotors from spinning freely. I might get bold and tear it open to examine the gears but everything is so tiny I fear I don't have the patience to put it back together.
One day in, and it's performing well (knock on wood). Build quality is less than the Syma 107G, but it's survived a couple crashes and it's about as easy to control as my Syma.
@ninkumpoop Ok... An hour later and I need to change my feedback. A few more crashes and it's still alive, but it does not handle the same as it did on the first few flights. Much more difficult to control. Not impossible, but difficult. The first 5-10 seconds after take-off, the control is meh. Have to work to get it stable. Once it's stable, it flies with meh-level control. The one positive is that my son loves it when it crashes on it's skids it will bounce 2+ feet into the air. Boing!
@ninkumpoop crashing is the best part. Loads of fun.
I bought this for my fiance for Valentines day. I wanted to test it out in my office... it lasted for as long as the romance in my 9 year relationship...minutes! I have wasted $8.00 on lesser things I suppose. Now on to my next crappy purchase! =)
Well, crap. I had the helicopter for about five minutes when it flew up out of my control and got stuck in some ivy attached to the trunk of a tree. There is no way for me to get it down. I am sad now. Dang it.
Been saving these as a birthday present, and finally the kids (and, er, me) got to play with them! A little hard to control, some near misses with the roof/trees, but they've survived. Charging batteries for another attempt at left/right motion, not just up down.