@ASpeirs21 This is weird. I looked up your order number through google to see what image it would display and it actually has today's batteries as the first image.
@cengland0 perhaps because Meh gets a lot more eyeballs than any of those other pics. . . And a lot more than other mentions of the word "goat" today on the Internet? So ironically, in an Escher/feedback loop kind of way, @ASpeirs21's order number might have been the trigger.
Either that, or Meh's preoccupation (obsession?) with goats is all too well known by the google algorithms.
@armchair the other day I was about to buy Costco/Kirkland batteries, but looking at the Panny Eneloops on the next pallet noticed the payback for the Eneloops was about 6 recharges. However, those Kirklands cost a bit less than twice these Meh batteries, so the payback here would be about 12 recharges.
@armchair There are applications where alkalines make sense and rechargables (even LSDs) don't. I own a bunch of Eneloops, but I still buy alkalines for certain uses.
@cengland0 Not really, I am really curious about prefences and it is hard to find honest evaluations. I might use your choice as a purchase recommendation.
@march5th00 For what it's worth, I bought a 48 pack of the AAs from Woot about a year and a half ago, and never had any issues. I'm in for one of each today
@pepsiwine there is absolutely nothing proportionate in those drawings. The penises just stand out because for crazy reasons, the sado pornographer... err.... artist.... made them a different share and style.
Impervious-rotten-language. I was waiting for a battery offer. The ones I got from a previous Meh offer last even longer in my digital camera than Duracell batteries, so I'm glad I was able to restock on batteries before I ran out.
"But when you've stocked up on 48-packs of AA or AAA batteries, you're Henry the 8th, you are, you are: batteries are condemned at the first sign of disloyalty, tossed aside for younger, more responsive replacements. Until suddenly you run out of new candidates for the guillotine."
Why is no one complaining that these are $7 a 48 pack when the Fujitsu ones were only $5 a 40 pack? Are these better or are we sheep? Oh well, I need the AAA's so I'm in for two packs of AAA's and what the hell, one pack of AA's too. Craven-nostalgic-oak
@mehdaf this version is better liked by greenies (who haven't heard of Eneloops) who like their packaging to say all kinds of environmental stuff. But one wonders whether the "greenish" versions last as long (would that actually be less green?).
People...read the wording on the batteries...no mercury and no cadmium WHAT??? yup...these things are full of an environmentally friendly soup designed by Al Gore (the man who invented the internet) no wonder they leak! We need mercury in our batteries because mercury comes from super novas ...and as far as cadmium is concerned it has an atomic number of 48 which is the EXACT number of batteries in a pack...this is not a coincidence...think about it
@wootcat And you didn't sign up for VMP instead of paying for shipping? They are the same price and you would get 30 days of free shipping on anything else you may or may not buy.
@RedOak It was recommended to me by someone in the alarm business. Only time will tell, as they say, but I'll be happy if I get half that time out of it.
Man, looks like Meh got a metric fuckton of batteries today. I had expected these to sell out within an hour, but 11 hours after the deal was posted and both kinds are still in stock.
What really intrigues me is today's visitor stats.
Look at that big spike. Additionally, generally about 91-93 percent of Meh's visitors (from what I've seen since that feature was added) seem to come by directly entering the URL, so for it to get knocked a couple of points strikes me as a big deal. Hopefully something as cheap and universally useful as batteries will lead to a few more meh-mbers joining us.
Just got confirmation from the VP at Fuji in regards to the leaking batteries. The short version is they had one lot a few years ago that leaked, but those customers were taken care of and the issue was resolved.
It has come to my attention that a consumer is stating that Fuji EnviroMax batteries leak. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fuji EnviroMax did experience a leakage problem on 4400BP4 with an expiration date of 2017 on ONE particular lot that was shipped to Canada in January of 2012. Fuji sent replacement product to ALL consumers that had an issue. We are very proud of the sway we handled the problem. Quickly and without hesitation. We stand behind our product 100%. RUSS BONGIORNO VP SALES AND MARKETING
@Moose You are the man! or woman! Thanks for that extra info. I grabbed a set of AAA's anyways even if they were leaky, but this helps know they probably won't. If they did leak after all I wouldn't be surprised though, this is MEH and all.
@Moose You are indeed a man, at least for the moment, Moose. However, no telling what could happen in the coming weeks and months should the Paragonimiasis spread to the groinal region. ;)
@Moose I'm not sure if the Fuji battery brand is now licensed or part of the umbrella corporate, but many years ago I had a problem with a large batch of Fuji Velvia film that caused me a significant loss. Fuji customer service not only replaced the defective product, but supplied me with bricks of various film products to help compensate my losses. A truly upstanding company. I only wish they made more products that I like.
Dear old guy in CompUSA 15 years ago that was stocking up on floppy disks "while they're cheap". I'm sorry I laughed at you after you left. I understand now.
to be honest... i go through so many AA batteries cuz of my shitty bluetooth apple mouse. it chews through that shit but i keep it cuz of the side-scroll.
on my pc i run a glorious logitech 510 mouse that which the batteries last at least a good 6 months.
@BinkyMelnik Yes. This is a daily deal site. Only one product per day and today's product is a speaker dock (or two). If you do not buy before midnight eastern time, you will miss the opportunity to buy.
@cengland Ah. Hadn't noticed the date in my newsreader. My bad. And now I'm battery-less. I'll hafta be quicker on the draw. Thanks for pointing out my derpitude!
@dfwhoser I tossed 12 AAA's from 2 packs of 48. This after having to buy a 12v battery to get my remotes working since the one that came with it was dead. I'm getting tired of this trend of junk product and not getting what you pay for.
@dfwhoser Only one AAA out of the pack for me, but now I have to unpack and dig out the box of AA's to double check them as well. Had planned on taking them to replenish the battery stockpile at the cabin. Booo.
@dfwhoser I had several leaking as well. Had to go through three of the "four packs" just to find four good ones for my remote. Sucks that this happened but I gotta give it to MEH for being awesome about it all!
I'm not calling him a liar... just saying that I guess he was sadly mistaken in his explanation. :)
I'm sure his mother loves him. Even when he sends her the batteries that "don't have a problem" with leaking.
Maybe, as a good marketer, he was saying that they're "working as designed" and that they're supposed to leak. The problem would be if they DO NOT leak.
@thismyusername Until we hear an official response from a staff member, I would contact customer support. Go to your orders page and click on the "I need help with this" button and fill out the form. Let us know what they tell you.
@jzmacdaddy You may have led a sheltered life then. I have seen all sorts of brand batteries leak. In the beginning of my career life, I used to sell electronic devices like remote control cars. I've had customers return them the next day claiming they are defective and when I opened the battery compartment, the Duracell (and many other brands) batteries have leaked all over the remote control.
The customer was always shocked saying that they just bought the batteries. I put in our own house brand batteries and the device works perfectly.
After this experience in my life, I have no problem buying almost any brand battery regardless if they are made in the USA, China, Korea, or whatever.
@thismyusername You jest, but I think that actually happened in my case.. I had a pack that was leaking badly, and the plastic was gone around the leaks.
I'm feeling pretty mad about this, even though mine haven't arrived yet. I feel like I was coerced into buying them. Now even if they aren't leaking in the package I'll be afraid to use them in any electronics.
@KDemo ... and the thing is I ordered 1 pack, then saw the leak thing and canceled, then saw the post by moose from the fuji VP so I purchased 2... and now... yea... I'm not sure I trust the non-leaking ones myself.... but don't be mad, they will work it out...
@thismyusername - I did the exact same thing, then Moose tagged some of us who had expressed concern so we could see the statement from Fuji. Can't help being mad, but I'll wait to see what they do before posting bad reviews.
Hey y'all, We're working with the manufacturer to get this figured out. If you have any issues just contact us at https://meh.com/support and we'll take care of you, refund or replacement.
@JonT WHAT THE... I just sent in a ticket and I got this back.
Believe it or not, our mediocre lives extend past the walls of Meh HQ. You see, we like to go home at night and on the weekends just like you.
You guys like to go home? Meh HQ isn't home? I think secretly you have non k user names that you check the forums with. Well no I don't think you do @JonT I've seen you post and say when you're back at work... But. Nice out hours message. Very professional. :)
I got 48 AAA batteries in a damaged battery package. The damaged package was in a zip lock bag. Out of 51 total batteries, 19 are crushed and unusable. Please advise MEH.
My 2 48-packs arrived today, and it appears that 3 batteries in one pack and one from the other have leaked. Not a real big deal, but if Fuji is going to make things right I'll be happy :)
Yeah....just got mine today and they are leaking acid out of the top and bottom of all three boxes. The only time I saw this type of leakage was with some cheap heavy duty batteries which I ended up tossing....
I thought all mine were fine, but after reading comments I decided to look, and I've joined the Leak Brigade. I notified Halp, and am confident they'll do something, but they are not going to be happy campers on Monday. Here's my bad packs:
I also have two boxes of AAA's that leaked. The box of AA's appear fine. I'm a little embarrassed that I'm wearing my secret handshake shirt right now...
Went out to the mailbox -- sure enough my batteries had also arrived today. Suspicious stain betrayed the leaky contents. (OK, only one for me, but pretty sure I don't want to put these in anything non-disposable.)
@barnabee wait for what? i mean, i'm up for waiting for.... but the 'what' has my nipples in a knot. seriously... the jbl micro/mini (whichever the one i bought that needs AAA bateries... and sucks the fuckers dry... like no other product i've seen)
@Noddy93 This is my concern and keep in mind that I, too, bought both battery sizes: Why are some batteries leaking and others are not? Is it just a matter of time before ALL of the batteries start to leak? I'm not going to use any of the batteries until we hear from Meh about what they are going to do about this problem. I don't want any of my electronics ruined by faulty batteries.
@barnabee although it seems that i might have been belittleing your response... well, cuz let's face it, that is what i was doing, the batteries seem to suck. but i bought them realizing that they probalby suck. it is meh after all.
@Noddy93 and yes... Meh shouldn't sell shit. they were told the batteries weren't shit but it seems that they were. give me another three months of vmp and offer the EMT during a week where i don't have $1500 of other responsibilites and i'll be happy... i can't express just how pissed i am that meh sold the one f'n knife i really want on a day where i couldn't hit the 'buy' button
I received my AA batteries yesterday. Checked, no leaking but I had 4-5 stowaways..I have no clue what kind of bugs they were. I threw the box outside. They were quick, black and beetlely like. They maybe eating my deck as I type and infesting the state of NC. Who knows what Texas bugs are capable of?? OMG..ARMAGEDDON??
@TerriblyHuang Oh hell no, no pics. The little bastards woudn't sit for a photo and I threw the box, batteries and all outside as soon as I opened it. Thank the Meh Gods they weren't the size of palmetto bugs. These guys were about the size of a medium size ant with a shell and plan to race in at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
@maggie - This was the last straw. I just wrote "return to sender" on the package and left it in the mailbox. Not sure if this is appropriate, but didn't want likely mutant battery acid bugs in my house.
Hopping on the leaky battery train with a small twist. I was only sent 2 cases of AAA batteries even though I ordered and paid for 3. Of the ones I actually got, over half the batteries in one box leaked and a third in the other box. Message sent to support, hopefully they can get it sorted out this time.
Already heard from Holly at Halp, who apologized very much. She asked whether I'd rather have a refund or replacement; I asked for the former. I'd gladly ship them back if they sent a shipping label.
All: We've come to early agreement that the AAA Batteries in this event are clearly unacceptable in quality. We've been directly mislead by our vendor saying the leaking issues were not this batch. We'll be working on a process to proactively inform buyers of leaking issues and refund everyone purchase price of the AAA batteries. Not quite sure how freight charges (for non-VMP buyers) will work out yet on orders of both - will look into technical ability to prorate the charge and partial refund.
Give us a day or two and we'll get this plan in action. We will automatically refund your card and email you of the details (e.g. without need for dialog with customer service.) We'll do our best to advise of best means of disposal.
We are incredibly sorry this has occurred. Your time wasted likely overshadows the outright dollars at stake. We will make good on purchase but we know your time is not recoverable. Thanks for your patience while we resolve this as efficiently as we can.
@snapster In a former life, I spent some time in charge of a warehouse unit called 'Over, Short and Damaged'. The things vendors did ruined my sweet and trusting nature forever. It happens. Vendors don't change in the slightest. I'm sure the Roman supply officers had the same issues and used the same language when they found problems. Very glad you're so responsive.
As always, you really step up @snapster, thanks! - Guess I jumped the gun by returning these to sender, but perhaps you can use them as evidence when you sue the vendor. ;-)
@snapster I say we throw the leaking batteries at the vendor. Or the vendor's lovely automobile. Just imagine the sound a car makes while being pelted with hundreds of batteries being thrown by slightly pissed off purchasers.
@snapster Thank you for taking responsibility for this and making things right. I just received mine today and was taking my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of the battery juice soaked packaging to send in when I saw the email notification of the refund. What timing! I hope meh will be able to receive some kind of compensation from the vendor due to their misleading you.
@LaVikinga Hundreds? They sold almost 5000 units I think, if half were AAA 40 packs that's 100,000 batteries (right?). I want to hear what sound THAT makes! Now that I think about those numbers it drives home what an incredible waste this is.
@belowi I come from a long line of tinfoil re-users, ziploc bag washer outers. Since I've had Duracells and Energizers poop all over my remotes and flameless candles, I'm going to honor family tradition and warily use these. I have to say it gives me a sense of pride to know Snapster stands behind the stuff he sells (even if the battery acid IS leaking all over his deck shoes.) Meh gets it.
@snapster Wow ... I wish I had written in several months ago regarding a pack of AAs I got from you guys, those arrived with a few leaky ones too. I just figured it was part of the cost : value ratio :)
@snapster I know I'm necroposting here, but I'm seriously curious what happened in your negotiations with the vendor? You were lied to and had to issue thousands of refunds. Were you compensated by the vendor? Did they apologize in anyways, and attempt to make right? If they didn't, did you leave a bag of flaming dog poo on their doorstep? Seriously though, if they didn't do shit about it, and just said "tough luck sucka!", then at least let us know the vendor so we can snub them appropes like!
@cengland0@snapster mentioned that their vendor misled them. Of course I will avoid these batteries in the future, but he seemed to imply there were some other underhanded/shading things going on with the 3rd party that sold Meh the batteries.
Got the batteries last week and didn't check them until I just now read this. Husband got a pack of AAA and I got a pack. Mine had one little leaker so I tossed the set of 4 it was in. Husband's were a total leaking mess, no survivors. Not sure what to do with mine. Toss them or just wait and see?
@Teripie I really don't want to dispose of the "good" ones from my package, but I think that I'd probably be more upset if I ruined something I put them in by not being smart about this... I think I'm going to get rid of all of them.
@dashcloud The places near us want the ends of each battery covered with electrical tape or similar, so I will have a fun and caustic project before I can turn them in.
damn it... why couldn't it have been the AA that were bad. I've waited so long for AAA to show up... and was out having just placed the last 4 in my JBL Micro.
I think that I'll risk running the AAA in this thing cuz it sucks batteries like I suck Evan Williams & 7up.
A nice speaker dock... but damn on the battery life.
Only two of my 48 AAA's were leaking, but appreciate the refund (and email) all the same. I will hold onto the others for now, but will keep a close eye on them.
I guess every battery sale comes with it's positives and negatives.
Cool on the refund, darn it on not having enough AAA's around! I need to match my AA supply, I hope you guys can find a new supply of batteries without the leaks.
@0oiiiiio0@Syl We can't definitively say they will or will not leak but as a whole we think chances are high that this entire batch of Triple A batteries may be prone to leaking given the amount of issues we've seen thus far.
@0oiiiiio0 we certainly aren't going to bother asking the supplier. Officially it seems too risky to suggest you use them. If I had a cheap enough device and I could use and then remove them I might do that, but I'm pretty cheap and not averse to illogical risk taking. (in fact, this is how we all ended up in this crappy position to begin with)
@Syl I'd suggest peeling a tiny bit around the negative end of the battery's label and see if you have any white fuzz growing there. If there's any fuzz at all, that battery will eventually leak a lot more. Otherwise, it might leak, so stick it on the shelf and observe it for a week or three.
Let's sent Fuji a big unlucky fuku!! Got my box a few days ago just opened it and the corrosive power had dissolved the entire corner of the plastic wrapping
Huh, I just got the email about the refund, guess I better take a closer look at those batteries, they were not obviously leaking through the packaging though. Meanwhile I shall vent my fury with this video:
As with others mine all look ok (I hadn't even opened the package until I got the email) - I guess the best route would be to 'recycle' them and be done with em rather risk damaging a remote (which is where most would have ended up).
I checked my pack, had 1 obviously leaking battery. I tossed it and the two adjacent packs. I then looked at the others to see if any of them looked fuzzy, and 2 more seemed to have fuzzy ended batteries in them, so those got tossed. Of the 7 remaining packs, I opened one up and peeled the bottom of the label off all 4 batteries, and under the label 2 of those were getting a bit fuzzy. I'm keeping the other two on my desk to see if those get fuzzy too, or if they'll be good in the long-term. I imagine I'll have to peel the rest and see how many are salvageable, and then observe them for further leaks. These will probably end up in my son's disposable fan/helicopter toys that he grabs at the convenience store. (He generally goes through a set of AAA batteries every few days on those.) If they leak in those, we can just toss em and spend $7 on another one.
I peeled the bottom label off the remaining 6 packs. Out of 7 packs of batteries, only 5 batteries lacked obvious corrosion. At that rate, it's probably not worth even bothering with them. I'll keep watching the 5 that were good though and see if they develop corrosion.
@kazriko Thanks. Well that shot my theory all to hell. My AAA batteries are 11/2019 and are not leaking. I was hoping it was only the 6/2019 ones with the problem. Oh, well.
@barnabee You can double check them by just peeling a tiny bit of the label off on the negative terminal of the battery and see if you have white residue or spikes poking out from the edges. It could be that this gets worse with age, and the 6/2019 ones have just had 5 extra months to leak. With the exception of one, all of mine had their corrosion underneath the label on the negative terminal and hadn't leaked all the way out yet.
@kazriko I checked all my batteries. I can't find any corrosion. I just hate to waste things, but I'm going to send them to the recycle bin. Better safe than sorry. Thanks for your help.
I had bought the AA pack and had issues with mine. Installed 4 into my drone controller and 2 of them got super hot. Hot enough, that it was burning my fingers through the back cover. By the time I got it open and pulled them out, they has already started melting the battery slots they were in and warped the battery cover. I ended up placing them in a 5 gallon bucket I had full of gravel until they cooled off. Take a very long time for that to happen. Thanks for the refund. Glad I didn't have them in a remote or something that was in the house. Could have come home or woke up to a fire.
@bigrsmith I've had this same problem with the AAs recently. I had to Trash them. Too bad meh isn't refunding for the AAs too. This purchase was a complete bust.
Yeah, so tonight in trying to fall asleep I was kept up by a clicking sound. It was really annoying me. I thought it must be a leaking pipe in the wall dripping. Thankfully it was not. Turns out it was a leaking AAA battery. Even though I tossed out all the leaking ones already, I now found that almost half of the ones that looked good were now leaking. I thought that I could save some but unfortunately it's just not worth it. Hopefully there will be another AAA deal soon.
@derek17j Found this out the hard way too. I trashed the bad batteries from the original shipment, and kept the ones that looked OK. The other day I opened a pack and it was slick inside with acid. Couldn't throw the rest away fast enough.
@cengland0 After I read this I did a search in my gmail and it was there .... and unread .... guess that's why I don't remember seeing it, fortunately I had not used any of those batteries yet.
So after who knows how long… These batteries ate and destroyed through my flashlight.
Heavy reminder!
Throws these away, dont sell them, send manufacturer down the drain!
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Fuji
Estimated Delivery: 5/13 - 5/15
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
48x Fuji EnviroMax Super Alkaline AA batteries
48x Fuji EnviroMax Super Alkaline AAA batteries
AAA in box
AA in box
Price Comparison
$36.29 List, $19.99 at Amazon for AA
$71.88 at Amazon for AA
$71.88 List, $59.88 at Amazon for AAA
See this post in regards to old reports of leaking batteries
This handy post by silalus over at Woot gives some information per battery comparisons.
For reference, ours break down to:
$0.15 per battery if you’re a VMP for 1 pack
$0.15 for a 2 pack
$0.15 for a 3 pack
Not a VMP?
$0.25 per battery with shipping for a 1 pack
$0.20 for a 2 pack
$0.18 for a 3 pack
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Stayed up for batteries?
Not just batt'rees. A choice of batt'rees.
@tomcole27 I stayed up for batteries, woohoo!
@ASpeirs21 This is weird. I looked up your order number through google to see what image it would display and it actually has today's batteries as the first image.

How is that possible?
@cengland0 perhaps because Meh gets a lot more eyeballs than any of those other pics. . . And a lot more than other mentions of the word "goat" today on the Internet? So ironically, in an Escher/feedback loop kind of way, @ASpeirs21's order number might have been the trigger.
Either that, or Meh's preoccupation (obsession?) with goats is all too well known by the google algorithms.
@cengland0 Google is magic, Google is god. The NSA wishes they were as good at gathering information as Google.
Meh.... wait no shit I want these.
I really, really
that you keep offering alkaline batteries for sale. Serve up some old Sanyo branded Eneloops or something. Come on.@armchair bravo
@armchair Already charged 2000 times!
@armchair the other day I was about to buy Costco/Kirkland batteries, but looking at the Panny Eneloops on the next pallet noticed the payback for the Eneloops was about 6 recharges. However, those Kirklands cost a bit less than twice these Meh batteries, so the payback here would be about 12 recharges.
@armchair There are applications where alkalines make sense and rechargables (even LSDs) don't. I own a bunch of Eneloops, but I still buy alkalines for certain uses.
Woohoo! Been waiting awhile for these!
AAA Batteries? Finally!
AAs or AAAs but no AAAAAs.
@saodell My favorite size is DD
@cengland0 6-volt Lantern or GTFO :)
3 packs of AAA!!!!!!!!!!!
because someone decided that my stupid fucking vibrator should use AAA batteries
@HELLOALICE wait... AAA? no adequacy issues there
@HELLOALICE 'Fucking vibrator.' Oh, redundancy!
@HELLOALICE You should spring for a plug-in one.
I hear Wahl makes a nice one.
@HELLOALICE Your frustration comes through loud and clear, maybe you should set up some other usernames and fill up a closet with AAAs.
@HELLOALICE And I say again, no pictures = It NEVER happened!!
@PhysAssist Don't forget banana for scale
@cengland0 Not really, I am really curious about prefences and it is hard to find honest evaluations. I might use your choice as a purchase recommendation.
@sephuink09 That would help too, prolly.
@HELLOALICE Sigh. Mine are leaking as well. Such a tease. :((((
@HELLOALICE Did you really reply to yourself?
@cengland0 I continued in my comment thread instead of making another top-level comment to say that mine are leaking.
Batteries. Meh. Everything I buy here has built-in lithium batteries.
I guessed it would be batteries tonight. I still have a gazillion from the last few rounds, so why not buy more? Howz about 9V next time, please?
@heartny Put six of these in series.
@heartny Throw some C's and D's in the next sale too!
Woo, something useful! Good thing I already have enough extras!
I still have 80 batteries left from couple months ago... should I get more... meh!!!
So the reviews I'm reading on these say they leak. Anybody have experience with that?
@march5th00 we all do, at some point. wait- just me?
The leaking batteries expire code is 2016. The are 3 to 4 years later, after they fixed the gasket issue.
@march5th00 For what it's worth, I bought a 48 pack of the AAs from Woot about a year and a half ago, and never had any issues. I'm in for one of each today
@lindwright @moose thanks! Picked up some much needed AAs
@march5th00 I just received mine and EVERY SINGLE AAA pack has at least one battery that's leaked. 96 AAA's and at least 1 in four has leaked. FAIL!!!
@dfwhoser Same here. Just got mine. Corrosion all over the place. Double Fail.
you'd think the first hit would have been a better picture. I guess they kind of look like goats at least.
@carl669 funny, I thought at first glance that was of a goat simulator mod. What does that possibly have to do with carp?
withering-moving-key -Speaking of what does the pic have to do with the words!
@PhysAssist She's starting to wither, she's moving, and she has keys in her purse :)
I need C and D batteries please.
@Rstoker C ??? Did you go and buy that stupid flashlight the other day?
@Rstoker Nah, you just need a ton of AAs and some of those adapters. This'll get you halfway there ;)
@eyewerks Almost, but no. I'm a science teacher and we got some toys donated that need D and C. D for a hydrogen rocket and C for a kids microscope.
Whew, thank you meh. Was in some serious need of AAA batteries. $7 for 48 came right on time.
So confused.......
@somf69 google image search that one....
@alacrity @somf69 sounds like you got @marklog's order number…
luscious-pleasing-dog I live to serve- and buy AAA's
@mdbim only if swallowed... or if you've an extremely long tongue
@alacrity You win!

@alacrity Wow, is that apropos or what!!
@alacrity that's a bit on the nose...
Yay! These sold out last time

South-central Atlantic Ocean, and
Edit: Cancelled order due to possibility of leaking batteries.
Edit edit: Reordered thanks to Mr @Moose 's research.
Endurable tawny apple. For some reason it produces no pics, but does give us this very NSFW bit of torture porn, complete with illustrations: http://1226608.sites.myregisteredsite.com/seantheartist/archived/2005/0305/Mr05D-Revolt!.htm
@brainmist It was very disturbing just how disproportionate those penises are. Penises are never the size of your forearm. Just wrong.
@brainmist This is what I found on my Google search for your terms:
@pepsiwine there is absolutely nothing proportionate in those drawings. The penises just stand out because for crazy reasons, the sado pornographer... err.... artist.... made them a different share and style.
@PhysAssist did you insist it use 'endurable'? because that seemed to be where things started going terribly, terribly wrong for me...
@brainmist err. Shade.
@brainmist I copied and pasted the exact phrase.
Some reviews say the Chinese made batteries leak. Are the Chinese or Japanese made?
@mrken30 The write-up doesn't specifically say but doing some investigative work by zooming in on the image, it looks like China.

Someone else in a message above said that the leaking batteries expire in 2016 so these might not have that same problem.
unmoving-merciful-parcel. Does this mean my shipment will never arrive?
and no, it's Meh, so it just always seems that way!
Are these three leaky Chinese ones?
These batteries leak
ginormous-ungracious-sister, yup!
@dfunk29 ginormous-ungracious-sister
What is the date stamp on these batteries? Some say the 2016 batch has major issues with leaking, ruining precious gadgetry
@vijaysdad AAA expiration date: June 2019. AA expiration date: November 2020.
A half hour in and the stats on the front page are still a bit wonky. No map sales and no page visit counts.
But they're selling like bonkers - over 1,400. Don't wait for the morning to buy.
Wow AAA's???Prayers have been answered! Those leaky reports have me hesitating......
How about selling me some C batteries for the flashlight I bought here a couple days ago?!
I would accept these in a Fuku
@jmhsrv well you did get a boc today. Maybe youll get some used ones in that. #imnotstalkingyouoranything :)
@jaybird touche
Still not sure how good they will be if they are the leaky ones.......
@Stallion vivacious-magnificent-shandy
Yay! I bought two packs of AAA and a pack of AA. Hubby's account bought another two packs of AAA. I'm super excited about battery restocking!
In for two! Hopefully they won't leak and ruin all my stuff ;-P


Always good to have, hardly ever use, but hey - worst case scenario I give 'em to the little shits at Halloween.
@00 This is why you should rehost your images.
Rather buy duraSells
@Stoenr Out of curiosity, why? Duracell batteries may last a little longer, let's say 5% but cost 3-4 times as much as these.
If you could buy a special gas for your car that would give you a 5% MPG improvement, would you pay 3-4 times the current price for that?
We go through a ton of AAs in my house.

Impervious-rotten-language. I was
waiting for a battery offer. The ones I got from a previous Meh offer last even longer in my digital camera than Duracell batteries, so I'm glad I was able to restock on batteries before I ran out.
Perfect timing. I'm down to four from my last purchase. Got 96 this time.
@SSteve me too! I just started to hope they were coming back!
Edit: Still can't figure out how to make the image automatically show up, but this one's gold
@alblazek Like this:

@cengland0 Hold me, I'm scared.
Meh! How did you know I only have 2 AAA batteries left?

@ACraigL tis a crummy lip indeed
"But when you've stocked up on 48-packs of AA or AAA batteries, you're Henry the 8th, you are, you are: batteries are condemned at the first sign of disloyalty, tossed aside for younger, more responsive replacements. Until suddenly you run out of new candidates for the guillotine."
Best line from the write-up. I love it.
Meh's on a roll...Good job! But please ignore the temptation to offer the stupid grilling planks.
Personally I sort of hope they do leak then I have an excuse to buy new and improved stuff..
Why is no one complaining that these are $7 a 48 pack when the Fujitsu ones were only $5 a 40 pack? Are these better or are we sheep? Oh well, I need the AAA's so I'm in for two packs of AAA's and what the hell, one pack of AA's too. Craven-nostalgic-oak
@mehdaf this version is better liked by greenies (who haven't heard of Eneloops) who like their packaging to say all kinds of environmental stuff. But one wonders whether the "greenish" versions last as long (would that actually be less green?).
Why wasn't IPv4 addresses on the list? I mean we were like 'omg they gone' in 2011 and ARIN is still giving them out.. source: https://www.arin.net/

Batteries, awesome
finally some AAAs! Thank yaaaaaaaaaa
I'm waking up today to some ruthless-level-coffee

(drops mic)

My grainy-heartbroken-steak imagery is not inspiring, but this is:
People...read the wording on the batteries...no mercury and no cadmium WHAT??? yup...these things are full of an environmentally friendly soup designed by Al Gore (the man who invented the internet) no wonder they leak! We need mercury in our batteries because mercury comes from super novas ...and as far as cadmium is concerned it has an atomic number of 48 which is the EXACT number of batteries in a pack...this is not a coincidence...think about it
@tommoo These batteries melt steel beams.
So, this is like a shit-ton of batteries. At the time of this post, 4,554 sets have been sold.
That's 218,592 individual batteries. AND THEY'RE NOT DONE YET.
First purchase on meh. What have I done...

@wootcat And you didn't sign up for VMP instead of paying for shipping? They are the same price and you would get 30 days of free shipping on anything else you may or may not buy.
@cengland0 And this is why I fail.
@wootcat Don't worry. If you don't buy anything within the next 30 days, you didn't lose anything.
in for 2???? batteries4lyfe y'all
perennial monstrous chance at meh.com FTW
Great write-up but I went off the reservation to stock up on AAA after a couple of AA-only sales here. My bad. :(
How about a deal on 9V batteries before it's time to replace the backup batteries in all 7 smoke detectors in Château Nadroj?
@nadroj I went with this... I won't have to do the 2am battery dance for a while. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004W3ZE/
@ACraigL But ouch on the 44% 1-star/2-star feedback.
@RedOak It was recommended to me by someone in the alarm business. Only time will tell, as they say, but I'll be happy if I get half that time out of it.
@carl669 This is my favorite thing today. And I bought the Happy Days board game today!
Man, looks like Meh got a metric fuckton of batteries today. I had expected these to sell out within an hour, but 11 hours after the deal was posted and both kinds are still in stock.
What really intrigues me is today's visitor stats.

Look at that big spike. Additionally, generally about 91-93 percent of Meh's visitors (from what I've seen since that feature was added) seem to come by directly entering the URL, so for it to get knocked a couple of points strikes me as a big deal. Hopefully something as cheap and universally useful as batteries will lead to a few more meh-mbers joining us.
@lljk https://meh.com/forum/topics/stats-malfunction-referral-widget-highlight
@RedOak Oh, damn. I thought that graph meant Meh had gotten a truly massive spike in visitors, enough to utterly dwarf the midnight crowd.
HOLY SHIT you got me three days in a row, Meh! If you post a fuku tomorrow, it'll be a fourth. One pack of AAA resulted in twisted-willowy-art

What do you mean, "Where have all the Fujis gone?" They're right friggin here. Fuji makes EnviroMAX. I'm so confused @JasonToon.
@cinoclav I mean from the last time I bought a shit-ton of batteries. I could've sworn that drawer was full a couple of days ago.
@JasonToon Yeah, yeah. I actually knew what you meant. But you answered your own question! (Unless, uh, you didn't know these were made by Fuji?)
Meh, I was running low on batteries.
@bradyson FTFY
@ACraigL thanks
Just got confirmation from the VP at Fuji in regards to the leaking batteries. The short version is they had one lot a few years ago that leaked, but those customers were taken care of and the issue was resolved.
CC: @1wally1 @tommoo @march5th00 @KDemo @mrken30 @cendland0 @zmsp @vijaysdad @Stallion @Splice2k1
@Moose I can't help but be swayed by that response.
@Moose You are the man! or woman! Thanks for that extra info. I grabbed a set of AAA's anyways even if they were leaky, but this helps know they probably won't. If they did leak after all I wouldn't be surprised though, this is MEH and all.
@Moose I'm very proud of their sway as well.
@Moose Great job Russ....Thanks. (However, i'm not too sure you know about us crazies on Meh ? )
Just to be clear, I am not Russ. I am a man though.
@Moose Thanks for that, I have now reordered the AAAs.

@Moose You are indeed a man, at least for the moment, Moose. However, no telling what could happen in the coming weeks and months should the Paragonimiasis spread to the groinal region. ;)
@Moose I'm not sure if the Fuji battery brand is now licensed or part of the umbrella corporate, but many years ago I had a problem with a large batch of Fuji Velvia film that caused me a significant loss. Fuji customer service not only replaced the defective product, but supplied me with bricks of various film products to help compensate my losses. A truly upstanding company. I only wish they made more products that I like.
@eyewerks NEVER MIND. It seems Fuji Batteries is a different company ( or at least a different marketing division ).
Thank you Russ for clearing that up!
Dear old guy in CompUSA 15 years ago that was stocking up on floppy disks "while they're cheap". I'm sorry I laughed at you after you left. I understand now.
It would appear that batteries are far more popular than t-shirts. Who would'a thunk? ;)
holy hell 5751
Batteries shmatteries.

I've got one of these brand new factory sealed in the box for the first caller.
I sure was taken back in the day.
@beergut Oh, I remember those! Wasn't the selling point that if you cracked the thing open it was chock full of alkaline AA batteries?
@beergut wow I'm like 2 weeks late but missed this bit of nostalgia. Sadly I'm seeing it due to failure of these batteries but thanks!
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
to be honest... i go through so many AA batteries cuz of my shitty bluetooth apple mouse. it chews through that shit but i keep it cuz of the side-scroll.
on my pc i run a glorious logitech 510 mouse that which the batteries last at least a good 6 months.
looks good to me

Waited until the last few minutes. Do I really need these?
Rats, I was really hoping to see 50k sales tonight.
I'm not seeing a button to buy these. Am I too late?
@BinkyMelnik Yes. This is a daily deal site. Only one product per day and today's product is a speaker dock (or two). If you do not buy before midnight eastern time, you will miss the opportunity to buy.
@BinkyMelnik @narfcake - why did you hide the buy button from this poor soul?
@cengland Ah. Hadn't noticed the date in my newsreader. My bad. And now I'm battery-less. I'll hafta be quicker on the draw. Thanks for pointing out my derpitude!
My grainy-heartbroken-steak finally shipped.
Mine is still stuck in label-creation mode.
@ACraigL That gave it the nudge it needed. On it's way now :)
I received 96 AAA's today (and 48 AA's). Unfortunately, almost every four-pack of AAA's had at least one battery that had leaked.
@dfwhoser What!? Are you calling Russ a liar?
@dfwhoser I tossed 12 AAA's from 2 packs of 48. This after having to buy a 12v battery to get my remotes working since the one that came with it was dead. I'm getting tired of this trend of junk product and not getting what you pay for.
@dfwhoser Only one AAA out of the pack for me, but now I have to unpack and dig out the box of AA's to double check them as well. Had planned on taking them to replenish the battery stockpile at the cabin. Booo.
@dfwhoser They should track down the person responsible and have the Chinese government execute them.
@dfwhoser I had several leaking as well. Had to go through three of the "four packs" just to find four good ones for my remote. Sucks that this happened but I gotta give it to MEH for being awesome about it all!
@mOONmOON I agree - meh has been great about standing behind their customers! Just another reason that they're the BEST :)
I'm not calling him a liar... just saying that I guess he was sadly mistaken in his explanation. :)
I'm sure his mother loves him. Even when he sends her the batteries that "don't have a problem" with leaking.
Maybe, as a good marketer, he was saying that they're "working as designed" and that they're supposed to leak. The problem would be if they DO NOT leak.
@dfwhoser - I'm going go all the way and call him a liar. That explanation was the only reason I ordered these.
@dfwhoser I'm guessing they shouldn't have removed the PVC from the design...
Kinda bummed out, MEH. You sent leaky batteries. C'mon, man.
I've got a bunch that leaked, also. I'll try to get pictures and stuff and send in a support request in the next day or so.
My AAA's arrived pretty quickly, however....
Anyone know how we proceed? Any contact for fuji or is meh gonna fix?
@thismyusername Until we hear an official response from a staff member, I would contact customer support. Go to your orders page and click on the "I need help with this" button and fill out the form. Let us know what they tell you.
@thismyusername Don't buy Fuji batteries again? Alkaline batteries are not supposed to leak. At least I've never had a Duracell leak.
@jzmacdaddy You may have led a sheltered life then. I have seen all sorts of brand batteries leak. In the beginning of my career life, I used to sell electronic devices like remote control cars. I've had customers return them the next day claiming they are defective and when I opened the battery compartment, the Duracell (and many other brands) batteries have leaked all over the remote control.
The customer was always shocked saying that they just bought the batteries. I put in our own house brand batteries and the device works perfectly.
After this experience in my life, I have no problem buying almost any brand battery regardless if they are made in the USA, China, Korea, or whatever.
Well crap. I received a pack of AA and a pack of AAA but haven't opened/inspected them. I guess I need to do that soon, as in today.
@shortman don't worry, the leaking acid will eventually open them for you ;)
@shortman I check my pack of AA and my pack of AAA and both were fine, no leaking yet.
@thismyusername You jest, but I think that actually happened in my case.. I had a pack that was leaking badly, and the plastic was gone around the leaks.
I'm feeling pretty mad about this, even though mine haven't arrived yet. I feel like I was coerced into buying them. Now even if they aren't leaking in the package I'll be afraid to use them in any electronics.
@KDemo ... and the thing is I ordered 1 pack, then saw the leak thing and canceled, then saw the post by moose from the fuji VP so I purchased 2... and now... yea... I'm not sure I trust the non-leaking ones myself.... but don't be mad, they will work it out...
@thismyusername - I did the exact same thing, then Moose tagged some of us who had expressed concern so we could see the statement from Fuji. Can't help being mad, but I'll wait to see what they do before posting bad reviews.
@KDemo I'm just going to go ahead and tag @Moose for you, I know it's not his fault, but I'm thinking he's the best one to deal with the Fuji Fuckery.
@Thumperchick - Oh yeah, thanks. and @Fuji, just in case.
@Thumperchick I like it! Much better than battery gate or fujigate.
I checked my batteries after reading this... And no exploded ones. Phew.
@BillLehecka AA or AAA's?
@mehdaf Both
Hey y'all,
We're working with the manufacturer to get this figured out. If you have any issues just contact us at https://meh.com/support and we'll take care of you, refund or replacement.
cc: @dfwhoser @KDemo @johnvoliva @PurplePawprints @thismyusername @shortman @BillLehecka
@JonT sent in a ticket. Photos are below.
Thanks, @JonT - please let us know the outcome of your inquiry.
@JonT Received mine today and sent the report through the "I need help with this" link.
@JonT WHAT THE... I just sent in a ticket and I got this back.
Believe it or not, our mediocre lives extend past the walls of Meh HQ. You see, we like to go home at night and on the weekends just like you.
You guys like to go home? Meh HQ isn't home? I think secretly you have non k user names that you check the forums with. Well no I don't think you do @JonT I've seen you post and say when you're back at work... But. Nice out hours message. Very professional. :)
@JonT Thank you! I just sent in my support request.
I wish I could have gotten these
@johnvoliva I bought 3 packs of AAA and my boxes look the same way you've posted :(
I got 48 AAA batteries in a damaged battery package. The damaged package was in a zip lock bag. Out of 51 total batteries, 19 are crushed and unusable. Please advise MEH.
@cshaw https://meh.com/forum/topics/aa-or-aaa-alkaline-batteries-48-pack#554cd406a8b607200d63851d
@cshaw I bet fedex or usps bagged them after the "crushing incident" ;)
My 2 48-packs arrived today, and it appears that 3 batteries in one pack and one from the other have leaked. Not a real big deal, but if Fuji is going to make things right I'll be happy :)
@kadagan AA's or AAA's?
@mehdaf AAA's
Yeah....just got mine today and they are leaking acid out of the top and bottom of all three boxes. The only time I saw this type of leakage was with some cheap heavy duty batteries which I ended up tossing....
I thought all mine were fine, but after reading comments I decided to look, and I've joined the Leak Brigade. I notified Halp, and am confident they'll do something, but they are not going to be happy campers on Monday. Here's my bad packs:

@OldCatLady I doubt it. I suspect that i'll get a "we're really busy" email or they may send @dstabley after us... right @hollboll
@OldCatLady Nice purple background. Very nice.
I also have two boxes of AAA's that leaked. The box of AA's appear fine. I'm a little embarrassed that I'm wearing my secret handshake shirt right now...
Well got my AAA today and they are also leaking! Damn it meh :( I need batteries
@bruinscbr Mine are leaking, too.
All three of my boxes are leaking bad. Can never trust using them in anything now...
How is it everyone in the shipping dept failed to notice their fingers melting off...
@Devotech I thought the same thing, but then I realized these are the environmentally friendly batteries...That, and they were wrapped in plastic.
Totally agree about not trusting these. Ever!
Went out to the mailbox -- sure enough my batteries had also arrived today. Suspicious stain betrayed the leaky contents. (OK, only one for me, but pretty sure I don't want to put these in anything non-disposable.)
@walarney I feel the same. I was looking for batteries for my sons toys. He is going through batteries almost as fast as diapers....
I'm thinking rechargables again. Just need massive amounts.
Damn it Meh... i purchased 96 AA and 48 AAA and not a single one of them is leaking! What am I supposed to do with these now?
@Noddy93 Wait. Just wait.
@barnabee wait for what? i mean, i'm up for waiting for.... but the 'what' has my nipples in a knot. seriously... the jbl micro/mini (whichever the one i bought that needs AAA bateries... and sucks the fuckers dry... like no other product i've seen)
@Noddy93 This is my concern and keep in mind that I, too, bought both battery sizes: Why are some batteries leaking and others are not? Is it just a matter of time before ALL of the batteries start to leak? I'm not going to use any of the batteries until we hear from Meh about what they are going to do about this problem. I don't want any of my electronics ruined by faulty batteries.
@barnabee although it seems that i might have been belittleing your response... well, cuz let's face it, that is what i was doing, the batteries seem to suck. but i bought them realizing that they probalby suck. it is meh after all.
@Noddy93 and yes... Meh shouldn't sell shit. they were told the batteries weren't shit but it seems that they were. give me another three months of vmp and offer the EMT during a week where i don't have $1500 of other responsibilites and i'll be happy... i can't express just how pissed i am that meh sold the one f'n knife i really want on a day where i couldn't hit the 'buy' button
@barnabee wow... i gotta apologize to you as i clearly wasn't showing the humor i thought i was. i should never Drink & Meh.
@Noddy93 Hey, no problem, but next time let me drive. ;-)
@Noddy93 If you are sober enough, would you check the expiration date of your batteries? Mine say 11/2019 and they have no corrosion.
@barnabee mine are also 11/2019 and continue to show no signs of leak.
I received my AA batteries yesterday. Checked, no leaking but I had 4-5 stowaways..I have no clue what kind of bugs they were. I threw the box outside. They were quick, black and beetlely like. They maybe eating my deck as I type and infesting the state of NC. Who knows what Texas bugs are capable of?? OMG..ARMAGEDDON??
@maggie got pics?
Considering your Southern neighbor, I assume you would recognize palmetto bugs.
@TerriblyHuang Oh hell no, no pics. The little bastards woudn't sit for a photo and I threw the box, batteries and all outside as soon as I opened it. Thank the Meh Gods they weren't the size of palmetto bugs. These guys were about the size of a medium size ant with a shell and plan to race in at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
@maggie And armageddon scared of buggy batteries...
@maggie - This was the last straw. I just wrote "return to sender" on the package and left it in the mailbox. Not sure if this is appropriate, but didn't want likely mutant battery acid bugs in my house.
Received 2x AAA and 1x AA packs today.
AAAs had leak stains visible though cardboard. AAs don't look bad as of yet.
Tossing out all of the AAA batteries as once the acid gets out in those blister packs it is only a matter of time before the others fail. :(
Hopping on the leaky battery train with a small twist. I was only sent 2 cases of AAA batteries even though I ordered and paid for 3. Of the ones I actually got, over half the batteries in one box leaked and a third in the other box. Message sent to support, hopefully they can get it sorted out this time.
Already heard from Holly at Halp, who apologized very much. She asked whether I'd rather have a refund or replacement; I asked for the former. I'd gladly ship them back if they sent a shipping label.
Has anyone had any AAs leak so far? Maybe they're OK.
All: We've come to early agreement that the AAA Batteries in this event are clearly unacceptable in quality. We've been directly mislead by our vendor saying the leaking issues were not this batch. We'll be working on a process to proactively inform buyers of leaking issues and refund everyone purchase price of the AAA batteries. Not quite sure how freight charges (for non-VMP buyers) will work out yet on orders of both - will look into technical ability to prorate the charge and partial refund.
Give us a day or two and we'll get this plan in action. We will automatically refund your card and email you of the details (e.g. without need for dialog with customer service.) We'll do our best to advise of best means of disposal.
We are incredibly sorry this has occurred. Your time wasted likely overshadows the outright dollars at stake. We will make good on purchase but we know your time is not recoverable. Thanks for your patience while we resolve this as efficiently as we can.
@snapster Awesome! You guys put customer service first. Thank you!
@snapster In a former life, I spent some time in charge of a warehouse unit called 'Over, Short and Damaged'. The things vendors did ruined my sweet and trusting nature forever. It happens. Vendors don't change in the slightest. I'm sure the Roman supply officers had the same issues and used the same language when they found problems. Very glad you're so responsive.
@snapster Jeez, guess it's a good thing USPS lost my package. They might've thrown it out if the package itself started leaking.
As always, you really step up @snapster, thanks! - Guess I jumped the gun by returning these to sender, but perhaps you can use them as evidence when you sue the vendor. ;-)
@snapster I say we throw the leaking batteries at the vendor. Or the vendor's lovely automobile. Just imagine the sound a car makes while being pelted with hundreds of batteries being thrown by slightly pissed off purchasers.
@snapster Thank you for taking responsibility for this and making things right. I just received mine today and was taking my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of the battery juice soaked packaging to send in when I saw the email notification of the refund. What timing! I hope meh will be able to receive some kind of compensation from the vendor due to their misleading you.
@LaVikinga Hundreds? They sold almost 5000 units I think, if half were AAA 40 packs that's 100,000 batteries (right?). I want to hear what sound THAT makes! Now that I think about those numbers it drives home what an incredible waste this is.
@belowi I come from a long line of tinfoil re-users, ziploc bag washer outers. Since I've had Duracells and Energizers poop all over my remotes and flameless candles, I'm going to honor family tradition and warily use these. I have to say it gives me a sense of pride to know Snapster stands behind the stuff he sells (even if the battery acid IS leaking all over his deck shoes.) Meh gets it.
@snapster thank you
@snapster Wow ... I wish I had written in several months ago regarding a pack of AAs I got from you guys, those arrived with a few leaky ones too. I just figured it was part of the cost : value ratio :)
@snapster Thank you. Giving ecommerce a good name. I ♥ that.
@snapster I know I'm necroposting here, but I'm seriously curious what happened in your negotiations with the vendor? You were lied to and had to issue thousands of refunds. Were you compensated by the vendor? Did they apologize in anyways, and attempt to make right? If they didn't, did you leave a bag of flaming dog poo on their doorstep? Seriously though, if they didn't do shit about it, and just said "tough luck sucka!", then at least let us know the vendor so we can snub them appropes like!
@TehMaliron The vendor? You mean the manufacturer, right? The batteries were Fuji EnviroMax Super Alkaline.
@cengland0 @snapster mentioned that their vendor misled them. Of course I will avoid these batteries in the future, but he seemed to imply there were some other underhanded/shading things going on with the 3rd party that sold Meh the batteries.
Got the batteries last week and didn't check them until I just now read this. Husband got a pack of AAA and I got a pack. Mine had one little leaker so I tossed the set of 4 it was in. Husband's were a total leaking mess, no survivors.
Not sure what to do with mine. Toss them or just wait and see?
@Teripie See the post above. https://meh.com/forum/topics/aa-or-aaa-alkaline-batteries-48-pack#55522857cd75380404281c9e
@Teripie I really don't want to dispose of the "good" ones from my package, but I think that I'd probably be more upset if I ruined something I put them in by not being smart about this... I think I'm going to get rid of all of them.
Just wanted to mention that there are actually places that recycle your non-rechargeable batteries (such as these!).
I've only used Batteries Plus, but there are other places that accept them.
@dashcloud The places near us want the ends of each battery covered with electrical tape or similar, so I will have a fun and caustic project before I can turn them in.
damn it... why couldn't it have been the AA that were bad. I've waited so long for AAA to show up... and was out having just placed the last 4 in my JBL Micro.
I think that I'll risk running the AAA in this thing cuz it sucks batteries like I suck Evan Williams & 7up.
A nice speaker dock... but damn on the battery life.
@Noddy93 rezzing a dead thread, I know, but I bought this at the time and my AAs leaked too

Thank you for the refund, meh. I'm sure there will be a whole battery of grateful purchasers.
Only two of my 48 AAA's were leaking, but appreciate the refund (and email) all the same. I will hold onto the others for now, but will keep a close eye on them.
I guess every battery sale comes with it's positives and negatives.
@ACraigL What is the expiration date of your batteries?
@barnabee 06/2019
@ACraigL Thanks for the info. I was kinda hoping that it was only the 06/2019 batteries that were leaking, but it doesn't look that way.
Cool on the refund, darn it on not having enough AAA's around! I need to match my AA supply, I hope you guys can find a new supply of batteries without the leaks.
@Stallion I agree I need AAAs
Any word on non-leaking ones being fine, or is there a high chance they will start to leak once in use?
@0oiiiiio0 I'm also curious about this. I don't seem to have a leak or bad battery among my entire batch. It seems like a waste to toss all of them.
@0oiiiiio0 @Syl We can't definitively say they will or will not leak but as a whole we think chances are high that this entire batch of Triple A batteries may be prone to leaking given the amount of issues we've seen thus far.
@0oiiiiio0 we certainly aren't going to bother asking the supplier. Officially it seems too risky to suggest you use them. If I had a cheap enough device and I could use and then remove them I might do that, but I'm pretty cheap and not averse to illogical risk taking. (in fact, this is how we all ended up in this crappy position to begin with)
@Syl I'd suggest peeling a tiny bit around the negative end of the battery's label and see if you have any white fuzz growing there. If there's any fuzz at all, that battery will eventually leak a lot more. Otherwise, it might leak, so stick it on the shelf and observe it for a week or three.
I wonder if they make battery-size Depends?
Let's sent Fuji a big unlucky fuku!! Got my box a few days ago just opened it and the corrosive power had dissolved the entire corner of the plastic wrapping
@natedogg Fuko, with an 'o'. That makes it super-unlucky. Or so I'm told.
Huh, I just got the email about the refund, guess I better take a closer look at those batteries, they were not obviously leaking through the packaging though. Meanwhile I shall vent my fury with this video:
As with others mine all look ok (I hadn't even opened the package until I got the email) - I guess the best route would be to 'recycle' them and be done with em rather risk damaging a remote (which is where most would have ended up).
@ilovereality Could you tell me the expiration date of your batteries?
I checked my pack, had 1 obviously leaking battery. I tossed it and the two adjacent packs. I then looked at the others to see if any of them looked fuzzy, and 2 more seemed to have fuzzy ended batteries in them, so those got tossed. Of the 7 remaining packs, I opened one up and peeled the bottom of the label off all 4 batteries, and under the label 2 of those were getting a bit fuzzy. I'm keeping the other two on my desk to see if those get fuzzy too, or if they'll be good in the long-term. I imagine I'll have to peel the rest and see how many are salvageable, and then observe them for further leaks. These will probably end up in my son's disposable fan/helicopter toys that he grabs at the convenience store. (He generally goes through a set of AAA batteries every few days on those.) If they leak in those, we can just toss em and spend $7 on another one.
I peeled the bottom label off the remaining 6 packs. Out of 7 packs of batteries, only 5 batteries lacked obvious corrosion. At that rate, it's probably not worth even bothering with them. I'll keep watching the 5 that were good though and see if they develop corrosion.
@kazriko What is the expiration date of your batteries?
@barnabee 11/2019
@kazriko Thanks. Well that shot my theory all to hell. My AAA batteries are 11/2019 and are not leaking. I was hoping it was only the 6/2019 ones with the problem. Oh, well.
@barnabee You can double check them by just peeling a tiny bit of the label off on the negative terminal of the battery and see if you have white residue or spikes poking out from the edges. It could be that this gets worse with age, and the 6/2019 ones have just had 5 extra months to leak. With the exception of one, all of mine had their corrosion underneath the label on the negative terminal and hadn't leaked all the way out yet.
@kazriko I checked all my batteries. I can't find any corrosion. I just hate to waste things, but I'm going to send them to the recycle bin. Better safe than sorry. Thanks for your help.
I had bought the AA pack and had issues with mine. Installed 4 into my drone controller and 2 of them got super hot. Hot enough, that it was burning my fingers through the back cover. By the time I got it open and pulled them out, they has already started melting the battery slots they were in and warped the battery cover. I ended up placing them in a 5 gallon bucket I had full of gravel until they cooled off. Take a very long time for that to happen. Thanks for the refund. Glad I didn't have them in a remote or something that was in the house. Could have come home or woke up to a fire.
@bigrsmith I've had this same problem with the AAs recently. I had to
Trash them. Too bad meh isn't refunding for the AAs too. This purchase was a complete bust.
Yeah, so tonight in trying to fall asleep I was kept up by a clicking sound. It was really annoying me. I thought it must be a leaking pipe in the wall dripping. Thankfully it was not. Turns out it was a leaking AAA battery. Even though I tossed out all the leaking ones already, I now found that almost half of the ones that looked good were now leaking. I thought that I could save some but unfortunately it's just not worth it. Hopefully there will be another AAA deal soon.
@derek17j Found this out the hard way too. I trashed the bad batteries from the original shipment, and kept the ones that looked OK. The other day I opened a pack and it was slick inside with acid. Couldn't throw the rest away fast enough.
I don't remember seeing an email about this refund?
@TOaFK It was posted in the forum here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/aa-or-aaa-alkaline-batteries-48-pack#55522857cd75380404281c9e
@cengland0 After I read this I did a search in my gmail and it was there .... and unread .... guess that's why I don't remember seeing it, fortunately I had not used any of those batteries yet.
If you have fond memories of this event Woot has these for sale. Suckers.
@sammydog01 does the fuji executive promise these are not the recalled ones? :)
Don't look now... Woot is trying to sell the leaky batteries... :/
So after who knows how long… These batteries ate and destroyed through my flashlight.

Heavy reminder!
Throws these away, dont sell them, send manufacturer down the drain!