A tale that led me to requesting toothbrushes in the first place
16I’m sure the community is just oh so curious in knowing where I came from and why I came out of the dark hole that I have been hiding in for years in the trenches of meh. I’m sure I can’t be the first torchbearer of this idea that we can simply request anything we want then proceed to hope and pray for a deal to magically appear.
Well, I had gone on a cruise prior to starting my rant and everyday on the cruise I had the feeling in my gut, heart, head, and just all over my body that meh would finally begin selling a toothbrush the one time I go on vacation. I refused to pay for internet except for one time during the cruise so I couldn’t keep track of meh for that one week.
It appeared that during my brief absence of my meh streak that, indeed, they still didn’t sell toothbrushes. I was thoroughly happy, if not still saddened by this epic lack of toothbrushes. This led me to strike. I knew that if I was persistent with something so small that the fearless overlords who run one of my favorite sites would eventually notice me.
As much as I wanted them to notice me, I wanted something else even more. I wanted to see if this community could rally behind a single idea. A single product that would be the entire opposite of random. It’s been something that I have always been curious about concerning meh. If they openly advertised which deals they were going to do would people even visit on the days when there are no products that they want? Could I be a single force of light that united a bunch of people?
Something told me I could. Something told me that through a product we all use everyday, I hope at least , people could see my intentions were good. I never expected to find out that there is a vibrant, living, and extremely friendly community here.
There you have it. I wanted to unite us around a single cause while also getting to purchase my third toothbrush from meh in the process.
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Click face streak. Enough said.
this sounds like the speech of an october goat.
I’ve never been on a cruise, but isn’t it basically about crammin’ as much of the first world into an absurdly big, I-ain’t-overcompensating-for-shit boat as possible, then full-steam-aheadin’ that motherfucker over to some third world shithole’s beach for some volleyball n’ a barbecue, then fuckin’ off 'fore they get pissy ‘bout the mess you have no intention of cleaning up? And they don’t even offer basic internet access as standard? The fuck kinda freedom-hatin’ nonsense is that?!?
@nogoodwithnames oh my God you have no idea how right you are. We went, missus and I, to Cozumel, Belize, and Isla Roatan. The entire time she said “this is why I would never live here”. Outside of the “Oh shit! We made this area nice so you could spend American dollars!” The entire countries were extremely bad. I would love to try and live in Belize or Roatan though. The sights are beyond expectations.
@nogoodwithnames @reclaimercube tough have GOT to have been on the same cruise package my parents have been on. I forgot when they went (January i think?) or which company, but they basically said the same things - gorgeous but poor places made to look good for the tourists but underneath/beyond the tourist trap area, they were sad and barely livable. Roatan was my dad’s favorite i think
When you go on vacation, just tell the personal assistant you hired to click the meh button to keep an eye out for toothbrushes… if they are trustworthy and competent enough to be trusted with clicking the meh button to keep your streak, they can surely be trusted to buy a toothbrush when it comes up.

/giphy obvs