A tale of a team, a tour, a t-shirt and a very special IRK
70You might want to grab a beverage of your choice and pull up a chair as this will likely get a little long.
Remember when I posted asking people for descriptions of their problems with shipping to help out the youth STEM/robotics team that I coach and I also not so subtlety begged someone from Meh for a tour of their warehouse? Well the amazing Koolhandjoe, who happens to be the Mediocre warehouse manager (he’s not mediocre, I’m referencing the company name. Joe is very awesome.) reached out and after some discussion, conversations, syncing of schedules and me reassuring parents that this is an okay thing, we gathered up the kids and a few adults and made the trek to Mediocre (and Meh) HQ on Saturday.
Joe put together a great tour. We got to see the Mediocre breakroom (complete with mediocre fountain Coke machine (not one of the fancy Freestyle machines with all the million different flavors)) and hear a little bit about the company. Shockingly kids ages 9-14 aren’t particularly familiar with ecommerce web sites that aren’t Amazon! We got a peek into the office area where the non-warehouse staff sit…when they’re in the office (stupid pandemic). We saw the photo studio where the all the product pictures are taken. Then we entered the inner sanctum where all the products are stored between the time they enter the Mediocre property until they leave in their cardboard boxes and plastic outer wrappers headed for your home.
Joe walked us through the whole process of how products are received, shelved on the racks, orders are received and picked, packaged and shipped out. We learned about the warehouse organization system. We saw a demo of the different machines used in the warehouse to move products (and pallets) around, . We learned the reason why Mediocre doesn’t sell candles in the summer (hint…nonclimate controlled warehouse + Texas in the summer. Remember the candy corn?). We saw a bunch of the products on the racks waiting to be ordered and move on to their new homes (spoiler alert…you haven’t seen the last of the Claws).
From there we moved on to the print shop and met Stuart, the one guy (yes, just one!) who prints all the Mediocritees and IRK bags. Stuart and Joe explained the process that goes into turning an idea into a cool t-shirt. We got to see the cool shirt printing carousel machine and watch it in action
as Stuart printed up exclusive Meh t-shirts
for each of the kids as well as us adult.
After we said good-bye to Stuart we moved back into the warehouse and Joe explained what makes Mediocre and Meh so special: IRKs! He described the Mediocre return process and how sometimes products which are returned end up being sent out to other customers and how these things are crazy popular…and when you explain it like that it sounds kinda silly, especially to a kid. I think the youngsters were a little skeptical. But then Joe put them to work/gave them an activity and let them pack up some IRKs. He also explained that what makes and IRK an IRK is the custom printed (by Stuart!) totebags. Then he folded up some boxes and let the kids have at it. They were a little cautious at first but soon got into it and had a lot of fun
. I was most intrigued by the box taping machine
, it’s ability to adjust to a wide variety of size boxes and to tape both the top and the bottom at the same time! That would have been a great way to end the tour but Joe had one more surprise. He mixed up the boxes and then let each kid pick one of their very own (and there were enough for us big people to have one too).
Here’s a group picture of the whole group with our shirts and IRKs . (I’m the only female…blue Beaker shirt).
And, of course, I have to include a few IRK unboxing pictures of my very special, kid-packed (but as part of an educational experience, not actual child labor) IRK.
I got:
- A very fine box (Kota was excited to get to check it out)
- A navy IRK bag
- Wireless headphones - Haven’t tried them out yet
- Mini powerbank - Mini both in size and amount of charge it holds (or lack thereof)
- Lighted Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass
- Harry Potter gummy candy (not melted!)
- Smart(ish) watch - pink band. Haven’t tried it yet
- Wrist mounted hand sanitizer/sunscreen dispenser - I’ve actually been kinda intrigued by these but never enough to buy one. I’m not sure I’ll ever use it for it’s intended purpose, but it is kinda cool to play with and figure out how it works so the liquid doesn’t just ooze out of it anytime you brush up against it.
I also got a bright blue IRK bag and my exclusive tour t-shirt .
Kota approves
Many thanks to Joe, Stuart and the equally awesome Jayme for taking pictures. I had a great time and learned a lot. The kids may have seemed a bit reserved but judging by their smiles and chatter on the way back to the cars they had a blast too. I think they learned some things and hopefully got some more ideas for different ideas for the research project they have to do as a part of the competition. I can’t thank Mediocre enough for putting together this great opportunity.
- 23 comments, 21 replies
- Comment
They really are fucking amazeballs, those mehdling kids!!!
Whoa, what a fantastic experience! I’m envious! Very cool that they took the time to do that, and let you post pictures. Thanks for letting us in on it!
Way to go Meh.
this post was already awesome, and then you knew to end with cats to make it ever better.
How very Kool of @Koolhandjoe and Meh!
Cool! Or maybe hot? Those racks remind me of Indiana Jones.
The next generation of Mehtizens!
My thoughts exactly!!
What a neat thing to do, sounds like the kids had a blast!
(I’m also non-sarcastically excited to hear the clawz are still around, i have a pair as yard shoes and I love them. They always get a giggle out of people.)
Take kids to work day
A wholesome experience
Don’t show them the dolls
@replicacobra Joe showed them some of the dolls. I haven’t gotten any complaints from parents yet, but maybe they think the kids are waking up screaming for some other reason.
@gt0163c @replicacobra I only showed them the items I am fairly certain are not actually haunted… so less than a 30% chance of something following them home… maybe 40%… ok possibly 60%
@Koolhandjoe @replicacobra Hmmm…my cats have been acting strange recently. I wonder if one of the ghosts ended up tagging along with me rather than one of the kids. Fortunately it seems relatively benevolent at this point. I wonder if my insurance covers exorcisms…not that I think it will come to that, but I like to be prepared.
That is great! Thanks for taking us along with you.
One more reason I keep my VMP.
I fully support the meh way! Those kinds of experiences are priceless.
Well done by all involved
@gt0163c I was totally thrilled and honored to do this and I wish the kiddos nothing but luck on their future projects and competitions… they were an absolute delight and could not have asked for a more respectful and cool group of kids. We take pride in what we do and it is rare to get to show people how it all works. We all enjoyed being involved and if the kiddos ever need any more info or if they ever have any questions… you know how to reach me I will gladly assist.
I love this. Thanks for sharing.
How cool. What an awesome company to take the time to show the kids around and not only did they let the kids make the irks they sent them home with the kids too and gave them a shirt. Going to work with my dad was never that fun lol.
Well worthwhile read! Thanks!
This is awesome. Back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, DE was offered in high schools in Texas. Distribution Education taught to a generation of kids who would go on to manage supply chains and warehouses while those of us in VOE (vocational office education) learned back office stuff like bookkeeping (not accounting) and how to use the correcting selectric typewriters and 10-key adding machines to keep the records straight. AND a requirement for both programs was you must be employed in the field of study. Would love to see more of that today as an alternative to sending kids to college to get expensive worthless degrees. Many of us DE and VOEs went on to college, but for the most part we worked our way through it so we didn’t graduate with crippling debt.
sorry didn’t mean to rant
Go Meh!
Not a rant, but rather pearls of wisdom. We have generated a society that doesn’t value manual labor/tradesmen. In reality college is just 4 years to party and keep living off Mom and/or Dad or driving up a huge unnecessary debt for far too many students.
@allergycheryl I was in DE too. In my high school, we worked retail jobs. I worked at a discount store and then a grocery store through high school and college.
My high school was very big on job prep rather than college prep. There were building trades classes, a nursing type version of DE, and with two garment factories in town, a industrial sewing class. The factory owners even got together and purchased the sewing machines for the school.
Awww…see…I TOLD ya’ll they did their own printing…
So do they still refer to themselves as mediocre rather than mercatalyst?
My kid wore a pair of Claws on vacation and got tons of looks and compliments at the resort and airport. People asked where we got them. Hoping we can buy more for $1 per pair!
Fantastic tale. And I thought my fourth grade field trip to Burger King was educational! Would like to see the tale parceled out sentence by sentence during a Mehrathon!
Not by sentence, no
Maybe haikurathon…
Have it May 7th
@gt0163c OK since you have seen the mysteries of the IRK process in person-what is your considered opinion? Are the IRK boxes make up randomly and then the labels slapped on or are the labels placed on certain boxes depending on what is in them? Inquiring minds want to know.
Nice try @Felton10… An Irk process was shown… but was it THE Irk process?.. That is the question that would need answering.
@Koolhandjoe I’m suffering withdrawal symptoms from not getting any bubble wrap or balls and wonder if I have been abandoned.
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe as a supply chain professional I would be very curious to understand the magic behind the curtain!!
Although, second thought, that would just ruin my imagination. Tiny irks running around building boxes of woe to underwhelm the recipient.
@tinamarie1974 … not too far off with that assessment
@Koolhandjoe I KNEW it!!!
So if one of those tiny irks falls in my next box, I wont say anything!! Wink wink!!
/giphy giggle

@tinamarie1974 if it happens I will warn you they are like a cross between oompa loompas, gremlins rabbits… they are constantly singing and multiply really fast and you can’t feed them after midnight
@Koolhandjoe oh shit, that sounds like a hot wreck! Would be easier to heard cats!!!
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe @tinamarie1974 I think behind the irk curtain is probably Glen having a party or playing “let’s pretend”… or maybe even sleeping… if it works anything like the Wizard of Oz.
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe No worries I am sure Walter still loves you. Since he follows you around the house I am positive you are not abandoned nor will be for at least 40 more years.
Besides the warehouse probably used up their entire 5 year supply of bubble wrap on you so you will just have to wait 4 more years for them to be able to buy some more.
PS like any addiction, if you wait long enough you won’t have any more withdrawal symptoms as you are then no longer addicted. Then you will no longer worry about how hard it is now to get irks. You will be healthy and free! I believe someone posted a while back about the 12 step process to help you through/deal with that.
@Kidsandliz @Koolhandjoe Well with the terrible 25s and multiples thereof coming this year-Walter turned 25, have been married 50 years in August and turning 75 in October, I am having multiple withdrawal symptoms from all sorts of things. Only thing that is keeping me sane is my clients who as usual are driving me crazy if that makes any sense.
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe so what you are implying then is that we have to give you

/giphy high 5’s
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe well sort of giphy fail…

so here are maybe enough to go around for you 5’s series for your multiple of 5’s star alignment
But did any of the kids prove they were not a robot first? Don’t want those high tech androids walking off with merch!
Jokes aside, sounds like this was a fun experience for all. And I recognize some of that equipment as my desk is about 50 feet from a parts warehouse that uses the same stuff.
What a cool experience for all! I’m jealous!
How many stations does that screen printing machine have? 8? (I used to have a company that did screen printing, pad printing, etc.)