A PSA for all of you males on here

lisaviolet went on a bit of a rant said

Please, please, please keep track of your PSA values (blood test for prostate cancer).

My husband found out during a blood test for health insurance fifteen or so years ago that his was high normal. He was turned down for the insurance, but he got that test every year after. Even went to a specialist at the time. Back in 2017, the value had risen. The doctor was concerned and he had another test taken a couple of weeks later and it was even higher.

He ended up having radiation beam treatment and it was successful, to this day, that value is pretty low.

He let his brothers both know at the same time, because genetics.

Well, his younger brother gets tested every year. His older brother (who is on the…uh…conservative side), didn’t. Well, late last year (around the time we found out there was a problem with Brian’s kidney - not related to the earlier cancer) he started having problems peeing. And then was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but it was pretty bad at that point. He did voodoo type of treatments (like ivermectin), would claim he’s feeling way better.

His younger brother just called and his older brother will probably pass by the end of the week. We knew the cancer had spread to his entire body from earlier conversations. It was even in his bones.

This could have been, well, not prevented, but if he’d had those values taken every year treatment could have started much earlier, when it had a chance to do something.