A Meh Tweak


It’s been a couple years since we started up the Meh daily teaser email and circuit breaker launch times, and we’re ready to make a couple little tweaks later this week:

  • If the midnight batch sells out, the re-launch will now be at 11am Eastern (instead of 8am Eastern).
  • The email will also shift to 11am Eastern (from 8am Eastern)

We’ve always thought of Meh as an event-based site, and specifically the launches as a social event, so it makes sense to have them when most of America is up. It’s more fun when everyone can be up and about for the release, and we think this new time should work better across the time zones.

If you’re time zone challenged, this means the second launch and email will be at:
11am Eastern
10am Central
9am Mountain
8am Pacific
7am Alaska
6am Hawaii-Aleutian

Oh. Did we mention that we now sell and ship (most things) to Alaska and Hawaii now? Anyway, as before, if we’re not selling out of the product, then we just continue selling through the day, so in those cases, this shift won’t change anything but the email send time. And there’s no shift to the midnight eastern or any other mysterious launch times we won’t be talking about.

I think that’s it. If nothing else, I think I’ve accomplished my primary goal of making this announcement a lot shorter than @snapster’s original..