A Delicious Twixt Ending
19It was a tight game. That lacked for nothing on both sides, but Twix barely squeezes Reese’s out for the upset of the month in a shocking end to a contest that some didn’t even know about.
Some say Reese’s got cocky after the dominating fashion they ran through the competition and melted when things started to heat up. Others point to a Twix team and their fans that just wanted it a little more. It still fairly evident that peanut butter and chocolate are still a popular combo and I think we’ll see them back here in the big game next time.
We contacted some of the fans at the game to get reactions:
@ChadP said “Hey, are you going to do any emails today?”
@Thumperchick was quoted on her way out as saying “It’s my day off why are you @ -ing me?”
Thanks for voting everyone! It was fun for me to write this up.
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Thanks @Targaryen, it was a fun distraction
Now I’m sad I don’t have a twix or reese’s.
The best team won!
@Kyeh Not trying to make this political, but I have to ask… Left Twix or Right Twix?
@ExtraMedium I want them both!
maybe we should have . . .
@ExtraMedium @Kyeh I thought it was Up Twix and Down Twix.
@blaineg @ExtraMedium East Twix and West Twix.
@blaineg @ExtraMedium @Kyeh My Twix and Your Twix
Fine I guess I’ll eat a Twix. Are you happy now?

/giphy woo!
@Ignorant @RiotDemon I also bought and had one. For solidarity.
Hey you going to send those of us who voted for TWIX some in the mail? Or are we all supposed to buy some and send them to you?
Unlike certain voting endeavors, there are no losers here.
/image peanut butter twix

Missed the early rounds, saw the semi’s, but missed the final round. Surprised that Twix won. I would’ve had a hard time deciding between those two. Probably Twix because I get Reese more often, and, you know, because caramel. And because it’s closest to the true winner, 100 Grand (aka $100,000 bar).
@katbyter Those are one of my favorites too. Chocolate, caramel, and crunch.
Snickers should have won. I don’t know how you guys messed that up. Snickers IS the most popular chocolate candy bar in the world.
@ELUNO popular ≠ best (often)
if you offered me a 100 Grand to eat a Snicker’s, I’d laugh and go eat a Milky Way Dark instead
@Cerridwyn @ELUNO are you allergic? Cuz 100k is a lot of money to eat a candy bar.
@Cerridwyn @ELUNO @RiotDemon mehtizens ≠ general public
@Cerridwyn @ELUNO @mehcuda67 @RiotDemon
And we can all be thankful for that!
@Cerridwyn @ELUNO

@Cerridwyn @earlyre @ELUNO snickers is fine… Just not one I would buy. I like my chocolate with peanut butter. Maybe some salt.
Carmel is fine but eh
And dark chocolate is Always better
Take 5. Periodt
My Twix story: I was working in downtown Salt Lake when Twix were introduced to the US in 1979. 2-3 times a week I walked several blocks to another building. They had people handing out full size Twix bars on every corner, and sometimes in the middle of the block (SLC has huge blocks). So twice a day I’d collect 4-8 Twix bars, as did my co-workers.
We couldn’t get enough at first, but eventually we had a huge basket filled with Twix, and everyone kind of lost interest in them.
Twix always remind me of walking downtown Salt Lake in the summer (spring?) of '79.
@blaineg I always find it interesting how certain triggers can immediately bring you back to things in the past.
In 80-81 the Lion Bar was my favorite English candy bar. It’s kind of a KitKat stuffed into the middle of a 100 Grand.
When I went back years later the Lion Bar was a major disappointment, it was barely edible.