That picture of the USB charger really looks like a USB-C connector, but the spec says micro-USB. I guess there’s not that much difference between them visually from that angle though.
So in other words a $19 irk, that anyone can get, where we know in advance we will get 8 crap items. As a result we might/will have $19 worth of regret this time around rather than $5 worth of regret - because either way likely we don’t want most/all of what is in there anyway. Clever meh clever.
@sammydog01 Now they know it works, so they’ll just keep doing it over and over again, like a squirrel that keeps coming back after you throw it a sunflower seed.
On the off chance that the eight items pictured are the exact same eight items to be received (it doesn’t say they aren’t) and in view of the fact that I passed on each of these things when they each had their own individual Meh offerings, I will pass again.
Have a reminder set at one minute before new deal, kept reloading every ten seconds and page loads as “Deal Paused”. How many iPhone 7’s are there? Ha!!
“…and we’d really like you to buy it so we can make some room in the warehouse.”
So Meh… Do you need to make room in your warehouse because you happen to have a large stock of, for example, overpriced bizarre oven mitt-tong-spatula thingamabobbers that you couldn’t move, and now you need somewhere to store them…?
Maybe if Pitney Bowes could get their shit together, you could push more orders, and less warehouse space?? Maybe? I appreciate the general humor of the site, but come the fuck on. This is all trash. 19?
NIRK’s are the best “meh” yet. You can get the same ultimate expression of “meh” without paying money for the guaranteed feeling of hopeful disappointment after what seems like an unending wait that comes with every IRK. Especially if you reveal the contents in the specs.
NIRK’s are like a 100% off sale of all the “meh” you could ever ask for. Great job, long live the NIRK!!
Most of these comments are so hypocritical of the usual mob mentality
If this was called random RV just ? Box it would be sold out by now
Face it, the site that inspired all this glamorized the rando and useless and now that it’s run by the mothership this offering is the institutional standard
I thought you always saved some to release later in the day for members who paid to be part of the “exclusive” membership every month? I’m disappointed, unlike some others bc I actually love this “quirky” package!
@Ahoward22 The 4 PM release is for VMPs only, not for members. Same as with the 4 PM block during a meh-rathon. It’s what our extra penny per month gets us.
@AmazingChicken They once said the goal was a sellout at around midnight the following day. Looks like they either underpriced this or overestimated their customer base.
damn, the one day I don’t check Meh in the middle of the night when I wake up. It’s become a habit, except last night, when I didn’t. And now 8 craps I don’t get. Though recalling most of these products in the photo, perhaps I it was wise to avoid it after all.
I tell myself that to make me feel better, but still…
without self-doubt, what would we have to make us miserable?
It is 4 times worse than an IRK because it costs almost 4 times and and you know what is in it-stuff you don’t need and want and you still bought it. 4 times the regret.
@Bigbearballs definately getting the 8 things shown as it is in the specs. Just paid $19 for a meh sticker rest will going garbage/recycling. Definately not a mystery as they told us what we are all getting and definitely feels like an IRK as regret has set in for most of the 779 purchased orders
I just got mine, and the 360Fly 60 1/4 -20 Adapter was rattling around loose in the bottom of the box @tenchiken. Not a bad deal for $9 (I used my pasta code). Need to find someplace to get rid of the iPhone 7 battery case
I did not see that there were actual specs listed, and didn’t realize that the pictured items really were what I was going to get. For $5? Yeah, sure. For $25? Definite buyer’s remorse. Feel bait-and-switched with the burying of the item descriptions, tbh.
For the instacharge thing, it charged up fine but I can’t figure out how to get it to switch on to actually charge the phone. I threw away the instructions already. Any ideas?
@Heffer It should turn on automatically (and off, when disconnected from the device). Mine arrived completely dead, so I’m charging it now and will test once complete.
@Heffer OK, TIL the polarity of the plug seems to matter, and worse, it’s counter-intuitive to the design meaning you have to twist the cable awkwardly to get it to charge (an iPhone when it’s suctioned to the back. So if it doesn’t charge, reverse the plug.
I got mine today. I must have been drinking. I barely remember ordering it, and certainly don’t know why I wanted it in the first place. I have a semi-immediate use for the powerbank, and the charger will always come in handy, I guess. As for the other stuff… meh.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
[$5.95 - $49.98 at Amazon per item] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Sep 21 - Monday, Sep 27
keep on wishing…
I can’t believe they decided to increase IRK prices by fourteen dollars out of nowhere like this.
@ShotgunX And then not included the bag! (grin)
@ShotgunX and they used the tattoo loophole so soon
Is it really a mystery when you say what it is?
Don’t count on it
/8ball Are they telling the truth?
Maybe next time
It’s not a mystery if you tell us what we get in the specs
It’s better than my last 3 IRKS combined. The only drawback is that I know what’s in it…
I guess it’s a mystery if one doesn’t read the specs.
That’s the method I went with… But then I ruined it and just looked now
It’s a mystery why anyone would buy this.
@warpedrotors, i thought about it, but when i saw da crap @ 1:33 PM CST they were sold out, so…
It’s okay, but it’s most certainly not stupid crap you always sell but in a bundle.
Give us some crap!
Not as fun but…

/giphy versed-tangy-toy
How do the random gifs always work out so well?!?
Answer him Dasred why are you always so quiet you piece of shit he is asking you a question!
@dasred Protip: you can edit your post to get another random gif.
Change the name of the deal to “Here, Throw These Away For Us,” and I’ll buy one.
@warpedrotors That’s called an irk…
@Kidsandliz I buy those… but not for $19.
That picture of the USB charger really looks like a USB-C connector, but the spec says micro-USB. I guess there’s not that much difference between them visually from that angle though.
@ravenblack it apparently has a C and lightning adapters.
@ravenblack they fit fine if you jam them in hard enough. You just have to be dedicated.
@alose The wall charger, not the battery.
@ravenblack @ybmuG

/giphy that’s what she said
Do you have anything that I wish I had?
@awk Yes but self respect don’t ship for $5.
@awk , yes humility, intelligence & edumacation, as a boxed set!! Da $ price? Invaluable, or priceless!!
Thanks for clearing up the mystery so I didn’t buy it… I can be a sucker sometimes but when you tell me it’s stupid sh*t I am out.
Closest thing to an IRK I’ll ever get and almost 4 times the price! Regret set in pretty damned quick!
/giphy flattering-teal-hamster

@tjg5181 you can still cancel.
@tjg5181 Roomba!
@tjg5181 still sold out before I woke up this morning (late night)…
… Unlike an Irk though, I didn’t want this.
No knife? No deal.
So in other words a $19 irk, that anyone can get, where we know in advance we will get 8
crapitems. As a result we might/will have $19 worth of regret this time around rather than $5 worth of regret - because either way likely we don’t want most/all of what is in there anyway. Clever meh clever.@Kidsandliz Almost 4x the regret! What a deal!
@eeterrific And if it is shipped PB that will be bonus regret added on
Why did I buy this?

/giphy gilded-elegant-surprise
/giphy guilty-impolite-panda

The sticker is the only thing I would want and I still have a stack of them.
@yakkoTDI I see a few people here that would pay up to $19 for one.
@yakkoTDI Just as long as it doesn’t come bundled with a shirt, right?
immortal-barefoot-sycamore. Oh apple crisp what did I just do?
Bought it just for the “meh.” sticker. Too bad there wasn’t any purple item in the bunch of junk.
@bbf you could definitely get a sticker custom printed for less than half this price
@bbf @Telanis
…What???… And risk raising the ire of the crack meh legal team…?
Considering the stuff in my last 2 IRK’s, I thought your warehouse was already empty. I’m gonna pass on the rest of your leftovers.
I like the concept- I miss the good old days of wacky bundles on Saturdays. Just not this stuff.
Paused after 45 minutes with over 500 sold? I’m stunned.

@sammydog01 Now they know it works, so they’ll just keep doing it over and over again, like a squirrel that keeps coming back after you throw it a sunflower seed.
@sammydog01 @ShotgunX squirrels don’t keep coming back if you poison the sunflower seed.
@OnionSoup @ShotgunX
@sammydog01 @ShotgunX what’s funny is that song came to my mind as I wrote that too.
What if the only item I want from those shown is the sticker?
Can I just have/get some “meh” stickers?
(And I’m STILL waiting for the Irk plushie to become a reality.)
The only thing I would want in this sorry collection is Glen!
Meh has laid an EGG; Exposed Gathered Garbage
@shahnm *buy
@shahnm .
I see what you did there…
On the off chance that the eight items pictured are the exact same eight items to be received (it doesn’t say they aren’t) and in view of the fact that I passed on each of these things when they each had their own individual Meh offerings, I will pass again.
@artemaria @chienfou The exact items pictured are also listed under what’s in the box.
Have a reminder set at one minute before new deal, kept reloading every ten seconds and page loads as “Deal Paused”. How many iPhone 7’s are there? Ha!!
@craigcush where were you at midnight (EST)?
“…and we’d really like you to buy it so we can make some room in the warehouse.”
So Meh… Do you need to make room in your warehouse because you happen to have a large stock of, for example, overpriced bizarre oven mitt-tong-spatula thingamabobbers that you couldn’t move, and now you need somewhere to store them…?
@shahnm I’m thinking the regret for those is with the buyer that sourced them…for now. It will eventually pass to the proud owners of future IRKs…
@shahnm Turnip Twaddlers
So, a bunch of stuff that either I have already and regret wasting my time and money on, and other stuff that I don’t need or can’t use.
Pass. Shouldn’t have told people what these mysterious items are in the specs…you would’ve been able to get even more people to take the bait.
@JvB They sold 500+ of this in 45 minutes. Disclosing what’s in these isn’t an issue.
@JvB @narfcake I have a feeling when they start to arrive some people may be upset. A lot of people even.
@JvB @narfcake @sammydog01 The #1 complaint will be: Where’s my IRK bag?
Maybe if Pitney Bowes could get their shit together, you could push more orders, and less warehouse space?? Maybe? I appreciate the general humor of the site, but come the fuck on. This is all trash. 19?
@KNmeh7 Pitney Bowes is kind enough to store meh merchandise for months.
@KNmeh7 @sammydog01 Now I get it, free warehouse space.
NIRK’s are the best “meh” yet. You can get the same ultimate expression of “meh” without paying money for the guaranteed feeling of hopeful disappointment after what seems like an unending wait that comes with every IRK. Especially if you reveal the contents in the specs.
NIRK’s are like a 100% off sale of all the “meh” you could ever ask for. Great job, long live the NIRK!!
Most of these comments are so hypocritical of the usual mob mentality
If this was called random RV just ? Box it would be sold out by now
Face it, the site that inspired all this glamorized the rando and useless and now that it’s run by the mothership this offering is the institutional standard
So please, just put a sock in it and buy!!!
Actually the deal is paused due to the sales volume…
@tsveggie You know there’s a list of what you get in the specs, right?
at 3am, this seemed like a very good idea. I made a plan to buy this morning.
at 8am, I looked again, said ‘meh’ and went off to make coffee.

/giphy yay
This would actually make a great white elephant gift at Christmas. Don’t even open the box, just wrap it when it comes.
I can’t wait for my not-irk!

/giphy victorious-wasted-radish
that came VERY close to being a potentially critical neck injury!
Can’t wait to see what I get! Can’t resist a mystery box.
@medz Don’t forget the mystery beauty boxes over at Morningsave.
@sammydog01 don’t need. we’re beautiful the easy we are
@medz @sammydog01
" Beautiful the easy we are".
I’m guessing that’s an autocorrect change… But, I do remember in my college days finding easy people beautiful.
/giphy beastly-possessive-horse

@aetris Horses are wonderful.
@blaineg - Well, there’s a reason no one rides cats.
I thought you always saved some to release later in the day for members who paid to be part of the “exclusive” membership every month? I’m disappointed, unlike some others bc I actually love this “quirky” package!
@Ahoward22 The 4 PM release is for VMPs only, not for members. Same as with the 4 PM block during a meh-rathon. It’s what our extra penny per month gets us.
Supposed to be some released at 4pm. It says, anyway.
Are these sales supposed to sell out? Because…
/giphy and it’s gone

@AmazingChicken They once said the goal was a sellout at around midnight the following day. Looks like they either underpriced this or overestimated their customer base.
damn, the one day I don’t check Meh in the middle of the night when I wake up. It’s become a habit, except last night, when I didn’t. And now 8 craps I don’t get. Though recalling most of these products in the photo, perhaps I it was wise to avoid it after all.
I tell myself that to make me feel better, but still…
without self-doubt, what would we have to make us miserable?
@pmarin IRKs.
IDK, IMHO it looks to me like it will be found to be pretty damned Irk-some when it arrives.
@phendrick it IS an IRK, the regret is even more Instant though because you know when you order it you don’t want it.
@phendrick it’s an EGG, Exposed Gathered Garbage.
@hchavers How about ROTTEN EGG? As in Rather Other Than Treasures Ever Needed?
It is 4 times worse than an IRK because it costs almost 4 times and and you know what is in it-stuff you don’t need and want and you still bought it. 4 times the regret.
Woot! Oh wait I mean uhhmm… yeah well

/giphy ornery-lousy-pocket
@GeneralAnubis seldom was a more appropriate giphy chosen…
Sold out hoping they can get that iPhone(?).
What were 779 of you thinking?
So we aren’t getting the 8 things in the picture? These are 8 other things?
@Bigbearballs definately getting the 8 things shown as it is in the specs. Just paid $19 for a meh sticker rest will going garbage/recycling. Definately not a mystery as they told us what we are all getting and definitely feels like an IRK as regret has set in for most of the 779 purchased orders
Wait…so it’s not 8 mystery items?
@medz they were mysterious… Not mystery.
@RiotDemon oh, that’s devious as hell
@medz it’s all in the specs. Always read the specs.
@RiotDemon Please. I know that. I bought it for the floating camera handle. Adoy!
These IRK’s are the same as but just different sized BOC’s…
Anyone else get their box, but not the 360Fly 60 1/4 -20 Adapter? I only seem to have gotten 7x items
@tenchiken I had a loose adapter camera mount adapter thing in the box. Check under the box flaps?
I just got mine, and the 360Fly 60 1/4 -20 Adapter was rattling around loose in the bottom of the box @tenchiken. Not a bad deal for $9 (I used my pasta code). Need to find someplace to get rid of the iPhone 7 battery case
@markmav mine too and the Jabra, the only thing i really wanted was opened and does not turn on
The battery with the suction cups is worth the whole price. Anyone have an iphone 7?
The floating action cam handle fits my waterproof 360 action cam case! Pool videos are fun!

/giphy SCORE!
I did not see that there were actual specs listed, and didn’t realize that the pictured items really were what I was going to get. For $5? Yeah, sure. For $25? Definite buyer’s remorse. Feel bait-and-switched with the burying of the item descriptions, tbh.
Now how do I find an iPhone 7?
@mjhann1960 They are selling them on woot today.
For the instacharge thing, it charged up fine but I can’t figure out how to get it to switch on to actually charge the phone. I threw away the instructions already. Any ideas?
@Heffer It should turn on automatically (and off, when disconnected from the device). Mine arrived completely dead, so I’m charging it now and will test once complete.
@Heffer OK, TIL the polarity of the plug seems to matter, and worse, it’s counter-intuitive to the design meaning you have to twist the cable awkwardly to get it to charge (an iPhone
when it’s suctioned to the back. So if it doesn’t charge, reverse the plug. 
I still have not received my package. Tracking shown it’s in Texas for 5 days.
my 2 packages were missing Jabra Step Wireless In-Ear Headphones (both) …
I got mine today. I must have been drinking. I barely remember ordering it, and certainly don’t know why I wanted it in the first place. I have a semi-immediate use for the powerbank, and the charger will always come in handy, I guess. As for the other stuff… meh.
The camel caravan that was clearly used for shipping my order from Texas has finally made its way up to New York and threw the package on my porch.