Geez, I was looking for trapezoid molds. Guess I’ll have to pass. Of course, now I’m thinking molds…kind of like penicillin, right? So…if I buy these, does that mean I don’t have to worry about getting antibiotics prescribed anymore?
@MehnofLaMehncha Probably wouldn’t want to use used ones. Especially if the course has pets. Although pegging someone with a frozen golf ball might be funny for a few seconds.
@mellaine … Maybe we should all go to bed and bypass this farce on us then get up at eight and before heading off to the saw mill check and see if everybody else took this suggestion… it will be easy to determine, they will still have a glut of stuff and wished they had kept the midnight run open for at least HALF an hour.
True story: Ridgemont bourbon was first released as Ridgewood Reserve (back before Sazerac, owner of Buffalo Trace, bought the Barton Brands distillery)
Brown Forman, owner of Woodford Reserve, cried foul, a judge agreed, and Ridgemont was born.
@craigthom We drink quite a bit of Woodford Reserve in this house. Opened the bar over the weekend and discovered SIX unopened bottles tucked away. Husband’s excuse? “They were marked incorrectly at $20 a bottle. I bought all they had.”
@LaVikinga Another true story: most of the bourbon in regular Woodford Reserve is made at the Early Times distillery in Louisville on column stills (the same stuff used in Old Forrester, although I’m sure they select barrels specifically for Woodford). The capacity of the pot stills at Woodford is much too small. They mix in that whiskey with the regular stuff, but it’s less than half.
That doesn’t make the bourbon any less tasty, but it does make the marketing a bit misleading.
@craigthom I’ll pass this along. My husband adores single malt, Talisker being one of his favorites. Unfortunately, Talisker tends to be a bit out of our comfort range as his one-a-day late afternoon sipper. Someone hipped him to the fact that Johnny Walker Double Black was blended with Talisker, and he was surprised at how much he enjoyed a blend (He tends to avoid blends for some reason). Now it’s something in frequent rotation especially if he can catch a good sale.
@LaVikinga I think there’s Talisker in every Johnnie Walker whisky, even the Red. It’s noticeable in the Black. I haven’t have the Double Black, but reviews say it’s got more Caol Ila (from Islay) and Taliker (from Skye) than the regular Black, giving it more of that West Coast (of Scotland) smokiness.
I don’t remember the numbers, but I’m pretty sure most of what Talisker produces goes into Johnnie Walker blends. The single-malt releases are a small part of their output.
Here’s another fun fact: I visited the Isle of Skye several years ago and toured the Talisker distillery. There’s so much peat in the ground that their spring water was brown with it.
For bourbon, he might like something with a higher rye content than Woodford. On the more affordable end at the 100 proof Old Grand-Dad (I am serious) and Wild Turkey. A little up the ladder is the Four Roses single barrel.
@craigthom ALL of this is good to pass on to him.
I guess my palate isn’t cut out for whiskey/whisky. I tell my husband the fumes are worse than jet fuel. I’m strictly a gin girl and I do love my gins.
@connorbush I have a couple of the ice ball molds seen in the video. I don’t know how you can keep the one’s from today’s meh deal from falling over and spilling in your freezer- save an egg box for them, I guess.
I haven’t tried the elaborate techniques in the video, but I have found that the ice balls tend to break when you pour the drink into the glass. Maybe you have to keep the drink mix chilled super cold to prevent that. Too much trouble…
@mediocrebot … obviously you only have a small limited supply to only give us night owls ten minutes of your time. If you don’t sell out don’t blame us late night buyers… If you do sell out then next time… BUY MORE!!
@lljk I haven’t honestly touched my first (and only) Fuko goods except to take them out of the box. Who actually needs a broken scale? And yet I’m still mad at every one I’ve missed since then.
I have a conjoined pair of these that are okay, but the spheres always have so many air pockets that they crack and chip easily, which kinda defeats the point. Seems the air gets introduced naturally during the process of filling them through the hole at the top. Does anyone have tips on making ice cubes with them without too much air getting into the molds? Obviously not gonna get spheres the same pristine quality as those fancy metal press molds that some bars have, but it would be nice to have slightly more solid ice.
Edit: saw the video above after posting, but that’s a little more work than I’m willing to put in. Oh well.
This would have been a no-thought purchase for me, but - since Meh feels the need to placate the whiners who can’t deal with a decade of midnight release tradition - I will not be buying this, even if there are some readily-available later today.
I’ve been silent on the new pause crap, but I think it’s complete bullshit. I’m sure Meh doesn’t give a damn about my $8 or even my $96/year for VMP, but I know I’m not the only one.
@SpenceMan01 Why are you paying $96/year for something that only cost $60 (12 x $5)?
But I agree, this will likely be the reason I cancel my VMP sub. I may still check the site, but I don’t see a reason in paying to not be able to buy something.
But I think you can cut it even closer. You can look at/buy the deal the midnight (early morning) of your renewal. And then immediately cancel. (Midwesterner in the eastern zone here.). I suppose technically from a Texas perspective that buy is the “day before”.
@SpenceMan01 I’ve seen way more whining from people complaining about the circuit breakers than I ever saw from people complaining that midnight was too late for them. Second only to people complaining that they couldn’t get a fuku/o.
@harveydanger So what you’re saying is that Meh has pissed off more people by changing it than they did by leaving it alone. What a great way to keep customers!
@SpenceMan01 anecdotally. I’m sure that Meh is doing statistical analysis and has some means of comparing the displeased against the pleased. Since the sales largely keep selling out I don’t think they’re hurting too badly from this change and in general I would expect more vocal complaints resulting from a change to the status quo than complaints about a long standing status quo.
@jbartus The stats are something I thought about when this all initially hit. My (non-sensical) theory involves East coast people being more willing to pay a higher price for a given product than, say, a midwesterner. Sell more to the East coasters, make more money.
My other theory is site/ad views. Get people back to the site to ratchet up those ad impressions. Amazon did something similar when they stopped including tracking numbers in emails. It forced you to go to the site to track orders, resulting it putting more ads/products in front of your face.
@SpenceMan01 ad impressions would probably be better served by blocking users who use adblockers. I didn’t even realize that there were ads because I live perpetually in adblockland.
Holy Moses on a ant hill! Couldn’t you at least spend more than 10 - 15 minutes on line at midnight to give us a chance to boot our dial-up and get on board? Now I’m forced to stay up all night to make the 8am run because I simply can’t chance your next day scraps offer. I’m gonna tell my wife it’s all your fault dammit!!
Wow, the day is only 30 minutes old and the deal has already paused. Good for meh! I wouldn’t have guessed the interest in the alcohol drinking accessories market was so large.
Paused…I’m not sure why I have a VMP account if I can’t buy the stuff on the site. My VMP just renewed 3 days ago, so I’m not canceling it right now, but I’m setting an alarm on my calendar to do so before it renews again. This is crap. At least Woot died after it was sold, now Meh is dying before.
@communist Yes, I’m aware that if I jump through hoops, I may be able to buy it at some point in time, but I’m not jumping through hoops to circumvent them arbitrarily deciding to stop and start selling something.
@yoda133113@suzika What time were you checking here? If it was after 12:15 EDT, it would’ve completely sold out and you wouldn’t have had any second chance or third chance. At all.
@yoda133113 I don’t want to be an apologist but if you think about it this is no more arbitrary than only selling it at midnight until it’s sold out. It’s just a different arbitrary than the arbitrary we’re used to. But I fully respect your prerogative to hate it and cancel your VMP. It’s a risk @snapster takes for experimenting but I’m sure the risk/benefit analysis has been done and was found to be acceptable.
I personally don’t hate The Pause but, as I’ve said in another thread, it won’t increase my chances of getting something that would have sold out because 1) I’m asleep at 5 am and 2) there’s little chance I will think of looking again at 1 pm. I can try setting an alarm but it’s unlikely to be successful.
I call shenanigans. The rules are simple. One deal posted at midnight ET, and available till sold out or the next deal posted.
Shenanigans on you, MEH!!!
@capguncowboy … Donchano first shift always has the priority while graveyard is barely recognized… at least that’s how it applies in the working world.
Meh. Never had a problem embedding YouTube videos before. Don’t know why it’s not working, except the link looks different than usual. Tried it a few different ways. No good.
@RiotDemon Cool. It’s the exact same concept as the Ice Chest. Getting spheres out of the Ice Chest is a lot easier, though. But I’m intrigued to try this method for the long Collins ice.
Also, this guy has a bottle of Anchor Junipero on his counter so I automatically like him.
@RiotDemon Let me know how it works. I’m going to see if I can remember to buy some at 1 pm. These will be more space efficient than the Tovolo he uses in the video. But how will you keep them from getting encased in ice?
@shrike1201@Nelliel Check your orders page and make sure it did not order anyway. I did that with the gopro kit thing and it finally came up with “something went wrong” tried again and bought it. fast forward 30 seconds and get two emails saying it was ordered. cancel one.
@Kirgen After numerous attempts on multiple devices and browsers, one of them went through somehow without any confirmation other than in my order page.
Would have loved to buy this, but by the time I got through the ordering system, they were sold out again. This was going to be the first purchase on this site, and I end up getting blocked.
Mine did that, too. Would’ve been the first purchase! Instead, since I threw on a VMP for the shipping benefits, the ice balls didn’t go through, but the membership did!
I’m not whining. I bought some at midnight. But I’m curious as to what the rationale is for saving a much larger number for 8 am than is available at midnight?Perhaps this has been answered elsewhere and, if so, apologies.
They’re trying to get people trained to check in the morning instead of at 11pm. Probably because they want their teaser email to have some kind of relevance. It’s a waste of bandwidth right now. “Oh an email about a mystery product that I won’t know what it is until I click through to see a sold out deal. Wow, that’s totally worth it.” Especially since everyone has already checked the site and/or got one of the various social media updates about the new product.
@AnnaB The fact that just if many people at buying at 8:00 AM rather than at midnight maybe validates their holding at a least half if not more of the product until the morning.
@Felton10 Do you have any statistics on how many of those 8am buyers checked after midnight but found it was paused and they had to come back at 8am to purchase? Because those shouldn’t really count as 8am buyers.
@medz your teaser email relevance thing as a motivation doesn’t really add up, if that was the goal they could just as easily do a different kind of teaser at 4 PM EST.
@Felton10 the point is to drive traffic to the website. It’s a reminder that Meh exists, if you will, combined with a teaser of the current sale to wet your appetite. If they tell you what it is directly in the email you might not come to the site and by forcing you to come to the site to see the item they increase the chances of an impulse buy by putting the buy now button in front of you.
@AnnaB@Felton10 I would suspect that the larger block being held for 8 AM corresponds to the larger pool of customers it can be expected to attract at that time. Between the East Coast being up and about at that hour, West Coast members for whom the 12 AM time is more convenient who can arrange to be online if necessary, and people who are attracted by the email blast there should be a larger diversity in exposure.
@jbartus There is something to be said for waiting for the surprise of what is being sold that day. If I am up at 11:30 (which is most nights) I say what’s another 1/2 hour. Plus tried getting in bed at 11:00 and then when I woke up close to midnight-the urge was too strong not to good to look what was on sale at midnight. Plus if I am up at midnight don’t usually get to sleep until around 1 AM so not usually up at 8 AM for the reboot. Tough life I know-but that is what being semi retired looks like these days.
@Felton10 no offense but the change here wasn’t really targeting the needs of the semiretired who have the leisure to stay up to whenever / get up whenever. People complained that they couldn’t be up until midnight due to life responsibilities like work, hence this change.
Me personally, I’m self employed and often up til 3 AM anyhow so for me it’s not a big deal either way.
@medz I think it’d make more sense not to send out the teaser email if it’s a paused deal. A good deal will sell out even if there isn’t an email. You need the teaser emails to help slower deals. If you know it’s going to sell out, then why waste an email?
@jbartus No offense taken. I agree with you completely. Everyone’s indiv situation governs whether Meh’s change benefits or hurts them. I work out of my house also and my work is seasonal (am a CPA) so there are times I stay up very late working basically to meet tax deadlines and less interruptions late at night. Even so-being on the east coast-still going to the website at midnight fits my lifestyle the best, but the options being able to buy an item the next day and not having it sold out is a nice tip of the hat to us east coast buyers.
@shrike1201 I strongly suspect that quantity dictates the pause. Among other reasons, it’s the simplest way to get it done.
You could certainly make it more complex. How about if only X orders per minute are allowed, so the pause resets every minute? (If I thought there were the slightest chance Meh would do this, I wouldn’t dare write it in the forum, lest I risk becoming a goat.)
@djslack@AnnaB Here’s the post where The Pause (officially called the Meh Event Circuit Breaker) is explained. Maybe I interpreted the analogy to the stock market incorrectly.
They might as well just do it woot-off style and only change the item after the previous one sells out. Some deals last an hour, some last all weekend. That way, new deals could pop at any time, so no more whiners based on geographical location. With the pausing, we’re not a traditional daily deal site anyway, so what’s the point in pretending?
@medz I bet eventually it might turn out that way. I’m sure morning save will grow bigger and bigger trying to sell off accumulated junk in the warehouse
@DrunkCat with 3 releases, it’s basically 3 deals per day. 1 deal a day means it’s there until it sells out and then there is nothing until the next day. Not “oh you missed the 11pm deal? Check back for the 7am deal!” Traditionally, that’s not how daily deal sites worked. Experiment PAVLOV asks if the CLASSIC daily deal site is compelling again. To the meh decision makers, that answer must be “no” or they wouldn’t have dinked with the winning formula.
@medz It’s the same deal though. It’s not three deals a day, it’s still the one deal for the ‘day’. If they increased/lowered the price after the circuit breakers then you’d have an argument. As is it’s just a pause on the same deal.
@DrunkCat You’re defining deal differently than I am. I equate the “deal” to the offering (or sales event) whereas you’re saying the item itself is the deal.
Edit: Example: Sonic offers 1/2 price drinks for the morning commute and happy hour on the same day. So, they put the same drink on sale twice a day. It’s considered a “deal” 2 times a day, so it’s not a singular daily deal.
@medz Sonic offers the same deal at two different times. A deal isn’t a sales event, a deal is a product sold at a specific price. You can see this in practice perusing the slickdeals forums when folks say for example “it’s the same deal as last week”. Using your definition of ‘deal’ they would have to say “look at this new deal that is the same in every way as this other deal except for its timestamp.”
I AM a VMP member. I tried to order at 9:10 PM. I am AWAKE at 9PM. Therefore, I am NOT awake at fourfuckingAM! My lunch break is over at 12:45. Stop this stupid pause experiment; it sucks.
@lisameh I feel you, dog. 11pm is getting too late for my old ass. 7am is too early and 4pm is during work. If I manage to catch any of those times, I have more competition, a smaller quantity to purchase from, and less a chance of getting the item. This is like the worse thing to ever happen to me. I’m totally butthurt over it too.
Well, even a day-one VMP can’t feel the love. Right at 4pm EST I hit the magic button. Waited. Something went terribly wrong. Tried again. Something went terribly wrong. Then sold out. sad
At least it’s just like the old days of woot!
So I hit the buy button at exactly 4 o’clock then I go to pay for it and the status bar goes over and over and over and says something goes terribly wrong and that I keep on refreshing and doing it three different times still no luck
Man, I tried the button, got to the order screen, hit submit, and was told something went wrong 4 times, then told it was sold out. That’s crap. Oh well.
Me too. Signed in and started refreshing the screen at 3:57, hit the button as soon as it was available and got the never-ending status bar, until the terribly wrong screen, then no dice, sold out. So much for some being held back for VMP Members. Won’t bother with that again.
Long time VMP member.
Missed out 3x on this today.
It paused twice, then sold out.
Not happy with this bullshit pause.
The argument that:
"if they didn’t pause the sale I wouldn’t have a chance because it would have already sold out"
Doesn’t hold water.
Let it sell out.
I could care less if it sold out 5 minutes after midnight.
That is how it works. I missed out.
But, to pay VMP, have the product available, and to not be allowed to purchase it sucks.
And sucks 3x a day.
@icehole I’m confused, are you somehow under some delusion that paying VMP is to Meh’s benefit and not your own? Dollars to donuts they’re losing money on VMP sales compared to non-VMP sales that pay $5 a whack for shipping. Your massive shipping discount seems to have left you feeling a bit entitled TBH.
Thanks for getting my point about The Pause by reading the words I wrote, instead of completely missing the point, focusing on 3 letters, and inferring you know something about me.
@icehole I read the words you wrote. They pretty much amounted to “I couldn’t be timely three times today so I’m going to blame Meh” with some additional comments about how being VMP should have allowed you to buy.
I’ve ordered several of these silicone ice molds but the water leaks our the center crack when freezing so you end up with a half a circle, probably wouldn’t buy them again.
I even tried jello, I have these ones and the blue death star ones and smaller one bit they all suck, now they’re just sitting in my country collecting dust.
@hmclynch87 I have 2 death star ones and they work great for ice. Just make sure you have no water in between the seams because water expands when it freezes and that would make the think spread apart thus causing leakage. The death star ones had a little tab you had to line-up. Again, if that wasn’t lined-up correctly, you can expect leaks.
I didn’t try to make clear ice, but I quickly looked at the two I put in the freezer, and one expanded a lot more than the other one and actually came out a little bit out of the hole. I will need to test different water levels.
@ELUNO@pantheist I’ll be home in around 3 hours to report. Last night I looked before bed and it was just really cold water. The two ice balls that I had upright looked like they lost some water… So I did put a little more in them. I’m not sure if they popped open since they’re jammed into some glasses, or just leaked out.
@RiotDemon Yeah I did read that. The other one was fine. Maybe I didn’t look close enough and did fill it more by accident…
Buuuut, I shall keep overfilling it now! Boob ice is my new favorite thing!
@ELUNO it’s a chest freezer. It freezes even at 1. I accidentally unplugged that thing and everything stayed frozen for a few days. That’s why I don’t bother turning it colder.
@ELUNO the clear ice worked pretty well… The clear ice sphere, not so much. I managed to get a half clear sphere, a mostly full sphere with an indent at the top and bottom, and then two sort of cloudy spheres. I’ve learned to just leave it alone for a full two days, not to use an insulated cup, and make sure to fill the mold and not let any air into it while turning it upside down into the cup of water. I think me moving it around and checking on it screwed it up even more.
I was going to take a photo, but I put all the ice in a bag, after I rinsed it to get all the little broken pieces off (don’t do that) so it’s all stuck together and I can’t be bothered to pull it all apart right now.
The rest of the ice in the cooler around the cups came out mostly clear. There was a little bit of distortions in the middle, right next to where I had one of the cups that I pulled out to check on the mold. It looked kinda neat and reflected like a prism in one piece. I wish I would of taken a photo.
So now my cooler is sitting in the freezer without any ice ball molds.
@RiotDemon lol. Did you cut the ice with a knife like in the video? Can’t you pull it apart that same way? Or are you talking just about all the spheres?
I think I will stick with cloudy boob ice balls for now, it sounds too complicated.
@RiotDemon Are you still using the ice molds? Did you ever figure out a way to get clear spheres?
I finally got around to trying to make clear ice in the cooler. I got the big chunk of clear ice but when I tried to break off cubes, mine didn’t break in nice straight lines like in the video. I did the scoring with the bread knife and tapping on it just like he did, but I got random, jagged blobs. They add a nice rustic charm to an Old Fashioned but I was hoping to get spears for the Collins glasses I bought last weekend. Have you had any luck chopping up the ice like in the video?
@SSteve I honestly haven’t tried again. I really don’t drink much. I bought them mostly for crafts and to give away. So my motivation for this is very low.
Now my freezer is full of frozen water bottles because I wanted to keep my freezer super cold for hurricane Matthew. So now I’m even less motivated, haha
i meant to post here yesterday but work got in the way.
I got mine yesterday morning and filled them and into the freezer they went. After about 4 hours, they were solid. I had a hard time getting them out but after a good hard roll on the counter while pressing on them with my hand, they popped out. The ice was solid in 2 of them and the other two were cracked, but they held together. I dropped 3 of them into my Walmart Yeti tumbler and filled it up. After refilling the cup another 3-4 times, they were still holding up well. I’m fairly pleased with them, but I think it’s more of a novelty than anything else
I did think to take a picture after about an hour in the drink. It was one of the balls that had cracked, and it had separated in the cup.
This looks like a good round ice mold, but I am worried that the sphere is not as perfect as the photo. You will have to cut some of the excess ice formed between the molds and may run the spheres under some cool running water to improve shape.
What’s in the Box?
8x Ice Molds
Put fruit in it, why not
Price Comparison
$99.98 List, $55.48 (for 4x 2-packs) at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
1 Year Viatek
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Jun 20 - Monday, Jun 26
Ice, ice … baby arm?
Ladies and gentlemen, the hardest drinking county in the USA:
@MehnofLaMehncha Thanks, Brownback.
Cold idea meh !
I’m crushed … deal paused.
I need these not. Death Star shaped ones I have. Meh, this deal is.
I tried to make kool-aid ice spheres and made a huge mehss in my freezer. Meh. Not again.
why not?
@MrGlass It worked! Your order number is: inane-ocular-biscuit
/image inane-ocular-biscuit
Why’s the whole world trying to get me to drink whiskey again?
It’s an election year. How are you not drinking whiskey?!
@MehnofLaMehncha Especially with these candidates to choose from…
It’s our quatra-annual battle of wits between unarmed opponents!
Used to at least count on a peaceful transfer of power. Not even sure about that this year.
So, bottoms up until November!
I waiting up for this-WTF
Who exactly are you blaming for that?
Chillingly fast purchase.
/giphy paltry-virtuous-cattle
Eight bucks for cut-in-half ping pong balls?
@Tin_Foil you must have a giant ping pong table if your ping pong balls are 3" in diameter.
Great balls of fire!
Great balls of the opposite of fire!
I have always wanted these.
Cool, bug eyes for my spider (man) Halloween costume!
Is that one humongous strawberry, or what?
Oh, yeah, man. Look at that strawberry right there. It’s HUUUUUGE!
@stinks Hey everyone it’s Tiny Elvis!
Automatic purchase
Geez, I was looking for trapezoid molds. Guess I’ll have to pass. Of course, now I’m thinking molds…kind of like penicillin, right? So…if I buy these, does that mean I don’t have to worry about getting antibiotics prescribed anymore?
@lljk 2^3
/image smiling-romantic-crown
/giphy smiling-romantic-crown
well, I did a /buy -q 2 to get mottled-wheat-okra:
I’m in…
Great balls of ice!
/giphy steady-defeated-kiss
Golf Ball Ice Cubes, great fun for down at the country club.
If you don’t want your drinks watered down, frozen golf balls might be a good idea. Or not.
@MehnofLaMehncha Probably wouldn’t want to use used ones. Especially if the course has pets. Although pegging someone with a frozen golf ball might be funny for a few seconds.
And the course marshal will be inspecting drinks, making sure no one’s class has a red-striped ice cube in it.
(Playing a round with range balls: that’s more of a military course problem than a country club issue, I’m guessing.)
This will add flair to my iced coffee.
/giphy active-flowery-foot
@Dizavid the fuck?
@Dizavid It’s a Magic Eye video. Just keep staring and you’ll eventually see it.
Why not?
/giphy confusing messy window
@melonscoop Well, that’s unexpected.
@melonscoop… but oh-so-appreciated
Who bought these?
/giphy Why?
Huh? Deal paused after 8 minutes.
@mellaine … Maybe we should all go to bed and bypass this farce on us then get up at eight and before heading off to the saw mill check and see if everybody else took this suggestion… it will be easy to determine, they will still have a glut of stuff and wished they had kept the midnight run open for at least HALF an hour.
Nice Olympic tie-in…
Place a half over that sore muscle and suck the hole to create those round hickies that we’re seeing on the althetes in Rio 2016!
@Kerig3 Cupping?
I thought cupping was when you slurped coffee then spat it out so you didn’t get all buzzed whilst sampling?
@dagirlgenius Yup! I wasn’t up on the lingo, sorry.
Here’s more info than I ever needed to about “cupping”:
@Kerig3 So the crazy thing is that I first learned of “cupping,” from an episode of Supernatural…Thanks Sam and Dean for broadening my horizons…
@Kerig3 just don’t look up blood cupping videos. Same thing, but with a small incision first, the vacuum draws out quite a bit of blood.
@RiotDemon That’s called Wet Cupping (see infographic). Yuck! What’ll be new for the 2020 Olympics, leeches?
@Kerig3 apparently I skipped that box of the graphic, lol. I still don’t recommend looking up a video unless you like bloody stuff.
@Kerig3 The title of that infographic should be “Getting Conned”.
I get here a couple minutes late see what my convictions got me, the same thing the lazy bums sleeping right now are getting.
I think I may have been the last purchase before pause. Yay
True story: Ridgemont bourbon was first released as Ridgewood Reserve (back before Sazerac, owner of Buffalo Trace, bought the Barton Brands distillery)
Brown Forman, owner of Woodford Reserve, cried foul, a judge agreed, and Ridgemont was born.
@craigthom We drink quite a bit of Woodford Reserve in this house. Opened the bar over the weekend and discovered SIX unopened bottles tucked away. Husband’s excuse? “They were marked incorrectly at $20 a bottle. I bought all they had.”
@LaVikinga Another true story: most of the bourbon in regular Woodford Reserve is made at the Early Times distillery in Louisville on column stills (the same stuff used in Old Forrester, although I’m sure they select barrels specifically for Woodford). The capacity of the pot stills at Woodford is much too small. They mix in that whiskey with the regular stuff, but it’s less than half.
That doesn’t make the bourbon any less tasty, but it does make the marketing a bit misleading.
@craigthom I’ll pass this along. My husband adores single malt, Talisker being one of his favorites. Unfortunately, Talisker tends to be a bit out of our comfort range as his one-a-day late afternoon sipper. Someone hipped him to the fact that Johnny Walker Double Black was blended with Talisker, and he was surprised at how much he enjoyed a blend (He tends to avoid blends for some reason). Now it’s something in frequent rotation especially if he can catch a good sale.
@LaVikinga I think there’s Talisker in every Johnnie Walker whisky, even the Red. It’s noticeable in the Black. I haven’t have the Double Black, but reviews say it’s got more Caol Ila (from Islay) and Taliker (from Skye) than the regular Black, giving it more of that West Coast (of Scotland) smokiness.
I don’t remember the numbers, but I’m pretty sure most of what Talisker produces goes into Johnnie Walker blends. The single-malt releases are a small part of their output.
Here’s another fun fact: I visited the Isle of Skye several years ago and toured the Talisker distillery. There’s so much peat in the ground that their spring water was brown with it.
For bourbon, he might like something with a higher rye content than Woodford. On the more affordable end at the 100 proof Old Grand-Dad (I am serious) and Wild Turkey. A little up the ladder is the Four Roses single barrel.
@craigthom ALL of this is good to pass on to him.
I guess my palate isn’t cut out for whiskey/whisky. I tell my husband the fumes are worse than jet fuel. I’m strictly a gin girl and I do love my gins.
Clear Ice Balls:
@connorbush Interesting - thanks! Personally I am fine with my cloudy ice, but I now have a new appreciation for clear ice.
@connorbush @kathyl… agreed, super interesting!
@connorbush Cloudy…with a chance of iceballs
@connorbush I have a couple of the ice ball molds seen in the video. I don’t know how you can keep the one’s from today’s meh deal from falling over and spilling in your freezer- save an egg box for them, I guess.
I haven’t tried the elaborate techniques in the video, but I have found that the ice balls tend to break when you pour the drink into the glass. Maybe you have to keep the drink mix chilled super cold to prevent that. Too much trouble…
@mhuyck We wanted the morning crowd to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 8am ET.
@mediocrebot … obviously you only have a small limited supply to only give us night owls ten minutes of your time. If you don’t sell out don’t blame us late night buyers… If you do sell out then next time… BUY MORE!!
/giphy level-stupid-stew
Love these things
/giphy bent-bouncy-ramen
WTF? 9:10 and it’s paused?!
would be a lot more useful if it were 2 inches.
@jihiggs That’s what she said?
@medz I don’t think she said that.
@hollboll how do you know? have you been spying on me?!
I have zero interest in these.
And yet, I’m somehow annoyed and offended by the deal pause.
I’m really not entirely sure why.
@bakerzdosen It’s like when you’re one minute late to a fuko. You know that you would’ve gotten garbage had you scored one, but you want one anyway.
@lljk I haven’t honestly touched my first (and only) Fuko goods except to take them out of the box. Who actually needs a broken scale? And yet I’m still mad at every one I’ve missed since then.
@D_a_v_e We wanted the morning crowd to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 8am ET.
I have a conjoined pair of these that are okay, but the spheres always have so many air pockets that they crack and chip easily, which kinda defeats the point. Seems the air gets introduced naturally during the process of filling them through the hole at the top. Does anyone have tips on making ice cubes with them without too much air getting into the molds? Obviously not gonna get spheres the same pristine quality as those fancy metal press molds that some bars have, but it would be nice to have slightly more solid ice.
Edit: saw the video above after posting, but that’s a little more work than I’m willing to put in. Oh well.
@harveydanger Tap them and shake gently while filling them slowly?
Fill them by submerging in a filled sink or bowl and tapping out any air bubbles?
I’m guessing here but one of those should dislodge any air bubbles created when filling.
@kinggeek9 We wanted the morning crowd to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 8am ET.
@mediocrebot fuck the morning crowd.
/giphy I bought it
meh decided they don’t like their midnight demographic and are chasing another one.
The limoncello links both go to the same article. How am I supposed to learn both the complex and simple methods to make the exact same product?
This would have been a no-thought purchase for me, but - since Meh feels the need to placate the whiners who can’t deal with a decade of midnight release tradition - I will not be buying this, even if there are some readily-available later today.
I’ve been silent on the new pause crap, but I think it’s complete bullshit. I’m sure Meh doesn’t give a damn about my $8 or even my $96/year for VMP, but I know I’m not the only one.
@SpenceMan01 if you’re paying $96 per year for VMP then I’d guess @snapster loves you!
@SpenceMan01 Why are you paying $96/year for something that only cost $60 (12 x $5)?
But I agree, this will likely be the reason I cancel my VMP sub. I may still check the site, but I don’t see a reason in paying to not be able to buy something.
@RedOak Yeah, how anyone is paying a 60% preminum on VMP is a mystery to me.
@yoda133113 I’ve purchased well over 100 things from here and I’ll still cancel VMP the day before its renewal if that day’s item is crap.
@narfcake I generally do the same.
But I think you can cut it even closer. You can look at/buy the deal the midnight (early morning) of your renewal. And then immediately cancel. (Midwesterner in the eastern zone here.). I suppose technically from a Texas perspective that buy is the “day before”.
It’s because I’m shitty at math. Had $8 in my head from today’s product: 8x12=96, not the 5x12=60 that VMP actually is.
@SpenceMan01 I’ve seen way more whining from people complaining about the circuit breakers than I ever saw from people complaining that midnight was too late for them. Second only to people complaining that they couldn’t get a fuku/o.
@harveydanger So what you’re saying is that Meh has pissed off more people by changing it than they did by leaving it alone. What a great way to keep customers!
@SpenceMan01 anecdotally. I’m sure that Meh is doing statistical analysis and has some means of comparing the displeased against the pleased. Since the sales largely keep selling out I don’t think they’re hurting too badly from this change and in general I would expect more vocal complaints resulting from a change to the status quo than complaints about a long standing status quo.
@jbartus The stats are something I thought about when this all initially hit. My (non-sensical) theory involves East coast people being more willing to pay a higher price for a given product than, say, a midwesterner. Sell more to the East coasters, make more money.
My other theory is site/ad views. Get people back to the site to ratchet up those ad impressions. Amazon did something similar when they stopped including tracking numbers in emails. It forced you to go to the site to track orders, resulting it putting more ads/products in front of your face.
@SpenceMan01 ad impressions would probably be better served by blocking users who use adblockers. I didn’t even realize that there were ads because I live perpetually in adblockland.
@jbartus I had whitelisted Meh on my devices out of courtesy. After this shitstorm hit, the ads started getting blocked again.
These give me another reason to drink my Scotch!
Holy Moses on a ant hill! Couldn’t you at least spend more than 10 - 15 minutes on line at midnight to give us a chance to boot our dial-up and get on board? Now I’m forced to stay up all night to make the 8am run because I simply can’t chance your next day scraps offer. I’m gonna tell my wife it’s all your fault dammit!!
@unkabob, I will ALWAYS star something from the the Blues Brothers!
Wow, the day is only 30 minutes old and the deal has already paused. Good for meh! I wouldn’t have guessed the interest in the alcohol drinking accessories market was so large.
Paused…I’m not sure why I have a VMP account if I can’t buy the stuff on the site. My VMP just renewed 3 days ago, so I’m not canceling it right now, but I’m setting an alarm on my calendar to do so before it renews again. This is crap. At least Woot died after it was sold, now Meh is dying before.
@yoda133113 come back at 3:58pm
@communist Are there 3 times the deals are “unpaused”: 12, 4 & 8?
@communist Yes, I’m aware that if I jump through hoops, I may be able to buy it at some point in time, but I’m not jumping through hoops to circumvent them arbitrarily deciding to stop and start selling something.
I agree. I’m stopping my VMP account as I’m tired of coming here and not actually being able to purchase things. This pause thing is for the birds.
@yoda133113 @suzika What time were you checking here? If it was after 12:15 EDT, it would’ve completely sold out and you wouldn’t have had any second chance or third chance. At all.
Just something to think about …
@yoda133113 I don’t want to be an apologist but if you think about it this is no more arbitrary than only selling it at midnight until it’s sold out. It’s just a different arbitrary than the arbitrary we’re used to. But I fully respect your prerogative to hate it and cancel your VMP. It’s a risk @snapster takes for experimenting but I’m sure the risk/benefit analysis has been done and was found to be acceptable.
I personally don’t hate The Pause but, as I’ve said in another thread, it won’t increase my chances of getting something that would have sold out because 1) I’m asleep at 5 am and 2) there’s little chance I will think of looking again at 1 pm. I can try setting an alarm but it’s unlikely to be successful.
@SSteve If by analysis, you mean this:
@narfcake Looks about right.
$100 list price? That takes balls of ice!
I call shenanigans. The rules are simple. One deal posted at midnight ET, and available till sold out or the next deal posted.
Shenanigans on you, MEH!!!
The line to leave starts behind me.
@mastershopper If you weren’t here before 12:15 EDT, it would’ve completely sold out and you wouldn’t have had a second (or third) chance. At all.
Just something to think about …
Deal paused? But I want it now!
@capguncowboy We wanted the morning crowd to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 8am ET.
@mediocrebot fuck the morning crowd – they’re whiny bitches anyway!
/buy anyway
@capguncowboy I would sell you some, but I’m powerless here.
@capguncowboy … Donchano first shift always has the priority while graveyard is barely recognized… at least that’s how it applies in the working world.
I received a small bottle of home made limoncello for Christmas once and I was very happy with it, so yeah - good gift idea too
Nonsense! Pure shenanigans. Pause equates to bye bye MEH
@valego502 if you want high quantities of items for sale, please visit You’ll fit in great there!
Been watching this guy for months. I don’t drink very often, but this fascinates me:–O-cJcZA
Meh. Never had a problem embedding YouTube videos before. Don’t know why it’s not working, except the link looks different than usual. Tried it a few different ways. No good.
@RiotDemon get rid of the ‘m.’ at the begining of the URL.
Hmm and something else
@Ignorant tried that. No dice. I also tried in a different thread the /YouTube link to pull it up, and it just showed the link.
I usually do that from mobile and it works. Must be something to do with the dashes in that video id.
/youtube Advanced Techniques - How To Make An Ice Ball Cocktail–O-cJcZA
Yup it’s fucked
@djslack that’s what I thought too.
/youtube broken nine inch nails
These make me fear for the safety of my nose.
Who would have thought everyone would still be having such a CHILLY reaction to the pause thing. It is what it is.
Now off to bed before before any more terrible puns come out.
@dnh127 ice of you to say
I vote for changing this to a 4-for-tuesday so I at least have twice the chance of getting some
If you want really good, crystal clear, ice spheres, get the Ice Chest from Wintersmiths. But for eight bucks this is not bad.
/youtube cocktail chemistry clear ice
@RiotDemon fascinating, but who REALLY has that much room in their freezer???
@chienfou I have a chest freezer. Otherwise, anyone that doesn’t cook?
@RiotDemon Cool. It’s the exact same concept as the Ice Chest. Getting spheres out of the Ice Chest is a lot easier, though. But I’m intrigued to try this method for the long Collins ice.
Also, this guy has a bottle of Anchor Junipero on his counter so I automatically like him.
@SSteve $120 is a little pricey for me. Seeing as I have a cooler and I just bought these ice sphere molds, I’ll attempt it.
@RiotDemon Let me know how it works. I’m going to see if I can remember to buy some at 1 pm. These will be more space efficient than the Tovolo he uses in the video. But how will you keep them from getting encased in ice?
@SSteve I guess I’ll experiment when I get these in a week!
I’m not part of the late afternoon, evening or morning crowd. Can we have an unpause in the middle of the night at some point? (12am-5am)
/youtube the only unitasker
Well i guess the use to make icecream balls makes this ice ball maker a multitasker.
Well now that my balls are frozen how do you expect my drink to get stiff? Time for a lesson on circulation.
@studerc It worked! Your order number is: expensive-little-roof
/image expensive-little-roof
/giphy daring-keen-ice
@shrike1201 Sorry, I couldn’t place your order (HTTP status code: 503).
@mediocrebot yo @shawn
Oh, I might as well…
@404Error It worked! Your order number is: withered-racy-clover
/image withered-racy-clover
What’s going on here… I can’t order~!!!
@shrike1201 I can’t either.
@shrike1201 I had a problem too
@shrike1201 I had an issue too. Progress bar kept looping.
@shrike1201 @Nelliel Check your orders page and make sure it did not order anyway. I did that with the gopro kit thing and it finally came up with “something went wrong” tried again and bought it. fast forward 30 seconds and get two emails saying it was ordered. cancel one.
@Kirgen After numerous attempts on multiple devices and browsers, one of them went through somehow without any confirmation other than in my order page.
@ajnietup It worked! Your order number is: superb-earthy-load
/image superb-earthy-load
couldn’t order on the main page (repeating progress bar), but using buy here seemed to have worked as I got an email confirmation.
@southpaw We wanted our VMP members to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 4pm ET.
/buy please
@TuffGong We wanted our VMP members to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 4pm ET.
@TuffGong Odd. I just purchased a set with no problems. Uh oh. Maybe THAT’S why you got this message.
Got one… Now to Middlebury to visit whistle pig… And otter creek/the shed, and woodchuck hard cider.
@sohmageek go Panthers!
@ticklescratch panthers? I’m not from middlebury… I’m guessing that’s their mascot?
@sohmageek it certainly is the college’s mascot
I’m in.
/giphy microscopic-permissible-ladybug
Would have loved to buy this, but by the time I got through the ordering system, they were sold out again. This was going to be the first purchase on this site, and I end up getting blocked.
So overall, to the site, i give it a big MEH.
/giphy textual-legitimate-protest
WTH meh! What happened to your ordering system? Tried and tried but something went horribly wrong… :’(
Now it’s paused
Mine did that, too. Would’ve been the first purchase! Instead, since I threw on a VMP for the shipping benefits, the ice balls didn’t go through, but the membership did!
Yay! Free shipping on… Nothing.
This guy has a pretty good cocktail youtube channel. Here he is showing you how to make clear ice…
@Kevin Neat. That’s just like RiotDemon’s post.
Nobody likes a copy cat. FAIL!
/giphy copy cat fail
Sorry. I’m just grumpy because circuit breaker is dumb.
@medz i don’t think anyone should be expected to read product thread comments, besides employees.
/giphy my bad
@medz I was actually the second person to link the clear ice. I guess I’m a copy cat person too, lol
/giphy epic copy cat fail
I’m not whining. I bought some at midnight. But I’m curious as to what the rationale is for saving a much larger number for 8 am than is available at midnight?Perhaps this has been answered elsewhere and, if so, apologies.
They’re trying to get people trained to check in the morning instead of at 11pm. Probably because they want their teaser email to have some kind of relevance. It’s a waste of bandwidth right now. “Oh an email about a mystery product that I won’t know what it is until I click through to see a sold out deal. Wow, that’s totally worth it.” Especially since everyone has already checked the site and/or got one of the various social media updates about the new product.
@medz I can’t figure out why they are giving me a hint at what is a product is that I can easily go to the website and see what it is.
@AnnaB The fact that just if many people at buying at 8:00 AM rather than at midnight maybe validates their holding at a least half if not more of the product until the morning.
@Felton10 Do you have any statistics on how many of those 8am buyers checked after midnight but found it was paused and they had to come back at 8am to purchase? Because those shouldn’t really count as 8am buyers.
@Felton10 I know. The domain is only 3 characters long for Patricia’s sake.
@medz your teaser email relevance thing as a motivation doesn’t really add up, if that was the goal they could just as easily do a different kind of teaser at 4 PM EST.
@Felton10 the point is to drive traffic to the website. It’s a reminder that Meh exists, if you will, combined with a teaser of the current sale to wet your appetite. If they tell you what it is directly in the email you might not come to the site and by forcing you to come to the site to see the item they increase the chances of an impulse buy by putting the buy now button in front of you.
@AnnaB @Felton10 I would suspect that the larger block being held for 8 AM corresponds to the larger pool of customers it can be expected to attract at that time. Between the East Coast being up and about at that hour, West Coast members for whom the 12 AM time is more convenient who can arrange to be online if necessary, and people who are attracted by the email blast there should be a larger diversity in exposure.
@jbartus There is something to be said for waiting for the surprise of what is being sold that day. If I am up at 11:30 (which is most nights) I say what’s another 1/2 hour. Plus tried getting in bed at 11:00 and then when I woke up close to midnight-the urge was too strong not to good to look what was on sale at midnight. Plus if I am up at midnight don’t usually get to sleep until around 1 AM so not usually up at 8 AM for the reboot. Tough life I know-but that is what being semi retired looks like these days.
@Felton10 no offense but the change here wasn’t really targeting the needs of the semiretired who have the leisure to stay up to whenever / get up whenever. People complained that they couldn’t be up until midnight due to life responsibilities like work, hence this change.
Me personally, I’m self employed and often up til 3 AM anyhow so for me it’s not a big deal either way.
@medz I think it’d make more sense not to send out the teaser email if it’s a paused deal. A good deal will sell out even if there isn’t an email. You need the teaser emails to help slower deals. If you know it’s going to sell out, then why waste an email?
@jbartus No offense taken. I agree with you completely. Everyone’s indiv situation governs whether Meh’s change benefits or hurts them. I work out of my house also and my work is seasonal (am a CPA) so there are times I stay up very late working basically to meet tax deadlines and less interruptions late at night. Even so-being on the east coast-still going to the website at midnight fits my lifestyle the best, but the options being able to buy an item the next day and not having it sold out is a nice tip of the hat to us east coast buyers.
@AnnaB I don’t believe The Pause is triggered due just to the number sold, but rather the rate at which a certain number is sold.
@shrike1201 I strongly suspect that quantity dictates the pause. Among other reasons, it’s the simplest way to get it done.
You could certainly make it more complex. How about if only X orders per minute are allowed, so the pause resets every minute? (If I thought there were the slightest chance Meh would do this, I wouldn’t dare write it in the forum, lest I risk becoming a goat.)
@djslack @AnnaB Here’s the post where The Pause (officially called the Meh Event Circuit Breaker) is explained. Maybe I interpreted the analogy to the stock market incorrectly.
@shrike1201 i can’t find the post I had in my head where snapster referred to tweaking quantities, but this one says something similar.
@Felton10 I know your business well, my mom is a CPA and I’ve worked for her several years now during the winter months doing tax preparation!
So if I’m a VMP member and couldn’t get it at 12:20 and can’t be on at 4pm?
Haven’t put a purchase order obviously but disgruntled-annoyed-member.
@Sansoona yes but be here at 3:58pm, its gonna sellout quick
@Sansoona Then you don’t get any. Just like anyone else (VMP or otherwise). Also it seems you didn’t try for the 8AM EST window… any reason why?
@Sansoona Under the old system, at 12:20 am, NOBODY would’ve gotten any as it would’ve been completely sold out already.
At least you have another chance.
@narfcake sold out at the midnight sale sounds good to me.
/giphy balls
/giphy icy blue balls
Just shoot them already!!!
They might as well just do it woot-off style and only change the item after the previous one sells out. Some deals last an hour, some last all weekend. That way, new deals could pop at any time, so no more whiners based on geographical location. With the pausing, we’re not a traditional daily deal site anyway, so what’s the point in pretending?
/giphy this
@medz Wait, how are we not a traditional daily deal site? There is still ‘one’ ‘daily’ ‘deal’.
@medz I bet eventually it might turn out that way. I’m sure morning save will grow bigger and bigger trying to sell off accumulated junk in the warehouse
@DrunkCat with 3 releases, it’s basically 3 deals per day. 1 deal a day means it’s there until it sells out and then there is nothing until the next day. Not “oh you missed the 11pm deal? Check back for the 7am deal!” Traditionally, that’s not how daily deal sites worked. Experiment PAVLOV asks if the CLASSIC daily deal site is compelling again. To the meh decision makers, that answer must be “no” or they wouldn’t have dinked with the winning formula.
@medz It’s the same deal though. It’s not three deals a day, it’s still the one deal for the ‘day’. If they increased/lowered the price after the circuit breakers then you’d have an argument. As is it’s just a pause on the same deal.
@DrunkCat You’re defining deal differently than I am. I equate the “deal” to the offering (or sales event) whereas you’re saying the item itself is the deal.
Edit: Example: Sonic offers 1/2 price drinks for the morning commute and happy hour on the same day. So, they put the same drink on sale twice a day. It’s considered a “deal” 2 times a day, so it’s not a singular daily deal.
@medz Sonic offers the same deal at two different times. A deal isn’t a sales event, a deal is a product sold at a specific price. You can see this in practice perusing the slickdeals forums when folks say for example “it’s the same deal as last week”. Using your definition of ‘deal’ they would have to say “look at this new deal that is the same in every way as this other deal except for its timestamp.”
/google deal definition
Deal | Define Deal at
@lisameh We wanted our VMP members to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 4pm ET.
I AM a VMP member. I tried to order at 9:10 PM. I am AWAKE at 9PM. Therefore, I am NOT awake at fourfuckingAM! My lunch break is over at 12:45. Stop this stupid pause experiment; it sucks.
@lisameh You could cry…
Or, you could try at 9pm. Just sayin’
@lisameh I feel you, dog. 11pm is getting too late for my old ass. 7am is too early and 4pm is during work. If I manage to catch any of those times, I have more competition, a smaller quantity to purchase from, and less a chance of getting the item. This is like the worse thing to ever happen to me. I’m totally butthurt over it too.
@D_a_v_e It worked! Your order number is: loopy-priceless-potato
/image loopy-priceless-potato
/buy -q 2
@medz It worked! Your order number is: nimble-natural-medic
/image nimble-natural-medic
/buy -q 2
This doesn’t seem to be working
@SSteve Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@SSteve Looks to be sold out.
@D_a_v_e Thanks.
/giphy Captain Obvious
@SSteve Yeah, fair enough. That wasn’t there when I was typing, but the bot beat me in replying. Oh well.
/buy -q 2
@TuffGong Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
/buy -q 2
@edgy Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@sfornal Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@mediocrebot Sell him one. He asked nicely!
Well, even a day-one VMP can’t feel the love. Right at 4pm EST I hit the magic button. Waited. Something went terribly wrong. Tried again. Something went terribly wrong. Then sold out. sad
At least it’s just like the old days of woot!
@uncleop Welcome to the club!
Exact same thing happened to me.
@uncleop Looks like someone might have fucked with the order process.
So I hit the buy button at exactly 4 o’clock then I go to pay for it and the status bar goes over and over and over and says something goes terribly wrong and that I keep on refreshing and doing it three different times still no luck
@bigtom67 That’s what happened to me this morning at 8
Man, I tried the button, got to the order screen, hit submit, and was told something went wrong 4 times, then told it was sold out. That’s crap. Oh well.
/buy -q 1000
@medz Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@mediocrebot 01000101 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101111 01110100 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100001 00001010 00001010
@mediocrebot take down @wootbot
I’m on at 1pm PST and it sold out before I could get my order to go through… that’s cold, man. Real cold.
@dylanjstewart cold as a 3" ice sphere
@mediocrebot let’s take down @Ignorant
Woot flashbacks! Something went terribly wrong over and over again. Then
@cpav Welcome to hell!
Sold out.
Closing time, everyone go home.
Man MEH, that’s BS I refreshed the page 3 seconds after 4 PM and still got hosed because it would not let me pay for the item
Me too. Signed in and started refreshing the screen at 3:57, hit the button as soon as it was available and got the never-ending status bar, until the terribly wrong screen, then no dice, sold out. So much for some being held back for VMP Members. Won’t bother with that again.
@flaura22 I wonder what percentage of active users are not VMP. I have only found like 4 commenters without that flair on this thread.
It’s 4 est right?? I still could not buy this.
I was just able to snag these at 4pm because of the new “pause” system. I’m a
/giphy BIG FAN!
@spleener Hi! Welcome to the boards!
/giphy welcome
Jokes on us! They didnt actually have any left at four!
@MrDylan pretty much
@MrDylan 4pm - 4:02pm ET: 74 sold to VMP members
Sold out at 4:02pm ET
I don’t know what everyone is bitching about. I got one without a problem. The second one I got was a little more difficult.
@capguncowboy I almost missed it on my 3rd account. phew!
I was able to grab a set. Second time was the charm for the purchase actually going through.
Should I be concerned?
Cancelling my VMP today after 2 years. This new deal is just not happening for me.
/giphy tombstone well bye
/giphy bye bye now
@jbartus giphy came up angrier and more hostile than I intended but it’s Ramsay so it stays.
Time to sell Mediocre Ice Ball molds? There still seems to be a lot of people missing out on this deal.
@Kevin I tried to order at 4 even though I really have no use for them. Nice job @snapster.
/giphy psych out
01000101 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100001 00001010 00001010
I mean these are just balls…
@mdrcoast 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010
In for the deuce!
Pure-Progressive-Kitten, bitches.
Long time VMP member.
Missed out 3x on this today.
It paused twice, then sold out.
Not happy with this bullshit pause.
The argument that:
"if they didn’t pause the sale I wouldn’t have a chance because it would have already sold out"
Doesn’t hold water.
Let it sell out.
I could care less if it sold out 5 minutes after midnight.
That is how it works. I missed out.
But, to pay VMP, have the product available, and to not be allowed to purchase it sucks.
And sucks 3x a day.
@icehole You could or you couldn’t care less? I’m confused.
@icehole I’m confused, are you somehow under some delusion that paying VMP is to Meh’s benefit and not your own? Dollars to donuts they’re losing money on VMP sales compared to non-VMP sales that pay $5 a whack for shipping. Your massive shipping discount seems to have left you feeling a bit entitled TBH.
Nice catch. I blame my thumbs.
Thanks for getting my point about The Pause by reading the words I wrote, instead of completely missing the point, focusing on 3 letters, and inferring you know something about me.
@icehole I read the words you wrote. They pretty much amounted to “I couldn’t be timely three times today so I’m going to blame Meh” with some additional comments about how being VMP should have allowed you to buy.
how did i not see that today’s item was the Ice Molds…
I thought it was the decanter set…
I’ve ordered several of these silicone ice molds but the water leaks our the center crack when freezing so you end up with a half a circle, probably wouldn’t buy them again.
@hmclynch87 damn, that sucks. I was thinking about using these for some resin projects.
I even tried jello, I have these ones and the blue death star ones and smaller one bit they all suck, now they’re just sitting in my country collecting dust.
@hmclynch87 I have 2 death star ones and they work great for ice. Just make sure you have no water in between the seams because water expands when it freezes and that would make the think spread apart thus causing leakage. The death star ones had a little tab you had to line-up. Again, if that wasn’t lined-up correctly, you can expect leaks.
Hope that this deal comes up again I missed them this time but I definitely want some
Hey! Mine shipped already. Those of you complaining, post your address and once I get them, I’ll mail you an ice ball.
@capguncowboy gonna pack it in dry ice?
@jbartus That, my friend, is a waste of dry ice!
@capguncowboy but the ice ball would melt before it got here. :’(
I’m aware
I have four of my molds in various configurations in a cooler in my freezer. Tomorrow I will find out if I was successful in making clear ice.
@RiotDemon ha! Thanks to your post I decided to check my door, and yes, my molds had arrived!
@ELUNO I’m still waiting, wanting some spherical ice for my burbon
@RiotDemon did it work?
I didn’t try to make clear ice, but I quickly looked at the two I put in the freezer, and one expanded a lot more than the other one and actually came out a little bit out of the hole. I will need to test different water levels.
Hurry up and report @RiotDemon !
@ELUNO @pantheist I’ll be home in around 3 hours to report. Last night I looked before bed and it was just really cold water. The two ice balls that I had upright looked like they lost some water… So I did put a little more in them. I’m not sure if they popped open since they’re jammed into some glasses, or just leaked out.
@RiotDemon @pantheist Is it weird that I think mine looks like a boob?
@ELUNO too much water. If you read the instructions it said to leave out 1/4"
@RiotDemon Yeah I did read that. The other one was fine. Maybe I didn’t look close enough and did fill it more by accident…
Buuuut, I shall keep overfilling it now! Boob ice is my new favorite thing!
@ELUNO @pantheist
So after 30ish hours… I only have this much ice:
The ice balls were not completely frozen… So back in they go. Will report later.
I forgot to mention, I used a larger cooler than the guy did in the clear ice video.
Plus, my chest freezer isn’t on the coldest setting because I don’t open it that often… So maybe I should of turned it colder, oh well.
@RiotDemon Wait what? Why would it take so long? Which steps are you following?
/youtube cocktail chemistry clear ice
@RiotDemon EDIT: I get your picture even better now. But wow, that sure is taking a long time.
@ELUNO I think my freezer is only set on like 4 out of 10… Oops.
@RiotDemon lol, that might as well be a second fridge! Turn that thing up to 11!
@ELUNO it’s a chest freezer. It freezes even at 1. I accidentally unplugged that thing and everything stayed frozen for a few days. That’s why I don’t bother turning it colder.
@RiotDemon I guess now we know what you should be taking to fill up with Slurpee then…
@ELUNO the clear ice worked pretty well… The clear ice sphere, not so much. I managed to get a half clear sphere, a mostly full sphere with an indent at the top and bottom, and then two sort of cloudy spheres. I’ve learned to just leave it alone for a full two days, not to use an insulated cup, and make sure to fill the mold and not let any air into it while turning it upside down into the cup of water. I think me moving it around and checking on it screwed it up even more.
I was going to take a photo, but I put all the ice in a bag, after I rinsed it to get all the little broken pieces off (don’t do that) so it’s all stuck together and I can’t be bothered to pull it all apart right now.
The rest of the ice in the cooler around the cups came out mostly clear. There was a little bit of distortions in the middle, right next to where I had one of the cups that I pulled out to check on the mold. It looked kinda neat and reflected like a prism in one piece. I wish I would of taken a photo.
So now my cooler is sitting in the freezer without any ice ball molds.
@RiotDemon lol. Did you cut the ice with a knife like in the video? Can’t you pull it apart that same way? Or are you talking just about all the spheres?
I think I will stick with cloudy boob ice balls for now, it sounds too complicated.
@ELUNO two of the cups got stuck in the ice so I had to use a mallet to get them out. That’s why I was rinsing off little ice pieces. Oops.
@RiotDemon lol, hopefully you didn’t damage the cups…
@RiotDemon Are you still using the ice molds? Did you ever figure out a way to get clear spheres?
I finally got around to trying to make clear ice in the cooler. I got the big chunk of clear ice but when I tried to break off cubes, mine didn’t break in nice straight lines like in the video. I did the scoring with the bread knife and tapping on it just like he did, but I got random, jagged blobs. They add a nice rustic charm to an Old Fashioned but I was hoping to get spears for the Collins glasses I bought last weekend. Have you had any luck chopping up the ice like in the video?
@SSteve I honestly haven’t tried again. I really don’t drink much. I bought them mostly for crafts and to give away. So my motivation for this is very low.
Now my freezer is full of frozen water bottles because I wanted to keep my freezer super cold for hurricane Matthew. So now I’m even less motivated, haha
i meant to post here yesterday but work got in the way.
I got mine yesterday morning and filled them and into the freezer they went. After about 4 hours, they were solid. I had a hard time getting them out but after a good hard roll on the counter while pressing on them with my hand, they popped out. The ice was solid in 2 of them and the other two were cracked, but they held together. I dropped 3 of them into my Walmart Yeti tumbler and filled it up. After refilling the cup another 3-4 times, they were still holding up well. I’m fairly pleased with them, but I think it’s more of a novelty than anything else
I did think to take a picture after about an hour in the drink. It was one of the balls that had cracked, and it had separated in the cup.
Other things spherical molds are good for:
Just use the flat base of the mold.
Bath bombs… Complete with fails.
Another kind of bath bomb
Here she attempts the hollow ice ball from Cocktail Chemistry to make a galaxy cocktail
The hollow ice sphere
/youtube cocktail chemistry song of ice and fire
Resin Pokeball. When I make this, I’m going to use white resin that’s opaque.
Needs to be scaled down just a smidge.
@RiotDemon oh my. You and your amazing time-consuming ideas I must now follow!
I love these. These ice balls are great at keeping your drinks cold for a long-ass time. Whenever I make an iced coffee, I do it with these now.
/giphy ambidextrous-optimal-turkey
$10 at Morningsave right now, $9 shipped with VMP
/giphy bountiful excited yard
@sammydog01 and again.
This looks like a good round ice mold, but I am worried that the sphere is not as perfect as the photo. You will have to cut some of the excess ice formed between the molds and may run the spheres under some cool running water to improve shape.