@Kyeh Nope! That’s what made it such a surprise lol. Since they print the “dump dates” it’s become kinda a thing to get a bottle “born on” a special date
I’m going to chalk it up to either my partial participation in the scavenger hunt or my multiple lame punchlines in the last Mehrathon (though I’m still proud of this one: )
Well, this is neat. I figured it was a bonus to take the bad taste out of my mouth with those ultra sucky birthday IRKS…nope, looks like another sucky birthday surprise
I got one two and I’m excited and intrigued and wondering when it’s going to ship and what it is and if everyone is getting one and if it will come in a very fine box for my cats to enjoy…or maybe two very fine boxes, one for each cat!
I got one too and I’m excited and intrigued and wondering when it’s going to ship and what it is and if everyone is getting one and if it will come in a very fine box for my cats to enjoy…or maybe two very fine boxes, one for each cat!
@Kyeh Hmmm… apparently when I tried to fix my incorrect use of “two” the comment posted a second time. But, no, I only got one. I do, how we, have two cats and they both are hoping that the surprise comes in a very fine boxes because boxes are their favorite.
I didn’t get two birthday Irks. I did get one (lots of pixel things, and a very fine box. So the cats were happy). But I got the email that says I’m getting a birthday surprise. I’m hoping it’s something other than pixel trackers.
I am soooooo sad. I was sitting here minding my own business wearing my new Meh football style tee, and all of a sudden all my friends are texting me their email notifications… which I did not get even though I participated a lot in the birthday scavenger hunt and activities.
It was recently my birthday and I got worried that meh knows too much about me while also feeling special and excited. Then … I found this thread. Secrets are safe but special I am not. Haha!
@sdragonfire88 Well mine is coming up in less then 7 days but Meh wouldn’t know that since they don’t have a listing of our birthdays. Or maybe… they have a crystal ball???
@iutami I only know what they play on the radio (mostly Satellite, still) and honestly didn’t know they were still around! It is interesting that either /image or whatever generates the order numbers is now making fairly current music recommendations. And encouraging me to watch Heredity, I think?
@mossygreen My favorite album is Goldfly which is super old! I got into them when that album came out. I was in college and they played a show on campus and rocked it. I saw them several times in the years following in larger and larger venues.
Me too. Thanks meh!!! Especially since I won’t be really able to play with today’s event. Out of town doing extended family things for 3 days with 4 things going on Friday including 3 trips back and forth between 3 cities several hours apart, taking my mom incredibly early in the morning, the bringing her home at the end of the day, then turning around and going back. Clicking on the PA turnpike would be as scary thing as one rounds sharp corners going up and down mountains.
@Kyeh Thanks!
I remember how fun it was putting together all the items for the scavanger hunt! Johnny did such a great job of being creative and rounding up all the items as I was stuck in bed not able to walk that day. His enthusiasm for the whole thing absolutely surprised me! He’s a superstitious keno junkie, NOT a meh-head like US! Lol You wouldn’t have known it THAT day though! KUDOS to my other half, he’ll be just as excited as I to open the package, i’ll give this one to him! for FUN (or at least useful) goodies!!
@Kyeh@Lynnerizer I didn’t play the scavenger hunt or any of the other games. Spent all day on meh’s 7th birthday playing with my “balls” and still got one.
@tinamarie1974@Kyeh@Lynnerizer Just hope they do not send them to me. Just got rid of over 40 balls that were in the pinata. You have no idea how heavy it is to carry all those extra balls around.
I’m very excited to see what it is. My only question is did i win something or is it only because I did a scavenger hunt.
/giphy mammoth-energetic-glass
less than an ounce…hmmm…let’s see…
Meh Stickers?
Toothbrush token?
Single, loose TrackR - sans extra battery?
$400 gift card?
/giphy what could it be?
@btwonder@tinamarie1974@ybmuG Teeny tiny half ounce plushie is for sure how they should do it when they finally give in to our demands of our very own Irk.
@blaineg@Kyeh Yep. I’m on the FW side of DFW. Normally I get the shipping notification and my very fine box arrives the next day. With this one, I got the shipping notification late last night (Friday). Estimated delivery is Wednesday. I’m guessing my cats will be disappointed in the lack of a box of any kind.
@psbales That’s what I’m thinking. Maybe some sort of “Happy Birthday to Meh!” sticker. Or an IRK sticker. 0.0550 lbs is under an ounce. So first-class postage would have sufficed, but bulk rate is how Meh would have shipped it.
Because nothing says “taxpayer funded corporate subsidyhandout socialism” like bulk rate discounts only businesses can get. Go Murica!
@Felton10@Kyeh Same day as me. And hush, it is NOT “fast approaching”. Because this stupid hot weather is going to last forever, it seems. Birthday day means it’s almost over for this year.
@Kyeh@Lynnerizer I come from a really big family so any get together with less than 50 or 60 people seems tiny and I don’t know what to do with myself.
@Lynnerizer I only have one, but my dad is one of 11 and I have 43 1st cousins on his side. Mom has four brothers and I have seven 1st cousins on her side.
When my great grandma turned 100 several years back we had to find a hall that could give us multiple adjoining rooms. We still ended up with people outside on the lawn/in the parking lot!!
Wow! That IS a big family! You guys must’ve had lots of FUN growing up!
If i’d been able to have children my plan was to have 8. I might’ve been a bit overzealous, maybe that’s why I wasn’t able to have any! Lol Just kidding, endometriosis was the culprit!
@Lynnerizer we did have fun, but the age range is crazy. On my dads side my oldest cousin is 51 and the youngest is in jr high. My youngest Aunt is only two months older than my oldest cousin.
That’s wild! I’ve always had to stop and think when I hear of aunts & uncles being younger than said niece or nephew. Like, now how’d that happen? Lol…
@Sneakertree well I didn’t want to post in case people didn’t want a spoiler alert… is there a way to hide a picture? Or should I just go ahead and post?
@GenWithaG123 You could upload the pic to imgur and just post the link, instead of the photo itself? That way folks who wanna know can see it, and people who want to be surprised aren’t spoilered.
@Trillian all of the birthday stuff was a team effort. I’m not sure who had which idea at this point. I just know I’ve been super excited about these for weeks.
Got mine too - since it came 3 days before my birthday, I’ll consider it a BD present and I plan to have it when I go to lunch tomorrow! (Not saying how I’ll have it so I don’t give anything away to those who still haven’t got theirs.) THANK YOU Meh - it’s terrific and I love it!
I feel like it could become the next Flat Stanley. People will be posting pics of it all over the world - or at least at the local Walmarts, or something.
Correct. There was a scavenger hunt to post a picture of various birthday-themed subjects. Like cake, candles, party hats, etc.
This was a small token of celebration by Meh to the participants of the fun and games. And there is a thread of the further adventures of birthday irks.
/giphy traveling irk
@CBL_WV@f00l@mike808@smjnga I received a 7th birthday surprise, but I did not join in the scavenger hunt. I did download the Irk birthday hat (and posted a comment about it).
Yes!! I got one too!

/giphy passing-packed-afternoon
I just got my email! I’m guessing it must be from the digital scavenger hunt they did. https://meh.com/forum/topics/digital-scavenger-hunt
@mattguyver I was thinking birthday cake submissions?
@jnicholson0619 @mattguyver i didn’t do either one and i still got the email. i did post a pic of my dog with the meh bday hat on, so maybe that?
@carl669 @jnicholson0619 @mattguyver This may be it…I did that too.
Also… I was concerned about your address at first… then recognized it.

/giphy simpsons
/giphy ominous laugh

@Thumperchick aww… the Simpon’s address got edited out. do you hate the Simpsons and not want them to get free stuff???
@carl669 I didn’t recognize it and wanted to keep your address confidential. Sorry.
@Thumperchick no worries
From the digital scavenger hunt I presume?
EDIT: Doh! @mattguyver beat me to it.
@eVil great minds think alike!
Thank you!
Few things will beat the 5 Grizzlor’s (https://www.he-man.org/collecting/toy.php?id=1259) I got on my 7th, so looking forward to it!
Fucking A!!! Me too! Thanks, Meh

PLUS I just got a surprise package from my brother…Single Barrel Select bottle of Blanton’s that was poured on my birthday 2019
Woo hoo!
/giphy competitive flawless poppy

/image competitive flawless poppy

@llangley Is today your actual birthday?
@Kyeh Nope! That’s what made it such a surprise lol. Since they print the “dump dates” it’s become kinda a thing to get a bottle “born on” a special date

@llangley How cool!
@llangley blantons! what letter did you get?
@carl669 you can almost see it above but it’s the “S”…guess it stands for surprise!!!
/youtube Blanton’s animated horses
Wheee! This brightened my day for like, three whole seconds. Best anything’s done all week. Thanks!
I just got notice of one too! Loving it already and I haven’t even received it!!
Oh boy!
/giphy mirrored-surging-bait

Even though this isn’t an IRK, I’m already regretting it!
At first I thought someone stole my login info… OOooOoh now I feel like I’ve won the lottery!
@skantlous me too, I thought the same thing
I’m going to chalk it up to either my partial participation in the scavenger hunt or my multiple lame punchlines in the last Mehrathon (though I’m still proud of this one: )
@lehigh I ordered two boxes of those
@lehigh @PHRoG They look delicious.
Well, this is neat. I figured it was a bonus to take the bad taste out of my mouth with those ultra sucky birthday IRKS…nope, looks like another sucky birthday surprise
@studerc you have the right level of excitement for this.
@Thumperchick perfect.
I didn’t get a shipping notice but I’m waiting patiently.

/giphy patiently
@sammydog01 GOT MY NOTICE! YAY!
I also got the email. Yesterday was my birthday, but I’m much older than 7, interesting coincidence.

/giphy happy birthday

I just got mine too!!!
/giphy daunting-damaging-viper

1 MILLION Track-Rs!!!
/giphy scrooge-mcduck-coins

Thank you meh!!
I really hope it is a Nader bummer sticker…
I got one two and I’m excited and intrigued and wondering when it’s going to ship and what it is and if everyone is getting one and if it will come in a very fine box for my cats to enjoy…or maybe two very fine boxes, one for each cat!
I got one too and I’m excited and intrigued and wondering when it’s going to ship and what it is and if everyone is getting one and if it will come in a very fine box for my cats to enjoy…or maybe two very fine boxes, one for each cat!
And how did you get two, I wonder?
You got two, so commented twice?
@Kyeh Hmmm… apparently when I tried to fix my incorrect use of “two” the comment posted a second time. But, no, I only got one. I do, how we, have two cats and they both are hoping that the surprise comes in a very fine boxes because boxes are their favorite.
@gt0163c But how did you get two of the birthday Irks, is what I’m really curious about? I bet there will be a box for each cat…

/giphy cats in boxes
@gt0163c Haha, not what I was going for, but funny enough to keep!
I didn’t get two birthday Irks. I did get one (lots of pixel things, and a very fine box. So the cats were happy). But I got the email that says I’m getting a birthday surprise. I’m hoping it’s something other than pixel trackers.
@gt0163c Ohhh, got it.
Yes, I hope it’s not just Trakrs either!
I got one too!

/giphy unnatural-sweaty-earthworm
Luh you, Meh!
I thought it’d be a coupon code, interested to see what shows up.
“Post your photos as a reply to the relevant comment.
Everyone who plays along with us will get a small token of our appreciation.”
So, I’m assuming we’re getting a small token… like the toothbrush tokens???
Whatever it is, I’m excited about it!!!

/giphy tart-oblong-eye
@GenWithaG123 So will be be emulating Scrooge McDuck with toothbrush tokens or TrackR pixels? Or both?
/giphy thermal-warm-feeling

Certainly curious…
Thanks Meh!
Hopefully it’s not a cake with all the Meh’s staff fingers in it!!!
@GenWithaG123 I feel like we missed a golden opportunity…
@GenWithaG123 @Thumperchick to stick fingers into cakes or chop off all your coworkers’ fingers?
@GenWithaG123 @Thumperchick Then they would have to source fake fingers or replace all the Meh staff.
@GenWithaG123 @mikibell yes?
@Thumperchick @yakkoTDI I’m sure @koolhandjoe has some fingers to spare…
@mikibell @Thumperchick I mean, Strong Bad doesn’t have fingers and he’s totally AWESOME!!! Strong Bad Email #63 - Fingers
@GenWithaG123 @Thumperchick smh… HR!!!
@GenWithaG123 @mikibell @Thumperchick
Memories of the deals.woot cake jar are haunting me now.
@mikibell @narfcake @Thumperchick I mean, your username is literally narfcake, so I’m assuming all cakes are slightly haunting?
@Thumperchick Oh my goodness!!! I just received mine!!! It IS a cake with all of Meh’s hands in it!!!

Truer words never spoken!

Thank you!!!
Got the notification also!

Now the wait, for what?
giphy/ now what?
@lonocat did I do that wrong?

/giphy now what?
@therealjrn LOL, / in wrong place
Sigh…story of my life…always in the wrong place man.
@lonocat Does this bug you?
@lonocat Am I bugging you?
@lonocat @therealjrn Bugging?
@narfcake @therealjrn lulu always makes me smile, I also don’t like centipedes
/image negligible-zippy-station

I thought I was sleep shopping again! YAY SURPRISES!
/giphy squealing-docile-caviar


/giphy difficult-gawky-cucumber
/giphy erratic-fatherly-air

/giphy amazing overrated leopard

/giphy Too Cool!

Feeling like the step child over here
/giphy sad girl

Hey @chadp, @thumperchick
She deserves one, ya know!
'cause she’s awesome, with or without a functioning ankle.
Awwe, thanks @f00l!!! That was sweet of you
@ChadP @f00l @Thumperchick @tinamarie1974
So say we all!
@ChadP @f00l @Kyeh @Thumperchick thanks!
@ChadP @f00l @Kyeh @Thumperchick oh, I got one!!! THANK YOU!!
/giphy finicky-muffled-seal

@ChadP @f00l @Thumperchick @tinamarie1974 ALL RIGHT!
(Cute giphy!
@ChadP @f00l @Kyeh @Thumperchick @tinamarie1974

I got one too. Hmm. I mean I’ll take any surprise at this point. Even if it’s lame. Seriously my life is that sad right now.
/giphy awkward calamitous cub

/giphy naughty-talented-maid

(Thank you, @thumperchick!)
I’ve got one coming my way too. Yay! I thought I was special, but apparently not. But I am grateful just the same. I think.
@heartny You are special. Everyone is special. I’m special.
Well, that was an unexpected surprise.

/giphy economic-narrow-rum
Thanks Meh, nice surprise!
I am soooooo sad. I was sitting here minding my own business wearing my new Meh football style tee, and all of a sudden all my friends are texting me their email notifications… which I did not get even though I participated a lot in the birthday scavenger hunt and activities.
Wow! More birthday goodies are on the way? What a happy (so far) surprise.
Thanks, Meh!
I’m sure whatever it is, it’ll be worth every penny!

I don’t even remember being able to participate in the festivities; thought at first we’d been hacked

/giphy stingy-mostly-thrill
Looks like I’m getting one too!

/giphy sweet!
Oh fun…
/giphy curved-prosperous-gorilla

what could it be? A multipurpose k-95 mask/ party hat? A tracker / shot glass coaster?
Welp, no surprise for me. That’s no surprise.
@Enigma Right there with you. With the way my week is going it’s probably for the better.
@Enigma @sunnysideup22
Ya can’t win if you don’t play! Words to live by!!
It was recently my birthday and I got worried that meh knows too much about me while also feeling special and excited. Then … I found this thread. Secrets are safe but special I am not. Haha!
@sdragonfire88 Well mine is coming up in less then 7 days but Meh wouldn’t know that since they don’t have a listing of our birthdays. Or maybe… they have a crystal ball???

/giphy funky-terrified-acoustic
@mossygreen I mean, THANKS!

/image funky-terrified-acoustic
@mossygreen I love Guster!!!
@iutami I only know what they play on the radio (mostly Satellite, still) and honestly didn’t know they were still around! It is interesting that either /image or whatever generates the order numbers is now making fairly current music recommendations. And encouraging me to watch Heredity, I think?
@mossygreen My favorite album is Goldfly which is super old! I got into them when that album came out. I was in college and they played a show on campus and rocked it. I saw them several times in the years following in larger and larger venues.
me too, me too!
Thanks Meh!
What a Great surprise during Wootathon or whatever they call it on that other site.
@wskaufman2 that pic was supposed to have the title
Appropriate that it’s #7!
And another 7 to 7 more years!
I barely participated in the birthday follies and I got one also. I hope it’s a moving truck, because I’m gonna need one soon!
Well, slap me silly and call me Betty, I got one too!

/giphy stingy-muddy-unicorn
Me too! Uh, me 29? Me lots?
/giphy gruesome-steep-desk

I am both excited and terrified of what this will entail.
/giphy upbeat-savvy-credit

…my curiosity is piqued…
/giphy grand-miffed-vegetable

I am excited and nervous
I can’t wait to see what the surprise is!
I got nothing, although I did nothing…so makes sense
I had a feeling today would be a mehathon…,….it’s my Birthday

@kmbev WooHoo!! HBD!!

/giphy happy birthday

I got one too! amethyst-resplendent-warlord
Me too. Thanks meh!!! Especially since I won’t be really able to play with today’s event. Out of town doing extended family things for 3 days with 4 things going on Friday including 3 trips back and forth between 3 cities several hours apart, taking my mom incredibly early in the morning, the bringing her home at the end of the day, then turning around and going back. Clicking on the PA turnpike would be as scary thing as one rounds sharp corners going up and down mountains.
Just saw I got one. Hope it’s not more balls, I have more than enough already.
/giphy BALLS

/giphy Walter

@Felton10 @Lynnerizer Great giphy!
(The soccer-playing cat.)
@Felton10 @Kyeh
You’re right, I actually had thought it was a rat!
Have no idea what’s going on here, but am eager to see what people get.
How does that email look like?
@datruandi never got an e-mail, just showed up in my orders as if I had purchased it.
@datruandi Your Meh order of 7th Birthday Surprise
was the title.
Awww, I didn’t get one but I participated as best I could. Oh well.
I’m in!

/giphy dysfunctional-parched-berry
@Lynnerizer Congratulations!
@Kyeh Thanks!
You wouldn’t have known it THAT day though! KUDOS to my other half, he’ll be just as excited as I to open the package, i’ll give this one to him!
for FUN (or at least useful) goodies!! 

I remember how fun it was putting together all the items for the scavanger hunt! Johnny did such a great job of being creative and rounding up all the items as I was stuck in bed not able to walk that day. His enthusiasm for the whole thing absolutely surprised me! He’s a superstitious keno junkie, NOT a meh-head like US! Lol
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer I didn’t play the scavenger hunt or any of the other games. Spent all day on meh’s 7th birthday playing with my “balls” and still got one.
@Felton10 @Lynnerizer I guess they must still have some surplus balls they need to get rid of …
@tinamarie1974 @Kyeh @Lynnerizer Just hope they do not send them to me. Just got rid of over 40 balls that were in the pinata. You have no idea how heavy it is to carry all those extra balls around.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Oh yeah I forgot about the pinata! Did your grandaughter have fun busting it open, any pics?
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 you must have missed them when I posted them
@Felton10 @Kyeh @Lynnerizer a few extra in their sack lol that’s too funny
Thanks Meh! At first I thought someone hacked my login info. I’m super excited
I’m very excited to see what it is. My only question is did i win something or is it only because I did a scavenger hunt.

/giphy mammoth-energetic-glass
Thanks, meh!!!
/giphy I’m special

/giphy you guys rock
Let’s do this.
/giphy microscopic-extravagant-garlic

/image microscopic-extravagant-garlic

Aw, I tried to play along on the scavenger hunt but nothing for me. I’m disappointed but not surprised really…
Nope none for me…I’ve must have been a bad girl

/giphy BALLS
0.055 lbs. Something smol!!
@btwonder same!!! Can’t be anything substantial as that weight includes the packing materials
@btwonder @tinamarie1974 stickers?
@btwonder @metaphore mmmaaaayyybbbbeeeeeee
Could be a birthday coin? Irk plushie??
@btwonder @tinamarie1974

less than an ounce…hmmm…let’s see…
Meh Stickers?
Toothbrush token?
Single, loose TrackR - sans extra battery?
$400 gift card?
/giphy what could it be?
@btwonder @tinamarie1974 Glad to see we’re thinking alike! I started to type “IRK plushie”, but I didn’t dare
@btwonder @ybmuG I mean, a girl can dream, right?!?!
@btwonder @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Teeny tiny half ounce plushie is for sure how they should do it when they finally give in to our demands of our very own Irk.
@btwonder @metaphore @ybmuG or maybe Meh dice like in yesterdays face???
@btwonder @metaphore @tinamarie1974
Maybe a pet toy since we had to post photos of our pets wearing birthday hats?
Huh - already shipped, and NOT via FedEx! “UPS Mail Innovations,” which is a new one to me.
@Kyeh It’s the UPS version of FedEx SmartPost, so the cheapest/slowest possible shipping.
@blaineg @Kyeh Yep. I’m on the FW side of DFW. Normally I get the shipping notification and my very fine box arrives the next day. With this one, I got the shipping notification late last night (Friday). Estimated delivery is Wednesday. I’m guessing my cats will be disappointed in the lack of a box of any kind.
Just shipped, and same as above; .055 lbs & UPS Mail Innovations.
Hmm… stickers? Certificate?
@psbales That’s what I’m thinking. Maybe some sort of “Happy Birthday to Meh!” sticker. Or an IRK sticker. 0.0550 lbs is under an ounce. So first-class postage would have sufficed, but bulk rate is how Meh would have shipped it.
Because nothing says “taxpayer funded corporate
subsidyhandoutsocialism” like bulk rate discounts only businesses can get. Go Murica!Mine is 0.0500 LBS. Seems like a envelope and a stamp might have been cheaper?
Mine is 0.1850 lbs. just shipped
@gemi27ss Ooh. Maybe you got a Trackr tile bonus!
@mike808 most likely
Mine is on its way also-maybe with my 75th birthday fast approaching it will be something worthwhile. Nah-probably SOS.
@Felton10 When is your birthday?
@Kyeh October 16-I was born on the same day as Suzzane Sommers.
@Felton10 Oh!
I share a birthday with Kim Cattrall, myself!
@Kyeh share a birthday or born on the same day?
@Felton10 @Kyeh

Oh your b-days right around the corner Kyeh!
Any big/special plans?
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer
This year it is 25-50-75 for me
Walter is 25 years old
Been married 50 years this month
Turn 75 in October
@Felton10 @Lynnerizer
Nah - small, moderately enjoyable plans. But that’s okay.
@Felton10 @Kyeh Same day as me. And hush, it is NOT “fast approaching”. Because this stupid hot weather is going to last forever, it seems. Birthday day means it’s almost over for this year.
@Felton10 @Kyeh I share a birthday with the used to be on the same day every year Christopher Columbus day.
Small, moderate and enjoyable sounds great to me! I was never one to like a big party, not for MY birthday anyway!
@Lynnerizer Yeah, I actually find big parties kind of exhausting. Lunch or dinner with a small group is more my speed!
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer I come from a really big family so any get together with less than 50 or 60 people seems tiny and I don’t know what to do with myself.
@Felton10 @Kyeh my deceased grandma and deceased uncle both have/had Oct 16 birthdays and they were pretty awesome people.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 Wow! Well, I bet it’s fun - but also kind of exhausting?
@lisaviolet - same day as me, or Felton10?
I’m guessing him, because cooler weather isn’t going to be this month, but October maybe?
@Felton10 @Kyeh October
Like how big is big, how many siblings?
@Lynnerizer I only have one, but my dad is one of 11 and I have 43 1st cousins on his side. Mom has four brothers and I have seven 1st cousins on her side.
When my great grandma turned 100 several years back we had to find a hall that could give us multiple adjoining rooms. We still ended up with people outside on the lawn/in the parking lot!!
Just kidding, endometriosis was the culprit! 
Wow! That IS a big family! You guys must’ve had lots of FUN growing up!
If i’d been able to have children my plan was to have 8. I might’ve been a bit overzealous, maybe that’s why I wasn’t able to have any! Lol
@Lynnerizer we did have fun, but the age range is crazy. On my dads side my oldest cousin is 51 and the youngest is in jr high. My youngest Aunt is only two months older than my oldest cousin.
Sorry your plan didn’t work out as you wanted.
@Lynnerizer @tinamarie1974 I know a lady from an Italian family who has nieces older than she is! She was a late-in-life, unexpected baby.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
That’s wild! I’ve always had to stop and think when I hear of aunts & uncles being younger than said niece or nephew. Like, now how’d that happen? Lol…
Wow!!! I got one!!! Woohoooooooo! Happy Bday to me!

/giphy yay!
Mine weighs .0600lbs
@Star2236 Mine is also 0.600 lbs. Scheduled to arrive wed aug 18th, the day before my birthday, so maybe it will be an early birthday present to me!
Mine weighs .24 oz. And my birthday is this month too . Maybe birthday cards from meh? Cool wiff me!
My neanderthal-smoggy-drawer is .1300 pounds. Seems appropriate for Friday the 13th.
mine weighs 14.08 drams
Weight (lbs.): 0.0550
thats so small
Size doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.
/giphy mammoth-energetic-glass

is .105 lbs what’s up with all the different weights?
I just got mine!!! The weight is correct!
@GenWithaG123 Duuuude pics or it didn’t happen!!! Is it stickers?!
@Sneakertree well I didn’t want to post in case people didn’t want a spoiler alert… is there a way to hide a picture? Or should I just go ahead and post?
@GenWithaG123 @Sneakertree I have no shame. Willing to beg and grovel.
@GenWithaG123 You could upload the pic to imgur and just post the link, instead of the photo itself? That way folks who wanna know can see it, and people who want to be surprised aren’t spoilered.
@GenWithaG123 @Sneakertree Spoilers are common and welcome. Anyone who doesn’t want to know should have the willpower to stay away from the thread
@GenWithaG123 @rinrinrin @Sneakertree
You can always whisper to someone who asks for a spoiler.
@GenWithaG123 @mike808 @rinrinrin @Sneakertree I want to know!
I finally figured out how to make a link, here you go!!!
@GenWithaG123 hahahahaha that is awesome
@GenWithaG123 Did it come with the cake?
@blaineg No it didn’t… I just put it on cake because it seemed fitting
Thank you! Still excited about getting mine!!
Got it!
Very cool, thanks Meh!
I’ll link so not to ruin the surprise:
Got mine also. It’s perfect! Thanks Meh!
/giphy you da best

I love it, thank you!!!
Me five!
Me uh…six?
Love it!! Thank you, meh!
So darn cute!!! THANK YOU
Me as well. Fun! Seems equal in what we went through for sharing our pictures.
Got mine! Super cool, thanks Meh!
@Ignorant well what is it-mine arrives tomorrow?!@%
@Felton10 @Ignorant if you check one of the links…
@Ignorant @tinamarie1974 I did after I posted the ?-is it a magnet?
@Felton10 @Ignorant @tinamarie1974 Nope. Next guess?
@Felton10 @Ignorant @tinamarie1974
If you are mildly handy it could be (mine hasn’t come yet but I cheated and looked)
Got mine today. Super sweet! Thanks Meh!
I am a bit IRK’ed about it.
I’m so excited that you all seem to like it so far!
@Thumperchick We LOVE it! Was it your idea?
@Trillian all of the birthday stuff was a team effort. I’m not sure who had which idea at this point. I just know I’ve been super excited about these for weeks.
@Thumperchick PHENOMENAL!!! Makes me not as sad that I never received any Meh stickers.
the surprise - thank you to all the crew who put the day together 

I have a few guesses but don’t want to call out a few and miss someone
@Thumperchick you guys did a great job!
Well what does this look like to you?
August 18, 2021
12:46pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
12:44pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
12:42pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
12:41pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
12:37pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
12:34pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
12:32pm ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
August 18, 2021
8:04am ET
Sorted at UPS Facility
Belle Isle, FL
How long does sorting take?
We it is Floriduh and Ron DeDumbass is Governor.

Why did they mount the tracking scanner on the incline?
Just received mine - I L
❤E it!!
Thank you, Meh! Way more than I expected to get for playing along with the birthday shenanigans!
Got mine too - since it came 3 days before my birthday, I’ll consider it a BD present and I plan to have it when I go to lunch tomorrow!
(Not saying how I’ll have it so I don’t give anything away to those who still haven’t got theirs.) THANK YOU Meh - it’s terrific and I love it! 
Thanks Meh! So cute! Love it!
Got mine, thanks, Meh!
I got mine 2 days before my birthday! (i’m a few years older than Meh though
Happy birthday to you, and Happy birthday to me!
spoiler: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MJbWYE8WjDhn63Mq7
@rinrinrin You got a card, too?
@Kyeh Yes, but from my mother-in-law, not from meh
@rinrinrin Oh! I see!

So happy early birthday - yours is the day before mine!
@Kyeh Happy early birthday to you too!!

@rinrinrin Thanks!
Got mine! Thanks Meh, I love it
Mine arrived today. It was slightly damaged, but I managed to get it back in working order. It is too cute.
Thanks, Meh!
Yay! Thanks, Meh.
Thanks Meh! Love it!
Thanks Meh! I got mine today, I love it!
I feel like it could become the next Flat Stanley. People will be posting pics of it all over the world - or at least at the local Walmarts, or something.
Oh, drat - I forgot to take it to lunch and show it off!
@ybmuG this is a great idea!!!
@tinamarie1974 Once we know everyone has theirs so there are no spoilers, we should start a new thread… ____ with Irk
@ybmuG Agree, oh the places he will go!!
@ybmuG I love this idea.
@Thumperchick So, can I start? Can I? Can I?
Ok, I’ll post the original with the question mark as the photo so no one sees it if they don’t want to…
All right, I’m doing this.
Got it!! Sweet and thanks again
The post office has something against my surprise. It’s been pending acceptance since Tuesday, I wonder what it is they find unacceptable.
Mine is still waiting for acceptance at the local post office since the 17th.
@RogerWilco you do know who to blame, right?!?! Hope it gets unstuck

@RogerWilco aawwww
This makes sad as I did not get one. I’m going to go pout in the corner now. I am however happy you all got one.
@smjnga That’s okay, I still haven’t been told how most everyone else even got one. Maybe it was “invitation only” and someone at Meh knows me???
@CBL_WV @smjnga
I suspect getting one has something to do with user forum participation over the anniversary period.
But that’s only a guess.
@CBL_WV @f00l @smjnga
Correct. There was a scavenger hunt to post a picture of various birthday-themed subjects. Like cake, candles, party hats, etc.
This was a small token of celebration by Meh to the participants of the fun and games. And there is a thread of the further adventures of birthday irks.

/giphy traveling irk
@CBL_WV @f00l @mike808 @smjnga I received a 7th birthday surprise, but I did not join in the scavenger hunt. I did download the Irk birthday hat (and posted a comment about it).