@Nebulium this stuff. It’s vaguely cheese flavored, and I’m guessing it builds up, so if you get a cheezy vegan they have to be loaded with it!
/image nooch
@thankyu They are worth trying, some people enjoy them. They have a burnt oil aftertaste that is not good on my palette, but I would eat them if starving. I just needed the BOXES of them I had, gone.
@kfdavila@thankyu (I’d take them off your hands)
I like these things, but I have to say they’re fairly bland. The texture is like a roasted peanut; it just crumbles after the first crunch. The flavor is… It’s like eating unflavored popcorn; they do not add enough oil or yeast (that’s the “vegan cheese”) to make it even salty. The smell however might be off-putting; it does indeed smell like burnt oil (or more specifically, burnt popcorn popped in a stovetop with oil). Add to that the yeast smell, which smells like buttermilk more than cheese, can also be a hard sell.
But these aren’t too hard, aren’t too filling, and make for decent filler if you (or your pets) need it.
@bugger@Trinityscrew For me, X1 was a relatively short term mistake. X2 wanted Romance; I was just too stubbornly practical. So I got ditched. We’re still friends, it wasn’t acrimonious. My current significant other is not interested in a revision of our shared unentangled official status. We’ll stick together because we want to, not because of some piece of paper.
Having a hard time with this. Five pounds is a lot of snackage to commit to. And at $6/lb, which may be good vs amazon, I can’t help but think I could go to the bulk package aisle at local grocery store and get a really good variety of salty snack bits for about the same rate.
Whatever haters, these things have been pretty good for me. Tired of granola bars and need something quick to throw in my lunchbox? Hell yeah. And these are super loud to munch in the office.
@troy Tried this brand but different flavor. Yes it tasted almost good. No, I wouldn’t buy it again due to that previously stated reason. I’d stick to Boy Bawang if I needed to snack on crispy corn.
@bass1193@werehatrack I know I’m a day late, but I was literally eating authentic corn nuts when I read this comment.
Corn Nuts are wonderful. They taste amazing and travel much better than chips.
@ekw Worse. The flavor is “cheesy vegan”. I’m guessing that it must be an artificial flavor since there aren’t any vegans listed in the ingredients. And I’m not sure. I want to know what a cheesy vegan taste like.
The ones I tried were definitely not tooth hazards; the crunch is not much more than corn chips, and lower than some of the why-did-I-buy-this kettle cooked potato chips. The flavor of most of them is meh at best in my opinion, and some of them are actively nasty (lookin atchoo Habanero), but YMMV. Somebody compared this particular version to movie theater popcorn, but I have to wonder how that theater stays in business if it’s accurate.
@werehatrack My friend piped in with the exact same response… but detailing it, it makes sense.
They said it tastes like movie theater popcorn butter, but only because they mainlined the butter (had it separately in a cup, forgot to use said cup, dumped it in their empty soda cup, forgot they did that and drank from said soda cup… and got a mouthful of cold burnt canola oil and butter flavor)
Always been curious enough to want to try these but not so much that I’m willing to try them 5 pounds at once. That’s not just love, that’s a commitment and I have issues with that.
The best way to use these I find is to add them to other things. Chex Mix? Yup. Salad for a little texture? Yup. Basically, they’re great ways to punch up other stuff that needs it. As a straight snack, I’ve never just eaten a bag of these types of corn snacks and thought “well that was worth it.”
Product: 50-Pack: Love, Corn Cheezy Premium Snacking Corn (1.6 oz)
Model: CHZ16X10
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$125 (for 50 bags) at Amazon
Reviews at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, May 1 - Thursday, May 4
/showme oh hell no
Vegan flavored?
So…“cheesy” then…
@ybmuG Yeah, that had me wondering if the Soylent bunch was going slowly rainbow on os
Ew, there’s a mouse
@hchavers but it’s a very cute mouse!
@hchavers @stolicat And if that’s any of the cheeses with voids that I’ve ever seen, it’s the size of a Great Pyr.
@hchavers @stolicat
Could be a Lab Rat…
What does a Cheezy Vegan taste like?
@Nebulium this stuff. It’s vaguely cheese flavored, and I’m guessing it builds up, so if you get a cheezy vegan they have to be loaded with it!

/image nooch
@Nebulium Like plastic?
@Kidsandliz @Nebulium
Close but not that tasty.
@Kidsandliz @Nebulium @yakkoTDI Barbie sure has gone through a lot of phases.
Five pounds? I do like the corn a bit but not nearly enough to buy this much of it. Plus I am always waiting for a tooth to shatter when I do eat it.
Are we going to get snark that’s more corny or more cheesy?
@phendrick … Yes.
I just finished getting rid of my last batch by unloading them at Public food pantries. I felt guilty about it as I found them to be terrible.
@kfdavila Next time hand the stuff out to the panhandlers.
@kfdavila is it that bad? never tried, thinking about trying
@thankyu They are worth trying, some people enjoy them. They have a burnt oil aftertaste that is not good on my palette, but I would eat them if starving. I just needed the BOXES of them I had, gone.
@kfdavila @thankyu (I’d take them off your hands)
I like these things, but I have to say they’re fairly bland. The texture is like a roasted peanut; it just crumbles after the first crunch. The flavor is… It’s like eating unflavored popcorn; they do not add enough oil or yeast (that’s the “vegan cheese”) to make it even salty. The smell however might be off-putting; it does indeed smell like burnt oil (or more specifically, burnt popcorn popped in a stovetop with oil). Add to that the yeast smell, which smells like buttermilk more than cheese, can also be a hard sell.
But these aren’t too hard, aren’t too filling, and make for decent filler if you (or your pets) need it.
I would have to be nuts to buy this much corn.
Still trying to give away the last batch…
@Ziggie Send them my way
@pakopako There’s a limit to how much corn I can eat - even when it’s flavored.
Just tell me where to send it.
If I bought any more freaking corn nuts my wife with divorce me
@bugger You say that like it’s a bad thing.
@Trinityscrew The first wife I fired. Second one is a keeper.
@bugger @Trinityscrew For me, X1 was a relatively short term mistake. X2 wanted Romance; I was just too stubbornly practical. So I got ditched. We’re still friends, it wasn’t acrimonious. My current significant other is not interested in a revision of our shared unentangled official status. We’ll stick together because we want to, not because of some piece of paper.
My Squirrels will love this
It’s a good thing they’re “new”! That’s a relief…
@robson Yeah, The refurbished ones are kind of sketchy.
Got the combo box not too long ago from here. Guess which flavor is last? Yup, the Cheese. Straight up tastes like vomit.
Two out of the five pictures taunt us with visions of real cheese, even though none is within the boxes being sold!
@SpocKirk I’m sure that the photo is actually of a plastic model of cheese.
My dogs enjoy them. Well, the one who eats my clothes enjoys them.
@brainmist So in other words your dog eat anything?
@brainmist And by the pound, these are a lot cheaper than clothing.
Just like the sea salt, you can’t go wrong with cheesy Love Corn. The BBQ ones, not so much.
These were invented by a Dentist looking to improve his patient number.
@Bjlauria Nope. They’re only about as crunchy as corn chips.
@Bjlauria @werehatrack Less so. But also less greasy. (And much less filling. Or flavorful.)
Having a hard time with this. Five pounds is a lot of snackage to commit to. And at $6/lb, which may be good vs amazon, I can’t help but think I could go to the bulk package aisle at local grocery store and get a really good variety of salty snack bits for about the same rate.
Whatever haters, these things have been pretty good for me. Tired of granola bars and need something quick to throw in my lunchbox? Hell yeah. And these are super loud to munch in the office.
You don’t like your office mates much, eh?
@Kyeh @rickjennings64 more like his office mates don’t like him munch.
@Kyeh I don’t want to startle them!
@pakopako now is that very necessary?
@pakopako - oooh, that was corny.
@rickjennings64 - so … you eat them outside? I have had office mates who eat crunchy things and it can definitely be annoying!
If you have a hankering to buy 2, it’s cheaper on the sibling site (only cheese flavor is available)
@lehigh But the expiration date is like the day after tomorrow. Right?
@lehigh this one’s .7oz per bag, total of 4.375lbs. not cheaper, less for more
@thankyu darn unit of measure! Thanks for the catch.
When you look in the bowl–“I don’t remember eating that!”
@Bumplepimp because this is thoroughly cooked corn, you won’t notice a visible difference. You will smell a lot of duck/squirrel gas though.
$30 for 5 pounds of stomach, intestinal and bowel destruction. Sounds like a challenge. For someone else…
@sdoepper Don’t call it destruction when it is clearly a cleaning product.
@yakkoTDI true…
Love, Corn
Hate, Teeth
$29.99…Not worth it just to chip a tooth.
@pixelated These are much less chip-your-toothy than traditional corn nuts, FWIW
@troy Tried this brand but different flavor. Yes it tasted almost good. No, I wouldn’t buy it again due to that previously stated reason. I’d stick to Boy Bawang if I needed to snack on crispy corn.
Never hit the meh button faster! What is this, some off-brand Corn Nuts?!?!
@bass1193 No. Those are vile. These are mostly just boring.
@bass1193 @werehatrack I know I’m a day late, but I was literally eating authentic corn nuts when I read this comment.
Corn Nuts are wonderful. They taste amazing and travel much better than chips.
came to check the nutritional info.
found vegan cheese.
@ekw Worse. The flavor is “cheesy vegan”. I’m guessing that it must be an artificial flavor since there aren’t any vegans listed in the ingredients. And I’m not sure. I want to know what a cheesy vegan taste like.
@werehatrack I mean in the actual ingredients.
though the “cheezy” should have been a dead giveaway.
the bags that are depicted on the box do not match the bags shown outside the box . . . . .
I call shenanigans!
No nutrition information is suspicious.
The ones I tried were definitely not tooth hazards; the crunch is not much more than corn chips, and lower than some of the why-did-I-buy-this kettle cooked potato chips. The flavor of most of them is meh at best in my opinion, and some of them are actively nasty (lookin atchoo Habanero), but YMMV. Somebody compared this particular version to movie theater popcorn, but I have to wonder how that theater stays in business if it’s accurate.
@werehatrack My friend piped in with the exact same response… but detailing it, it makes sense.
They said it tastes like movie theater popcorn butter, but only because they mainlined the butter (had it separately in a cup, forgot to use said cup, dumped it in their empty soda cup, forgot they did that and drank from said soda cup… and got a mouthful of cold burnt canola oil and butter flavor)
/showme Cheezy Vegan Flavor
Always been curious enough to want to try these but not so much that I’m willing to try them 5 pounds at once. That’s not just love, that’s a commitment and I have issues with that.
Cheesy sounds SO GOOD, I was going to buy this… until I read the comments. Thanks, everybody!
These are 1,000X better than “Corn Nuts” brand. Very tasty, not super hard.
I didn’t see this anywhere. Probably missed it, in which case, here it is again.

Never buy food here. Learned my lesson with all those stale-ass disgusting nut bars.
The best way to use these I find is to add them to other things. Chex Mix? Yup. Salad for a little texture? Yup. Basically, they’re great ways to punch up other stuff that needs it. As a straight snack, I’ve never just eaten a bag of these types of corn snacks and thought “well that was worth it.”