@mediocrebot Boo. I tried 4x to get it too. My FIL would love this! He’s an engineering professor and has a whole mega project he does with one of his classes with bridges.
Next time during VMP hour, non VMPs should only see an image of an iron door with Irk’s face as the door knocker and a little slot where someone would open it to ask for the password.
What’s in the Box?
1x Golden Gate Bridge
1x Sundial Bridge
1x Bank of China
1x Bosphorus Bridge
1x Burj Al Arab
Price Comparison
About $40 at Amazon
30 Day Metal Earth
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Monday, July 20th
Really not building my hopes up right now.
Is it possible to be a member and not a VMP?
@polemical Yes.
I would have gotten this if I were the right kind of meh-mber.
Great stocking stuffer, eh? Will it make it by xmas?
Better than the fidget spinners, but no.
I paid $5 a month for this too?!
I am a vmp but i cannot order
@sulihpoeht If I understand correctly, this is for OG VMP only, not the newfangled VMP-II
Based on your icon to the left of your username, you’re not a VMP.
@Thumperchick ?
@sulihpoeht you are not VMP. You are a member. Logo is a heart, not a V.
That’s actually a good deal. Shame it is only vmp not regular members. I gave up my vmp a long time ago.
/giphy futuristic-official-tinkerbell


/giphy halting-verbose-loon
I was doing so well this Mehrathon-

/giphy ratty-lurching-guitar

/giphy shopping spree
The best part is that this is like Meh giving away stuff because shipping this will cost almost as much as I paid for the item
/giphy waning-remarkable-polish

Stocking Stuffers!
@Jamileigh17 Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@mediocrebot Boo. I tried 4x to get it too.
My FIL would love this! He’s an engineering professor and has a whole mega project he does with one of his classes with bridges.
mehtal puzzles
Next time during VMP hour, non VMPs should only see an image of an iron door with Irk’s face as the door knocker and a little slot where someone would open it to ask for the password.
@medz I could appreciate that.
Gonna give these to my girlfriend so she can stab me with the tiny metal parts
What fun, every thing I’ve tried to buy today has sold out before I could get the freaking order to go through.
Sold out when I was buying.
Signed in. VMP only. Upgraded to VMP. Logged out. Logged in. Sold out.
@mannythewalls you’re not a vmp you’re a regular member. See the people with the V icons? They’re the VMPs.
@mannythewalls - mehmber does not equal VMP, last I checked - there is no more upgrade to VMP (?)
Please, someone correct me if I’m wrong
Dang, tried since the start of this sale to buy but it kept telling me the servers were too busy and to try again… shame
Damn it. “Selling pretty fast, try again”. So I did.
Lots of times. Meh.
Watched Dinner Game (Dîner de Cons) a few weeks ago. No way I can buy these models - I don’t want to turn into Pignon.
That was tense. Must of tried 15 times to order.
/image abrasive sulky lilac

/giphy abrasive sulky lilac

@RiotDemon Purple!
I look away for two minutes…maybe I’ll get one in my instant regret kit.
I am a member but it did not let me get this deal (when it was available)
@maniselvan You’re not a VMP. It’s a grandfathered membership.
i pay 5 a month, and when i try to buy it tells me sorry this deal is only for VMP members. Am i missing something??
@sw1per You’re not a VMP- it’s a grandfathered membership.
@sw1per VMPs have been paying $5/mo for years now.
They are literally trying to sell you a bridge.
Wait: why can’t I buy this?
@indiebass You’re not a VMP- it’s a grandfathered membership.
@sammydog01 Son of a “B”. And here I am a paying member and can’t buy the tiny metal bridges I both need and desire
If I were here at rollover I totally would have bought these.
It would affect Meh’s sales zero, but I’m saying it anyway.
@djslack I hope they come with a box of band-aids.
Hey, guys, if your icon has a little heart in it you’re not a VMP. Sorry, it sucks.
@sammydog01 YOUR icon doesn’t have a little v
@therealjrn OH SHIT! I’ll have to send my broken spinners back.
am i a mediocre person?
@pobrecito perhaps, but not a very mediocre person
/giphy disillusioned-nominated-coconut

I was wanting one of these, sold out!
@NMA No, you didn’t.
@sammydog01 So is the VMP a grandfathered mehmbership?
@therealjrn Nope, I was totally lying.
How many VMP members are left?
@Stumpy91 VMP ROLL CALL!
@Stumpy91 At least 192. (I got an IRK this morning)
@mrongey Got my IRK this morning too, at 8AM CST. No Captcha issues for a change, maybe because I was at work.
@Stumpy91 Here!
@Stumpy91 I’m back!
I really wanted to buy this after I saw it, but it was sold out. Had a meeting right during this time.
Got the IRK, though.
Just got an order cancellation email. Wtf meh?