I got ’em last time. They’re good enough. I ate all of them. I don’t dare buy them again.
(I would’ve preferred them without the caramel, but then they would be something else entirely. And that’s just my preference. Others, like my wife, love it.)
@mikesmells They’re 50 g (1.8 oz) each, and roughly 1x3" if that helps. They’re smaller than what I remember a full-sized Snickers being, but they’re bigger than those mini/“fun-sized” ones that are common for Halloween candy.
I’m just a few bars short of ingesting my 2nd order of these.
I LOVE Snickers, but rarely buy them because they are so GOSH DARN PRICEY!
When I have eaten Snickers, I have had no qualms with the inherent lack of nutritious value, or the full dive into the ocean of cholesterol, so I’m not into this bar for the “health benefits”, because DANG they are gooooood!!!
Yesterday was just a diversion so we wouldn’t notice what they are up to. I have it on good authority (me) that they are going to change their name to the GrocerMehy store
I got these last time, too. The dark chocolate is a nice touch. It means you can taste the chocolate, unlike Snickers. You might notice some bloom on the chocolate, but it’s just cosmetic. The peanuts are toasted, as they are in Snickers, and are tasty. The caramel is less sweet than Snickers and there is more of it, I think. There is less nougat, though. The wrappers are better than Snickers as a final touch. I personally wish the caramel was less chewy and more soft and buttery and that would make these nearly perfect. But at least the caramel isn’t the sort that will remove fillings from your teeth.
Would buy again, but I still have quite a lot left.
I ordered these the first time they appeared. I don’t eat a lot of candy, and I’d have to be in the mood for Snickers, but these are a nice variant. They seem to have the same type of ingredients as Snickers, but I think the proportions are a bit different as mehric suggested, and I think I prefer these over “genuine” Snicikers.
The only thing that wasn’t great was that the dark chocolate coating is very brittle, even though it tastes fine, and it broke up into a lot of little chunks every time I ate one. Definitely eat these over a plate, or somewhere else you want all the crumbs to fall, because it made quite a mess.
@Euniceandrich In all seriousness a knife and fork would probably create at least as much of a mess as just biting into it, but I appreciate the classic Seinfeld reference!
@Kidsandliz@pakopako@zachdecker Ok, that’s one of my all-time favorite Simpsons references! I literally just used it to describe one of our dogs two days ago!
@joeylee1995 Some states do not consider candy to be “food,” which might be technically correct. It could be considered a comment on its (lack of) nutritional value: mostly pure sugar and unhealthy fats. And in some circles, candy may be considered a luxury item, thus a “luxury tax.”
15 Grams of sugar per bar!?! And that’s 30% less??
Good lord, man. Americans have gotten so complacent with sugar.
That’s one tablespoon. Just go ahead and fill up a tablespoon of sugar and shove it in your face’s feeding hole. That’s it. Get yourself sickly, fat, and dumb, just like the government wants you.
If you think that is harsh, you’ve never been to Europe. “Hey, why does your American bread taste like cake?” they say, coming from a place with ZERO ADDED SUGAR in breads.
@aciarlotta There’s no real winners in bread.
Americans: Our bread is mostly sugar
Europeans: Our bread is mostly butter
Jesus: Have you tried this unleavened bread?
(sweetbreads from around the world appear)
I miss a good solid rye (and I do mean solid: even when fresh, they’re hard to squeeze) or the basic roti/lavash.
I just came here to say these are astonishingly delicious. I don’t like Snickers and don’t typically eat candy bars or chocolatey sugar snacks in general but these are scrumptious. I do like peanuts, caramel, nougat, and dark chocolate. I would totally buy these again!
@elparx Meh is testing a new low cost logistics solution using the backpacks of undocumented transport persons. Delivery routes and timelines might be slightly more unpredictable than expected.
Product: 48-Pack: Little Secrets Dark Chocolate Peanut Caramel Nougat Bars
Model: 810079450282
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$91.96 (for 48) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Mar 21 - Monday, Mar 25
Needs less nuts!
@yakkoTDI The nougat bars or this web site?
@phendrick Yes.
You got me this time Meh!
@jwoody27 It worked! Your order number is: awkward-pervasive-lemming
/image awkward pervasive lemming

How does only one of these have 240 calories that’s crazy
@PvoorHD These are missing the vein.
That knocks off at least 100 calories.
I got ’em last time. They’re good enough. I ate all of them. I don’t dare buy them again.
(I would’ve preferred them without the caramel, but then they would be something else entirely. And that’s just my preference. Others, like my wife, love it.)
@xobzoo They were sold previously? I am hoping they come back. I got 2, I should have bought them all. They’re really good.
I didn’t get these last time, so here I go.
(I edited out the showme)
/image chicory root fiber

Are these the size of a regular snickers bar?
@mikesmells They’re 50 g (1.8 oz) each, and roughly 1x3" if that helps. They’re smaller than what I remember a full-sized Snickers being, but they’re bigger than those mini/“fun-sized” ones that are common for Halloween candy.
@mike808 It worked! Your order number is: godly-fastidious-shrimp
/image godly fastidious shrimp

@mediocrebot @mike808 If I’m going to get the fat and calories I think I’d rather have some of those godly shrimp.
But is this a challenge?
@GreetingsADM Are you looking for an excuse to expand your wardrobe … horizontally?
What if you don’t like them. Are they able to be returned?

/giphy nope
I’m just a few bars short of ingesting my 2nd order of these.
I LOVE Snickers, but rarely buy them because they are so GOSH DARN PRICEY!
When I have eaten Snickers, I have had no qualms with the inherent lack of nutritious value, or the full dive into the ocean of cholesterol, so I’m not into this bar for the “health benefits”, because DANG they are gooooood!!!
It’s a Wish dot com Snickers bar
@Larry1977 Nah, it’s an RC Cola equivalent Snickers. Surprisingly really good, and honestly I might like them better.
meh changed from a bluetooth speaker retailer to a granola bar wholeseller so gradually i never even noticed
@russellmz you weren’t here yesterday?
@pmarin @russellmz
Yesterday was just a diversion so we wouldn’t notice what they are up to. I have it on good authority (me) that they are going to change their name to the GrocerMehy store
@Kidsandliz @pmarin @russellmz
Or maybe Gourmeh Snacks.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @pmarin @russellmz “dry sundries mehchant & co”
I bought these the first time around, then doubled up on sidedeal… they are so delicious!
I got these last time, too. The dark chocolate is a nice touch. It means you can taste the chocolate, unlike Snickers. You might notice some bloom on the chocolate, but it’s just cosmetic. The peanuts are toasted, as they are in Snickers, and are tasty. The caramel is less sweet than Snickers and there is more of it, I think. There is less nougat, though. The wrappers are better than Snickers as a final touch. I personally wish the caramel was less chewy and more soft and buttery and that would make these nearly perfect. But at least the caramel isn’t the sort that will remove fillings from your teeth.
Would buy again, but I still have quite a lot left.
@mehric Would a second or two in the microwave make a difference?
This site has more food items than Jim Gaffigan’s set list.
I ordered these the first time they appeared. I don’t eat a lot of candy, and I’d have to be in the mood for Snickers, but these are a nice variant. They seem to have the same type of ingredients as Snickers, but I think the proportions are a bit different as mehric suggested, and I think I prefer these over “genuine” Snicikers.
The only thing that wasn’t great was that the dark chocolate coating is very brittle, even though it tastes fine, and it broke up into a lot of little chunks every time I ate one. Definitely eat these over a plate, or somewhere else you want all the crumbs to fall, because it made quite a mess.
@Atomizer Do that (eat over a plate) especially if you have cats and dogs as chocolate is poisonous to them.
@Atomizer Maybe with a knife and fork?

/image Costanza eating Snickers knife
@Atomizer @Kidsandliz Swallow it whole like a duck.
@pakopako You swallow ducks whole?
@pakopako @werehatrack Or maybe duck when you swallow.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack No, swallows typically don’t dive at me. Wish I had more tits in my area though.
@Atomizer @Kidsandliz @pakopako
@Kidsandliz Oh I’m well aware, but thank you for reiterating that for anyone else who wasn’t!
@Euniceandrich In all seriousness a knife and fork would probably create at least as much of a mess as just biting into it, but I appreciate the classic Seinfeld reference!
@Kidsandliz @pakopako @zachdecker Ok, that’s one of my all-time favorite Simpsons references! I literally just used it to describe one of our dogs two days ago!
“Jonathon Snickers”
I’m not sure if I’m more upset by the Reese’s peanut butter cup slander, or the fact that you spelled it Reece’s. Either way, HOW DARE YOU!

/giphy Greta how dare you
I KNOW you don’t mean 1950.
That would be FIVE cents… as they were my entire childhood!
5c and enormous.
I have a clear memory of looking up at the candy rack and thinking “If I had a dollar I could get 20 of these”
The only reason I’m not buying these is because I’m only about halfway through my supply from the last time. Best candy bars ever!
OK talked me into it
/giphy catchy-minimum-flesh

sales tax on food???
@joeylee1995 There is in some states, including mine. So if there is in your state you will pay sales tax when you buy food from meh.
@joeylee1995 Some states do not consider candy to be “food,” which might be technically correct. It could be considered a comment on its (lack of) nutritional value: mostly pure sugar and unhealthy fats. And in some circles, candy may be considered a luxury item, thus a “luxury tax.”
@joeylee1995 @MrNews yet you can buy it with food stamps
Sales Tax On Food
@zachdecker It worked! Your order number is: fluent-unready-nutmeg
/image fluent unready nutmeg

Candy bars used to cost $0.25, and they were larger, and I am not talking about 1950!
@sj1960 Yeah!
@ekw It worked! Your order number is: belligerent-disgusting-nail
/image belligerent disgusting nail

15 Grams of sugar per bar!?! And that’s 30% less??
Good lord, man. Americans have gotten so complacent with sugar.
That’s one tablespoon. Just go ahead and fill up a tablespoon of sugar and shove it in your face’s feeding hole. That’s it. Get yourself sickly, fat, and dumb, just like the government wants you.
If you think that is harsh, you’ve never been to Europe. “Hey, why does your American bread taste like cake?” they say, coming from a place with ZERO ADDED SUGAR in breads.
@aciarlotta Okay dear. You know this is candy right? Not healthy daily food. Candy. It’s gonna have sugar.
@aciarlotta It’s actually 44% less
– Snickers have 27g, these have 15g
@aciarlotta There’s no real winners in bread.
Americans: Our bread is mostly sugar
Europeans: Our bread is mostly butter
Jesus: Have you tried this unleavened bread?
(sweetbreads from around the world appear)
I miss a good solid rye (and I do mean solid: even when fresh, they’re hard to squeeze) or the basic roti/lavash.
@aciarlotta @pakopako There’s nothing stopping me combining flour and water besides my own laziness.
/giphy petty-flawless-field

I love sugar too much.

/image buttered-cheerful-beer
What does that even show? (Other than buttered beer is yet another American artery clogger.)
@dpease It worked! Your order number is: wandering-paramount-carbon
/image wandering paramount carbon

That chipmunk almost made me buy this …
I’m still trying to unwrap the second of the ginger chews.
I just came here to say these are astonishingly delicious. I don’t like Snickers and don’t typically eat candy bars or chocolatey sugar snacks in general but these are scrumptious. I do like peanuts, caramel, nougat, and dark chocolate. I would totally buy these again!
@silveropal3 Nice review! These are really good.
Mine are currently on tour of the USA, came from Texas, made it to Salt Lake and then went to NewYork! I’m in Wyoming…. Lol
@elparx Meh is testing a new low cost logistics solution using the backpacks of undocumented transport persons. Delivery routes and timelines might be slightly more unpredictable than expected.