@reedmo Whether the IRK two or three months down the road is $20 or $120 or just $2 (doubtful), I’d say there is a good chance there will be some of these in it (but only if they are finally out of craft paint and TrackRs by then).
@phendrick@reedmo TrackRs, craft paint, 1A car charger plugs, Cleveland wall pops, Casery, and the remaining unopened boxes of k-cup flavored coffee that nobody can stand from the break room cabinets at this point. And probably whatever’s left of the ginger chews.
@zachhh I did too, for a while. I occasionally sell things on eBay, and when boxing up whatever I had sold I would slip in a couple of spinners as a “bonus”.
@whomeyesu I ordered the 4-pack a few months ago during a Mehrathon, mostly for my neurodivergent kiddo. All four lights still work (but they’re kinda useless as lights).
Also, I put one on my own keychain, and damned if I don’t fiddle with it more often than I woulda thought.
@whomeyesu The headline says that the batteries are probably dead. The specifications text initially said it’s the LEDs that are probably dead, but that was both contradictory and probably wrong, so I fixed it.
This is part of why we don’t try to hide criticism.
@3Phen@ExtraMedium@werehatrack Per my disassembly, there’s four LR41 batteries in a sandwich wrapped in plastic. I suspect the ‘dead’ ones simply have plastic blocking the terminal. Additionally, I gave one a squeeze and it got a bit brighter as I re-seated the batteries
@3Phen@caffeineguy@ExtraMedium@werehatrack I didn’t realize how cheap LR41’s are. I see someone on EBay selling 100 for ~$7 Almost tempted - about 65c for a better-than-candy giveaway.
@hchavers Although occasionally a new person will claim otherwise… and then act extremely belligerent about the lack of customer service… and then get upset that forum members try to help them locate customer service…
and then get upset that forum members try to help them locate customer service…
@hchavers@xobzoo Bonus points of them getting even more upset because @ignorant was the one helping – and they thought they were being called “ignorant”.
I remember that incident, and was completely baffled by their viewpoint. I’ve been buying loads, (hoards), of things from meh since Kickstart Days, and the support has been exemplary! Like above and beyond, for any and all issues I’ve had.
Yes, most likely dead batteries and probably fine LEDs
So maybe test one of them with a known good battery??? Yah know - all you need is batteries and you are good to go rather than these go straight into the dumpster… Just sayin’
@caffeineguy@jmbunkin I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to see what kind of batteries they actually took. If the batteries are dead, tell the prospective buyer what they will have to buy to make them work.
@Pamela maybe some people are far, far fidgetier than we thought possible, and they also have 39 like-minded friends? It’s a long shot, but that’s all I’ve got.
@Pamela@UncleVinny I have a fidget spinner bottle opener that at some point I must have paid money for. I always end up spinning it for while whenever I pick it up. It’s like buying spray paint, can you avoid shaking it when you pick it up (which must drive the store employees crazy)?
@haydesigner@Larry1977 But if they had dead batteries you might piss off every kid who comes to your door and pay the price later. Better hope toilet paper completely dissolves in the rain… well except for the big chunk of the country in month 3 or 4 of a drought.
No thanks! I still have an unacceptable number of dead fidget spinners from a few years ago. Never did find a use for them… much like everything else I buy here.
@warpedrotors I gave out fidget spinners the year they were being sold (tested them first and most of them the lights still worked so only handed out those) and the word screamed on the street was, “This house has fidget spinners!!!”. Actually my college students were pretty thrilled to get some in class too that year. That was 2017. Yours are now likely all with dead batteries. At least mine are spread between 80 or so houses and students with dead batteries and not all in mine.
@warpedrotors The fidget spinner collection still has a use - they typically have bearings in them that work extremely well for rodent running wheels. There’s nothing worse than a squeaky bearing on a rodent wheel going full speed at 2 am. So - replace every few months and you have a smooth running rat (or hedgehog or guinea pig or hamster or whatever).
@Kidsandliz Yeah, the shrieking from kids running away from our house “They’ve got fidget spinners! Fidget Spinners!” was pretty priceless. Took 3 years to unload the ~8 containers worth, but they had a great time.
@caffeineguy Well I had 4 classes of students I could unload them on too as “prizes” for in class activities. Amazing what students will work for like 5 extra credit points out of 1000 points in the class, fidget spinners, a get out of jail free card to be able to turn one assignment in 3 days late with no penalty… I got rid of mine all in one year while most of the batteries were still good.
@chuegen@warpedrotors …Or oil/grease them occasionally- make sure it’s a non-toxic/food-safe variety- no telling what the critters will try to lick off.
@xobzoo Sadly, no-- They take 4x LR41 batteries. Of course, the TrackR pixels all have dead batteries too so even if that was an option it’d be a bad one
@caffeineguy@xobzoo My last dozen TrackRs all arrived with at least minimally undead batteries; I was able to induce pairing on each of them. I wouldn’t have trusted them to still be working a month later, but DOA they weren’t … quite. (And a quick check shows that over a month later, they still aren’t dead yet, but they haven’t remained paired, either.)
… which, even with undead batteries, still defeats the entire purpose of the TrackR to begin with.
Since it’s now October, maybe they should push the “undead” aspect a bit more. Imagine if this site sold undead powerbanks, speakerdocks, and even undead candy corn!
If I needed something to put on a raft, set on fire and shove out to sea, this is the kind of thing I’d be looking for. I’d prefer to pay just a few modicums for it, though, not the highway robbery prices I see here.
@caffeineguy@hamjudo And the best price I could find on eBay in a quick one-page scan was $18.95 for 200 exceptionally generic ones. That’s just under 40 cents per fidget to rebattery them (plus your time, a good bit of which would be expended rescuing the cells from their packaging.)
Worthwhile? Not to me. There’s a kitten to feed. Often. Right NAOW, even. (YMMV)
@OnionSoup@PhysAssist Why? They’d have their pick of the food to eat in the fridge. Calling @shahnm: Are batteries sentient. Enquiring minds want to know.
The fidget spinners were a hit at my house year after year! The ones that had dead batteries I fixed with new batteries from eBay in an assembly line while I watched TV. Take out the dead unit, open it, remove old battery, put in new one, close unit & put back into spinner.
At dusk or when it was dark, I turned it on & played with it. Every kid wanted one! BTW, the lights had 3 blink speed levels - slow, medium, & rapid blink. Depending on the blink rate you could get different patterns when you spin them - very cool!
Ran out a couple of years ago but still have kids asking if I had any more. If I could get more, I’d fix them & hand them out.
@mrbillmc I still have some, but I know that the batteries are dead, and since I no longer work in a place where I can bring them in for co-workers’ kidlets to have, I’m not yet motivated to put in new batteries.
Also, because we literally live in the woods, we get no trick or treaters…
/giphy dark scary forest
Seems to be 4x LR41- My 4 still had plastic wrapping on them, so I suspect the ‘dead’ ones just have plastic insulating them. There’s 4x tiny PH0 screws though, so they’re a pain to disassemble/replace; plus you have to get the polarity correct (red wire to the + terminal)
Also, if you have one that’s pretty dim, give it a squeeze to reseat the batteries, might save ‘em. I’d bite for $10, maybe $15, but $20 is steep for 2lbs of plastic e-waste for my neighbors’ kids to dispose of.
@caffeineguy Thanks for the picture. Any chance you can post the pic of the back side of the lid with ‘buttons’? Trying t decide if I can use it as a case for a project.
@qmirage Actually, the buttons are pretty cool… they’re all rubber though, don’t have conductive pads as they press down on the metal springs. One might be able to replace the back end with a custom PCB; but that seems like a lot of effort for the value of reusing meh junk.
@caffeineguy@ergomeh It’s cheaper because the engineering tolerances can be sloppy, the materials can be really cheap, and there’s no over-center clicky mechanism to wear out, break, and/or get jammed.
@ergomeh it’s probably some radioactive waste that happens to be magnetic; maybe they were paid to send it back to the states to interfere with our vaccines and 5G networks
@caffeineguy Not going to interfere here. I have a tinfoil hat so I am good to go. EDIT: Apparently there are directions on the internet in case you are interested.
@806D2701@arysta I’m so sad they sold 44 of these. I really wanted no one to buy this so they would stop foisting true crap on us. Semi-crap is more than enough.
C’mon meh; drop the price of these to $10 and we’ll bite. Or maybe give those of us that paid $1/ea in June a coupon code: DEADBATTERY to help you move them. These are neat, but not anywhere as cool as fidget spinners
Better yet why the putain did meh even bother buying these knowing nobody will want them in 12 hours only 36 people bought these that should tell you something.
If you’re curious what scheiße & putain mean Google III, had to choose alternative to avoid mod bots regarding “bad words”
Cheap LR41 batteries? Do a search on Temu, found 100 for $4.50. So, do I spend $20 on PowerBall lottery tickets and most likely get nothing, or spend $20 on these?
Product: 40-Pack: Fidget Keychain Toy With (Probably Dead) LED Lights
Model: 10025
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Oct 9
A $20 IRK that we know what’s in it!
@reedmo Whether the IRK two or three months down the road is $20 or $120 or just $2 (doubtful), I’d say there is a good chance there will be some of these in it (but only if they are finally out of craft paint and TrackRs by then).
@phendrick @reedmo TrackRs, craft paint, 1A car charger plugs, Cleveland wall pops, Casery, and the remaining unopened boxes of k-cup flavored coffee that nobody can stand from the break room cabinets at this point. And probably whatever’s left of the ginger chews.
@phendrick @reedmo Hey, remember the candy corn?
@phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack at least they’re out of pasta at this point
@MrMikenIkes @phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack Pasta was one of the best things they ever had inventory of… The rest, yeah, TrackRsAndCraftPaint.com doesn’t have the same ring as knivesandspeakerdocks.com
@caffeineguy @MrMikenIkes @phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack i still have a bag or two left of the pasta.
@caffeineguy @MrMikenIkes @Noddy93 @phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack
Me too.
@caffeineguy @Kyeh @Noddy93 @phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack not gonna lie I’m kinda jealous. I either gave away or ate my 100lbs of ziti and had to buy pasta from Costco a month ago. It hurt
@caffeineguy @MrMikenIkes @Noddy93 @phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack
It really was excellent pasta!
@caffeineguy @Kyeh @MrMikenIkes @phendrick @reedmo @werehatrack as much as I bitched at the time because i got shafted on two orders and paid full-price for the noodz, it really was superior mass-market pasta.
i did buy a third round for a friend as a surprise delivery and it filled the bed of her truck… i don’t recall if I ever told her it was me.
I still have a giant package of fidget spinners I got from Meh a decade ago. Still trying to figure out what to do with the bearings.
@zachhh If you want to get rid of a Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box full, I’ll send you a label…
@werehatrack a case is medium box at least, and the. You’d have to deal with the sunk cost fallacy!
@zachhh I’d spring for a Medium.
@zachhh I had to look that up. Thanks for making me aware.
@phendrick my storage of the figit spinners has cost me an immense ampunt!
@zachhh i still have 2 tubs of em- people get surprisingly excited if you give em one now
@zachhh Kids loved them at halloween; Some 10 yr old kid gave me shit with a ‘what is it 2010’ comment, but then still took one over a stoopwafel.
@zachhh I did too, for a while. I occasionally sell things on eBay, and when boxing up whatever I had sold I would slip in a couple of spinners as a “bonus”.
@caffeineguy @zachhh Some semi-righteous indignation there, no doubt learned from a parent.
OK. I guess it doesn’t really say “Six rubber dick buttons.”
Fidget smidgit
50 cents per a flashlight seems fair IF the batteries are good knowing LED’s are dead.
@whomeyesu I suspect it’s the other way around; the LEDs are probably OK, but the batteries are dead from sitting in a warehouse for way too long.
@werehatrack @whomeyesu This is very likely the case. Dead batteries, the LEDS are…probably…fine.
@whomeyesu I ordered the 4-pack a few months ago during a Mehrathon, mostly for my neurodivergent kiddo. All four lights still work (but they’re kinda useless as lights).
Also, I put one on my own keychain, and damned if I don’t fiddle with it more often than I woulda thought.
@whomeyesu The headline says that the batteries are probably dead. The specifications text initially said it’s the LEDs that are probably dead, but that was both contradictory and probably wrong, so I fixed it.
This is part of why we don’t try to hide criticism.
@werehatrack The long description still says that it’s the LEDs that are dead. (Fifth-to-last paragraph.)
@3Phen Yeah, I can’t edit that. @ExtraMedium, can you lend a hand?
@3Phen @ExtraMedium @werehatrack Per my disassembly, there’s four LR41 batteries in a sandwich wrapped in plastic. I suspect the ‘dead’ ones simply have plastic blocking the terminal. Additionally, I gave one a squeeze and it got a bit brighter as I re-seated the batteries
@3Phen @caffeineguy @ExtraMedium @werehatrack I didn’t realize how cheap LR41’s are. I see someone on EBay selling 100 for ~$7 Almost tempted - about 65c for a better-than-candy giveaway.
@3Phen @werehatrack Probably more accurate now. Thanks.
@whomeyesu the lights on these type of crap are the kind that are useless unless you put the light two feet from where you need it.
They have a lumen rating of about 5
@ThyProphet @whomeyesu My evaluation is that they are pretty much limited to illuminating a keyhole.
These are great! My house could use an egg wash…
@ircon96 Be sure to properly burnish it with the butane torch for that delicate glacé effect.
@werehatrack Good idea! It’ll give it that golden, crème brûlée color, as a bonus.
I’m not dead yet!
@mehcuda67 “Nonsense…you’ll be stone dead in a moment”. Que the coconuts.
@detailer @mehcuda67
A lot of things can be said about Meh, but false advertising is (mostly) not one of them.
@hchavers Although occasionally a new person will claim otherwise… and then act extremely belligerent about the lack of customer service… and then get upset that forum members try to help them locate customer service…
@hchavers @xobzoo Bonus points of them getting even more upset because @ignorant was the one helping – and they thought they were being called “ignorant”.
@hchavers @Ignorant @narfcake @xobzoo
Oh, did they?!
@hchavers @Ignorant @Kyeh @xobzoo Not all of the Morningsave audience understood how the forums work.
Or that they’re public.
@hchavers @Ignorant @narfcake @xobzoo
Yeah - I didn’t know that frito thought ignorant was meant as an insult to them.
@hchavers @Ignorant @Kyeh @xobzoo No, this was from further back, not the recent incident.
@hchavers @xobzoo
I remember that incident, and was completely baffled by their viewpoint. I’ve been buying loads, (hoards), of things from meh since Kickstart Days, and the support has been exemplary! Like above and beyond, for any and all issues I’ve had.
So they’re full of crap.
OK. I admit to being confused. No mention of batteries in the write-up or the specs above. Just dead LED lights. But then what powers those lights?
“Includes a flashlight” And what powers the flashlight?
It would make more sense to me if these had good LEDs but bad batteries.
@phendrick I agree.
@phendrick Yes, most likely dead batteries and probably fine LEDs
@phendrick using them as a flashlight is WAY overstated. (I own four of these.)
@haydesigner @phendrick About the only thing they’re good for illuminating is a keyhole.
@phendrick Since the headline said it was the batteries, I fixed the apparent error in the specs. It wouldn’t be Meh without a goof now and then.
@haydesigner @phendrick What do they use for batteries?
So maybe test one of them with a known good battery??? Yah know - all you need is batteries and you are good to go rather than these go straight into the dumpster… Just sayin’
@jmbunkin Four (4) LR41 batteries; And about 2-3 minutes to install them because it’s screwed together
@caffeineguy @jmbunkin I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to see what kind of batteries they actually took. If the batteries are dead, tell the prospective buyer what they will have to buy to make them work.
I can’t understand why anyone would spend $20 on these. Much less why anyone would ever buy anything just so they can be mean to kids. Ick.
@Pamela But doesn’t every kid need a key chain?
@Pamela maybe some people are far, far fidgetier than we thought possible, and they also have 39 like-minded friends? It’s a long shot, but that’s all I’ve got.
@Pamela @UncleVinny I have a fidget spinner bottle opener that at some point I must have paid money for. I always end up spinning it for while whenever I pick it up. It’s like buying spray paint, can you avoid shaking it when you pick it up (which must drive the store employees crazy)?
Give these out for Halloween
@Larry1977 that was my second thought. And I’m now genuinely considering it.
The only holdback right now is if they would arrive before Halloween.
@haydesigner @Larry1977 They should: arrive in time:
@haydesigner @Larry1977 But if they had dead batteries you might piss off every kid who comes to your door and pay the price later. Better hope toilet paper completely dissolves in the rain… well except for the big chunk of the country in month 3 or 4 of a drought.
If I fit all of them in my butt do I get a prize?
@chiefbugbung “The journey is its own reward”
@chiefbugbung Yeah!
A fun-filled trip to the ER!
@chiefbugbung @Kyeh
And giving @chienfou something else to look forward to for Halloween night.
@chiefbugbung @Kyeh @phendrick
And yes, HIPPA be damned… this will get discussed!
@chiefbugbung @chienfou @phendrick
I bet you could tell us some wild stories!
Another great way to reduce anxiety and stress is to not have a pile of 40 broken fidget toys in your house.
@awk And, Bonus!, not be agonizing over having ordered something this questionable before they don’t arrive.
I think I’ll just buy a bag of candy instead
@omally It has the bonus of having potentially edible leftovers.
No thanks! I still have an unacceptable number of dead fidget spinners from a few years ago. Never did find a use for them… much like everything else I buy here.
@warpedrotors I gave out fidget spinners the year they were being sold (tested them first and most of them the lights still worked so only handed out those) and the word screamed on the street was, “This house has fidget spinners!!!”. Actually my college students were pretty thrilled to get some in class too that year. That was 2017. Yours are now likely all with dead batteries. At least mine are spread between 80 or so houses and students with dead batteries and not all in mine.
@warpedrotors The fidget spinner collection still has a use - they typically have bearings in them that work extremely well for rodent running wheels. There’s nothing worse than a squeaky bearing on a rodent wheel going full speed at 2 am. So - replace every few months and you have a smooth running rat (or hedgehog or guinea pig or hamster or whatever).
@Kidsandliz Yeah, the shrieking from kids running away from our house “They’ve got fidget spinners! Fidget Spinners!” was pretty priceless. Took 3 years to unload the ~8 containers worth, but they had a great time.
@caffeineguy Well I had 4 classes of students I could unload them on too as “prizes” for in class activities. Amazing what students will work for like 5 extra credit points out of 1000 points in the class, fidget spinners, a get out of jail free card to be able to turn one assignment in 3 days late with no penalty…
I got rid of mine all in one year while most of the batteries were still good.
@chuegen @warpedrotors …Or oil/grease them occasionally- make sure it’s a non-toxic/food-safe variety- no telling what the critters will try to lick off.
Anyone know what kind of batteries they take?
@Mescolito Per caffeineguy:
By any chance do these use the batteries found in TrackRs?
@xobzoo you can save money,( and still disappoint the kiddos) by just giving out TrackRs for Halloween.
@lonocat @xobzoo “tonight on WBKST1, local man tracks young neighborhood kids with gps trackers hidden in Halloween candy arrested…”
@lonocat @xobzoo That’s beyond disappointment. And yet, delightfully evil. I love it!
Also congratulations on a potential future goat nomination.
@lonocat @narfcake @xobzoo Narfcake help us remember that nomination.
@xobzoo Sadly, no-- They take 4x LR41 batteries. Of course, the TrackR pixels all have dead batteries too so even if that was an option it’d be a bad one
@caffeineguy @xobzoo My last dozen TrackRs all arrived with at least minimally undead batteries; I was able to induce pairing on each of them. I wouldn’t have trusted them to still be working a month later, but DOA they weren’t … quite. (And a quick check shows that over a month later, they still aren’t dead yet, but they haven’t remained paired, either.)
@caffeineguy @werehatrack @xobzoo
… which, even with undead batteries, still defeats the entire purpose of the TrackR to begin with.
Since it’s now October, maybe they should push the “undead” aspect a bit more. Imagine if this site sold undead powerbanks, speakerdocks, and even undead candy corn!
If I needed something to put on a raft, set on fire and shove out to sea, this is the kind of thing I’d be looking for. I’d prefer to pay just a few modicums for it, though, not the highway robbery prices I see here.
What size battery?
How easy is it to replace them?
@troy Any chance of some illumination here?
@hamjudo 4x LR41, 4 screws, and a PITA battery ‘holder’ that you have to get the polarity correct
@caffeineguy @hamjudo And the best price I could find on eBay in a quick one-page scan was $18.95 for 200 exceptionally generic ones. That’s just under 40 cents per fidget to rebattery them (plus your time, a good bit of which would be expended rescuing the cells from their packaging.)
Worthwhile? Not to me. There’s a kitten to feed. Often. Right NAOW, even. (YMMV)
But are batteries ever truly alive?
@OnionSoup ? sentient ?
@PhysAssist would feel horrible about keeping batteries in the fridge if they’re sentient.
@OnionSoup @PhysAssist Why? They’d have their pick of the food to eat in the fridge. Calling @shahnm: Are batteries sentient. Enquiring minds want to know.
@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup @PhysAssist
They are if they’ve been properly and lovingly housed in the fridge. Otherwise, they’re dead - aka the opposite of alive. Q.E.D.
The fidget spinners were a hit at my house year after year! The ones that had dead batteries I fixed with new batteries from eBay in an assembly line while I watched TV. Take out the dead unit, open it, remove old battery, put in new one, close unit & put back into spinner.
At dusk or when it was dark, I turned it on & played with it. Every kid wanted one! BTW, the lights had 3 blink speed levels - slow, medium, & rapid blink. Depending on the blink rate you could get different patterns when you spin them - very cool!
Ran out a couple of years ago but still have kids asking if I had any more. If I could get more, I’d fix them & hand them out.
@mrbillmc I still have some, but I know that the batteries are dead, and since I no longer work in a place where I can bring them in for co-workers’ kidlets to have, I’m not yet motivated to put in new batteries.

Also, because we literally live in the woods, we get no trick or treaters…
/giphy dark scary forest
Seems to be 4x LR41- My 4 still had plastic wrapping on them, so I suspect the ‘dead’ ones just have plastic insulating them. There’s 4x tiny PH0 screws though, so they’re a pain to disassemble/replace; plus you have to get the polarity correct (red wire to the + terminal)
Also, if you have one that’s pretty dim, give it a squeeze to reseat the batteries, might save ‘em. I’d bite for $10, maybe $15, but $20 is steep for 2lbs of plastic e-waste for my neighbors’ kids to dispose of.
@caffeineguy Thanks for the picture. Any chance you can post the pic of the back side of the lid with ‘buttons’? Trying t decide if I can use it as a case for a project.
Fine-- I’ll take it apart again; And a protractor for some sort of scale… Sadly, not much room to work in there
Actually, the buttons are pretty cool… they’re all rubber though, don’t have conductive pads as they press down on the metal springs. One might be able to replace the back end with a custom PCB; but that seems like a lot of effort for the value of reusing meh junk.
And another tidbit of info- the large clicky ‘switch’ isn’t spring loaded. it’s got two little magnets that stick to the screws
@caffeineguy Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Sorry about making you work on a Sunday
@caffeineguy that’s pretty clever, but when did two magnet become cheaper than a spring?
@caffeineguy @ergomeh It’s cheaper because the engineering tolerances can be sloppy, the materials can be really cheap, and there’s no over-center clicky mechanism to wear out, break, and/or get jammed.
@ergomeh it’s probably some radioactive waste that happens to be magnetic; maybe they were paid to send it back to the states to interfere with our vaccines and 5G networks
@caffeineguy Not going to interfere here. I have a tinfoil hat so I am good to go. EDIT: Apparently there are directions on the internet in case you are interested.
/image very effective tinfoil hat

@caffeineguy @Kidsandliz
@caffeineguy @Kidsandliz @Kyeh

/image cat tinfoil
@caffeineguy PHO screws? Doesn’t sound very appetizing.
“Waiter, there’s a screw in my pho!”
@caffeineguy @qmirage Calling this junk is an insult to junk.
@caffeineguy @Kidsandliz Do tin foil hats protect against contrails?
What kind of batteries do the use? How many batteries per toy?
@arosemena ^^^ Look up ^^^^
It felt very important to hit the “Meh” button today.
@arysta A deal so meh, it’s bleh!
@806D2701 @arysta I’m so sad they sold 44 of these. I really wanted no one to buy this so they would stop foisting true crap on us. Semi-crap is more than enough.
C’mon meh; drop the price of these to $10 and we’ll bite. Or maybe give those of us that paid $1/ea in June a coupon code: DEADBATTERY to help you move them. These are neat, but not anywhere as cool as fidget spinners
Who the flying scheiße needs 40 of these?
Better yet why the putain did meh even bother buying these knowing nobody will want them in 12 hours only 36 people bought these that should tell you something.
If you’re curious what scheiße & putain mean Google III, had to choose alternative to avoid mod bots regarding “bad words”
@ThyProphet The mods are not bots. Ask carl669 about the enthusiasm we have for language moderation, if you really want to know.
@ThyProphet @werehatrack The awesome mod bot here has only one forbidden word.
@Kyeh @ThyProphet Hey now, that’s not true.
you’re an all-star
@ThyProphet @werehatrack
But that’s a positive response.
@Kyeh @ThyProphet In theory, they both are.
i don’t think i’ve ever seen a deal with more comments than sales
@omally I hope they got these for free …
Seriously no thank you! Let’s see if it gets to 50.
Cheap LR41 batteries? Do a search on Temu, found 100 for $4.50. So, do I spend $20 on PowerBall lottery tickets and most likely get nothing, or spend $20 on these?
@UncleMel or just save $20?