It also cracks me up every time I hear Cadillac using this song in their commercials, because if those execs ever heard even the first four bars they would likely shit. But I’ll be quiet and let RTJ and DJ Shadow make that money.
I actually made some of these out of scrap lumber and Velcro stapled to the bottom. They worked okay, way better than the bookends with Velcro glued to the bottom. The glue kept coming off of those, and heavy loads would bend the cheap metal. These would work great in my wife’s car, not so great in mine now that I’ve built a custom cargo organizer. I’ll think about this while I sleep, might buy a set in the morning.
@ardycake@mc2d2000 I recently bought several bottles of alcohol. By the time I got home, they were all toppled over and nowhere near where I originally put them. These would make that not happen.
How do I stow cargo? Let me count the ways
I stow in baskets, that hold together well
I stow on the liner, where they tip and spill
I stow with holders, the plastic and straps are tough
The cargo stays put, no matter the road how rough
They sell ones with velcro which might hold onto carpet. I can’t see anyway those “grippy teeth” would hold onto anything? I guess the description says it’s velcro but the image looks like spikes?
And on top of that I’m perfectly capable of loading the car up with tons of glass jars and eggs and bread and bags of chips along with 40 lbs buckets of kitty litter and not smashing anything. For 15 years. My car comes with brakes and a steering wheel.
@unksol I think it’s the combination of the grippy spikes and the weight of whatever is on the flat part. The mention of velcro is probably just the straps.
@Oneroundrobb they are two different products an meh is using images from both for one but not giving the real product number.
They have stayholds for liners. Mehs 4th picture is straight up the 3rd picture from their liner page on amazon for those. Needs spikes cause velcro won’t work.
@Oneroundrobb although on their box screen shot it does say “works on liners AND carpets” so maybe it bothers me more than it should. And they combined them.
@Oneroundrobb@unksol Looks like the most similar offer for a set specifically designed for carpet is on the manufacturer’s website. About $44 including shipping. Though the pack offers 2 medium and 2 small cargo holders. It did give me a pop-up offering an additional two mediums for another $15. So at that point, you’re about even with Amazon’s price with two more small holders. The 'zon is out of stock on the medium carpet holders though.
@Oneroundrobb@unksol I think I paid this amount for one pair of these and they work as has been outlined here: an item’s weight on the flat part pushes the spikes/teeth into the carpet, keeping the item from sliding.
Unfortunately, my current vehicle’s trunk has a WeatherTech cargo liner, so spikes/teeth don’t work as well on it, unless the item is pretty heavy.
The best version of these I had was these which jigsaw-puzzle-fit into the grooves in my truck’s bed liner and would keep stuff like propane tanks and roll roofing from rolling around in the truck bed. Looks like they’re discontinued.
Short version is that I keep a pair of these cargo holders in my car’s trunk, but don’t use them much (and never use the wine-bottle velcro strap).
Years ago, I bought a couple of these from Aldi for $5 and I use it often for hauling “dirty” stuff in the trunk like bags of mulch or potting soil. I should have bought more since they seem a little hard to come by (at least as cheap).
“But wait… there’s more!”
How many times are you out with the family and somebody forgot the trailer chucks?, “Uh-oh dad!” Don’t worry, Mom’s got things under control with her trusty cargo holding trunk bookends! Headed out on the lake and forget your weight? These cargo holders can also be used as boat anchors!
@brennyn If you regularly get home and your groceries haven’t shifted then you likely pissed off the 20 people behind you that had to deal with every 5 mph corner you made along the way.
@brennyn I have teenage boys who eat like they were starved. When I go shopping, I put the rear seats down in my minivan and fill up the back with groceries. There is nothing stopping them from shifting, no matter how careful I drive.
Different people have different experiences and that’s okay. That doesn’t make anyone an asshole.
@brennyn@tweezak maybe all the corners are at the one stop sign They certainly don’t slide around on those fun curves with the silly yellow warning signs
@brennyn@SnDMommy while some of that may be true I don’t think the route home from the grocery store is a significant contributing factor to assholism.
Same as how some people in the grocery store are assholes. But the grocery store is not the cause. They just are. Not wearing masks. Blocking whole aisles. Paying no attention to others. Etc etc.
My new car came with blocks similar to this. I use them constantly to keep all of my junk from mixing up. I’m in for a set. To buy from dealership I’d have to give up my kidneys!
@DomoPants I don’t think so, though I’ve never owned these or a truck. The gripper spikes on the bottom need some kid of fabric / carpet to grip into with the weight of whatever you put on them forcing the spikes down to hold. They wont work on a hard surface like a truck bed unless you have some kind of carpet spot to grab on to with either the spikes or velcro.
@cinoclav Our MINI came with a soft version of something similar. It fit exactly in the space behind the back seat. When open, it has a few dividers that can be flipped up to form compartments or can be one large “box”.
I actually backed these on Kickstarter back in 2017. At the time, I paid €27 for one set, including shipping from Ireland - that’s just over $32 according to a handy-dandy historic currency conversion website.
In addition to my day job, I am an Uber driver. I use these in the cargo area of my vehicle (a smallish SUV/wagon type vehicle often depicted as being driven by hamsters) and they are pretty great for things like keeping stuff from sliding around, holding pizza boxes and drink carriers in place (when I’m doing UberEats), and similar applications. My passengers have also used these to keep their empty coolers and half-full wine and liquor bottles from sliding around during the ride. I don’t need them often, but when I do need them, they’re great to have.
However, as someone else indicated earlier, it is helpful if you can actually see the bottom of your trunk/cargo area.
My cars have not broken. 1999 yet. My saturn has a bad rod bearing after 240k miles and still fun to drive yesterday(manual)… I went and bought a 97 expedition for $400 a couple years ago.
Our '08 VW Jetta came with a grocery hook; It was so useful, I bought 2 more VW ones. The '15 Passat came with velcro brackets like these. The velcro destroys the carpet trunk liner. If you installed them and never needed to move them, then they’d be fine, but inevitably you have to put a suitcase or box in and move the things, tearing up a little more of the carpet
@caffeineguy these don’t seem to have velcro though? It looks like spikes, which may do more damage or not. Either way, I have carpet mats in my trunk. So worst thing is I get new mats if I can’t stand it fuzzed up, which I don’t see myself being worried with. Also, I’m not purchasing these.
I bought some of these from Stayhold years and years ago and they’re actually pretty great. I originally used them in the trunk of my car. Anytime I had something like a cardboard box back there, crap would slide around. These things actually work pretty well, keep it all in place.
I ended up buying a bunch as gifts one year for family and friends and they’ve asked me about getting more–so I guess (to shill some more) they’re actually pretty decent and well liked in my circles.
don’t need so many and nowhere to store the ones i don’t, so for $30 that’s a no from me. still, something like this might be nice. not worried about any groceries - i use a cooler bag, a couple of totes, and a giant ikea bag and they travel in the cabin with me and stay put.
but i do have other stuff in the trunk that does slide around. lightweight gift bags that never made it to their recipients before the pandemic hit, and paper bags of clothes to donate, for two examples. a lot of factors go into stuff sliding around. whether your trunk is carpeted, whether there’s room in it for things to move around, what kind of car you drive, how you drive, where you drive…here in boston i drive a couple regular routes that involve u-turns or clover loops, so yeah stuff back there is gonna move even though i drive safely. i also no longer have my toyota camry and instead have a ford focus, which is like driving a tin can by comparison. not to mention the actual roads which suck, surface-wise, esp as we ease out of winter. add in emergency vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, aggressive drivers and yep, sometimes you do have to turn or swerve suddenly or stop shorter than you’d like.
a few days ago i was making my regular u-turn to return home from getting coffee and bagels on a green left arrow, and a car came from hundreds of yards away speeding straight and never intended on stopping at the red light. it was wild, even for boston. if i had been taking the left to go straight across instead of making a tight u-turn, i honestly don’t think i’d be here typing this. but thankfully i was turning into the left lane and he was barreling down the right lane. probably prevented him from killing the person behind me, too, just by chance as there’s so many potholes you have to turn pretty slowly so anyone taking a regular left has to wait a beat more. as my dad says, sometimes you get lucky.
also, seems some people don’t understand the spikes - must never have had a desk chair mat on carpet, or been to their gramma’s house with the plastic runner down every hallway that never budged
Meh. I’ll keep using the trunk organizer I have. SUV came with a cargo liner, and built in Drings for bungee cords. Between the liner, bungee cords, and the trunk organizer, which has a removable zip-closed
insulated tote, I’m good.
Sidekick Cargo Holders
Quick Straps
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$5.99 at Amazon for 4 Straps + $51.98 at Amazon for 4 Medium Stayholds
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Aug 4 - Monday, Aug 8
This would only be useful if I could find the floor of my trunk.
How do the quick straps work on their own?
/giphy quick straps

@stinks Looks like a true satchel of Richards.
@stinks great video!
/youtube nobody speak
It also cracks me up every time I hear Cadillac using this song in their commercials, because if those execs ever heard even the first four bars they would likely shit. But I’ll be quiet and let RTJ and DJ Shadow make that money.
@djslack @stinks Since they are using the instrumental version of the song would Mike or Jaime get any royalties or would it all go to Josh?
@yakkoTDI I thought about that as I was writing my post, but I know the song from RTJ so I’m hoping they get a taste of it.
I actually made some of these out of scrap lumber and Velcro stapled to the bottom. They worked okay, way better than the bookends with Velcro glued to the bottom. The glue kept coming off of those, and heavy loads would bend the cheap metal. These would work great in my wife’s car, not so great in mine now that I’ve built a custom cargo organizer. I’ll think about this while I sleep, might buy a set in the morning.
@fuzzmanmatt If you’re in the Dallas area, I’ll split an order with you. Two each, split the cost.
@fuzzmanmatt We definitely need pics of the ones you made.
So they’re like bookends for your trunk?
@mc2d2000 I’m glad im not the only one. I have no clue what this product is.
@ardycake @mc2d2000 I recently bought several bottles of alcohol. By the time I got home, they were all toppled over and nowhere near where I originally put them. These would make that not happen.
@ardycake @mc2d2000 @warpedrotors so… You prefer yours stirred not shaken?
@mc2d2000 If it’s not a horsehead bookend, I’m not interested.

How do I stow cargo? Let me count the ways
I stow in baskets, that hold together well
I stow on the liner, where they tip and spill
I stow with holders, the plastic and straps are tough
The cargo stays put, no matter the road how rough
They sell ones with velcro which might hold onto carpet. I can’t see anyway those “grippy teeth” would hold onto anything? I guess the description says it’s velcro but the image looks like spikes?
And on top of that I’m perfectly capable of loading the car up with tons of glass jars and eggs and bread and bags of chips along with 40 lbs buckets of kitty litter and not smashing anything. For 15 years. My car comes with brakes and a steering wheel.
@unksol I think it’s the combination of the grippy spikes and the weight of whatever is on the flat part. The mention of velcro is probably just the straps.
@unksol I used to have something just like this and the teeth really held well on my carpeted trunk. I would expect these to be about the same.
@Oneroundrobb they are two different products an meh is using images from both for one but not giving the real product number.
They have stayholds for liners. Mehs 4th picture is straight up the 3rd picture from their liner page on amazon for those. Needs spikes cause velcro won’t work.
And they have stayhold for carpet. Which is again mehs first picture and amazon’s first picture.
Works on carpet but useless on liners.
I wouldn’t bother with either cause I can drive/not swerve. But who knows what they are selling.
@Oneroundrobb although on their box screen shot it does say “works on liners AND carpets” so maybe it bothers me more than it should. And they combined them.
@unksol the sixth picture is a completely different model as well.
@Oneroundrobb @unksol Looks like the most similar offer for a set specifically designed for carpet is on the manufacturer’s website. About $44 including shipping. Though the pack offers 2 medium and 2 small cargo holders. It did give me a pop-up offering an additional two mediums for another $15. So at that point, you’re about even with Amazon’s price with two more small holders. The 'zon is out of stock on the medium carpet holders though.
@Oneroundrobb @unksol I think I paid this amount for one pair of these and they work as has been outlined here: an item’s weight on the flat part pushes the spikes/teeth into the carpet, keeping the item from sliding.
Unfortunately, my current vehicle’s trunk has a WeatherTech cargo liner, so spikes/teeth don’t work as well on it, unless the item is pretty heavy.
The best version of these I had was these which jigsaw-puzzle-fit into the grooves in my truck’s bed liner and would keep stuff like propane tanks and roll roofing from rolling around in the truck bed. Looks like they’re discontinued.
Short version is that I keep a pair of these cargo holders in my car’s trunk, but don’t use them much (and never use the wine-bottle velcro strap).
@andymand @Oneroundrobb idk. I just stacked bags of groceries in the back seat of the saturn and never had an issue.
I chucked one of these in the back of the expedition as a “liner” with the seats down. More for hauling other things.
Nothing ever seems to move much/put your fragile stuff in a safe place. But whatever floats people’s boats.
@unksol I like that liner!
Years ago, I bought a couple of these from Aldi for $5 and I use it often for hauling “dirty” stuff in the trunk like bags of mulch or potting soil. I should have bought more since they seem a little hard to come by (at least as cheap).
“But wait… there’s more!”
How many times are you out with the family and somebody forgot the trailer chucks?, “Uh-oh dad!” Don’t worry, Mom’s got things under control with her trusty cargo holding trunk bookends! Headed out on the lake and forget your weight? These cargo holders can also be used as boat anchors!
I’m not even close to being blackout drunk yet, and I still can’t figure out how this will improve my life.
I’d rather have a mophie power bank
/giphy Counter offer. 2 for $9.

@Oneroundrobb I… Uh… You OK there, giphy?
Where’s the joke image? The last pic looks normal to me. Am I being blind? Won’t be able to sleep until I know for sure what’s going on.
@squishybrain Glen is smashed underneath the orange box.
@squishybrain The product is the joke?
So with 4 of these you can make one milk crate ?
If your groceries need special restraints to survive the ride home, you probably drive like an asshole.
@brennyn If you regularly get home and your groceries haven’t shifted then you likely pissed off the 20 people behind you that had to deal with every 5 mph corner you made along the way.
@brennyn I have teenage boys who eat like they were starved. When I go shopping, I put the rear seats down in my minivan and fill up the back with groceries. There is nothing stopping them from shifting, no matter how careful I drive.
Different people have different experiences and that’s okay. That doesn’t make anyone an asshole.
@brennyn @tweezak maybe all the corners are at the one stop sign They certainly don’t slide around on those fun curves with the silly yellow warning signs
@SnDMommy Different people having different life experiences is exactly why only some people turn out to be assholes, though.
@brennyn @SnDMommy while some of that may be true I don’t think the route home from the grocery store is a significant contributing factor to assholism.
Same as how some people in the grocery store are assholes. But the grocery store is not the cause. They just are. Not wearing masks. Blocking whole aisles. Paying no attention to others. Etc etc.
@brennyn @unksol Maybe I should have rephrased my last sentence - ‘Just because my groceries shift in my van doesn’t mean I drive like an asshole.’
I certainly wasn’t saying that people in general aren’t assholes. Obviously, that’s not true.
@brennyn @SnDMommy
Just enjoying the juxtaposition.
We start with if your stuff is rolling around you probably drive like an asshole.
Well my experience driving my vehicle on my road is different than yours. Valid.
Then well don’t experiences turn people into assholes? Lol. Sometimes also true. Nurture vs nature but also sometimes just a shitty day
@brennyn Yeah? See how far you get without an asshole. Just sayin’
@brennyn @macromeh I’ve done a thousand miles so that’s not bad asshole wise
My new car came with blocks similar to this. I use them constantly to keep all of my junk from mixing up. I’m in for a set. To buy from dealership I’d have to give up my kidneys!
@AuntMean67 Never agree to both Kidneys. Learn the art of negotiation before it’s too late!
Anyone think these will work in a truck bed? Little hard to sort out how these things work.
@DomoPants I don’t think so, though I’ve never owned these or a truck. The gripper spikes on the bottom need some kid of fabric / carpet to grip into with the weight of whatever you put on them forcing the spikes down to hold. They wont work on a hard surface like a truck bed unless you have some kind of carpet spot to grab on to with either the spikes or velcro.
@DomoPants Depends on what kind of mattress you have back there.
Meh, I’ve had this problem just often enough that it might be worth $25 to solve it.

/giphy wheat-dynamic-celery
No thanks. I use collapsible crates. Stack them when you don’t need them, open and fill them when you do.
@cinoclav - That’s actually a great idea: Maybe the next generation will be collapsible.
@cinoclav Our MINI came with a soft version of something similar. It fit exactly in the space behind the back seat. When open, it has a few dividers that can be flipped up to form compartments or can be one large “box”.
“slam on the breaks”?
@larrybard you know. Like in a meeting. “All right time to slam on the breaks. I need to go upstairs and get more coffee”
@larrybard @unksol Or maybe slam on the brakes to take a break?
@larrybard @macromeh giving the meh writer a chance to cover their ass. I hate when I spell brakes breaks in particular for some reason
I actually backed these on Kickstarter back in 2017. At the time, I paid €27 for one set, including shipping from Ireland - that’s just over $32 according to a handy-dandy historic currency conversion website.
In addition to my day job, I am an Uber driver. I use these in the cargo area of my vehicle (a smallish SUV/wagon type vehicle often depicted as being driven by hamsters) and they are pretty great for things like keeping stuff from sliding around, holding pizza boxes and drink carriers in place (when I’m doing UberEats), and similar applications. My passengers have also used these to keep their empty coolers and half-full wine and liquor bottles from sliding around during the ride. I don’t need them often, but when I do need them, they’re great to have.
However, as someone else indicated earlier, it is helpful if you can actually see the bottom of your trunk/cargo area.
@bobell I did enjoy those hamsters
@bobell @unksol that hamster driven vehicle pissed off a large swath of internet a couple of weeks ago
@bobell @unksol Adolescent Radioactive Black-Belt Hamsters: Heroes in a Habitrail.
@bobell @ticklescratch I said I liked the hamsters. I did not say I liked the car.
My cars have not broken. 1999 yet. My saturn has a bad rod bearing after 240k miles and still fun to drive yesterday(manual)… I went and bought a 97 expedition for $400 a couple years ago.
What is this new/broke car you speake of
Our '08 VW Jetta came with a grocery hook; It was so useful, I bought 2 more VW ones. The '15 Passat came with velcro brackets like these. The velcro destroys the carpet trunk liner. If you installed them and never needed to move them, then they’d be fine, but inevitably you have to put a suitcase or box in and move the things, tearing up a little more of the carpet
@caffeineguy these don’t seem to have velcro though? It looks like spikes, which may do more damage or not. Either way, I have carpet mats in my trunk. So worst thing is I get new mats if I can’t stand it fuzzed up, which I don’t see myself being worried with. Also, I’m not purchasing these.
I bought some of these from Stayhold years and years ago and they’re actually pretty great. I originally used them in the trunk of my car. Anytime I had something like a cardboard box back there, crap would slide around. These things actually work pretty well, keep it all in place.
I ended up buying a bunch as gifts one year for family and friends and they’ve asked me about getting more–so I guess (to shill some more) they’re actually pretty decent and well liked in my circles.
don’t need so many and nowhere to store the ones i don’t, so for $30 that’s a no from me. still, something like this might be nice. not worried about any groceries - i use a cooler bag, a couple of totes, and a giant ikea bag and they travel in the cabin with me and stay put.
but i do have other stuff in the trunk that does slide around. lightweight gift bags that never made it to their recipients before the pandemic hit, and paper bags of clothes to donate, for two examples. a lot of factors go into stuff sliding around. whether your trunk is carpeted, whether there’s room in it for things to move around, what kind of car you drive, how you drive, where you drive…here in boston i drive a couple regular routes that involve u-turns or clover loops, so yeah stuff back there is gonna move even though i drive safely. i also no longer have my toyota camry and instead have a ford focus, which is like driving a tin can by comparison. not to mention the actual roads which suck, surface-wise, esp as we ease out of winter. add in emergency vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, aggressive drivers and yep, sometimes you do have to turn or swerve suddenly or stop shorter than you’d like.
a few days ago i was making my regular u-turn to return home from getting coffee and bagels on a green left arrow, and a car came from hundreds of yards away speeding straight and never intended on stopping at the red light. it was wild, even for boston. if i had been taking the left to go straight across instead of making a tight u-turn, i honestly don’t think i’d be here typing this. but thankfully i was turning into the left lane and he was barreling down the right lane. probably prevented him from killing the person behind me, too, just by chance as there’s so many potholes you have to turn pretty slowly so anyone taking a regular left has to wait a beat more. as my dad says, sometimes you get lucky.
also, seems some people don’t understand the spikes - must never have had a desk chair mat on carpet, or been to their gramma’s house with the plastic runner down every hallway that never budged
@jerk_nugget whooo, that sounds scary indeed! Glad you got lucky and are here to tell the tale.
@RoughDreamer thank you kindly!
I want to want these. But I can’t do it.
Meh. I’ll keep using the trunk organizer I have. SUV came with a cargo liner, and built in Drings for bungee cords. Between the liner, bungee cords, and the trunk organizer, which has a removable zip-closed
insulated tote, I’m good.
Does it ship with the wine that is shown?..
Asking for a wino friend
oh oh oh! Maybe I can get the milk crates back from the girlfriend’s trunk!
/giphy glossy-brown-puma

@giphy you’re sucking badly for this one: after ten edits still no big cat! At least this one doesn’t have a hot guy in puma branded sportswear…
@baqui63 I found one for you!