@DoctorOW@XLVMVP12 There’s a Meh history of this stuff filled with lack of padding, stinky mailboxes, and undeliverable packages. Probably also angry mail deliverers. Plus it also works really well.
I’m at the age when carrying a little bottle of this everywhere I “go” is a good idea. And my order number is so appropriate!
/giphy slushy-crackling-gravy
So, $5 p/oz from Amazon, $2.25 p/oz from meh, to carry around a little bottle to cover up your fart and shit smells. Mine don’t stink, and it’s clean as a whistle. If, on occasion, there is a smell, it’s not unpleasing. It’s delightfully naughty, and dissipates quickly, leaving a odd yearning for another whiff. Therefore, instead of Pooh scent cover, Au-Naturelle Is the sought after scent of the day. Perhaps you had rather have the all - nuuresds
i got this before on qvc with gift boxes not bags, i think it was 5/25. i was disappointed they didn’t have the good price this year on their set, the i saw Mehs deal. i’m on my last spray of my last bottle so i’m glad it is arriving soon. love all the holiday scents some smell like fruit loops my fav is the red n green one (second from right)
Eye do not need this stuff. Is not the thought process, one passes gas, uses the restroom and hopes to be alone for a while. In some bathrooms that is the only time one comes up with such brilliant thoughts. Hey why not make a spray to mask or eliminate the smell. Whats next the taste buds? Eye can not smell it but hey that taste like pot roast.
@tweezak finally! Got it today. Better late than never, and it was still a humorous gift. Shipping took 24 days. Just a hair over three weeks shipping isn’t unheard of in our neck of the woods.
Mine has been on quite the travel adventure for the last 2 weeks. I got excited to see it had arrived in my town a week ago only to have it leave again without so much as a wave! It appears it is now making its rounds in Cleveland. I hope it’s enjoying itself…me, kinda meh.
Mine is still Inducted into Pitney Bowes too. Looks like buying this for stocking stuffers 21 days before Christmas wasn’t enough lead time. Disappointed with Meh.
Mine is vacationing in Sparks Nevada. It must be a nice place. I checked the weather there and there’s no snow but it’s a small town so it must have needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas cheer. I needed it to arrive last Thursday.
Shipping is less than “meh” @ Meh. I live in Troy, Illinois. Label created 12/5 and a week later the order traveled from Texas to Indiana to Missouri, to Illinois, back to Indiana, back to Texas, back to Indiana on 12/14…and has sat there for the last five days. Tracking died for lack of interest I guess. I am “meh” about Meh!!!
I love to comment but I ordered this for a gift on DECEMBER 4TH and it still isn’t here. I contacted meh.com and was told something about their shipper having issues. Well then get another shipper or ship it to me another way. Today is the 23rd so it’s not going to make it. Nice work meh
I can see why @Meh sells this stuff. Their shipping is absolute shit. Ordered Dec 5th. They had 1 job. To get the package from TX to AZ. It’s still sitting in CA on Christmas eve. I could have drove to pick it up a lot faster! I want my money back. If it ever gets here I’ll have to ship it to my son because he will have already left to go back home. Not such a great deal after all.
I’m very sorry about the shipping delays. The problem seems to be affecting all carriers, nationwide this holiday season. Unfortunately our shipping partners weren’t exempt from the overwhelming number of deliveries this year as we’re not their only customer. Please know that they’re working to get every order delivered but there will likely be a bit more lag before this reaches you but that does not mean the orders aren’t on the way.
I mailed a Woot exchange box USPS 2-day priority on December 14 and it hasn’t even checked in at a hub.
And my mother will be receiving a very stale box of cookies at some point in the future, mailed on December 18. The cookies I shipped at the same time to the other side of the country arrived on the 21st.
Thanks Meh! Ordered on Dec 5th. Here it is Christmas Eve and no Poo-Pourri! Do you know what it smells like here??? I’m gonna die if it doesn’t get here soon. She’s killin’ me.
Yes, I agree. I ordered on 12/5. Took Meh exactly one week to ship. Then it sat there logged in at a Pitney Bowes facility for another 6 days. It made it from Texas to Georgia in 18 days … GOOD GRIEF!! Absolutely ridiculous. Now, it has sat in Georgia since 12/23 at the Pitney Bowes facility. Is this facility specific to Meh? It is now 12/27 and it is still sitting in Georgia. NEVER AGAIN. I want my money returned ($36). You can tell the facility to send it back to you!!
It’s not specific to Meh. Most shippers are having some kind of delay. It’s the shipping company that controls how fast it gets to you after it leaves meh.
@Spikerusty3056 ah it all makes sense now. Pitney Bowes is the worst shipping partner on the face of this earth. Sorry but if you want something to arrive in this century DONT use a company that goes through Pitney Bowes.
got my shit spray, I use it all year round and had just run out of my old 5 pack, not a gift so it’s all good.
@ophidance@Spikerusty3056 USPS is sitting on a package I shipped 2 day priority on the 14th. If the return address doesn’t say Amazon you’re out of luck.
I order on Dec 4th and still havnt received. It has said shipped and has been going to be delivered for days - scan website?? Has anyone ever actually gotten an order from here. No stocking stuffers here either
My order goes ALL the way back to EARLY December. It took Meh a WEEK just to get it out of the door! If Meh was aware of shipping issues, why did they still market a product which would NOT arrive. The articles Meh suggests reading indicate shipping has been an issue since last spring, so either do some reading yourself, Meh, or change your sketchy marketing plan. Still waiting for confirmation of my refund…thanks???
I have had problems as well with this product, but mostly with the Shipper. I ordered 2. 1 for Texas, one for NC. 12/5/2020. I received Texas package, finally. The NC pkg has been sitting in Raleigh, NC since 12/23/20. Pitney Bowes is really a Bad Shipping company in my past experience…Meh has had to refund money to me. Then, out of the blue, the product will arrive. I understand 2020 has put a dent in shipping reality, but this is really ridiculous.
Ordered on Dec 5th. Still don’t have. Shipping methods need to improve. Stop blaming the carriers! I received all UPS and FedEx packages on time! STOP using USPS! No cheaper, far less service and terrible tracking! I’d ask for a refund, but that won’t happen either! Won’t be doing business with Meh again. Perfect business name that reflect their service!
@tfrank24 I don’t think USPS is the problem. Meh passes it to Pitney Bowes who is supposed to get it to USPS. Pitney Bowes seems to be the bottleneck. Or black hole…
Seems to be a common theme, meh your shipping sucks! Order this on 12/4/2020 and almost a month later it is not here? Was supposed to be stocking stuffers.
Looks like you may be losing another long term customer because of shipping delays.
Was mine late? Yes. But got it on the 26th. While shipping delays suck, Other then Meh using Pitney Bowes, you can’t really blame them. I’ve got other packages that shipped Priority Mail and regular USPS mail that are sitting in the black hole at the USPS in Maryland. Even one that was Priority that took 6 days to go 15 miles. And it still has another 80 miles to go.
I ordered this on Dec. 4 and now it is Jan. 4. still no delivery. I realized there is a pandemic but nothing and I mean nothing has taken a month to be delivered. I have ordered from this site several times and this is the first time anything has taken so long to be delivered. Not sure if it is the product or site, but his is crazy!
Glad to know I am not the only one that had the same exact issue. We held up packages we were shipping to our families waiting until the very last moment to include this “gag” gift. Ordered on the 6th of December and arrived 1/7/21. Would refuse but don’t want to torture myself waiting for a refund. Meh was the only company that disappointed this holiday season and all had the same delivery channels available. Good bye, Meh…I will stick with companies that actually care about their customers.
Mine has been over a month since I ordered- and it’s been sitting in Indiana for an entire week. While this was not intended to be a gift, it’s still very irritating to the customer that they clearly weren’t taught timeliness not find it important
Like everyone, ordered 12/4. On 12/12 it looks like Pitney Bowes received it in TX. It sat for 4 days, then spent 3 days traveling to Indiana. (Because why not ship it 900 miles in the wrong direction.) It arrived there 12/19, hasn’t budged since.
Meh refunded me without hassle. So far Meh has a 60% completion rate on my orders from them.
What’s in the Box?
4x Poo-Pourri 2oz Holiday Scents with Gift Bags
Price Comparison
$39.80 (For Similar) at Amazon for 4-Pack
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Dec 17 - Tuesday, Dec 22
This stuff is the shit!
What a great Xmas gift!
I really like the lavender vanilla.
Is this a high demand item? I know Meh has some weird items but this seems rather niche
@DoctorOW In Meh-rathons they typically sell out quickly, before the next deal is posted.
@DoctorOW @XLVMVP12 There’s a Meh history of this stuff filled with lack of padding, stinky mailboxes, and undeliverable packages. Probably also angry mail deliverers. Plus it also works really well.
anybody else get the feeling they’re trying to tell us something?
I’m in

/giphy delicious ancient tinsel
I’m at the age when carrying a little bottle of this everywhere I “go” is a good idea. And my order number is so appropriate!

/giphy slushy-crackling-gravy
@ThunderChicken You should see what the poinsettias do when I don’t use this stuff.

/giphy scrumptious-shivering-poinsettia
@ThunderChicken @outbackJon these GIFs seem just too perfect for giphy to pull out of its ass
@OutbackJon @ThunderChicken
This one is meh…

/giphy warm-cherished-mouse
Warning: if you only poo once every three days like I do, this product doesn’t help anything.
@brennyn Warning: if you only poo once every three days like you do, a doctor is what you need.
Nothing says Merry Christmas more than “yours stinks”!
Deck the halls with bowls of spritzes…
/giphy blinking-spirited-trimming

The stuff might help if you have an older toilet but newer low flow ones in my house have a very small amount of water in the bowl.
So, $5 p/oz from Amazon, $2.25 p/oz from meh, to carry around a little bottle to cover up your fart and shit smells. Mine don’t stink, and it’s clean as a whistle. If, on occasion, there is a smell, it’s not unpleasing. It’s delightfully naughty, and dissipates quickly, leaving a odd yearning for another whiff. Therefore, instead of Pooh scent cover, Au-Naturelle Is the sought after scent of the day. Perhaps you had rather have the all - nuuresds
@MarkML Yeah, you just keep thinking that… you might get a Poo-pourri surprise in your Christmas stocking!
@spiralingside It worked! Your order number is: dear-toasty-love
/image dear toasty love

I must say that I’m actually sorry I read this thread this morning. I’ve got to unremember some of these comments.
USB C compatible?!
@phelmurh Isn’t everything?
why not…

/giphy slushy-festive-nutcracker
I just bought. I think that means I’m full of something…
So Meh seems to have at least a passing fascination with pooper-related shit. How did this product escape the Meh purchasing department?
What the what?? What is a “rancid poo-taker”?
I’m in it for the giphy

/giphy flickering-tiny-wassail
Holy shit! It just hit me!! Not the brightest bulb on the tree, sayin.
@sublimosa It worked! Your order number is: glowing-garish-sniffle
/image glowing garish sniffle

Tooty Giuliani swears by this stuff
@TBoneZeOriginal It worked! Your order number is: amazing-beloved-toy
/image amazing beloved toy

I like this site, thank you I will be anxiously awaiting my purchase I will follow up after I receive it.
So happy to have found my way to the site.
ok getting poo pourri
It’s just not Christmas without some Poo-pourri in the stockings.
I just liked my order id, hope I like this stuff and it’s not meh.
/image peppermint resplendent happiness

i got this before on qvc with gift boxes not bags, i think it was 5/25. i was disappointed they didn’t have the good price this year on their set, the i saw Mehs deal. i’m on my last spray of my last bottle so i’m glad it is arriving soon. love all the holiday scents some smell like fruit loops my fav is the red n green one (second from right)
Does this go well with the fake sugar stroopwafels?
Eye do not need this stuff. Is not the thought process, one passes gas, uses the restroom and hopes to be alone for a while. In some bathrooms that is the only time one comes up with such brilliant thoughts. Hey why not make a spray to mask or eliminate the smell. Whats next the taste buds? Eye can not smell it but hey that taste like pot roast.
Was so pissed when I saw I missed this yesterday. And then danced a little dance when I was able to get it 2nd day! My gift shopping is complete
/giphy cheesy-candlelit-dressing

It’s now Dec. 12 and this is still processing. Anyone else running into this?
@tweezak I am.
@tweezak yup, and I really need to go.
@tweezak Yup. Mine just shipped today. We’ll see how long it takes to travel 2000 miles.
@trbishop4so5 @tweezak @dwana442
December 12, 2020 3:52pm ET
Dec 12 2020
Inducted into Pitney Bowes Network
Grapevine, TX
Talk about good news and bad news!
@tweezak yes shipping it terrible … may never order from them again.
@tweezak finally! Got it today. Better late than never, and it was still a humorous gift. Shipping took 24 days. Just a hair over three weeks shipping isn’t unheard of in our neck of the woods.
I still haven’t received mine and literally live like 10 miles away! 2st time this has happened to me on here
Mine has been on quite the travel adventure for the last 2 weeks. I got excited to see it had arrived in my town a week ago only to have it leave again without so much as a wave! It appears it is now making its rounds in Cleveland. I hope it’s enjoying itself…me, kinda meh.
Mine is still Inducted into Pitney Bowes too. Looks like buying this for stocking stuffers 21 days before Christmas wasn’t enough lead time. Disappointed with Meh.
Mine is vacationing in Sparks Nevada. It must be a nice place. I checked the weather there and there’s no snow but it’s a small town so it must have needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas cheer. I needed it to arrive last Thursday.
Shipping is less than “meh” @ Meh. I live in Troy, Illinois. Label created 12/5 and a week later the order traveled from Texas to Indiana to Missouri, to Illinois, back to Indiana, back to Texas, back to Indiana on 12/14…and has sat there for the last five days. Tracking died for lack of interest I guess. I am “meh” about Meh!!!
Mine has been sitting at the Pitney Bowes Eventual Fulfillment Center for a week now. If I order more stuff, will that flush the pipes?
Yup mine has been sitting in IN since the 14th. Hmmm? No stocking stuffers here. Bummer.
Shipped on 12/12 and still not here. Not impressed with my first purchase here.
I love to comment but I ordered this for a gift on DECEMBER 4TH and it still isn’t here. I contacted meh.com and was told something about their shipper having issues. Well then get another shipper or ship it to me another way. Today is the 23rd so it’s not going to make it. Nice work meh
I feel scammed. Especially with no replies from anyone at Meh. I’m cutting my losses at this point and will not do business with Meh in the future.
@jenmarz have your checked meh.com/support/tickets to make sure your didn’t miss any replies?
I can see why @Meh sells this stuff. Their shipping is absolute shit. Ordered Dec 5th. They had 1 job. To get the package from TX to AZ. It’s still sitting in CA on Christmas eve. I could have drove to pick it up a lot faster! I want my money back. If it ever gets here I’ll have to ship it to my son because he will have already left to go back home. Not such a great deal after all.
Hey guys,
I’m very sorry about the shipping delays. The problem seems to be affecting all carriers, nationwide this holiday season. Unfortunately our shipping partners weren’t exempt from the overwhelming number of deliveries this year as we’re not their only customer. Please know that they’re working to get every order delivered but there will likely be a bit more lag before this reaches you but that does not mean the orders aren’t on the way.
With any luck, your poo will smell better soon.
Interesting read if you haven’t been keeping up with the shipping delays:
I mailed a Woot exchange box USPS 2-day priority on December 14 and it hasn’t even checked in at a hub.
And my mother will be receiving a very stale box of cookies at some point in the future, mailed on December 18. The cookies I shipped at the same time to the other side of the country arrived on the 21st.
Total crapshoot.
Thanks Meh! Ordered on Dec 5th. Here it is Christmas Eve and no Poo-Pourri! Do you know what it smells like here??? I’m gonna die if it doesn’t get here soon. She’s killin’ me.
Yes, I agree. I ordered on 12/5. Took Meh exactly one week to ship. Then it sat there logged in at a Pitney Bowes facility for another 6 days. It made it from Texas to Georgia in 18 days … GOOD GRIEF!! Absolutely ridiculous. Now, it has sat in Georgia since 12/23 at the Pitney Bowes facility. Is this facility specific to Meh? It is now 12/27 and it is still sitting in Georgia. NEVER AGAIN. I want my money returned ($36). You can tell the facility to send it back to you!!
@Spikerusty3056 meh.com/support
It’s not specific to Meh. Most shippers are having some kind of delay. It’s the shipping company that controls how fast it gets to you after it leaves meh.
@Spikerusty3056 ah it all makes sense now. Pitney Bowes is the worst shipping partner on the face of this earth. Sorry but if you want something to arrive in this century DONT use a company that goes through Pitney Bowes.
got my shit spray, I use it all year round and had just run out of my old 5 pack, not a gift so it’s all good.
@ophidance @Spikerusty3056 USPS is sitting on a package I shipped 2 day priority on the 14th. If the return address doesn’t say Amazon you’re out of luck.
I order on Dec 4th and still havnt received. It has said shipped and has been going to be delivered for days - scan website??
Has anyone ever actually gotten an order from here. No stocking stuffers here either
@wrobinson862 Meh is for reals. I’ve personally done 197 orders here since July 2014.
Alas, every logistics company has seen delays this season. One of my orders from another site hasn’t moved from Maryland since the 14th.
If you want to inquire more about your order, contact support at meh.com/support.
My order goes ALL the way back to EARLY December. It took Meh a WEEK just to get it out of the door! If Meh was aware of shipping issues, why did they still market a product which would NOT arrive. The articles Meh suggests reading indicate shipping has been an issue since last spring, so either do some reading yourself, Meh, or change your sketchy marketing plan. Still waiting for confirmation of my refund…thanks???
I have had problems as well with this product, but mostly with the Shipper. I ordered 2. 1 for Texas, one for NC. 12/5/2020. I received Texas package, finally. The NC pkg has been sitting in Raleigh, NC since 12/23/20. Pitney Bowes is really a Bad Shipping company in my past experience…Meh has had to refund money to me. Then, out of the blue, the product will arrive. I understand 2020 has put a dent in shipping reality, but this is really ridiculous.
Ordered on Dec 5th. Still don’t have. Shipping methods need to improve. Stop blaming the carriers! I received all UPS and FedEx packages on time! STOP using USPS! No cheaper, far less service and terrible tracking! I’d ask for a refund, but that won’t happen either! Won’t be doing business with Meh again. Perfect business name that reflect their service!
@tfrank24 I don’t think USPS is the problem. Meh passes it to Pitney Bowes who is supposed to get it to USPS. Pitney Bowes seems to be the bottleneck. Or black hole…
Seems to be a common theme, meh your shipping sucks! Order this on 12/4/2020 and almost a month later it is not here? Was supposed to be stocking stuffers.
Looks like you may be losing another long term customer because of shipping delays.
Was mine late? Yes. But got it on the 26th. While shipping delays suck, Other then Meh using Pitney Bowes, you can’t really blame them. I’ve got other packages that shipped Priority Mail and regular USPS mail that are sitting in the black hole at the USPS in Maryland. Even one that was Priority that took 6 days to go 15 miles. And it still has another 80 miles to go.
/image shrug

@Vrysen We can blame them for using Pitney Bowes
1 month, no products yet. Meh / Pitney Bowes sucks ass. Unsubscribed and won’t order from here again.
Here it is almost 1 month til the day I ordered. Yeah I won’t be purchasing anything else through this site. At all.
I ordered this on Dec. 4 and now it is Jan. 4. still no delivery. I realized there is a pandemic but nothing and I mean nothing has taken a month to be delivered. I have ordered from this site several times and this is the first time anything has taken so long to be delivered. Not sure if it is the product or site, but his is crazy!
@glenda20 pandemic+holiday shipping+pitney bowes
I just got mine today. Way after the stockings they were going into have been put away
@edowiak they go in the toilet!!! Please don’t poop in any stockings.
These were supposed to be fun stocking stuffers, I have yet to receive them - quite a disappointment meh.
Glad to know I am not the only one that had the same exact issue. We held up packages we were shipping to our families waiting until the very last moment to include this “gag” gift. Ordered on the 6th of December and arrived 1/7/21. Would refuse but don’t want to torture myself waiting for a refund. Meh was the only company that disappointed this holiday season and all had the same delivery channels available. Good bye, Meh…I will stick with companies that actually care about their customers.
I ordered this for Christmas gifts on December 5. They arrived more than a month later. Will not be ordering from them again.
Just received mine today! Ordered Dec 4 …they did refund me though so that’s good customer service ! Thank you meh
Mine has been over a month since I ordered- and it’s been sitting in Indiana for an entire week. While this was not intended to be a gift, it’s still very irritating to the customer that they clearly weren’t taught timeliness not find it important
Like everyone, ordered 12/4. On 12/12 it looks like Pitney Bowes received it in TX. It sat for 4 days, then spent 3 days traveling to Indiana. (Because why not ship it 900 miles in the wrong direction.) It arrived there 12/19, hasn’t budged since.
Meh refunded me without hassle. So far Meh has a 60% completion rate on my orders from them.
@Blaarrggh- Correction: It arrived 2/22, Meh is up to 80% completion. Yay!
I contacted Meh and they refunded my order. The order showed up today.
I will call this a fluke and do business with Meh again. Great customer service!
I hate to join the choir (because I really can’t sing very well at all), but…
My CHRISTmas items just arrived today… 1-13-21.
Meh… so much for Christmas gifts. Guess I can hold onto these for next year? Idk, disappointed. smh.
Just got my order in time for Christmas of 2021
@jwoody27 How about St Patrick’s Day?
I just got mine today too. I am stunned, but happy to see it!
I just received mine today. Yay.