I would expect something like this to be over priced and sold at Nordstrom and Wayfair. These are fugly. Thank god I didn't have to wait up till 1 am est to see these.
Got one in my fu buckaroo and tried it tonight; meh.. Tastes like copper and heats up your drink. I don't get the craze, back to 12 year old Jameson neat in a glass glass.
After drinking Moscow Mules & several variations at local restaurants, we got a pair of these on Amazon for $20/ea. , so this is a great deal. I ordered 3 sets and will sell them locally on Craigslist for $15/mug., therefore almost doubling my investment and making some other locals very happy.
here's a seldom used idea: start a home.meh.com for these items of little function and questionable taste.
Or don't, (please) but realize just how uninteresting this type of product is. Not even any moving parts to play with! Certainly "sub-meh" as far as my wallet is concerned.
Now I just have to hide this site from my wife today!!
While I was drinking my rum and coke last night, these looked like a great deal at $7.50/mug. Woke up this morning and actually bought them. No regrets, if they make things taste like the Statue of Liberty, I can always mint my own pennies, right?
Fifteen years ago I would have snatched these up without hesitation. We had a nice bar set up in the den and collected all the accouterments that go with it. We were such gracious hosts. Now we have a shelf I the computer room, loaded down with booze bottle of all kinds and a row of shot glasses. Help yourself. You need ice and a glass? Tough shit.
I've been following Meh for a while on rss, but this was the first "worth it" moment for me. Created my account and bought. Much more practical than that Kindle Fire deal a few weeks back.
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 Day Meh
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box!?
4-Packs of Mugs
Price Check
$96 at Nordstrtom (for 4)
$106 at Wayfair (for 4)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a reply to this comment
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
The ones at Nordstrtom and Wayfair are more expensive but they're also pure copper. Not really a fair comparison.
Your pure intent is appreciated, but these are the same mugs. OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
I would expect something like this to be over priced and sold at Nordstrom and Wayfair. These are fugly. Thank god I didn't have to wait up till 1 am est to see these.
Or even 12 AM eastern! Edit: beaten by @kenlovesmoney edit2: where'd his comment go? Oh the confusement!
Um, for the first time, I have no desire whatsoever to buy the product. You've effectively stifled all excitement. All joy is lost.
Got one in my fu buckaroo and tried it tonight; meh..
Tastes like copper and heats up your drink. I don't get the craze, back to 12 year old Jameson neat in a glass glass.
when and how do fukuburus happen?
The only one so far was a gift for backing Meh on Kickstarter. Keep your eye out, and maybe they'll have another
Am I the only one who thinks these mugs are bad ass?
Start with a cold mug, that way it doesn't heat up your drink.
This made my night

One looks lile Sara Palin...
even though its all fun and games, and some point we should stop glorifying him considering russia is rolling further down than soviet union
I'm pretty sure that ridicule is not considered to be glorification.
Is Sara Palin the one in the middle?
Is Moscow wolf, not mule.
Pretty sure Putin can't tell the difference between ridicule and glorification.
Agree with above. If you think this glorifies, you must have dressed like this at one time to impress. Secrets out.
Why change the mint leaves is each glass but not the lime, ice, water drops?
Because he is drinking Mehhitos. Mehscow Mehules don't have mehnt.
Maybe if it came with booze in it. Otherwise, not so much my thing.
I collect random drinking vessels, and ordering these from meh is marginally easier than sneaking them out of a bar under my jacket. In for one!
I'd buy them if they were made of solid gold... So pass.
Are these compatable with my strong brewed coffee?
Meh it. I get them engraved and give them as Christmas gifts. In for 2
how worth is it ?
very very worth.
So worth.
You can put your beer in it and look fancy.
meh, it's nothing special
If you're into mules, this is a great deal. You'd be lucky to find these for 20 bucks each.
Agreed. Out here in CA they are $30 at bevmo and $20 at world market.
Super legit for brownies in a cup
Me and the wife were just talking about getting some. Being a beer in, and sleep deprived from our new baby, this is a definite buy.
cAs much as I can't justify 4x $7.50 mugs, I can try to "Mocow Mule" my friends to Russia, in for 2
In for three, thinking about lighting up the wife's account. Badass. sly-concerned-quarter.
After drinking Moscow Mules & several variations at local restaurants, we got a pair of these on Amazon for $20/ea. , so this is a great deal. I ordered 3 sets and will sell them locally on Craigslist for $15/mug., therefore almost doubling my investment and making some other locals very happy.
here's a seldom used idea: start a home.meh.com for these items of little function and questionable taste.
Or don't, (please) but realize just how uninteresting this type of product is. Not even any moving parts to play with! Certainly "sub-meh" as far as my wallet is concerned.
Now I just have to hide this site from my wife today!!
Oh contraire mon frère. fill each one with different levels of H2O. Then play them like drums with two pens to annoy your coworkers.
Worth it, it may not be a nerd thing, but they make the lady in your life happy in three easy steps, which in turn, makes you happy.
"Lady in your life happy" implies I wouldn't be happy drinking one myself
might actually pull the trigger on this.
been looking for mint julep cups and this might just be close enough.
Did the price change overnight? (get lowered)
While I was drinking my rum and coke last night, these looked like a great deal at $7.50/mug. Woke up this morning and actually bought them. No regrets, if they make things taste like the Statue of Liberty, I can always mint my own pennies, right?
Also in for a set. "Stainless Steel Interior", so hopefully we won't have to worry about it tasting the Statue of Liberty.
Fifteen years ago I would have snatched these up without hesitation. We had a nice bar set up in the den and collected all the accouterments that go with it. We were such gracious hosts. Now we have a shelf I the computer room, loaded down with booze bottle of all kinds and a row of shot glasses. Help yourself. You need ice and a glass? Tough shit.
Finally looking forward to enjoying a Moscow mule in the proper mug. This is a fantastic deal
20 oz is big for this. The PDT book suggests a 14 oz size for mule cups. Oversize cups seems to be a common problem with fancy barware.
It's a good deal, but you'd better like big and/or watery mules.
I solve this problem by making them extra strong.
They just leave room for drunky stumbles! Less spillage.
I love these for my drinks like a dark and stormy. I can't wait. I was going to pay half the price for just one. Thanks meh...
Woo-hoo, bought my first Christmas present.
I've been following Meh for a while on rss, but this was the first "worth it" moment for me. Created my account and bought. Much more practical than that Kindle Fire deal a few weeks back.
Got my mugs! All 12 in one box, packed very well. They are awesome. They also beat my batteries and my meth scale. I love them.
Guess what's on woot today at a less than stellar price?
@marklog Smaller and more expensive.