Oh, and for 21 cents more, if one uses amazon smile instead of just plain amazon or meh, at least part of the purchase goes to the charity of one’s choice. There is that!
@evgrosen I tried to order them and it kept saying my zip code was incorrect. Like I don’t know my billing zip. Wasted 25 minutes and still no glasses. I did my very best. Uggg.
I expected the photo labeled “box” to be in reference to a type of glass appropriate for wine-in-a-box . . . and that it would be a sleeve of red Solo cups.
Have had these for years, and LOVE them! Wine seems to taste better with them, and they just FEEL GOOD in your hand! Bought another 1 of each box for backup… Well, sometimes we might drink a little, and accidents might happen, and…
So Meh - I’m also VMP and have come to like you a lot - but for 21 cents more I can order off of Amazon Smile (sister site of Amazon) and part of my order goes to the charity of my choice, which right now is Doctors Without Borders. Of course, one also needs an Amazon Prime membership to get the free shipping, but there’s a lot of perks with the membership. Just sayin’! I’ll be back for something else, I’m sure.
What’s in the Box?
4x Wine glasses
Red wine
White wine
Price Comparison
$25 List, $16.50 - $18.99 at Amazon
90 Days Bormioli Rocco
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Jan 17 - Tuesday, Jan 21
Meh "wine"big tonight
Do you have a 2015 baby arm pinot noir?

Need more beer glasses.
Don’t get drunk enough to break wine glasses.
/giphy beer glasses
@2many2no where do I get art like this
@ProllyWasted Via Photoshop.
@ProllyWasted shutterfly
Happy to not be an oenophile
I love you Meh. I’m a VMP member. But this is some bullshit pricing. Lowest price on Amazon with free shipping was $11.36.
@MediocreGuy Ya got a link? The only pricing I saw that was that low was for two glasses, not four.
@rpstrong price isn’t currently there but I’m just saying Meh usually prices well below market and this isn’t. Have a look at the price history. https://camelcamelcamel.com/Bormioli-Rocco-Restaurant-Wine-Glass/product/B002IT6VHM
@MediocreGuy - @rpstrong - not really, and your link led to prices that were much higher. Still, I guess it isn’t really a huge deal.
Oh, and for 21 cents more, if one uses amazon smile instead of just plain amazon or meh, at least part of the purchase goes to the charity of one’s choice. There is that!
@evgrosen I tried to order them and it kept saying my zip code was incorrect. Like I don’t know my billing zip. Wasted 25 minutes and still no glasses. I did my very best. Uggg.
@martin2250 On AMAZON or Meh? Very unusual if it was Amazon because my friends and I have found them unusually efficient - so sorry - give 'em hell!
Limit 3? You monsters!
I’m assuming so that it cuts down on (if not prevent) people from buying lots of these and reselling them on eBay or wherever.
Where does the sound come out of these modern speaker docks?
that’s what i’m talkin’ about, a glass that will hold 1/2 bottle of wine and still not look full
I expected the photo labeled “box” to be in reference to a type of glass appropriate for wine-in-a-box . . . and that it would be a sleeve of red Solo cups.
/buy --qty 2 --color red
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
@mediocrebot gaaah!
4-Pack: Bormioli Rocco Restaurant Wine Glasses
/buy --qty 2 --set red
/buy --set white
/giphy how’s’about’dat?
@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: steep-wormy-police
/image steep wormy police

@mediocrebot nope cancelled
Need stemless cause klutz.
/buy --set red --qty 2
@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: happy-tattered-crawdad
/image happy tattered crawdad

@mediocrebot nope cancelled
@Yoda_Daenerys can u giva drinka a break?
@mediocrebot @Yoda_Daenerys
I may not crawdads, but I know enough to know that that pic is funny.
I have to agree with the model number snark; that is just. damn. evil.
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy /?
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy --qty 2 --set red
@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: buttoned-voidable-spade
/image buttoned voidable spade

i gif up
/buy --set red
/giphy give up

@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: paranoid-dastardly-attraction
/image paranoid dastardly attraction

With a three set limit I guess I can’t launch my music career!
@mrapathy too much work to set up. Get a Glass Armonica instead.
No bluetooth?!?
Have had these for years, and LOVE them! Wine seems to taste better with them, and they just FEEL GOOD in your hand! Bought another 1 of each box for backup… Well, sometimes we might drink a little, and accidents might happen, and…
Wine glasses? And not a great price? Meh.
“I don’t drink…wine.”
Hey Meh, I tip my 4 glasses to you!
So Meh - I’m also VMP and have come to like you a lot - but for 21 cents more I can order off of Amazon Smile (sister site of Amazon) and part of my order goes to the charity of my choice, which right now is Doctors Without Borders. Of course, one also needs an Amazon Prime membership to get the free shipping, but there’s a lot of perks with the membership. Just sayin’! I’ll be back for something else, I’m sure.
Today’s music list forgot Don Ho’s timeless 1966 classic: Tiny Bubbles! How dare you deny our 50th State’s greatest contribution to humanity EVER!!!
14 YouTube music files somehow does nothing whatsoever to help me want to buy this crap. My soul must be broken.
Forgot a great wine song:
No UB40 in the playlist? I think I’m going to have to pass this time. Very disappointing.
2 of 4 broken. Ugh. Guess an email is in order.