@RiotDemon There are ways around that. Folks have suggested bluetooth splitters before. When I was messing with mine, I had no issue syncing a bunch as an aggregate audio device in OS X (assuming I didn’t want to separate channels).
There are ways around the no recessed lights as well, like… I don’t know… hole saws?
@brhfl Bluetooth splitter? So not only do you want me to pay $30 for this shit, you want me to buy a splitter too? Or I could buy, you know, an actual speaker system for $100.
@andrewpatrick I don’t want you to do anything. But it is (supposedly) possible to have multiple units synced that way. And it is definitely possible to do it without any additional hardware if your source is a Mac.
I guess this explains why it turns itself on when I’m across the room.
The included remote doesn’t control your bulb. It controls another random AwoX StriimLIGHT somewhere else in the world. And some other random person controls yours.
@Nileo2005 Mehsplaining, when you condescendingly explain what makes a deal truly Meh because you believe it isn’t possible that a non-Meher could understand without your superior knowledge of pure shit.
…I’m not nearly as good at shitposting as I think am…
Here’s the skinny on these as far as I’m concerned… Neither sound nearly as bad as you would expect. The light is fine, but relatively dim for the size because, you know, there’s a BT receiver, amplifier, and speaker crammed in there too. I ripped both of these apart and my amateur hacker opinion is that they’re better made than anticipated. The mini is a great size, it’s actually light-bulbesque. The non-mini is a terrible size and will fit basically nowhere. The non-mini fires light out the front whereas the mini has kind of a diffuser thing going on and feels generally bulbier. I had no issues pairing either. I didn’t really mess with the remotes much.
I have to be honest, I was skeptical about a speaker and a lightbulb combined… but as you know change is hard. Just as I am sure there were plenty who said “why would I want a camera on my phone” there will be plenty who say “why would I want a speaker in my lightbulb”, well to them I say. Very quality and much light make for gleaming joy of use. Can’t translate comment here, ask for clarification.
In for 16 in multicolor and of course get VMP it saves ship.
You should just give these to the homeless. They’d be just as useful to them as they are to anyone else. I honestly can’t think of a reason I’d need a light bulb that has a built-in speaker. It’s not due to lack of imagination. It’s because this shit doesn’t deserve any thought. I could probably come up with a use, but I refuse to actually think of one. Now, if you find me a showerhead that has a built-in Bluetooth speaker, I’m in. Fuck, I just accidentally came up with a use for this. My basement shower has a light in it. I could use one of these there. Still not buying!
@warpedrotors damn you! You came up with a use for it that. my wife was asking me about, if she sees this, I might have to buy these meh things. If they paired easily, they would be a no brainer.
@warpedrotors I have a great use for them, but only if a single bluetooth source could play on all 4 speakers. These would work great in the recessed lights in my basement. I could play Pandora music on poker nights. But it’s kinda silly to have 4 speakers, but only be able to use one at a time. Although the novelty is cool, it’s not cool enough to warrant trying to hack the 4 speakers together.
Hmm… maybe I’d put one in my bathroom. Can’t stick my mediocre shower speaker to the wall now that I live with a clawfoot tub. Four, though, two of which definitely would not fit anywhere in my apartment? MEH.
Because it illuminates so much meh, I will use my bluetooth transmitters that do connect to two bluetooth receivers at once. If they still won’t play nice together, they will end up as a dirty Santa gift (spread the meh I always say…)
I use the big one from a previous sale for my NPR’ing (All Things Considered on NPR Berlin FTW) while I am out grilling every day. It’s quite convenient.
The small one is great for the bathroom, though it could be louder. Oddly enough, the small light has a better remote, much higher quality, than the bigger light.
It’s nice to have speaker access so readily available throughout the house. I dunno if I’d specifically recommend these lights again, but I certainly recommend having some BT lights. Now, if I can get a BT Speakerbulb that is Alexa/Echo connected. THAT would be great.
I bought one last time. The bluetooth kept dropping and I could never get it to connect again after it ran for a few hours. Don’t both contacting Striim for support as they will tell its not their problem and not stand behind their product. Meh.com customer service had to get involved and ultimately refunded me. It was cool while it worked, but I will never support anything made by Striim.
I have a pair (another mfr) that plays stereo from the same source. I actually use them despite the huge size. (larger than the large). This single speaker approach has no appeal for me.
Wait! You can only connect to one at a time, but you are selling them in four packs… I guess it would be cool to have four phones connected to four speakers in my kitchen listening to four different songs at the same time, but I only have three lights in my kitchen. Ah well.
Ugh. Tried putting one of the big ones in the floor lamp (One of the only lights in this place that still has that kind of connector) and it promptly blew the circuit. Oops. (Eh, not the first time I’ve done that, the same circuit handles the kitchen, and it’s finicky.). Guess these will find alternate homes.
Remote included with the Mini works on the Original and vice versa
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Awox
Estimated Delivery: 6/27 - 6/30
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
2x Original LED light with Bluetooth speaker
2x Mini LED light with Bluetooth speaker
4x Remote control with batteries
Retail boxes
Everything included
In action
Bulbs for scale
Price Comparison
Mini: $38.78 for two at Amazon (33 reviews)
Original: $60.26 for two at Amazon (33 reviews)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Can’t give them away can you
@jml326 Actually, as they said in the description, they did.
Meh, meh, and still MEH!
If they linked together, I’d be all over them at this price.
Even for just led bulbs, this is a good price, but I don’t have any recessed lights, so half would be wasted.
@RiotDemon There are ways around that. Folks have suggested bluetooth splitters before. When I was messing with mine, I had no issue syncing a bunch as an aggregate audio device in OS X (assuming I didn’t want to separate channels).
There are ways around the no recessed lights as well, like… I don’t know… hole saws?
@brhfl Hole saws, crawling around in the attic to find wiring, installing a recessed can… No thanks!
@brhfl Bluetooth splitter? So not only do you want me to pay $30 for this shit, you want me to buy a splitter too? Or I could buy, you know, an actual speaker system for $100.
@andrewpatrick I don’t want you to do anything. But it is (supposedly) possible to have multiple units synced that way. And it is definitely possible to do it without any additional hardware if your source is a Mac.
I guess this explains why it turns itself on when I’m across the room.
'Fess up, who is controlling mine?
@KDemo Oh sorry, I broke all of mine but I still really like the remotes.
@brhfl - Cool. Could you turn it on at 7:00 tomorrow?
I also look forward to hearing your audio selections. 
You had me at
@Ignorant So you’re in for a dozen, right?

/giphy ummm no
Eww. I said it out loud and almost had to explain to a 3/4 asleep wife how Meh this is.
Had she been 1/2 asleep, I would be explaining instead of shitposting.
@presbypenguin You mean you mansplained it, sexist pig. /s
@Nileo2005 Mehsplaining, when you condescendingly explain what makes a deal truly Meh because you believe it isn’t possible that a non-Meher could understand without your superior knowledge of pure shit.
…I’m not nearly as good at shitposting as I think am…
Here’s the skinny on these as far as I’m concerned… Neither sound nearly as bad as you would expect. The light is fine, but relatively dim for the size because, you know, there’s a BT receiver, amplifier, and speaker crammed in there too. I ripped both of these apart and my amateur hacker opinion is that they’re better made than anticipated. The mini is a great size, it’s actually light-bulbesque. The non-mini is a terrible size and will fit basically nowhere. The non-mini fires light out the front whereas the mini has kind of a diffuser thing going on and feels generally bulbier. I had no issues pairing either. I didn’t really mess with the remotes much.
@brhfl >bulbier
too high for an impulse buy, sell them 1 for $7 and 2 for $12 and you might selll out.
@antsam999 I would definitely buy just one, but I can’t think of where I would use four of these.
@antsam999 I think that’s the point - Meh has these stacked to the rafters and desires to unload them faster than those (wonderful) JBL speaker docks.
We’re lucky they aren’t in dozen for a hundred bucks packs!
Bright idea or not — speak up !
Hellooooo Christmas presents for people I forget to buy Christmas presents for!
@Tin_Foil And to make sure they’ll never expect another present from you again as you show your obvious disdain for them.
@Tin_Foil more like “Hellooooo Christmas presents for people I resent having to buy for!” amirite?
4 for Foursday?

/image foursday
I have to be honest, I was skeptical about a speaker and a lightbulb combined… but as you know change is hard. Just as I am sure there were plenty who said “why would I want a camera on my phone” there will be plenty who say “why would I want a speaker in my lightbulb”, well to them I say. Very quality and much light make for gleaming joy of use. Can’t translate comment here, ask for clarification.
In for 16 in multicolor and of course get VMP it saves ship.
You should just give these to the homeless. They’d be just as useful to them as they are to anyone else. I honestly can’t think of a reason I’d need a light bulb that has a built-in speaker. It’s not due to lack of imagination. It’s because this shit doesn’t deserve any thought. I could probably come up with a use, but I refuse to actually think of one. Now, if you find me a showerhead that has a built-in Bluetooth speaker, I’m in. Fuck, I just accidentally came up with a use for this. My basement shower has a light in it. I could use one of these there. Still not buying!
@warpedrotors damn you! You came up with a use for it that. my wife was asking me about, if she sees this, I might have to buy these meh things. If they paired easily, they would be a no brainer.
@warpedrotors I have a great use for them, but only if a single bluetooth source could play on all 4 speakers. These would work great in the recessed lights in my basement. I could play Pandora music on poker nights. But it’s kinda silly to have 4 speakers, but only be able to use one at a time. Although the novelty is cool, it’s not cool enough to warrant trying to hack the 4 speakers together.
@warpedrotors your wish is meh command https://www.amazon.com/H2oVibe-Showerhead-Wireless-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B00J4QTSB8?tag=slickdeals09-20&ascsubtag=80655704343411e6a148f6e5a1c755700INT&ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0&sdsrc=staff
Hmm… maybe I’d put one in my bathroom. Can’t stick my mediocre shower speaker to the wall now that I live with a clawfoot tub. Four, though, two of which definitely would not fit anywhere in my apartment? MEH.
@currawong that’s not a very nice nickname for your roommate.
@RedOak Our relationship’s been circling the drain for a long time now.
Because it illuminates so much meh, I will use my bluetooth transmitters that do connect to two bluetooth receivers at once. If they still won’t play nice together, they will end up as a dirty Santa gift (spread the meh I always say…)
I use the big one from a previous sale for my NPR’ing (All Things Considered on NPR Berlin FTW) while I am out grilling every day. It’s quite convenient.
The small one is great for the bathroom, though it could be louder. Oddly enough, the small light has a better remote, much higher quality, than the bigger light.
It’s nice to have speaker access so readily available throughout the house. I dunno if I’d specifically recommend these lights again, but I certainly recommend having some BT lights. Now, if I can get a BT Speakerbulb that is Alexa/Echo connected. THAT would be great.
Damn you, Mister Copywriter. You didn’t tell me how long it will keep my coffee hot.
Anyone know?
@veggiebear until the battery runs out in the remote…
I guess if you are looking for a “better light than speaker” - this is the one for you. Personally I’ll buy a regular lightbulb… Sounds just as good
in for one set…

…after all, it COULD be worse:
I bought one. I am not proud of that move but neither am I embarrassed. …I am just meh.
“But you can’t stream the same Bluetooth audio source to multiple bulbs, which is lame.”
/giphy fatherly nerdy Cheetah

I caved in, 7.50 per light seems like a good deal.
I know I will regret this and my Phillip Hue bulbs will hate me. Maybe I can hide them in the basement?
I bought one last time. The bluetooth kept dropping and I could never get it to connect again after it ran for a few hours. Don’t both contacting Striim for support as they will tell its not their problem and not stand behind their product. Meh.com customer service had to get involved and ultimately refunded me. It was cool while it worked, but I will never support anything made by Striim.
Pay me 30 bucks and I’ll take a set.
Sorry, Meh. 1/2 this price, 1/3 of this price?
Ignore spurious added value, sell for the value of the LED light.
Great impulse buy! Now what do i do with it?
When will meh sell LED’s approaching the brightness of an old-school 60 watter?
@daggar not enough - I want at least 75 and have fond memories of the 120s.
I have a pair (another mfr) that plays stereo from the same source. I actually use them despite the huge size. (larger than the large). This single speaker approach has no appeal for me.
Wait! You can only connect to one at a time, but you are selling them in four packs… I guess it would be cool to have four phones connected to four speakers in my kitchen listening to four different songs at the same time, but I only have three lights in my kitchen. Ah well.
Ugh. Tried putting one of the big ones in the floor lamp (One of the only lights in this place that still has that kind of connector) and it promptly blew the circuit. Oops. (Eh, not the first time I’ve done that, the same circuit handles the kitchen, and it’s finicky.). Guess these will find alternate homes.