OK, I’ll be the first to say this is the stupidest waste of $18 I’ve seen… Buy yourself a sprayer bottle/mister at the drug store for under $2, and mist yourself to cool off. Does the same thing for way less…
Fun story- I went to Australia with my dad in my younger years. We went to the outback- it was really hot. They had a swimming pool where we stayed- it was frigid- too cold to swim in. Evaporation kept it cold. It’s a real thing.
A spray bottle will get you more wet; it works like sweat. I think these towels are supposed to cool off through evaporation, which can then cool off your face or body. These are not ordinary towels, and they are not meant to just wet your face.
@Limewater@robson@sammydog01 late coming in here, but that’s the exact one I have in green! It works great, and yes it absolutely does feel cool, even in Florida!
I doubt normal towels are designed to cool through evaporation, though. My guess is that these towels are designed to evaporate water quickly and efficiently, cooling them much more than normal towels.
@JT954 they wick away the sweat and stay cool even after sitting on your hot skin for hours, you just need to keep them damp… I’m from Southern California -dry heat, currently living in NW Arkansas -100% humidity… I don’t go anywhere without my cooling towel and people who see it always ask where I got it so now I’ve just checked off three Christmas gifts at $6 a piece AND I know it’s something they want! Not too bad for 18 bucks!!!
@aj@rhrgrt I came here to say the same thing. A quick use of Google would have shown its the word for towel in Espanol. Maybe they called it that because they are hecho en Mexico.
I was wondering wtf it was on about with the product being 100% polyester, yet somehow special. The product website no longer exists, but it seems the company is moving the “technology” to wearable products and not just cuts of cloth.
The company, CoolCore, website is kind of vague and all the buzzwords for their fancy technology without any explanation set off alarms.
Honestly, it makes some sense, but I’m not sure if it’s worth the cost. I may personally be interested in their wearables one day as I feel it would be a better use of their supposed innovation than this, but I’m still skeptical.
Maybe they believe it too, as there’s just no sign of the Dr. Cool towel anymore on their site.
@Talidan In other words, they’re going to join the legions of other companies making polyester base layers and shirts. Pretty sure Under Armour isn’t fearing them.
@cinoclav Basically. I don’t know if there’s a superior method, but I’m always willing to at least try, and more competition to Under Armor in the premium active wear arena is good. It’s not something I’d care too much about for a little towel though.
Good grief, Meh buyers, how low have you fallen? Where are the interesting/unique/different products? This is the same crap you can find on Amazon’s daily deals pages. If not at the dollar store. (They had the equivalent products in a 2-pack for $1, today.) Come on, up your game! Cheap products should be “cheap.”
not only that…The selection of items has change in the last 6 months…Looking at the 40+ orders I made 8-12 months ago compared to the last 3 months’ 4 orders (though the RUGER knives were great) something has changed…there are no COOL bargains anymore…Just cheap outdated junk you can buy anywhere…Where are the THULE backpacks?..the speakers?..The Santana carry bags?..the neat electronics?..the MUST HAVE Bargains…Hell, even the fidget spinners were a deal and great handouts to kids…WOOT and other places are offering current stuff, better pricing, and cool stories notwithstanding, a better experience.
What scale are we using for 30% cooler than skin temp? If skin temp is 85F that is 59.5F
If skin temp is 29.4C that is 20.6C (69.1F)
If skin temp is 302.5K that is 211.8K (-78.4F)
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s probably ‘based on’ skin to air difference.
I have some of these in a different brand and they really work. I used to take them to swim meets. The ones I have get really stiff after they dry out so you can’t get them back in the bottles they came in.
@sammydog01 You bet they get stiff when they dry out!!! Sorry, that sounded insincere - you are correct, these are very weirdly stiff when dry, making them tough to pack, store, etc. They only work (for any purpose you could consider a towel being a good option) when wet. Limited use device for sure.
@Jonas4321 Yeah, the ones I have you have to be careful how you leave them to dry or you have to store them standing up in a corner. Looks like these ones aren’t like that. They are definitely a one use item but if you have to be outside on a hot day it’s worth it.
“No…er…maybe. It’s complicated. I came here to kill him for what he did to you.”
“Oh, Carla, such a hot-head. Always raging at something. Don’t kill Joshua, ok? Please? This isn’t so bad. Promise me you won’t kill him.”
Carla looked up at Joshua. Kaito had moved a few steps behind her, looking over her shoulder at the phone screen.
“Why did you bring me here? Why did you do … any …of this?”
Joshua laughed.
“All in due time, Carla. For now, please enjoy the sweet scent of the sevoflourane on the sport towel Kaito is gagging you with.”
As he spoke, Kaito moved. His right hand deftly gripped her chin and held one towel over her mouth. His left hand covered her nose with a second towel. “He could just snap my neck from here” Carla thought, right before the world spun around and dissolved.
Why the FUCK can’t we mix and match the colors, Meh? It’s also not even that much cheaper than Amazon. I almost feel like I should have just bought a single one on Amazon or eBay, but I guess with three, I can cool myself three times instead of just one. You’re lucky I live in the South. Of course, by the time that this arrives, it’ll probably already be cold as a frozen Hell and they won’t be useful.
Meh! I demand recompense for someone in your crack IT department hacking into my work out photos. I will not stand for this. Those are private photos to share with my support group: wrinkly guys that wear uncool fitness gear. I demand you remove it or you WILL hear from my lawyer/cousin Shekel!
My son has chronic pain and he uses his similar cooling towel daily. Yes, you snap it to make the temperature cooler. Lasts for at least an hour at a go. We paid $14 for one at a sports store. Worth every penny. Don’t buy the $6 kind at a discount store because they are not actually cloth and dry out in a large solid flat panel.
@BeejCobalt@RiotDemon The frog toggs ones do feel like chamois and it’s pretty nice. You can roll them up before you dry them. Here’s mine:
The ones Meh is selling are probably nicer though.
@BeejCobalt@sammydog01 I have some co-workers that swear by the Mission brand cooling towels. They also make a style that can be worn several ways, round the neck, balaclava, bandana, etc. They stay soft when dry.
But they don’t seem to have measured how long they stay cool for, and don’t really describe their methodology at all. Duration is apparently part of the selling point of cooling towels. My wife got a couple of cooling bandanas of some kind, and when she tried one it was surprisingly cool to the touch even after all day at work. In Northern California - I doubt they’d be much good at all in southern Florida, where it’s so humid water condenses faster than it evaporates!
What’s in the Box?
3x Dr. Cool Towels
Price Comparison
$29.97 (for 3) at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Cool! Hot deal?
Not Cool!
@kishkan Getting warmer…
OK, I’ll be the first to say this is the stupidest waste of $18 I’ve seen… Buy yourself a sprayer bottle/mister at the drug store for under $2, and mist yourself to cool off. Does the same thing for way less…
@robson You most not live in Florida if you think that helps
@robson I don’t get it. $18 for 3 rags?
You can get 20 for a few dollars at Walmart in the auto section.
Is that like the rag equivalent of premium water?
@robson @SnDMommy If a spray mister won’t work where you are due to high humidity, these towels won’t, either.
@Limewater @robson @SnDMommy I was skeptical too and I live in the hot, humid south- even with pretty high humidity the ones I have work. They work better than plain old cotton towels and sprayer bottles. A lot better. I can’t guarantee that these are the same but I love the ones I bought which are these:
Fun story- I went to Australia with my dad in my younger years. We went to the outback- it was really hot. They had a swimming pool where we stayed- it was frigid- too cold to swim in. Evaporation kept it cold. It’s a real thing.
A spray bottle will get you more wet; it works like sweat. I think these towels are supposed to cool off through evaporation, which can then cool off your face or body. These are not ordinary towels, and they are not meant to just wet your face.
@Limewater @robson @sammydog01 late coming in here, but that’s the exact one I have in green! It works great, and yes it absolutely does feel cool, even in Florida!
Couldn’t I do the same with an extra wet t-shirt?
/wootstalker https://shirt.woot.com/offers/wet-t-shirt
Wet T-Shirt
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
I thought I was Dr. Cool.
Evaporative cooling. Works just as well with an old scrap of towel fabric. No magic carpets. No magic towels. Psychrometric!
I doubt normal towels are designed to cool through evaporation, though. My guess is that these towels are designed to evaporate water quickly and efficiently, cooling them much more than normal towels.
I’m just not cool enough.
Anything that prevents sweat has me interested. Do these towels actually work?
@JT954 They don’t prevent sweat, they just help wick it away.
@JT954 they wick away the sweat and stay cool even after sitting on your hot skin for hours, you just need to keep them damp… I’m from Southern California -dry heat, currently living in NW Arkansas -100% humidity… I don’t go anywhere without my cooling towel and people who see it always ask where I got it so now I’ve just checked off three Christmas gifts at $6 a piece AND I know it’s something they want! Not too bad for 18 bucks!!!
@JT954 They don’t wick sweat away as far as I know, they stay cool through evaporation. They have to be wet to work. And yes, they work.
“toalla” is “towel” in spanish though
@aj I came here to say the same thing; all those letters and they did go for towel.
I don’t even speak Spanish, but I still figured right away it was towel. Step up, Meh writers
@aj @rhrgrt I came here to say the same thing. A quick use of Google would have shown its the word for towel in Espanol. Maybe they called it that because they are hecho en Mexico.
Glowing-dangling-tool, yea baby!
@dtwsportsfan Someone has to do it.

/giphy glowing-dangling-tool
I miss the days when giphy was into soft core pornography.
Wave it over your head when the A’s hit dingers
/youtube My names Big Al and I hit dingers
I was wondering wtf it was on about with the product being 100% polyester, yet somehow special. The product website no longer exists, but it seems the company is moving the “technology” to wearable products and not just cuts of cloth.
The company, CoolCore, website is kind of vague and all the buzzwords for their fancy technology without any explanation set off alarms.
Still, I looked up their patents:
Honestly, it makes some sense, but I’m not sure if it’s worth the cost. I may personally be interested in their wearables one day as I feel it would be a better use of their supposed innovation than this, but I’m still skeptical.
Maybe they believe it too, as there’s just no sign of the Dr. Cool towel anymore on their site.
@Talidan In other words, they’re going to join the legions of other companies making polyester base layers and shirts. Pretty sure Under Armour isn’t fearing them.
@cinoclav Basically. I don’t know if there’s a superior method, but I’m always willing to at least try, and more competition to Under Armor in the premium active wear arena is good. It’s not something I’d care too much about for a little towel though.
$30 no tax + $3 slow ship credits on Amazon.
$18 + $5 ship + tax on Meh.
I don’t see the deal, especially since you don’t have to buy three at a time from Amazon.
Good grief, Meh buyers, how low have you fallen? Where are the interesting/unique/different products? This is the same crap you can find on Amazon’s daily deals pages. If not at the dollar store. (They had the equivalent products in a 2-pack for $1, today.) Come on, up your game! Cheap products should be “cheap.”
@cbl_wv said the same thing last week.
This has to be the best money grabbing invention ever, just rename a hand-towel Dr. Cool and say it is cool when it is wet.
Well maybe not as good as rod-iron cemetery furniture being renamed to patio furniture.
@hchavers cemetery furniture? Like the Laz-E-Boy Eterna-Lounger?
@hchavers Is that intentional? Wrought iron…
@cinoclav @hchavers more like ROT iron amitrite?
It’s not “cool when wet”. These towels are designed to cool through evaporation more efficiently than any other type of towel.
@DVDBZN The marketing department has succeeded.
@DVDBZN @hchavers The research department too. Have you ever tried one?
Well, good for them!
What scale are we using for 30% cooler than skin temp? If skin temp is 85F that is 59.5F
If skin temp is 29.4C that is 20.6C (69.1F)
If skin temp is 302.5K that is 211.8K (-78.4F)
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s probably ‘based on’ skin to air difference.
@norconkm you forgot the Rankine…
@norconkm I found something like this on my shelf (what, me, a hoarder?) Mine says 30 degrees so I wonder if this is a mistake on the listing.

I have some of these in a different brand and they really work. I used to take them to swim meets. The ones I have get really stiff after they dry out so you can’t get them back in the bottles they came in.
@sammydog01 My husband swears they work, too. He uses them when mowing and when playing golf when it’s really hot.
@sammydog01 You bet they get stiff when they dry out!!! Sorry, that sounded insincere - you are correct, these are very weirdly stiff when dry, making them tough to pack, store, etc. They only work (for any purpose you could consider a towel being a good option) when wet. Limited use device for sure.
@Jonas4321 @sammydog01 reviewers on Amazon say this one isn’t stiff (giggity) when dry.
@Jonas4321 Yeah, the ones I have you have to be careful how you leave them to dry or you have to store them standing up in a corner. Looks like these ones aren’t like that. They are definitely a one use item but if you have to be outside on a hot day it’s worth it.
“No…er…maybe. It’s complicated. I came here to kill him for what he did to you.”
“Oh, Carla, such a hot-head. Always raging at something. Don’t kill Joshua, ok? Please? This isn’t so bad. Promise me you won’t kill him.”
Carla looked up at Joshua. Kaito had moved a few steps behind her, looking over her shoulder at the phone screen.
“Why did you bring me here? Why did you do … any …of this?”
Joshua laughed.
“All in due time, Carla. For now, please enjoy the sweet scent of the sevoflourane on the sport towel Kaito is gagging you with.”
As he spoke, Kaito moved. His right hand deftly gripped her chin and held one towel over her mouth. His left hand covered her nose with a second towel. “He could just snap my neck from here” Carla thought, right before the world spun around and dissolved.
/image peremptory-talkative-rice

/giphy peremptory-talkative-rice
Why the FUCK can’t we mix and match the colors, Meh? It’s also not even that much cheaper than Amazon. I almost feel like I should have just bought a single one on Amazon or eBay, but I guess with three, I can cool myself three times instead of just one. You’re lucky I live in the South. Of course, by the time that this arrives, it’ll probably already be cold as a frozen Hell and they won’t be useful.
@Dizavid I live in Virginia. It’s 68 degrees. WTF happened to summer?
@Dizavid @sammydog01 72 in Kentuckiana
@Dizavid Too hard for warehouse staff to mix and match per each order. You want to pay their overtime? Just buy multiple 3-packs in different colors.
Shouldn’t it be Manderin “Orange” not red? Meh!
So it’s $23 for about $2 worth of towels, got it.
Nope, not this time.
Because “toalla” is Spanish for “towel”?
Cooling towels are the BOMB! (do people still say that?) I have a couple already so no purchase today, but this is a good deal.
@givancic I know! So many skeptics here.
Dr. Knockoff
Why do you need to “snap it”? Reviewer on Amazon actually said snapping it does cool it down after you’ve been wearing it.
@TimW My take is that snapping it airs it out and whips off warm vapor that has formed around the towel.
Meh! I demand recompense for someone in your crack IT department hacking into my work out photos. I will not stand for this. Those are private photos to share with my support group: wrinkly guys that wear uncool fitness gear. I demand you remove it or you WILL hear from my lawyer/cousin Shekel!
I was just talking with a tennis friend about these types of towels and she swears by them. So I’m biting.

/image abhorrent-rocky-toffee
This deal is a whole lot of meh. Needs to be just a smidge cheaper, meh.com.
I don’t meh often but this one required it.
My son has chronic pain and he uses his similar cooling towel daily. Yes, you snap it to make the temperature cooler. Lasts for at least an hour at a go. We paid $14 for one at a sports store. Worth every penny. Don’t buy the $6 kind at a discount store because they are not actually cloth and dry out in a large solid flat panel.
@BeejCobalt I wonder if people are buying the car chamois and thinking it’s the same thing.
@BeejCobalt @RiotDemon The frog toggs ones do feel like chamois and it’s pretty nice. You can roll them up before you dry them. Here’s mine:

The ones Meh is selling are probably nicer though.
@RiotDemon it does look like a blue car chamois! That kind you don’t have to snap but doesn’t stay as cool as long as the cloth type.
@BeejCobalt @sammydog01 I have some co-workers that swear by the Mission brand cooling towels. They also make a style that can be worn several ways, round the neck, balaclava, bandana, etc. They stay soft when dry.
/giphy untidy-loopy-rattlesnake

I have a spinal injury my system doesn’t process heat well. These help keep me functioning on a somewhat human level. Ask a gimp.
Slimy-Jellied-Popcorn, how bad can that be?
Consumer reports says they don’t cool more effectively than a dishtowel. https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2013/08/consumer-reports-reviews-enduracool-and-chill-its-cooling-towels/index.htm
But they don’t seem to have measured how long they stay cool for, and don’t really describe their methodology at all. Duration is apparently part of the selling point of cooling towels. My wife got a couple of cooling bandanas of some kind, and when she tried one it was surprisingly cool to the touch even after all day at work. In Northern California - I doubt they’d be much good at all in southern Florida, where it’s so humid water condenses faster than it evaporates!
18 for $3… what an amazi…
oh wait.
Do these work?