Great for daily protection from airborne pollutants, offering 95% Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE)
These face masks are made of an outer layer of non-woven fabric, a middle layer made of filter fabric, and an inner layer made of a soft, skin gentle facial tissue
The masks are fluid resistant, hypoallergenic, lint, and latex-free
The masks also include an adjustable aluminum nosepiece for comfortable use
These face masks are individually-packaged in 50 counts
Suitable Use:
This product is for general, non-medical purposes
Mask On Every Face, LLC recommends against the use of this mask in a medical setting where there is a significant risk of exposure to bodily or other hazardous fluids, use in a clinical setting where the infection risk level through inhalation exposure is high, and use in the presence of a high-intensity heat source or flammable gas
Misuse may result in sickness or death
This product is authorized by the EUA for use as source control by the general public as well as the health care professional in a health care setting only for the duration of the EUA
That may haunt my dreams tonight which reminds me of what a dumbass I am staying up until midnight for this. This reminds me of the Panama papers in that it’s an exercise in futility.
@rjquillin These are artisanal masks crafted by expert German mask engineers in the verdant hills of Stuttgart. Each one rinsed in pure spring water and disinfected by the rays of the sun for a minimum of five days…
Nah it’s China. Probably in a factory that was recycling tractor tires before the pandemic! 加油!
@awk@rjquillin Careful. The guy defending/justifying his widget production in China will attack you if you even mildly insinuate that China has questionable production issues. As far as he’s concerned, China is the pinnacle of the manufacturing industry, with the best wages, working conditions, quality control, etc. He’ll be here shortly…
@awk@decoratedwarvet@rjquillin I’m pretty sure all of hitler’s insanity and penchant for giant war machines took that out of them. Never mind Bismark/Tirpitz/Battle of Britain/Normandy etc.
Maybe a little to jaunty for the subject but there is something about celebrating the victories from WWII and taking the Kriegsmarine flagship never mind the Luftwaffe.
But probably mostly russia/the eastern front and east germany and breaking them in half for 45 years also caused some reflection. If you look at the stats/read the history.
I’m sure no real living german is proud of what happened in WWII/especially concentration camps. No one should forget it. Or deny it. Ever. But they still managed to recover and be a driving force for peace and stability in the EU. My german friend from high school was deeply ashamed when we talked about it and I am not sure his parents were even alive then. No sane person is happy about what they did.
And I highly doubt most germans knew what Hitler and the SS were up to beyond relocation till they saw the camps. Apparently Americans were ok with hauling Jappanese Americans away and forgetting about them.
What the hell. If this winter is as bad as it has the potential to be and we run out (again) at the clinic, these will be better than nothing. They should be adequate used with a face shield.
@radi0j0hn, they’re called ‘no maskers’ & they believe it’s their Constitutional right not to have to wear a mask!! Using that logic, they can walk around naked in public, not wear seat belts, and do no haveta use baby seats.
@radi0j0hn I wouldn’t call the anti maskers crazy. We have seen that wearing the mask is more about compliance than protection. It doesn’t matter what you cover your face with as long as you are complying. I saw a lady in line at the bank with a cheese cloth “scarf” pulled up over her nose.
Most people I see with masks only cover their mouth and leave the nose free. Businesses let them in.
@decoratedwarvet@radi0j0hn Walking around naked may offend my sensibilities, but I really don’t have a ‘right’ to never be offended (and if I did, would it trump your ‘right’ to comfort)?
And why should you not have the right to not wear your seat belt? Granted, the EMTs may have to search a bit more for bodies or for missing parts - but they get paid for it. My dad paid extra for rear seat belts in his '62 Falcon. I grew up under the “belts fastened before the car moves” rule, and I wouldn’t dream of not using them now. But do I have a right to impose my own risk-averse levels on someone else?
If you haven’t guessed, I am a Libertarian. One of our basic tenets is that my rights end where yours begin. In the case of the baby seat, the baby’s right to safety trumps your right not to be inconvenienced.
@jwilday No, wearing a mask is absolutely about protection. And it definitely makes a difference what type it is. How does anyone not understand this at this point? You’d think six months of evidence would be enough to make it clear that masks work.
@cinoclav@jwilday@rpstrong wearing a seatbelt is absolutely about protection. States also have the right to fine for it. Which some do. Because you are doing something stupid that causes harm to the rest of the healthcare system in your state which endangers others when they have to stop to scrape you off the pavement. And endangers others when you waste an ER bed.
EMTs are not state funded. They are private companies that bill you then don’t get paid because you don’t have insurance. Just like emergency rooms have to treat you for your own stupidity. Then not get paid and pass it on. They are not police or fire deparments which also have to respond and get dragged off more important shit to shutdown traffic while they scrape up your probably dead ass.
This is no different. You are not just affecting yourself and we all know masks are not effective at protecting you. They are effective at protecting other people FROM you by reducing transmission and your state government can fine for your stupidity just like a seatbelt. Which throws your whole “if I’m only affecting me” argument in the trash.
I’m generally with you on the whole if I’m not hurting you fuck off sentiment. Except you obviously are with both arguments.
@cinoclav@jwilday@rpstrong oh also fun fact. Lots of rural fire departments are not paid at all. They are volunteering on their time off from their real jobs to leave their family for a few days a month to come in to protect their community. And so are some officers to do traffic control. So they aren’t even getting paid. Stupidity is just fucking up their night. And then they carry that home with them. Scraping up someone’s face or seeing someone almost decapitated cause you were to lazy to protect yourself cause it’s your right? Not something fun to take home with you. Same with most EMA they are almost all volunteers in rural areas. Who do you think is picking up their radios when a tornado comes down to spot for it? Or first on site calling in EMTs? Just ugh
Oh, and when your house is on fire and you call 911, when the firemen show up, I hope your neighbors are all up their faces complaining about why they aren’t coming over to pour water on their houses instead of yours because “all houses matter”.
How about a big cup of go-fuck-your-libertarian-self when you want my tax dollars to pay for that hospital to be ready with trained doctors and tested medications and equipment (like ventilators) to save your selfish lying socialist sorry ass after freeloading off of the EMTs that triaged and stabilized you for transport. You must be one entitled dumbfuck to be oblivious to the burden you impose on everyone else without our consent.
@decoratedwarvet@radi0j0hn@rpstrong Seatbelts hold the driver in place during emergency maneuvers, giving them better control of the vehicle. It’s not just about keeping you from getting ejected and hurting yourself. You could hurt or kill someone else because you won’t be able to properly control your vehicle. Any argument against this is an argument against simple physics, and therefore ignorant and wrong. Thanks for playing.
@jwilday@mike808@rpstrong@unksol Somehow I feel like @unksol is being unfairly attacked here. From what I’m reading, he’s on the right side of things - understanding that people should wear a mask not only to protect others but to protect the system. Not really sure where this thread went off the deep end. The only one to post anything disagreeable was @jwilday in stating that he wouldn’t call anti-maskers crazy. I’d certainly go with calling them crazy. As well as selfish and stupid.
@cinoclav@jwilday@unksol EMT funding varies depending on your locality. It is a big country. And scraping faces off the ground, etc., comes with the job. Yes, some are volunteers - but many are well paid.
None the less - essentially, you can use your same seat belt arguments to campaign for mandatory helmets as well as a proper 5 or 6 strap harness. 'Tis only a matter of degree.
But I did not intend to defend no-maskers. I’m in favor of enforced compliance, for the reason that you mentioned: that it protects others from me, not me from others. As the old saying goes, “My right to swing my fist ends at the tip of your nose.”
But I’ve since come to think that -sadly - for the typical driver, it doesn’t matter. He’ll lock up his brakes and slide into an obstacle when he could have veered around it - but he was afraid that the car would roll over if he tried.
In other words, he hits the limits of his abilities before he loses his seating.
And if he does know how well the car can handle, then his belt is almost certainly fastened!
@cinoclav@jwilday@mike808@rpstrong lol I don’t think anyone was attacking anyone… Mostly. Maybe some extra fucks were given to the counter but I don’t think they were at me. Or my reading comprehension is bad.
Regardless the point was that you can be libertarian or leaning that way and say as long as I don’t hurt anyone. And still register that there are things that you don’t like or want to do but you should. Because they impact other people. Hence society.
Also not my favorite thing but that’s not related to this particular issue.
And living in one instead of an island with no one requires some basic partition. Like seatbelts and masks and vaccinations etc.
My last fucks were given to the anti-maskers that pipe up about “trampling their rights” nonsense. I’m all out of them now.
Many of these scumbags that play the “Don’t tread on me” card have zero recognition of their own treading on others. Hallmarks of entitled sociopathy. Sigh.
@rpstrong obviously they have anti lock brakes for that shit and traction control although I never drove one until last year which is still a 97 expedition and I wouldn’t trust them.
16 years in a 99 Saturn SL. Manual. Obs.
Obviously not high performance. Lol. But you still have that split second. I’m fucked which way… Especially with ice. Some people think the correct answer is stand on the brake and don’t streer. Or don’t understand that braking while steering will put them in a skid and make it worse.
@AuntMean67 buy earsavers. Best under $10 of 2020. They convert the ear loops so it wraps around your head. Basically 2 buttons and a strip of fabric if you are crafty.
@AuntMean67@muzztime, I bought 10 mask connectors for $1.71 + $2.00 shpng cost at Wish. The only hang up was having to wait two months to receive them!! That said, all you need is a 10"-12" line, like a shoe-string & Wa La!! Elementary, my dear Watson!!
@phendrick Everything is disposable, but there’s a generally accepted meaning when that term is used on products like this. That meaning is that you use it once, or for a reasonable amount of time, and then throw it away. The throwing it away part is what triggers the “disposable” label. If you were meant to wash them and reuse them, they wouldn’t be called disposable. A good way to test if something is reusable or disposable is to wash it and see how many pieces you have left afterward.
@deemkooo Or don’t order these and hand out $35. The homeless are going to spread disease with or without masks. At least you could help them get their next bottle of booze or some drugs.
@deemkooo@warpedrotors … makes sense considering many drugs used to treat mental illness are covered for 20 days worth per month, leading to the monthly decision of food, rent or meds.
@cengland0@ponagathos Were they any good - meaning the nose piece stayed bent how you bent it, the cheek area is close to your skin, the stuff they are made out of are soft enough to conform to your face and not stiffly stick out, and the middle layer melts rather than flames? If yes to all, what was the url?
@cinoclav Well what they don’t tell you the author of this article (the great researcher Monica Ghandi) is exactly why masks work. Don’t speculate, for God’s sake don’t use social media for a reference. The CDC hinted early on why before the POTUS seized control.
The one thing this whole mess should have taught us is exactly how evil social media really is. It is quite a deadly weapon that is capable of more wide spread destruction than a nuclear weapon.
A neighbor has a sign posted in their yard: COVID-19 Follow the science.
Does anyone remember what science is? That’s the only thing that will save us. Not Donald Trump, not social media influences. This shit has become very serious. Time to stop playing around, the politicians need to shut up and quit trying to play god and the privateers must be stopped from trying to profit from our misery. The media has forgotten how to seek out real experts, the clowns they roll out are there to either to inflate their ego or to promote some business most of the time not related to the pandemic. In addition, they are no more qualified or educated to speak on SARS 2 than your pet dog.
@cinoclav@Dog19026 One problem with much of the media now is that they are clone talking heads rather than folks who have the training and (at times) the intelligence to evaluate what shows up on their teleprompter or in the case of the written word what they find with google. I think there used to be far more folks with serious training in politics, history, science, etc. working in that industry than these days - especially since what was considered “news” has changed.
The focus now seems to be on stuff like crime, murders, sensationalism of fads and trivia, celebrities, shallow politics coverage including putting a political overly to topics that shouldn’t be politicized, hot topic of the moment, weather (sensationalizing every damn thunderstorm that might pass through), and sports… all while using sound bites.
There used to be a focus on a longer and more thoughtful pieces that included: an analysis of world events, a broad range of topics that mattered to the world and/or our country, science, inventions, technology, medical, environment, crisis situations, etc. using a far less USA centric point of view and mostly keeping a political point of view out of it unless politics was actually relevant to the subject at hand.
@cinoclav So you are more than aware of the “experts” the local Philadelphia TV news channels have rolled out to comment on the pandemic. I have gotten more accurate advise from the squirrels in my front yard. I have a degree in bio so this stuff is driving me wild. A physician “expert” who runs a Keto diet clinic in VA, a cancer expert from a Phila. hospital, come on now! This has no reflection on any other part of their life other than check out the credentials of the PA secretary of health and tell me how that qualified them for their current position and basically running the lives of PA residents.
But I digress.
@cinoclav@Dog19026 Yah , I agree, I saw a photo of the NYC head of health and human services from his press conference and he had his mask on backwards! Not sure if that matters, but come on.
@Dog19026 I don’t have any issues with Dr. Levine. She’s a Harvard and Tulane graduate. Practicing doctor and professor. I don’t think there are many Secretaries of Health in this country who have an abundance of epidemiology experience and would be knowledgeable in how to handle a pandemic. She’s following reasonable guidelines in my opinion. As for who the local news has offering their opinions, I can’t say I really pay any attention to it. I generally watch the local news for the weather and sports.
@cinoclav@jwilday No that’s not the point. She is basically a teen-age eating disorder specialist. regardless of her medical education. It can be argued the the real education begins during their residency. This has absolutely nothing to do with appearance or lifestyle.
@cinoclav I beg to differ. I point to the nursing home debacle which still accounts for the vast majority of Covid-19 related deaths in our state. Her answers when questioned why she removed her own mother before seeding death in those nursing homes and her attempt to blame the CDC was nothing more than outrageous.
@cinoclav@Dog19026 There are plenty of us on here without any medical degree who read the research out there and understand what is going on even if we miss some of the microbiology of it. Someone with a medical background would have a greater advantage when reading this stuff. Since this affects everyone, including patients in their specialty, them, their family… I’d imagine many MD’s read about this in detail.
Sure having just people who specialize in infectious diseases talk to the general public would mean they “know” a lot of this without having had to read up on it. Likely there are not enough of these folks to be available (or even want/can to deal with the media or deal with them as often as they want to call on you) to meet the need. And what gets told to the general pubic is incredibly basic. It’s more or less like someone who has a PhD in stats explain what a correlation is, or risk of 5% means, to someone with minimal math background. In my opinion as long as someone with credible medical training and has a credible career after their MD degree was awarded (with no snake oil, no demon sperm theories, etc.) who is also taking the time to keep current in what is relevant to the pandemic they would likely be able to answer the kinds of questions relevant for general public safety.
@Dog19026 She’s a pediatrician who happens to specialize in eating disorders. She wasn’t immediately placed into the position of Secretary of Health. She started as the Physician General and was subsequently appointed to the position. Honestly, does it really matter what kind of physician she is? The Secretary of Health in Delaware is a family physician. The Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health is a nurse. The Commissioner in New York also trained in pediatrics. No one mentioned her lifestyle, that’s a moot point completely.
As for her mother, she didn’t remove her from a nursing home. She moved her from a Personal Care Home. There’s a big difference there. PCH’s do not provide medical facilities. PCH’s are generally small homes with a family style setting where residents are able to receive daily living assistance as needed. They do not fall into the same category as Nursing Homes which are staffed with medical professionals. If everyone understood the difference and what actually happened, they would have realized it was completely overblown. The wrongful complaints were purely political by those opposed to Wolf.
Are PCHs also called “Independent Living” or “Senior Living” facility, or are those yet different classes unregulated facilities? If so, it’s almost as if someone were trying to create new classes/labels for their industry/business just to avoid regulation providing protections for the elderly, in order to do the things those protections had to be put in place to begin with, and create confusion to get away with it.
My experience with an “Independent Living” facility was that it was basically an apartment complex for seniors, many with dementia and regular personal care “visitors”, that had a common eating/cafeteria area and provided 3 squares a day. Basically not quite the level if Assisted Living that provides medical care, at a lower cost consequently to the residents.
Sort of like “health ministry club memberships” pretending to be “insurance” to circumvent the ACA coverage requirements or Hobby Lobby having “free speech” rights that involve compelling employees to espouse misogynist Xto-fascist hate speech as a condition of employment, and to suppress any different “speech” of their employees, also as a condition of employment.
@mike808 Independent Living and Senior Living are basically the same. As you described, they’re typically apartment style buildings with common dining and recreation areas. They do not offer in house medical care. Personal Care Homes are essentially the same idea on a much smaller scale. Picture them more on the level of a Bed & Breakfast with assistance available but no medical care.
@sjk3 They are not kid sized so probably not except for the parents. I’d imagine kids might want to TP your house if you handed out adult masks to kids instead of candy LOL
Does the virus they protect people from give a fuck about where the mask was made?
Or are you trying to virtue signal?
Or are you trying justify why you don’t want to wear a mask (and put everyone around you at risk) because you couldn’t find any made in the “right” country, but more importantly, you leave out the part where you also aren’t willing to pay a premium for the labor costs that come with making things in the “right” country?
@kvs2000 Don’t know what the fuck the personal attack on me was for. Since you didn’t seem to get the point of my comment wondering if you really needed to ask, it’s this: They’re quite likely made in China.
Just to note, I’m staying perfectly safe wearing my mask at work. In a hospital. Taking care of all the assholes who refuse to wear masks. (Not saying you’re one of them.)
200 masks for $35 is a reasonable price. The Newegg house brand is currently $15 for 50, shipped from the US.
eBay or Amazon marketplace masks are often shipped from China and take weeks to arrive, no matter what the quality may be. It’s worthwhile to look for masks that have gotten through the exit process in China and the entry process in the US.
This winter will be brutal. Coronavirus will get worse before it gets better and it is not going away any time soon. The idiots going to weddings or bars with no distancing or masks merit a collective Darwin Award. But sadly they will take with them thousands of others who will die before their time.
These just came. Since you can still buy them on morningsave I thought I’d comment.
I bought these as my small supply is about out and they are cheaper than anything else out there. I figured if they sucked I could re-sell them and at least get what I spent back. I found out from the distributor company that the nose metal strip stayed bent (matters if you have glasses for fogging) so I bought (which meh/morningsave/etc… would comment on that when they describe these as I won’t by until I know and so have to ask).
Verdict is an overall grade of B. The nose wire is thin and while it doesn’t unbend on it’s own like some brands do, it is very sensitive to pressure and so doesn’t stay as tight against my nose and cheek as the stiff as a board ones do that I was using. So that is a C. If you didn’t wear glasses I doubt it would matter, glasses still fog a bit. That is a C. The loops are well secured across a larger area than some of the ones I saw in the store so hopefully should hold and not pull out. That would be an A (presuming I am right). The ear loops are soft as is the mask That is an A.
In order my preference (weighted for the glasses fogging issue)
masks with the foam strip MD Anderson was handing out to us. They were ace in every way for an ear loop kind. They don’t sell to non medical facilities or to individuals. Too bad.
Fujain BBC Disposable 3 plys elastic type (most of the box is in chinese) that I can only find on a site where you have to buy 2 million of them. I bought a box from someone who had bought 50 boxes as that was the minimum at the time and that site no longer sells them. These were good all around. If anyone can find them somewhere please let me know.
KATA (via Office Depot - you can get them for $14.99/50 if you wait as they go on sale a lot) but the material is on the stiff side (does soften as you wear them) but they do a pretty good job of staying put at the nose and cheeks as the nose piece is more substantial than these. Glasses don’t usually fog.
These - the negative is primarily the thinness of the nose piece and thus it doesn’t stay hard against your nose and so some glasses fogging.
I’m kind of impressed by the level of Pitney Bowes sloth at this point. My order arrived at Royal Oak, Michigan (Detroit area) on September 4, and it has camped out there ever since. I’m 150 miles away in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Maybe they only have someone in to sort the depot and load out trucks every couple of weeks.
Mine arrived today, as described/pictured. 4 boxes of 50, 3 Ply. I haven’t tried one on yet… I don’t get out much for loads of reasons. My son can take them to the office and hand them out to clients dumb enough to show without one… GA. Yesterday, at Kroger, I got a flu shot…
only person I saw w/o a mask had a NRA/MAGA hat. D’uh.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$59.80 at Mask On Every Face for 200-Pack
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Sep 21 - Monday, Sep 27
@akadamia Pandemeh
I like these better.
That may haunt my dreams tonight which reminds me of what a dumbass I am staying up until midnight for this. This reminds me of the Panama papers in that it’s an exercise in futility.
@jsh139, ain’t the guy in the middle Arnold¿?
@rjquillin These are artisanal masks crafted by expert German mask engineers in the verdant hills of Stuttgart. Each one rinsed in pure spring water and disinfected by the rays of the sun for a minimum of five days…
Nah it’s China. Probably in a factory that was recycling tractor tires before the pandemic! 加油!
@awk @rjquillin Careful. The guy defending/justifying his widget production in China will attack you if you even mildly insinuate that China has questionable production issues. As far as he’s concerned, China is the pinnacle of the manufacturing industry, with the best wages, working conditions, quality control, etc. He’ll be here shortly…
@awk @rjquillin, are these the same Germans who Thought they were so superior that they lost WW II¿?
@awk @decoratedwarvet @rjquillin I’m pretty sure all of hitler’s insanity and penchant for giant war machines took that out of them. Never mind Bismark/Tirpitz/Battle of Britain/Normandy etc.
Maybe a little to jaunty for the subject but there is something about celebrating the victories from WWII and taking the Kriegsmarine flagship never mind the Luftwaffe.
But probably mostly russia/the eastern front and east germany and breaking them in half for 45 years also caused some reflection. If you look at the stats/read the history.
I’m sure no real living german is proud of what happened in WWII/especially concentration camps. No one should forget it. Or deny it. Ever. But they still managed to recover and be a driving force for peace and stability in the EU. My german friend from high school was deeply ashamed when we talked about it and I am not sure his parents were even alive then. No sane person is happy about what they did.
The shit the US has done has maybe not been as concentrated but it might have been if there were enough indians. Never mind eugenics
And I highly doubt most germans knew what Hitler and the SS were up to beyond relocation till they saw the camps. Apparently Americans were ok with hauling Jappanese Americans away and forgetting about them.
I will only buy if each mask is individual wrapped AND comes in separate box. I’m really into packaging.
@awk, these are individually packaged in 50 count boxes. I’ve been buying KN95 face mask dat are 5 layers.
Well that ought to make one feel confident, right?!?
@narfcake I mean you can misuse water and drown right?
Do I really need to post pictures of people not wearing masks correctly?
@mtb002 @narfcake Yes please.
@narfcake, yeah, especially if you tend to wear them Wrong, e. g. a ‘no nose masker’!!
@mtb002 Valid point.
@mtb002 @narfcake My cheeks aren’t pointy enough to wear the mask as you’ve instructed in your graphic. It just keeps falling on the floor.
What the hell. If this winter is as bad as it has the potential to be and we run out (again) at the clinic, these will be better than nothing. They should be adequate used with a face shield.
/giphy overactive-itchy-effect
These will be great to offer to maskless people going into stores who will then curse you out because they are crazy anti-maskers.
@radi0j0hn, they’re called ‘no maskers’ & they believe it’s their Constitutional right not to have to wear a mask!! Using that logic, they can walk around naked in public, not wear seat belts, and do no haveta use baby seats.
@decoratedwarvet @radi0j0hn
Leave baby seats out of this.
@enoch @radi0j0hn, why¿?
@radi0j0hn I wouldn’t call the anti maskers crazy. We have seen that wearing the mask is more about compliance than protection. It doesn’t matter what you cover your face with as long as you are complying. I saw a lady in line at the bank with a cheese cloth “scarf” pulled up over her nose.
Most people I see with masks only cover their mouth and leave the nose free. Businesses let them in.
@decoratedwarvet @radi0j0hn Walking around naked may offend my sensibilities, but I really don’t have a ‘right’ to never be offended (and if I did, would it trump your ‘right’ to comfort)?
And why should you not have the right to not wear your seat belt? Granted, the EMTs may have to search a bit more for bodies or for missing parts - but they get paid for it. My dad paid extra for rear seat belts in his '62 Falcon. I grew up under the “belts fastened before the car moves” rule, and I wouldn’t dream of not using them now. But do I have a right to impose my own risk-averse levels on someone else?
If you haven’t guessed, I am a Libertarian. One of our basic tenets is that my rights end where yours begin. In the case of the baby seat, the baby’s right to safety trumps your right not to be inconvenienced.
Hope that sorts things out.
@radi0j0hn @rpstrong, many words are relative, can have different meanings & can be enterchanged, e. g. using the term offen
@jwilday No, wearing a mask is absolutely about protection. And it definitely makes a difference what type it is. How does anyone not understand this at this point? You’d think six months of evidence would be enough to make it clear that masks work.
@jwilday @radi0j0hn
@radi0j0hn I call them “plague-breathers” or my favorite insult I saw listed as an dinsult used during the bubonic plague, “Rat kisser”
@cinoclav @jwilday @rpstrong wearing a seatbelt is absolutely about protection. States also have the right to fine for it. Which some do. Because you are doing something stupid that causes harm to the rest of the healthcare system in your state which endangers others when they have to stop to scrape you off the pavement. And endangers others when you waste an ER bed.
EMTs are not state funded. They are private companies that bill you then don’t get paid because you don’t have insurance. Just like emergency rooms have to treat you for your own stupidity. Then not get paid and pass it on. They are not police or fire deparments which also have to respond and get dragged off more important shit to shutdown traffic while they scrape up your probably dead ass.
This is no different. You are not just affecting yourself and we all know masks are not effective at protecting you. They are effective at protecting other people FROM you by reducing transmission and your state government can fine for your stupidity just like a seatbelt. Which throws your whole “if I’m only affecting me” argument in the trash.
I’m generally with you on the whole if I’m not hurting you fuck off sentiment. Except you obviously are with both arguments.
@cinoclav @jwilday @rpstrong oh also fun fact. Lots of rural fire departments are not paid at all. They are volunteering on their time off from their real jobs to leave their family for a few days a month to come in to protect their community. And so are some officers to do traffic control. So they aren’t even getting paid. Stupidity is just fucking up their night. And then they carry that home with them. Scraping up someone’s face or seeing someone almost decapitated cause you were to lazy to protect yourself cause it’s your right? Not something fun to take home with you. Same with most EMA they are almost all volunteers in rural areas. Who do you think is picking up their radios when a tornado comes down to spot for it? Or first on site calling in EMTs? Just ugh
@jwilday @rpstrong @unksol @cinoclav
Oh, and when your house is on fire and you call 911, when the firemen show up, I hope your neighbors are all up their faces complaining about why they aren’t coming over to pour water on their houses instead of yours because “all houses matter”.
How about a big cup of go-fuck-your-libertarian-self when you want my tax dollars to pay for that hospital to be ready with trained doctors and tested medications and equipment (like ventilators) to save your selfish lying socialist sorry ass after freeloading off of the EMTs that triaged and stabilized you for transport. You must be one entitled dumbfuck to be oblivious to the burden you impose on everyone else without our consent.
@decoratedwarvet @radi0j0hn @rpstrong Seatbelts hold the driver in place during emergency maneuvers, giving them better control of the vehicle. It’s not just about keeping you from getting ejected and hurting yourself. You could hurt or kill someone else because you won’t be able to properly control your vehicle. Any argument against this is an argument against simple physics, and therefore ignorant and wrong. Thanks for playing.
@jwilday @mike808 @rpstrong @unksol Somehow I feel like @unksol is being unfairly attacked here. From what I’m reading, he’s on the right side of things - understanding that people should wear a mask not only to protect others but to protect the system. Not really sure where this thread went off the deep end. The only one to post anything disagreeable was @jwilday in stating that he wouldn’t call anti-maskers crazy. I’d certainly go with calling them crazy. As well as selfish and stupid.
@cinoclav @jwilday @unksol EMT funding varies depending on your locality. It is a big country. And scraping faces off the ground, etc., comes with the job. Yes, some are volunteers - but many are well paid.
None the less - essentially, you can use your same seat belt arguments to campaign for mandatory helmets as well as a proper 5 or 6 strap harness. 'Tis only a matter of degree.
But I did not intend to defend no-maskers. I’m in favor of enforced compliance, for the reason that you mentioned: that it protects others from me, not me from others. As the old saying goes, “My right to swing my fist ends at the tip of your nose.”
@decoratedwarvet @radi0j0hn @warpedrotors I used to espouse that argument, especially in the case of bench seats.
But I’ve since come to think that -sadly - for the typical driver, it doesn’t matter. He’ll lock up his brakes and slide into an obstacle when he could have veered around it - but he was afraid that the car would roll over if he tried.
In other words, he hits the limits of his abilities before he loses his seating.
And if he does know how well the car can handle, then his belt is almost certainly fastened!
@cinoclav @jwilday @mike808 @rpstrong lol I don’t think anyone was attacking anyone… Mostly. Maybe some extra fucks were given to the counter but I don’t think they were at me. Or my reading comprehension is bad.
Regardless the point was that you can be libertarian or leaning that way and say as long as I don’t hurt anyone. And still register that there are things that you don’t like or want to do but you should. Because they impact other people. Hence society.
Also not my favorite thing but that’s not related to this particular issue.
And living in one instead of an island with no one requires some basic partition. Like seatbelts and masks and vaccinations etc.
@cinoclav @jwilday @rpstrong @unksol
My last fucks were given to the anti-maskers that pipe up about “trampling their rights” nonsense. I’m all out of them now.
Many of these scumbags that play the “Don’t tread on me” card have zero recognition of their own treading on others. Hallmarks of entitled sociopathy. Sigh.
@cinoclav @mike808
@rpstrong obviously they have anti lock brakes for that shit and traction control although I never drove one until last year which is still a 97 expedition and I wouldn’t trust them.
16 years in a 99 Saturn SL. Manual. Obs.
Obviously not high performance. Lol. But you still have that split second. I’m fucked which way… Especially with ice. Some people think the correct answer is stand on the brake and don’t streer. Or don’t understand that braking while steering will put them in a skid and make it worse.
Good thing that masks are individually wrapped! But kinda wish these were 4-ply masks.
@greenispep Just bought a razor with five blades. If you need five blades for a razor, why wouldn’t you need 5 plies for a mask?
@greenispep I bet you buy charmin :p
Would buy if it was strings instead of elastic ear loops. They give me migraines. But is a very affordable offer.
@AuntMean67 buy earsavers. Best under $10 of 2020. They convert the ear loops so it wraps around your head. Basically 2 buttons and a strip of fabric if you are crafty.
@AuntMean67 @muzztime, I bought 10 mask connectors for $1.71 + $2.00 shpng cost at Wish. The only hang up was having to wait two months to receive them!! That said, all you need is a 10"-12" line, like a shoe-string & Wa La!! Elementary, my dear Watson!!
@decoratedwarvet It’s “voila”.
@decoratedwarvet @Shagbert
It’s “voilà”. French for “there it is”.
Might I direct your attention to where this has been discussed before…
Easy pass on this Meh product.
These are “disposable”.
Aren’t all masks disposable?
What would keep any other mask from being disposed of?
@phendrick Everything is disposable, but there’s a generally accepted meaning when that term is used on products like this. That meaning is that you use it once, or for a reasonable amount of time, and then throw it away. The throwing it away part is what triggers the “disposable” label. If you were meant to wash them and reuse them, they wouldn’t be called disposable. A good way to test if something is reusable or disposable is to wash it and see how many pieces you have left afterward.
@phendrick, some are washable & reusable as compared to fuckin washing them & then throwing them away!!
@phendrick @warpedrotors, sometimes the manufacture, or merchant tells you in the product discription info, but your advice is a great ‘Plan B’!!
dam but that 90 day warrantee
“we’re gonna live forever”
@ivo__5, if you’re gonna fucking live forever then a warrenty is irrelivent!!
@decoratedwarvet @ivo__5 not to be pendantic… There is a massive difference between “live happily ever after” and “live forever”
@decoratedwarvet @unksol
dude, do you even oasis???
@ivo__5 @unkso, l agree & BTW, no one has mentioned ‘living happily ever after’ , except you!!
Advice from a medical worker friend… “wear 2 of the disposable masks or wear a cloth mask over a disposable mask” Be safe out there
@muzztime, I was gonna say that, so I’ll just say, “What muzztime said!!”
Great for handing out to the homeless
@deemkooo Or don’t order these and hand out $35. The homeless are going to spread disease with or without masks. At least you could help them get their next bottle of booze or some drugs.
@deemkooo @warpedrotors … makes sense considering many drugs used to treat mental illness are covered for 20 days worth per month, leading to the monthly decision of food, rent or meds.
@deemkooo, yeah, or maskless!! If they don’t have a mask on out in public then having a home isn’t gonna do them any good, deem!!
@deemkooo @dgmshop Homeless people don’t typically pay rent. Cute fantasy though.
/giphy vengeful-passionate-phoenix
@Sapper Hey! They aren’t practicing social distancing!
@Sapper @sjk3 yeah, they should be using “protection.” A mask, I mean. And probably some other kind, too.
@Sapper Error: gif ends to early.
@Sapper So is this a porno or a more mainstream movie I should recognize?
@Trinityscrew I’m pretty sure this is from “He’s just not that into you.”
@aSquirrel @Trinityscrew i mean he’s clearly into her. Or planning to be shortly
I like the individually wrapped part but not sure that makes them worth double the normal bulk price. I usually just stick some in a ziploc bag.
Where are you buying them for 9 cents each?
@cengland0 $4 for 50 on eBay last week.
@cengland0 @ponagathos Were they any good - meaning the nose piece stayed bent how you bent it, the cheek area is close to your skin, the stuff they are made out of are soft enough to conform to your face and not stiffly stick out, and the middle layer melts rather than flames? If yes to all, what was the url?
@cengland0 @Kidsandliz @ponagathos Looks like the url is
@jwilday maskoneveryface is not ebay and theirs is 20 cents each before any shipping.
Wear one. Please.
@cinoclav Well what they don’t tell you the author of this article (the great researcher Monica Ghandi) is exactly why masks work. Don’t speculate, for God’s sake don’t use social media for a reference. The CDC hinted early on why before the POTUS seized control.
The one thing this whole mess should have taught us is exactly how evil social media really is. It is quite a deadly weapon that is capable of more wide spread destruction than a nuclear weapon.
A neighbor has a sign posted in their yard: COVID-19 Follow the science.
Does anyone remember what science is? That’s the only thing that will save us. Not Donald Trump, not social media influences. This shit has become very serious. Time to stop playing around, the politicians need to shut up and quit trying to play god and the privateers must be stopped from trying to profit from our misery. The media has forgotten how to seek out real experts, the clowns they roll out are there to either to inflate their ego or to promote some business most of the time not related to the pandemic. In addition, they are no more qualified or educated to speak on SARS 2 than your pet dog.
@Dog19026 Just curious - is 19026 your zip code? If so, you’re a neighbor.
@cinoclav @Dog19026 One problem with much of the media now is that they are clone talking heads rather than folks who have the training and (at times) the intelligence to evaluate what shows up on their teleprompter or in the case of the written word what they find with google. I think there used to be far more folks with serious training in politics, history, science, etc. working in that industry than these days - especially since what was considered “news” has changed.
The focus now seems to be on stuff like crime, murders, sensationalism of fads and trivia, celebrities, shallow politics coverage including putting a political overly to topics that shouldn’t be politicized, hot topic of the moment, weather (sensationalizing every damn thunderstorm that might pass through), and sports… all while using sound bites.
There used to be a focus on a longer and more thoughtful pieces that included: an analysis of world events, a broad range of topics that mattered to the world and/or our country, science, inventions, technology, medical, environment, crisis situations, etc. using a far less USA centric point of view and mostly keeping a political point of view out of it unless politics was actually relevant to the subject at hand.
@cinoclav Yes currently it is.
@Dog19026 Well then… I’m on the other side of Township Line.
@cinoclav So you are more than aware of the “experts” the local Philadelphia TV news channels have rolled out to comment on the pandemic. I have gotten more accurate advise from the squirrels in my front yard. I have a degree in bio so this stuff is driving me wild. A physician “expert” who runs a Keto diet clinic in VA, a cancer expert from a Phila. hospital, come on now! This has no reflection on any other part of their life other than check out the credentials of the PA secretary of health and tell me how that qualified them for their current position and basically running the lives of PA residents.
But I digress.
@cinoclav @Dog19026 Yah , I agree, I saw a photo of the NYC head of health and human services from his press conference and he had his mask on backwards! Not sure if that matters, but come on.
@Dog19026 I don’t have any issues with Dr. Levine. She’s a Harvard and Tulane graduate. Practicing doctor and professor. I don’t think there are many Secretaries of Health in this country who have an abundance of epidemiology experience and would be knowledgeable in how to handle a pandemic. She’s following reasonable guidelines in my opinion. As for who the local news has offering their opinions, I can’t say I really pay any attention to it. I generally watch the local news for the weather and sports.
@cinoclav @jwilday No that’s not the point. She is basically a teen-age eating disorder specialist. regardless of her medical education. It can be argued the the real education begins during their residency. This has absolutely nothing to do with appearance or lifestyle.
@cinoclav I beg to differ. I point to the nursing home debacle which still accounts for the vast majority of Covid-19 related deaths in our state. Her answers when questioned why she removed her own mother before seeding death in those nursing homes and her attempt to blame the CDC was nothing more than outrageous.
@cinoclav @Dog19026 There are plenty of us on here without any medical degree who read the research out there and understand what is going on even if we miss some of the microbiology of it. Someone with a medical background would have a greater advantage when reading this stuff. Since this affects everyone, including patients in their specialty, them, their family… I’d imagine many MD’s read about this in detail.
Sure having just people who specialize in infectious diseases talk to the general public would mean they “know” a lot of this without having had to read up on it. Likely there are not enough of these folks to be available (or even want/can to deal with the media or deal with them as often as they want to call on you) to meet the need. And what gets told to the general pubic is incredibly basic. It’s more or less like someone who has a PhD in stats explain what a correlation is, or risk of 5% means, to someone with minimal math background. In my opinion as long as someone with credible medical training and has a credible career after their MD degree was awarded (with no snake oil, no demon sperm theories, etc.) who is also taking the time to keep current in what is relevant to the pandemic they would likely be able to answer the kinds of questions relevant for general public safety.
@Dog19026 She’s a pediatrician who happens to specialize in eating disorders. She wasn’t immediately placed into the position of Secretary of Health. She started as the Physician General and was subsequently appointed to the position. Honestly, does it really matter what kind of physician she is? The Secretary of Health in Delaware is a family physician. The Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health is a nurse. The Commissioner in New York also trained in pediatrics. No one mentioned her lifestyle, that’s a moot point completely.
As for her mother, she didn’t remove her from a nursing home. She moved her from a Personal Care Home. There’s a big difference there. PCH’s do not provide medical facilities. PCH’s are generally small homes with a family style setting where residents are able to receive daily living assistance as needed. They do not fall into the same category as Nursing Homes which are staffed with medical professionals. If everyone understood the difference and what actually happened, they would have realized it was completely overblown. The wrongful complaints were purely political by those opposed to Wolf.
@cinoclav @Dog19026
Are PCHs also called “Independent Living” or “Senior Living” facility, or are those yet different classes unregulated facilities? If so, it’s almost as if someone were trying to create new classes/labels for their industry/business just to avoid regulation providing protections for the elderly, in order to do the things those protections had to be put in place to begin with, and create confusion to get away with it.
My experience with an “Independent Living” facility was that it was basically an apartment complex for seniors, many with dementia and regular personal care “visitors”, that had a common eating/cafeteria area and provided 3 squares a day. Basically not quite the level if Assisted Living that provides medical care, at a lower cost consequently to the residents.
Sort of like “health ministry club memberships” pretending to be “insurance” to circumvent the ACA coverage requirements or Hobby Lobby having “free speech” rights that involve compelling employees to espouse misogynist Xto-fascist hate speech as a condition of employment, and to suppress any different “speech” of their employees, also as a condition of employment.
@mike808 Independent Living and Senior Living are basically the same. As you described, they’re typically apartment style buildings with common dining and recreation areas. They do not offer in house medical care. Personal Care Homes are essentially the same idea on a much smaller scale. Picture them more on the level of a Bed & Breakfast with assistance available but no medical care.
@cinoclav So “Personal Care Home” is what people are calling their former AirBnB units that dried up in the pandemic.
They’d make great Halloween treats
@sjk3 They are not kid sized so probably not except for the parents. I’d imagine kids might want to TP your house if you handed out adult masks to kids instead of candy LOL
Hey I thought covid was over, if not now, surely by the time these arrive.
@wentzelduane Well at least if they are involved in a soccer game on the way here they still ought to arrive in one piece.
Predominantly offbeat seems appropriate
/giphy predominant-offbeat-van
Mmmmm… cheese…
/giphy preeminent-foreign-cheese
@otisskavier that’s just wrong!
where are they made?
@kvs2000 Do you really need to ask?
@cinoclav @kvs2000
Does the virus they protect people from give a fuck about where the mask was made?
Or are you trying to virtue signal?
Or are you trying justify why you don’t want to wear a mask (and put everyone around you at risk) because you couldn’t find any made in the “right” country, but more importantly, you leave out the part where you also aren’t willing to pay a premium for the labor costs that come with making things in the “right” country?
@kvs2000 It says “Designed In the USA” not manufactured what are they trying to hide?
@jwilday exactly
@cinoclav Don’t worry you can stay safe, by staying in mommies basement.
@cinoclav @kvs2000 @mike808 If they are from hostile countries they could be pre-loaded with any number of chemical weapons?
@kvs2000 Don’t know what the fuck the personal attack on me was for. Since you didn’t seem to get the point of my comment wondering if you really needed to ask, it’s this: They’re quite likely made in China.
Just to note, I’m staying perfectly safe wearing my mask at work. In a hospital. Taking care of all the assholes who refuse to wear masks. (Not saying you’re one of them.)
@kvs2000 China… read from the manufacturer’s site:
Are the ear loops elastic?
@robtg722 Just looking at the images, you can see the loops are the stretchy type of material. It is strange that it’s not listed though.
COVID officially over when protective face masks reach fidget spinner status
@carlosps Considering I just got 40 fidget spinners in my IRK, I don’t think Covid is officially over until we start getting masks in our IRKs.
@carlosps COVID is over when people stop dying from it.
I have already lost one close friend to it, I don’t want to lose any more.
@hamjudo I’m very sorry about your friend. I’m at wits end trying to persuade the deniers to do the right thing.
Two words: Face Diapers
200 masks for $35 is a reasonable price. The Newegg house brand is currently $15 for 50, shipped from the US.
eBay or Amazon marketplace masks are often shipped from China and take weeks to arrive, no matter what the quality may be. It’s worthwhile to look for masks that have gotten through the exit process in China and the entry process in the US.
This winter will be brutal. Coronavirus will get worse before it gets better and it is not going away any time soon. The idiots going to weddings or bars with no distancing or masks merit a collective Darwin Award. But sadly they will take with them thousands of others who will die before their time.
These just came. Since you can still buy them on morningsave I thought I’d comment.
I bought these as my small supply is about out and they are cheaper than anything else out there. I figured if they sucked I could re-sell them and at least get what I spent back. I found out from the distributor company that the nose metal strip stayed bent (matters if you have glasses for fogging) so I bought (which meh/morningsave/etc… would comment on that when they describe these as I won’t by until I know and so have to ask).
Verdict is an overall grade of B. The nose wire is thin and while it doesn’t unbend on it’s own like some brands do, it is very sensitive to pressure and so doesn’t stay as tight against my nose and cheek as the stiff as a board ones do that I was using. So that is a C. If you didn’t wear glasses I doubt it would matter, glasses still fog a bit. That is a C. The loops are well secured across a larger area than some of the ones I saw in the store so hopefully should hold and not pull out. That would be an A (presuming I am right). The ear loops are soft as is the mask That is an A.
In order my preference (weighted for the glasses fogging issue)
Mild confusion intensifies
@KMakato did you want your address to show?
I edited your photo just in case.
Also, did you contact support?
@RiotDemon oops, sorry. was too tired to realize the address was showing. derp. Support was contacted
I paid for 200 individually wrapped masks.
I just received 100 un-wrapped masks today (2 packs of 50).
Where are the masks I paid for?
They’re 3-ply, so you actually got 300 masks.
A 50% bonus!
These are taking WAY TOO LONG to ship and be delivered. Just when I thought Meh was getting better about this crap, they fail me again. DO BETTER MEH!
I’m kind of impressed by the level of Pitney Bowes sloth at this point. My order arrived at Royal Oak, Michigan (Detroit area) on September 4, and it has camped out there ever since. I’m 150 miles away in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Maybe they only have someone in to sort the depot and load out trucks every couple of weeks.
Mine arrived today, as described/pictured. 4 boxes of 50, 3 Ply. I haven’t tried one on yet… I don’t get out much for loads of reasons. My son can take them to the office and hand them out to clients dumb enough to show without one… GA. Yesterday, at Kroger, I got a flu shot…
only person I saw w/o a mask had a NRA/MAGA hat. D’uh.
My coworkers want me to buy these same masks again.