Heavens no! I see tons of them at various flea markets and they can’t unload them for $1! No way do I want that many or could even figure out what to do with them!
@JanaS Assuming one who beats the CAPTCHA before the clicky pictures take over & gets to the never-ending (until it’s too late) scrolling green bar can actually score a Fuko, as it should be. But maybe I’m just bitter…
@narfcake oh please! I know what’s in your new folder>new folder>new folder>new folder>Uncle Bill sings at 75th Lou And Eleanor’s anniversary folder.
That’s not Uncle Bill!
Stocking stuffers for the entire neighborhood? Trick or treat for next year? At least they are better than stale candy corn. A box full for that white elephant exchange? LOL
@waltertyree If your wagon is already unsightly enough you’d be willing to attach a few hundy spinners onto it… chances are pretty good it’s already pretty secure.
I still have two unopened Candy corn packs, what in the hell will I do with 200 fidget spinners. Already bought some that came with candy corn.
I really hate candy corn.
Mine came in today. Only yellow and white but they are the good metal ones that spin great. Very pleased with my purchase and fellow parents are taking them from me for stocking stuffers. All in all, meh!
What’s in the Box?
200x fidget spinners
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Friday, July 17th
/giphy my god
/giphy spinners everywhere
/giphy wtf
LOL get rid of as many of these as possible before 2018
/giphy how about no
What the hell would you do with 200 fidget spinners?!
/giphy skeet shooting
@daveinwarsh But still, tempting, isn’t it? Be the first and last on your block…
@daveinwarsh and even worse, somebody ordered two packs, so they’re getting 400 of these past-their-prime things
A two-hundred-fer? Geez, how many of these things did y’all buy?
@SColburn All of them. Everywhere.
/giphy ageless-losing-education
Why do I do the things I do?
@jofuzz I… but… seriously, why?! I’d rather have my $35 non-functional Sanyo sound bar I bought last week than $40 worth of fidget spinners!
@smigit2002 I work at a school. I’ll throw them at the children.
@jofuzz Poor kids are going to get wrecked!
In for 3!
Fidget spinners are the new candy corn. But less edible.
@cbfromma I dunno, has anyone here tried? Mehbe time for a taste-off!
/8ball Are fidget spinners edible?
Very doubtful
/8ball Is candy corn edible?
It is certain
/8ball does the /8ball lie?
Ask again later
Oh, F this.
Heavens no! I see tons of them at various flea markets and they can’t unload them for $1! No way do I want that many or could even figure out what to do with them!
@savvysapphire That’s because they were $1 versus 5/$1 here.
@narfcake yeah. Still s solid no. Don’t have any use for one of them, let alone 200!
@savvysapphire It’s funny because 5-6 months ago they were going for $10 each.
/image supply and demand
Meh. It’s tempting only because it’s ridiculous and stupid. 100 for $20 or even 50 for $10 might’ve got me.
For God’s sake BUY these things before we find them in our Fukos!!!
@JanaS pallet of fidget spinners
@austinsting I would love to see that
@JanaS Assuming one who beats the CAPTCHA before the clicky pictures take over & gets to the never-ending (until it’s too late) scrolling green bar can actually score a Fuko, as it should be. But maybe I’m just bitter…
/giphy pallet of fidget spinners
/8ball Do I need this shit?
My reply is no
Cuirass – learned a new word.
But when will I ever get the chance to use it?
@phendrick Isn’t that just off-brand Preparation-H?
We have a billion of them at home already anyway, so not sure why, but in for 1. I had to, I will claim insanity to the hubby when he finds out.
20 cents each wow!
Which programmer is on crack? Icons are vibrating.
So tempting. My sales have picked up recently for stocking stuffers. Just sayin
Yes, I am that person who bought two boxes of these.
How medium size stalkings could I fill with these? I’m also throwing in a Viewmaster , Clackers, and Wacky Wall Walkers.
@narfcake That watermark should have ‘ass’ in the middle.
@wew Wall Walkers I’d buy. (Also there’s a Viewmaster version of “Google Cardboard” and it’s very cool).
@ergomeh I’ll check out that Google Cardboard. thanks.
@wew I am NOT going to pull up an image for ass stalkings.
@narfcake oh please! I know what’s in your new folder>new folder>new folder>new folder>Uncle Bill sings at 75th Lou And Eleanor’s anniversary folder.
That’s not Uncle Bill!
This is where meh really needs a buy randomizer integration. You click the wheel, if it ends up on buy, you buy, no givebacks.
Stocking stuffers for the entire neighborhood? Trick or treat for next year? At least they are better than stale candy corn. A box full for that white elephant exchange? LOL
@mommacomet lol, white elephant would be great for this.
@mommacomet This would be an amazing white elephant exchange gift!
Has someone already made an art car of spinners? A few hundred of these along the sides of my station wagon might keep it from getting stolen.
@waltertyree If your wagon is already unsightly enough you’d be willing to attach a few hundy spinners onto it… chances are pretty good it’s already pretty secure.
Now THAT is enough spinners to make a PROPER Plinko board!
/giphy plinko
@ruouttaurmind Huzzah!
@duodec Someone send me a couple orders of these and I’ll craft a fidget spinner Plinko board we can all be proud of! LOL!
@ruouttaurmind but that one won’t light up!
Seems like most everyone who bought them at Halloween ended up being happy they did.
@duodec But next Halloween is so far away. People might hate them (even more) by then!
@ELUNO But a few years from now they’ll be the new nostalgia ‘comeback kid’ for millenials…
Anyone at Meh know the approximate size of these things?
Perfect dental office prize.
@lunacydress On average <3" diameter (Probably closer to 2") and <1" thick (Probably close
to 1/2")
@Bogie Just wanna make sure I’m not getting some weird miniature version. Thanks!
@lunacydress Ahh, yes… can’t help you there
This just keeps getting better and better…
We know what’s going to be in the fuku
I still have two unopened Candy corn packs, what in the hell will I do with 200 fidget spinners. Already bought some that came with candy corn.
I really hate candy corn.
How does the 90 day warranty work on these? If one breaks,can I mail it back, or do all 200 have to break?
@jml326 It worked! Your order number is: tiny-likely-jelly
/image tiny likely jelly
@mediocrebot Brachs and bulk fidget spinners… a combination made in Hades
Looks like people in Bighorn county, Wyoming are investing in fidget spinners!
@daveinwarsh Next time I sell these I’m going for “it’s the new bitcoin!” approach.
@dave Exactly. You really just need to fool some of the people some of the time…
@dave Catshirts are the new bitcoin.
If they were the LED ones, I’d consider it. But the plain ones are too boring.
This is irresponsible
@medz That’s @snapster’s next venture.
Bring back the Candy Corn!
@lisameh It worked! Your order number is: roomy-respectful-tuna
/image roomy respectful tuna
/giphy snobbish-witchy-nutmeg
Did it. Gonna regret it. Probably… Gonna throw one in a vice and hit it with the air gun, see if I can injure myself.
@fuzzmanmatt Centrifugal Force is the Forciest Force.
Mine came in today. Only yellow and white but they are the good metal ones that spin great. Very pleased with my purchase and fellow parents are taking them from me for stocking stuffers. All in all, meh!
@cbilyak I got some of the non-led ones in a mixed box. They do spin really nicely.
Ok I guess I lucked out. White/ metal rings, White/black rings, yellow/metal rings, yellow/ black rings, red/metal, green/metal.