20 years

jst1ofknd went on a bit of a rant said

As of May 22nd I will have been employed at the “same place” for twenty years. I really don’t know how I feel about this.

I said “same place” because I started with a company back in 2000. That company created a new branch (that I became a part of) and sold us off. We all kept our original start dates.

The company that bought us held on to us for a couple of years and sold us again. Once again we got to keep our original start dates.

I might be the only one, but this concept is a little bit confusing to me. At the time that we were sold originally I was employed (I think) 15 years. We were held onto for 2 years and sold again.

By my reckoning, (because we kept our original start dates) this means that at the time we were acquired the second time I had worked with company A for 15 years, company B for 17 years, and company C for 17 years. This means I have been working (just with these three) for 49 years. That’s longer than I’ve been alive!

Anyway, back to real time. 20 years at basically the same place and feeling like nothing has changed in 20 years (though, of course, a whole awful lot has changed). I don’t really know how I feel about this. I mean it. I really don’t.

I’m going to ruin the last sentence by trying to figure this out. Part of me just wants to leave. Just up and quit because it’s been just such a long time and I need a change. Part of me is just worried because I don’t really have a education for what I am doing and I think I couldn’t do anything else. There are times when it would be a relief to be fired or just let go. I mean in pre-Corona times of course.

It’s likely I just won’t do anything. This job, <sigh> career, is the best place for me. I know it. I just have to keep doing what I am doing because the grass really isn’t greener on the other side, the grass is greener where you water it.

TLDR: Just another meandering meaningless post from me. You’re not missing anything.