20 lbs of Meh
4It’s spring cleaning time and I have a problem…for years now I have been collecting stuff from Meh…I need to stop buying! I have gathered up a box of all the items I have, nearly all new in packages from Meh and I need to get rid of it…gotta rip the band-aid off. I have 20 lbs of Meh purchased stuff (plus a few swag items from a previous employer) in a single big box…what should I do with it?
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@kidsandliz is supposedly working on the next Mehxchange.
She’s really just faking, as a way of claiming she can’t be Goated. But she may have to actually follow thru, now that summer is v near.
You could offer them up to the exchange.
Or you could hold a contest for Best Original Limerick posted here, based on Mehmber votes …
@f00l OK OK OK been a bit bummed after coming back from MD Anderson. I will get my butt in gear and get it going.
you know that one good torment deserve another, right?
just trying to “help”.
@Kidsandliz Rest your eyes for a moment. You’ll recognize some of these.
@OldCatLady Cool. Thanks. I want to be there!!! I worked on one of those boats and volunteered on another (one belongs to Jamestown Foundation and I volunteered with the boats).
@OldCatLady That looks not too far from where I’ll be moving this summer! Looks like a lot of fun
I think it’s a tad too early for my arrival though.
Save it for the next Mehxchange.
(Although if it can’t wait, I’d gladly take it off of your hands for shipping costs.
@PlacidPenguin if I trade it then I will just have more Meh crap…trying to get rid of it! I already have a hoarding problem and a “need one, buy three” problem that I got from Woot long ago and still have…
I would rather make this fun…just gotta come up with a fun plan…maybe take up a collection to mail it to someone that would enjoy it…then they pick some and add to it and take up a collection to pass to the next person
That last idea sure sounds like it could be fun.
Mehxchanges allow persons to send out more boxes than they receive.
Unfortunately, you are not the only soul so afflicted.
@tightwad why buy only one when 3 doesn’t cost anymore in shipping? that’s the way i see it. and on top of that somebody you know might want one and you can’t buy it tomorrow, so no time like the present. no,
iwe don’t have a problem…@tightwad
Then again, even if you choose to use it for a Mehxchange and opt to receive a box, you’ll get less stuff from Me, and more random stuff.
So, you’d still be better off with regards to how much mehrchandise you have.
Send it to @kdemo.
So you hate @kdemo?
But why? What has sweet, innocent, good-hearted @kdemo ever done to you?
Uh oh
Not nearly loud enough.
@f00l I don’t hate @KDemo! She’s wonderful, and she sent me a vampire, who has kept my shameless hussy fairies very busy indeed. They were bored with their stable of gnomes, who had been around for years. I just think she deserves good things, like a dozen or so screaming monkeys. Maybe a Krampus mug, if she didn’t get one.
My Apologies! All Good Things for @Kdemo!
@OldCatLady - Ah. If that’s how this works, send it to @f00l! She sent me a mountain of decadent truffles. I probably gained 20 lbs, so this would be a just dessert.
Literally 20 pounds of Meh.
@KDemo and you didn’t share? Shame shame!
Those truffles were far, far from Meh.
I said ‘Meh’, not ‘meh’.
Hey@OldCatLady are you the one I sent 4 or so very small, white framed humorous animal (sort of cartoon) drawings over a year ago? I just found the other two that go with the set. I can’t remember who I sent them to…
@mikibell - Oops, sorry - can’t hear you!
(and they are rapturous!)
@Kidsandliz Nope! I haven’t played in the exchange before, but I may do this round.

@mikibell When I worked with adjudicated youth canoeing across the state of FL we used to fill up 1L bottles with M&M’s. We (the staff) used to ask each other if we had had our Vit M yet. I also managed to eat them in the stern of a canoe with a kid in the bow and eat them without being caught. LOL So now you have it on good authority that chocolate is a vitamin so do be sure you don’t become deficient.
Between the title and picture I expected this to be a meh diet thread. Or maybe this is my having been on a diet since February that makes me think this.
If it makes you feel better, I can’t afford to diet. I have too fast of a metabolism to gain weight (easily).
@PlacidPenguin this never makes anyone who needs to diet feel better…
So how is it that you have a problem with liking chocolate too much, then, Dear Sir Fast Metabolism?
Since I rarely get full, I can just keep on eating.
Remember that large bag of Hershey Kisses? Gone within a few days (took that long for variety of reasons).
If you experience no harm for overeating, and like chocolate, why not eat all the chocolate you feel like eating?
BYW. Just a quick note:
I think you are not all that old. So, just in case you aren’t aware, for most people who have it, that whole “fast metabolism” thing takes a hike in one’s late twenties or thirties. And when it leaves, it doesn’t return.
Just because I have fast metabolism, doesn’t mean that I haven’t been worried about my cholesterol levels.
Re: My age.
I am as old as I am.
Also, I have numerous examples of people who have shown that metabolism doesn’t always slow down with age.
@PlacidPenguin @f00l agreed, most w fast metabolism loose it, but my sister, in her 50s, sometimes has to struggle to get back above 105 lbs; she’s 5’8". I do not have her problems (5 inches shorter, size 10), interesting to see how 2 in the same family can be so different (yet we are great friends to each other

@CaptAmehrican Assumed the same thing and I wanted to brag that I am almost at goal two I set for myself which would be 50lbs down. 4 more pounds to go.
@darkzrobe Congrats!
you rock!
Really? You sure?
I’d check that, if I were you.
/image penguins

@darkzrobe that is wonderful!!! I have been on a diet since Feb and am down 29lbs . 50 looks so far away you mist have been very dedicated.
@CaptAmehrican Just slow change. About a year or two in now.
@darkzrobe @CaptAmehrican Congratulations!

/giphy you rock
Hmm what we could do is (yes I plead guilty of being slow with the exchange), is also have a contest connected to the exchange where I send @tightwad a bunch of random numbers, then tightwad picks three (or however many boxes there are), sends me back the numbers and I send back the addresses to send these “bonus” boxes to.
Or tightwad could open a thread and do the same thing separately. Have us enter there, then pull names out of a hat or something (or high tech use excel to assign random numbers and then sort the assignments and the three (or however many boxes) win… or…
Postage will run between $20 and $60 for a 20 pound box depending on distance from @tightwad unless the box is huge then it could be $175. I am guessing the flat rate boxes would not work.
Just throwing that info out there. Some people are surprised by the cost when agreeing to participate in the exchanges.
Unless it all fits in a large flat rate box.
@PlacidPenguin Then it would go down to $17.05 at the online discounted rate or $18.85 retail.
The mention of the single big box made me think it was unlikely.
Not trying to throw cold water on the fun. Just a reality check on costs of the fun. Would I pay $20 for some random fun? Yes. How about $60? Maybe, but there would be a bit more thought involved.
@PlacidPenguin yup usps flat rate box would be the best way
Medium Boxes 11 1/4" x 8 3/4" x 6" or 14" x 12" x 3 1/2" MediumFlatRateBox $13.60
Large Box 12 1/4" x 12 1/4" x 6" LargeFlatRateBox $18.85
and the boxes have a 70pound weight limit
Like @speefiedelivery said, it is possible to ship large flat rate boxes for cheaper.
I don’t buy stuff from Meh, so the money which I don’t spend goes towards participating in Mehxchanges.
(And yes, I realize that saving money in one way and then using it in a different way doesn’t actually mean that I’m saving money.)
@speediedelivery not even close to fitting in a flat rate box…this is a youuuuge box. It’s in the box I originally received the neoprene tablet covers in. I will calculate shipping rates to determine feasibility of moving it along…$70 would be outlandish to consider.
@tightwad No worries on the $175 then. I got one of those boxes and remember enough about the size. It will be the distance that determines the cost along with the weight. I calculated using 20 pounds with the best and worst distances.
/8ball should I do this?
Without a doubt
@PlacidPenguin No worries or judgement on how you spend your money.
I was thinking about how many people do not know the cost of sending packages.
Oh, I completely agree.
And even when they do, they don’t always look for the most cost-efficient method.
@speediedelivery - Postage is what keeps me from participating in the exchanges. That and the thought of exchanging stuff I must have wanted at one time for stuff I never wanted.
Lately, I never fail to be dismayed at the cost of sending a package.
@tightwad Try greyhound bus as a way to ship. Or participate in the mehexchange and on the sign up I am going to have a place for comments. Because it is so heavy request a recipient who is near by due to postage costs… Although who knows there might be someone on here willing to pay $70+ in postage.
If you decide to take a picture of the box and post it here, wanna have a banana in the picture for scale?
Take a picture, post it here for us to laugh over, and drop it off at Goodwill for them to shake their heads over.
/giphy shakes head

@sammydog01 donating to local family services resale place is one option, giving to someone local is another…gotta get it out soon
@tightwad I expect a trip to donate a pile of stuff soon too. It’s really not worth shipping.
I thought you were reviving: https://meh.com/forum/topics/irks-guaranteed-6-month-fitness-motivational-program
Where do you live? Just wondering where the package will be shipped from.
@funco49 shipping from Texas, spitting distance from Meh (if you are a Texas native and can spit 15 miles)
15 miles from which current Meh location?
If you don’t wanna mail it, many schools and churches have humongous garage sales. And Goodwill and the Salvation Army will make use of it.
Or perhaps you could “donate it back to Meh”. Since you’re in driving range. They could save it all for the next FUKO, or use it to decorate their new building, or something. Perhaps they would give you some Meh swag in exchange.
@f00l A couple of us have said we would pop for a large PO box. Let us know what you think https://meh.com/@tightwad. Our post is on the original thread. Dan
I’m in the middle of the country, Iowa. Let me know if you split it up, I would pop for a large box from the PO. 18 or 20 bucks would be fun. I can Pay Pal.
Id pay for a large flat rate box to be filled and shipped to myself.
After much deliberation regarding this box, which was moved somewhat out of the way into the garage, I think I have a plan…it’s a good plan, with an “inside joke” feel and at least one person is guaranteed to love it!
Stay tuned, must take pictures to enact said plan. I will also create a new thread, but reference back to this one, when the plan has been enacted.