@Thumperchick Nobody makes people live in those states. They can move, or live without these fine personal safety devices. Their choice. What’s next, some cheese with their whine? Cue the violins.
@Thumperchick people in California might want to double check their requirements due to the CA proposition (some #'s). My FIL had to mail the pepper spray to us that he bought for his daughter who goes running in the morning (which is sometimes dark) and CA (or the company) banned his purchase due to the proposition. We had to repackage it and hope to hell the post office didn’t want to see what was in the package. Safe to say they didn’t since she got it.
@Thumperchick MA checking in. I want a refund on my vmp for today. I won’t rest until I receive a check for no less than $.16 USD I feel I’m being quite generous with my offer. Choose wisely.
@narfcake Obviously that’s their new business strategy, they used to be happy selling one for 9 bucks now their forcing you to buy 2 if you want 1…may work but its a bad policy one item a night that’s their mantra now the mantra is bullshit … anywhere from 2 to 10 per night , take for instance the speaker from 2 nights ago i would have bought 1 if 1 was offered but it wasn’t, so they have to balance reality on how many sales they lost because of that ? as opposed to the people who bought 2 …i’m thinking they lost sales in the big picture ,I’m crying FOUL !!!
@mellowirishgent If you really need to buy something tonight - you can find lots of stuff available for sale on morningsave.com - your VMP even works there.
@Thumperchick Did not know that ty… and i never need to buy an item but its like going to a garage sale you don’t need anything there but you look anyway and every once in a while you say glad i came …Just like Meh.
@mellowirishgent can I just say: 1. As a mostly Irish (and small percentage Hungarian) girl I love your Meh name. 2. If it can get mailed to a different person then see above post to Thumperchick. There are always loopholes. I’d do it for you. Same for anyone else in a banned state. I’m a firm believer in safeguarding yourself or a loved one(s).
OK. Here I am, sitting in the colony of the District of Columbia, and I cannot buy this item (or these items, depending). Why? Ivanka’s orders again? Geez, I suppose I can understand the ban on flying in the DC air space & all, but PEPPER SPRAY? Ah, Ivanka.
@gertiestn Funny, I don’t believe Ivanka had anything to do with that. Apparently it IS legal to have pepper spray in DC, but it is regulated, so there may be less desire for sellers to face the regulations.
@lordbowen You could do what I do and keep tagging @snapster over and over and over and over and over and over and over for stuff I want … like catshirts.
In the meantime, I can blame the monthly scapegoat. Hi, @Trillian!
@Thumperchick Yep, and I bought a 3-pack anyway even though they’re not going to fit me! They sell a lot of non-catshirts too, though, so @snapster may be getting even more unnecessary tagging in the future if none of the three are catshirts.
/8ball Now do I stop tagging @snapster if a catshirt actually does show up in my TeeTurtle randoms? Better not tell you now
@awk Only you could come up with something like that. To semi quote @InnocuousFarmer “Do your green balls hang low do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot can you tie them in a bow?”… and I’m going to stop it there because if you can throw them over your shoulder I don’t want to know (and you should see a doctor about that).
@lordbowen You forgot to add “at a reasonable price” with @Thumperchick. But can I add in this “reasonable price” category prepping/survival and defense items of any type (preferably edible if going for food items) to @Thumperchick because tonight was a good start- at least for me.
@Thumperchick get one of those fancy smancy hue COLOR lights… we are tired of buying the white ones only… when will the masses get Phillips color at a cheaper price?
If you get the black one on amazon it’s only 11.49 for one with free shipping. Might get a pair anyway, but not a great deal. Especially if you aren’t VMP.
Don’t need them in Alaska, everybody has guns. Of course we all have guns in Kansas too, and we have good sane laws that let us shoot people that attack us. If you look at your chart, you will see the crime and America started taking a drop about the time that concealed carry became popular among states. This is exactly what we need! Good laws that let us shoot these bastards and take them out of commission! All you liberals out there save your breath I don’t want to hear any of your anti gun crap or gun control nonsense! Guns work, they do a damn good job and they take care of people who attack people and cause problems. So take your Methodist morality and shove it. I feel better now! Nothing like a good ramt to make the day!
@doubltap I hope you realize that even us liberals have guns in Kansas. I happen to have a conceal carry permit, but all my liberal friends who hate guns are now carrying without any previous firearm experience or safety training. They tell me it’s because too many people have guns, so they have to carry too. Which means even more people have guns…
I don’t have the stats, but I don’t recall seeing a big change in crime rates over the last few years when conceal carry became legal for anybody (permit or no) in Kansas. Do you have a good source for that? I’d also be interested if you have stats on injuries or deaths caused by firearm accidents over the same time period.
@medz Don’t have stats but can attest responding to at least 40ish gun calls of all types prior to CC and then later having to sending paramedics to 27 accidental self-inflicted gunshot calls and three of them were fatal. Sad to say - of the non-fatal calls -one was a fired deputy from our county and one was a trooper for state police. Both were cleaning their guns (very incorrectly). After the law the amount of unintentional and intentional self-inflicted gunshot calls rose. Due to access with BCI, FBI and NCIC, at the time, the stats rose significantly across the board and it tallied in all states regardless if the state had a CC law. I do agree with NY that if you purchase a gun it needs to be registered. I understand and agree that you have a right to own a gun but for the safety of responders it should be noted.
@givemehdeal far as Hawaii neither of them are probably legal for Carry and as far as Alaska is concerned, they may have some weird thing about male in pepper spray! In Kansas, you carry anything you want, just don’t screw up with it!
@cengland0 A girl who looked maybe 17 tried to buy matches in front of me at the grocery store. No go- they asked for her ID. I never heard that you can’t buy matches.
@sammydog01 I was in my 40’s and tried to buy rubber cement from Target and they asked for my ID. She swiped it in the machine as a permanent record that it was validated.
@sammydog01 that is weird…i’ve never heard of buying matches. here you just ask for them. (unless you’re talking about fireplace matches or you need several books for something.)
Carry concealed was a good start but it has limitations. Also, if you shoot an intruder it has to be done inside or else you will get changed. Of course if done a little bit outside drag him/her/them inside so when they bleed out (as your calling 911) a carpet or flooring is cheaper to replace/repair than attorney fees. In some states even with carry concealed laws if you take a gun outside, even to threaten the said scum bag, you can still get in trouble. Before @doubletap gets angry with me please realize I am agreeing with you. I have multiple hand guns, rifles, shotguns, crossbow and bow and arrows (which I’ve taught my son to use all of them - he’s very good with a bow and arrow, so l’m a proud mama bear there, and he’s pretty good with the smaller guns - husband hates them all and is still a work-in-progress with hitting the target - even with the smaller guns). However, my son runs both in the morning or at night when the temperatures are down and I have gotten him multiple items to keep himself safe. These aren’t mace, which I used in law enforcement (and yes, it sucked during training to get sprayed with it), and the gel pepper spray is great for not worrying about the direction of the wind. These state they are a more directional spray but at 10 ft. you are going to be pretty proficient anyway but the marking dye is a great item and not just for people but also for animals - both domestic and wild. Especially in finding owners who don’t leash or contain their animals. So, after all that, I’m in for one and the alarm is just a bonus for him and my mom.
/giphy familiar-owlish-chin
and if giphy screws with me image might too but let’s try:
/image familiar-owlish-chin
@WTFsunshine in Kansas we have a stand your ground law, which essentially says that you can use deadly force to protect your life or the life of another anywhere that you have a legal right to be. There is no need to retreat. Now, having said that, depending upon the individual situation, it might be smart to retreat. In addition to conceal carry, Kansas is also an open carry state, so if you are stupid enough to openly carry a handgun into your local Burger King, you are within the law to do that. Now again, having said that, it’s my personal belief that open carry is an invitation to disaster, and in more ways than I can count. But hey it’s legal, just not very smart!
@doubltap Yes, but you have to have a reasonable case that your life or the life of others was actually in danger. If someone is breaking into your car while you’re in the house, for instance, you can’t just open fire. Basically, you can brandish your firearm and command them to stop, but you can’t fire unless they pose an immediate threat. If you’re in the car (or someone else is) and the person is trying to get in (or get the people in the car out), you can legally shoot. Same goes for your house.
I agree that open carry people are just wanting attention and sometimes that can invite the wrong kind of attention. An exception would be a person working somewhere like a liquor store or gun shop. Kinda like hanging a baseball bat over the bar as a deterrence.
@doubltap When our state adopted the law a crap ton of businesses started posting the “no guns allowed inside” placards everywhere. I can understand state and government buildings but they are also posted on stores and restaurants. We had an uptick in road rage incidents where a person carrying shot the other person. Those led to charges filed and if acquitted then they were in turn sued in civil court and they usually won. I’ve always preferred the open carry law, as you stated above, if you’re stupid to mess with a person carrying a gun out in the open and still pose a threat that can then be justified since they deserve the outcome. Having been a law enforcement officer you are taught to shoot center mass. I however see it as murder and in my instances, I’m a darn good marks(wo)man - I choose to harm them so they can carry out their terms of sentencing. My beef is when the people take the required class they never go practice afterwards and don’t understand that adrenaline pumping can mess with you. So, they are not only a danger to the offender but also to themselves. If the said “bad guy” is any good they can get the gun and turn it around on the victim. @medz you are correct depending on the state law. But gun owners usually do carry and liquor stores, bar owners and convenience stores have to file for a permit to have one on the premise but aren’t allowed to openly carry. My problem with that is there’s no requirement to have the employees go through proper training for using the gun. And, yes, hanging a deterrent up in the open is sometimes a very good thing. I just wish people to check their specific state law and continue training if/when they pass the class. Taking self defense classes, whether be man or woman, can be very beneficial as well. Have gun will travel became have gun will carry.
@cengland0 not over the Internet, but just the same, u can purchase them in those states, own them but getting pepper spray in the mail is a no-no. Anyone can make paper spray st home that would incapacitate someone if sprayed into their face, so what’s the point? Just doesn’t make sense. At least to me.
That’s what my CC pistols are for. Built in noise makers too! Sorry about all of you people in those other states. Do you guys celebrate July 3.75 for your partial freedoms?
if i hear an alarm, i think “fucking hell, turn that thing off!” just like everyone else who hears an alarm. toss that bit in the garbage. (where it will inevitably get crushed into the “on” position and everyone will be thinking “fucking hell, turn that thing off!”)
@jerk_nugget That’s called the “pedestrian syndrome” and some other names. Where people hear it or see it and figure someone else will do something about it. I’m still surprised that people use car alarms- everybody ignores those. It is actually better (if dealing with a person) to yell “fire”. That usually gets someone looking and once seen hopefully does something about it (i.e.:call 911>step in if capable).
@WTFsunshine actually, not in this case as i don’t assume someone else will do something about it. i’m familiar with the concept/syndrome though and am the type that i’d prefer to call the cops and have them say “yep, we’ve already received a call about that” (or several) than to not call at all. had the displeasure of doing this a few times in life, the first of which was when i saw a man that was involved in a minor accident (no damage) get dragged out of his car and the other driver + friends pummeled him on the hood. and all these cars were just driving by. (we were a group of girls in high school at the time and also separated by a highway median/jersey barrier setup so we couldn’t have been of more help. but you know one of those people driving by could have been…still gives me chills when i think about it.)
screaming in general will get you attention where an alarm won’t, that’s for sure. and if possible, incapacitate first (even if it’s just for a second) and then scream while you run like hell.
and if any women are reading this and are ever in a situation where it hasn’t yet risen to an arrestable offense but you feel like you’re uncomfortable and can’t get out, if there are people around please approach another woman and pretend like you’ve known her all your life. we’ll go along with it, we’ll help you!
@WTFsunshine I’ve seen this before. I had to get in someone’s face and yell at them to call 911 because they just stood there dumbfounded.
I remember my mom telling me that she saw a neighbor across the way screaming bloody murder and running through her house trying to escape her murderous husband. She called the police. When she told her mom what she did, the mom said that she should of minded her own business, to not get involved. My mom probably saved that woman’s life.
@RiotDemon@jerk_nugget Yes, when calling in any type of situation we would always reply “thank you for your call and it has been reported” or if we didn’t have enough information on the screen we had certain questions we knew our responders needed to know and would inquire. I love that your mom felt safe and confident enough to help.
As for self defense: if you won’t or can’t take a class then remember some basics…1. When you get into a car you reach for the seat belt and then reaching across your body to buckle it. Well, do the reverse of that move. Take your arm and start at the buckling in position and then bring up your elbow with as much force as possible and strike the attacker. The faster you do this the more force you will have and although the face or throat are the best if you’re vertically challenged compared to the assailant hitting them in ribs or chest can back them up some. If they back up or won’t go away, or are in your face then striking them in the throat is good or dig your fingers into their eyes. Kinda like when you check a cantaloupe and you push down where the stem was and your holding the sides while doing it- same thing. If they don’t retreat or still vertically challenged then think about how you lift your legs to climb stairs- well do that with as much force as possible to the groin (and yes, there are women assailants, it still hurts them as well). If they fall to the ground try a kick to knock the wind out of them or to their face to hopefully knock them out - but don’t linger too long. If they double over after a knee to the groin then grab their head and do the stair climbing move. As your bringing your knee up bring their head down into it. And by all means please scream as loud as you can while you’re doing it. When they have weapons it can be a choice to comply but by all means, if possible, never let them take you to a different location. Taught my sons, my mom and my sister (who lives alone and adopted two blind and deaf dogs - she works at a zoo so she has a thing for rescuing what others would overlook) and my mom used the moves (I taught them some other moves as well) she learned and when she was 62 years old and faced a situation that warranted it. She said she initially froze but that is typically a first response. She won the round and since she was screaming it alerted a store owner who was closing up shop. He called 911 while running towards them.
If you live in a prohibition state, you can get this kind of stuff (pepper spray & tazers) from less conservative merchants on eBay (and even some Amazon sellers too) with no problems.
Remember “concealed carry” means shut the fuck up about what you are carrying. Keep 'em wondering what you might have, make them think twice about being bad.
What’s in the Box?
2x Pepper spray keychain
2x Personal alarm keychain
Pepper spray
Get ready…
Alarm again?
Beth, bear mace that guy!
Price Comparison
$39.98 (for 2) at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Cue a few dozen angry emails from people in states where we can’t sell this…
@Thumperchick What do you mean there are states you can’t sell this? That’s unpossible!
@Thumperchick Nobody makes people live in those states. They can move, or live without these fine personal safety devices. Their choice. What’s next, some cheese with their whine? Cue the violins.
@Thumperchick I’m so glad I don’t live in a state. It gives me ultimate bitching rights.
@gertiestn Thump NY sucks big time and iv’e been here over 63 years …it’s as liberal as it gets
@Thumperchick people in California might want to double check their requirements due to the CA proposition (some #'s). My FIL had to mail the pepper spray to us that he bought for his daughter who goes running in the morning (which is sometimes dark) and CA (or the company) banned his purchase due to the proposition. We had to repackage it and hope to hell the post office didn’t want to see what was in the package. Safe to say they didn’t since she got it.
@Thumperchick I complained about radar detectors being illegal here and no one cared.

/giphy no one cares
@Thumperchick MA checking in. I want a refund on my vmp for today. I won’t rest until I receive a check for no less than $.16 USD I feel I’m being quite generous with my offer. Choose wisely.

@shawndogsarmy im not good at this
@shawndogsarmy were you going for the “$2” gif?
I love that movie.
@Thumperchick I was! I tried so hard. Thank god i can’t get pepper spray in this state, I’d probably end it all right now…
@shawndogsarmy There, now we’re both happy. Though, that kid never did get his $2…
@shawndogsarmy just give me your address and i will mail you 16 pennys
This looks like another one of those Crime Savers items that I usually just scroll past on MorningSave.
10-for-Tuesday? 2-for-Wednesday? What. The. Fuck?!
@narfcake The mehpocalypse is near.

/giphy the mehpocalypse is near
@narfcake Obviously that’s their new business strategy, they used to be happy selling one for 9 bucks now their forcing you to buy 2 if you want 1…may work but its a bad policy one item a night that’s their mantra now the mantra is bullshit … anywhere from 2 to 10 per night , take for instance the speaker from 2 nights ago i would have bought 1 if 1 was offered but it wasn’t, so they have to balance reality on how many sales they lost because of that ? as opposed to the people who bought 2 …i’m thinking they lost sales in the big picture ,I’m crying FOUL !!!
@mellowirishgent You lost me at strategy. This is meh. WHAT STRATEGY?!?
/8ball Is the /8ball still consulted on for business decisions?
Yes definitely
@narfcake I think you guys are snorting 8 balls lol
I’m with ya, @mellowirishgent! Who needs two speakers anyway?? I’m telling you whippersnappers that this stereo thingie is just a fad, A FAD I SAY!
You Kiddin Meh? NO NEW YORK? i want a 1/31 refund on my five dollars and you suck !!!
@mellowirishgent I’d feel more threatened by this if you were able to purchase the pepper spray.
@Thumperchick 2 funny
Whoa. I thought it was to build a community, or some other pinko commie schlock.
/giphy the truth will out

2-pack: One to protect you from rabid Republicans and one to protect you from demented Democrats.
@phendrick It worked! Your order number is: testy-orange-bee
/image testy orange bee

@mediocrebot Oh, at first I thought that was tasty orange bee
@phendrick Don’t forgot those idiotic independents. Pick a side, buddy!
@awk … and loony libertarians – I guess I need another 2-pack.
May i suggest when you have an item NY cant buy and a few other states have an exclusive item for those states to ponder on … RIDICULOUS!!!
@mellowirishgent If you really need to buy something tonight - you can find lots of stuff available for sale on morningsave.com - your VMP even works there.
@Thumperchick Did not know that ty… and i never need to buy an item but its like going to a garage sale you don’t need anything there but you look anyway and every once in a while you say glad i came …Just like Meh.
@mellowirishgent Then you may not have known that VMP members also get 10% discount there. Shhhh… It’s a secret.
@mellowirishgent Just ask the feds to prove you can buy this product at meh.com.
@mellowirishgent can I just say: 1. As a mostly Irish (and small percentage Hungarian) girl I love your Meh name. 2. If it can get mailed to a different person then see above post to Thumperchick. There are always loopholes. I’d do it for you. Same for anyone else in a banned state. I’m a firm believer in safeguarding yourself or a loved one(s).
@cengland0 good to know!
OK. Here I am, sitting in the colony of the District of Columbia, and I cannot buy this item (or these items, depending). Why? Ivanka’s orders again? Geez, I suppose I can understand the ban on flying in the DC air space & all, but PEPPER SPRAY? Ah, Ivanka.
@gertiestn Funny, I don’t believe Ivanka had anything to do with that. Apparently it IS legal to have pepper spray in DC, but it is regulated, so there may be less desire for sellers to face the regulations.
I remember that one scene in Under Siege 2 where the bad guy, Penn, gets sprayed with what Sarah says is mace.
Penn: Not mace, sweetheart. Pepper spray. Sold to civilians.
[snatches canister from Sarah]
Penn: But once you get used to it…
[sprays some into his mouth]
Penn: …it just clears the sinuses!
@cengland0 Yeah, I bought some of this; works so-so; don’t particularly recommend it, not enjoyable.
@phendrick Ha, ha, the customer would have to be crazy to try that. “Fierce” relief and “Intense” are understatements.
@cengland0 I was desperate (to get sinus relief); still am, most days. And, I will attest, it is definitely “Non-habit forming”.
Still waiting for Meh to offer something I want/need. But I am nothing if not patient.
@lordbowen what do you want/need? What thing are you dying to buy?
@lordbowen You could do what I do and keep tagging @snapster over and over and over and over and over and over and over for stuff I want … like catshirts.
In the meantime, I can blame the monthly scapegoat. Hi, @Trillian!
@narfcake hey, there were randoms from one of your favorite catshirt artists.
@lordbowen I’ve gone two months without buying anything from Meh. I’ve got a bad case of green balls.
@Thumperchick Yep, and I bought a 3-pack anyway even though they’re not going to fit me! They sell a lot of non-catshirts too, though, so @snapster may be getting even more
unnecessary tagging in the future if none of the three are catshirts./8ball Now do I stop tagging @snapster if a catshirt actually does show up in my TeeTurtle randoms?
Better not tell you now
@Thumperchick Mini quadcopters, shirts, socks, and/or weird/unique stuff. Maybe some pet items?
@lordbowen I recently made 2 purchases here. It had been 11 months since the last purchase. Im sure I have not missed a day visiting. Nuts, right?
E: spelling
@awk Only you could come up with something like that. To semi quote @InnocuousFarmer “Do your green balls hang low do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot can you tie them in a bow?”… and I’m going to stop it there because if you can throw them over your shoulder I don’t want to know (and you should see a doctor about that).
@lordbowen You forgot to add “at a reasonable price” with @Thumperchick. But can I add in this “reasonable price” category prepping/survival and defense items of any type (preferably edible if going for food items) to @Thumperchick because tonight was a good start- at least for me.
@Thumperchick a surprise of random junk & some sort of bag that I have no use for. I need this.
@Thumperchick get one of those fancy smancy hue COLOR lights… we are tired of buying the white ones only… when will the masses get Phillips color at a cheaper price?
@jareza With that low color temperature, they are actually yellow. If they were white, I would buy them.
@jareza yes! that’s what i am waiting for as well. the color change hue bulbs. i like our “white” ones very much but i already have enough.
Volunteers from Baberton High School Criminal Science Class Gets Pepper Sprayed. LOL
@cengland0 You SURE this wasn’t the Drama Club that got sprayed?
Can this clear a room better than a hot batch of Uncle Charlie’s air biscuits at Thanksgiving dinner?
Meh. I carry a Glock.
@ThatsHeadly Well, that is louder than 120db.
If you get the black one on amazon it’s only 11.49 for one with free shipping. Might get a pair anyway, but not a great deal. Especially if you aren’t VMP.
@Pantheist nahhh I’m not getting em.
All school teachers should take advantage of this sale. Only takes one shot and the hellions never repeat the errant behavior.
Don’t need them in Alaska, everybody has guns. Of course we all have guns in Kansas too, and we have good sane laws that let us shoot people that attack us. If you look at your chart, you will see the crime and America started taking a drop about the time that concealed carry became popular among states. This is exactly what we need! Good laws that let us shoot these bastards and take them out of commission! All you liberals out there save your breath I don’t want to hear any of your anti gun crap or gun control nonsense! Guns work, they do a damn good job and they take care of people who attack people and cause problems. So take your Methodist morality and shove it. I feel better now! Nothing like a good ramt to make the day!
Physician heal thyself, @doubltap
@doubltap I hope you realize that even us liberals have guns in Kansas. I happen to have a conceal carry permit, but all my liberal friends who hate guns are now carrying without any previous firearm experience or safety training. They tell me it’s because too many people have guns, so they have to carry too. Which means even more people have guns…
I don’t have the stats, but I don’t recall seeing a big change in crime rates over the last few years when conceal carry became legal for anybody (permit or no) in Kansas. Do you have a good source for that? I’d also be interested if you have stats on injuries or deaths caused by firearm accidents over the same time period.
@medz Don’t have stats but can attest responding to at least 40ish gun calls of all types prior to CC and then later having to sending paramedics to 27 accidental self-inflicted gunshot calls and three of them were fatal. Sad to say - of the non-fatal calls -one was a fired deputy from our county and one was a trooper for state police. Both were cleaning their guns (very incorrectly). After the law the amount of unintentional and intentional self-inflicted gunshot calls rose. Due to access with BCI, FBI and NCIC, at the time, the stats rose significantly across the board and it tallied in all states regardless if the state had a CC law. I do agree with NY that if you purchase a gun it needs to be registered. I understand and agree that you have a right to own a gun but for the safety of responders it should be noted.
Guns are legal and pepper spray not in those States?
@givemehdeal far as Hawaii neither of them are probably legal for Carry and as far as Alaska is concerned, they may have some weird thing about male in pepper spray! In Kansas, you carry anything you want, just don’t screw up with it!

@givemehdeal guns are special. its easier to get a gun than alcohol or even porn .
@communistjack LOL, subject the 13 year old to the dangers of a lottery ticket.
@cengland0 A girl who looked maybe 17 tried to buy matches in front of me at the grocery store. No go- they asked for her ID. I never heard that you can’t buy matches.
@sammydog01 I was in my 40’s and tried to buy rubber cement from Target and they asked for my ID. She swiped it in the machine as a permanent record that it was validated.
@sammydog01 that is weird…i’ve never heard of buying matches. here you just ask for them. (unless you’re talking about fireplace matches or you need several books for something.)
@jerk_nugget Ask who? Where is this source of unlimited free matches?
@sammydog01 the cashier. anywhere cigarettes are sold.
Carry concealed was a good start but it has limitations. Also, if you shoot an intruder it has to be done inside or else you will get changed. Of course if done a little bit outside drag him/her/them inside so when they bleed out (as your calling 911) a carpet or flooring is cheaper to replace/repair than attorney fees. In some states even with carry concealed laws if you take a gun outside, even to threaten the said scum bag, you can still get in trouble. Before @doubletap gets angry with me please realize I am agreeing with you. I have multiple hand guns, rifles, shotguns, crossbow and bow and arrows (which I’ve taught my son to use all of them - he’s very good with a bow and arrow, so l’m a proud mama bear there, and he’s pretty good with the smaller guns - husband hates them all and is still a work-in-progress with hitting the target - even with the smaller guns). However, my son runs both in the morning or at night when the temperatures are down and I have gotten him multiple items to keep himself safe. These aren’t mace, which I used in law enforcement (and yes, it sucked during training to get sprayed with it), and the gel pepper spray is great for not worrying about the direction of the wind. These state they are a more directional spray but at 10 ft. you are going to be pretty proficient anyway but the marking dye is a great item and not just for people but also for animals - both domestic and wild. Especially in finding owners who don’t leash or contain their animals. So, after all that, I’m in for one and the alarm is just a bonus for him and my mom.

/giphy familiar-owlish-chin
and if giphy screws with me image might too but let’s try:

/image familiar-owlish-chin
@WTFsunshine in Kansas we have a stand your ground law, which essentially says that you can use deadly force to protect your life or the life of another anywhere that you have a legal right to be. There is no need to retreat. Now, having said that, depending upon the individual situation, it might be smart to retreat. In addition to conceal carry, Kansas is also an open carry state, so if you are stupid enough to openly carry a handgun into your local Burger King, you are within the law to do that. Now again, having said that, it’s my personal belief that open carry is an invitation to disaster, and in more ways than I can count. But hey it’s legal, just not very smart!


@doubltap Yes, but you have to have a reasonable case that your life or the life of others was actually in danger. If someone is breaking into your car while you’re in the house, for instance, you can’t just open fire. Basically, you can brandish your firearm and command them to stop, but you can’t fire unless they pose an immediate threat. If you’re in the car (or someone else is) and the person is trying to get in (or get the people in the car out), you can legally shoot. Same goes for your house.
I agree that open carry people are just wanting attention and sometimes that can invite the wrong kind of attention. An exception would be a person working somewhere like a liquor store or gun shop. Kinda like hanging a baseball bat over the bar as a deterrence.
@doubltap When our state adopted the law a crap ton of businesses started posting the “no guns allowed inside” placards everywhere. I can understand state and government buildings but they are also posted on stores and restaurants. We had an uptick in road rage incidents where a person carrying shot the other person. Those led to charges filed and if acquitted then they were in turn sued in civil court and they usually won. I’ve always preferred the open carry law, as you stated above, if you’re stupid to mess with a person carrying a gun out in the open and still pose a threat that can then be justified since they deserve the outcome. Having been a law enforcement officer you are taught to shoot center mass. I however see it as murder and in my instances, I’m a darn good marks(wo)man - I choose to harm them so they can carry out their terms of sentencing. My beef is when the people take the required class they never go practice afterwards and don’t understand that adrenaline pumping can mess with you. So, they are not only a danger to the offender but also to themselves. If the said “bad guy” is any good they can get the gun and turn it around on the victim. @medz you are correct depending on the state law. But gun owners usually do carry and liquor stores, bar owners and convenience stores have to file for a permit to have one on the premise but aren’t allowed to openly carry. My problem with that is there’s no requirement to have the employees go through proper training for using the gun. And, yes, hanging a deterrent up in the open is sometimes a very good thing. I just wish people to check their specific state law and continue training if/when they pass the class. Taking self defense classes, whether be man or woman, can be very beneficial as well. Have gun will travel became have gun will carry.
Ahhh…it’s a Wiccans familiar. Good job image!
Load up for the next SJW meeting at that intersection…
Please take your thinly veiled hate elsewhere.
People think crime is getting worse. Just adorable, the pretty blonde woman on Fox News said so.
“We can’t sell to DC, Massachusetts, New York, or Wisconsin (or Alaska or Hawaii, per usual)”
But guns you can get. I guess pepper spray is a little over the top.
@Felyne You can buy guns over the internet in those states?
@cengland0 not over the Internet, but just the same, u can purchase them in those states, own them but getting pepper spray in the mail is a no-no. Anyone can make paper spray st home that would incapacitate someone if sprayed into their face, so what’s the point? Just doesn’t make sense. At least to me.
@Felyne Shouldda sold this as bear spray.
@cranky1950 Brilliant!
That’s what my CC pistols are for. Built in noise makers too! Sorry about all of you people in those other states. Do you guys celebrate July 3.75 for your partial freedoms?
By any chance do you know what the expiration date on the pepperspray is?
@xEBRONx Someone awesome on our shipping team opened a box just for you. Expiration is 01/2022
if i hear an alarm, i think “fucking hell, turn that thing off!” just like everyone else who hears an alarm. toss that bit in the garbage. (where it will inevitably get crushed into the “on” position and everyone will be thinking “fucking hell, turn that thing off!”)
@jerk_nugget That’s called the “pedestrian syndrome” and some other names. Where people hear it or see it and figure someone else will do something about it. I’m still surprised that people use car alarms- everybody ignores those. It is actually better (if dealing with a person) to yell “fire”. That usually gets someone looking and once seen hopefully does something about it (i.e.:call 911>step in if capable).
@WTFsunshine actually, not in this case as i don’t assume someone else will do something about it. i’m familiar with the concept/syndrome though and am the type that i’d prefer to call the cops and have them say “yep, we’ve already received a call about that” (or several) than to not call at all. had the displeasure of doing this a few times in life, the first of which was when i saw a man that was involved in a minor accident (no damage) get dragged out of his car and the other driver + friends pummeled him on the hood. and all these cars were just driving by. (we were a group of girls in high school at the time and also separated by a highway median/jersey barrier setup so we couldn’t have been of more help. but you know one of those people driving by could have been…still gives me chills when i think about it.)
screaming in general will get you attention where an alarm won’t, that’s for sure. and if possible, incapacitate first (even if it’s just for a second) and then scream while you run like hell.
and if any women are reading this and are ever in a situation where it hasn’t yet risen to an arrestable offense but you feel like you’re uncomfortable and can’t get out, if there are people around please approach another woman and pretend like you’ve known her all your life. we’ll go along with it, we’ll help you!
@WTFsunshine I’ve seen this before. I had to get in someone’s face and yell at them to call 911 because they just stood there dumbfounded.
I remember my mom telling me that she saw a neighbor across the way screaming bloody murder and running through her house trying to escape her murderous husband. She called the police. When she told her mom what she did, the mom said that she should of minded her own business, to not get involved. My mom probably saved that woman’s life.
@RiotDemon @jerk_nugget Yes, when calling in any type of situation we would always reply “thank you for your call and it has been reported” or if we didn’t have enough information on the screen we had certain questions we knew our responders needed to know and would inquire. I love that your mom felt safe and confident enough to help.
As for self defense: if you won’t or can’t take a class then remember some basics…1. When you get into a car you reach for the seat belt and then reaching across your body to buckle it. Well, do the reverse of that move. Take your arm and start at the buckling in position and then bring up your elbow with as much force as possible and strike the attacker. The faster you do this the more force you will have and although the face or throat are the best if you’re vertically challenged compared to the assailant hitting them in ribs or chest can back them up some. If they back up or won’t go away, or are in your face then striking them in the throat is good or dig your fingers into their eyes. Kinda like when you check a cantaloupe and you push down where the stem was and your holding the sides while doing it- same thing. If they don’t retreat or still vertically challenged then think about how you lift your legs to climb stairs- well do that with as much force as possible to the groin (and yes, there are women assailants, it still hurts them as well). If they fall to the ground try a kick to knock the wind out of them or to their face to hopefully knock them out - but don’t linger too long. If they double over after a knee to the groin then grab their head and do the stair climbing move. As your bringing your knee up bring their head down into it. And by all means please scream as loud as you can while you’re doing it. When they have weapons it can be a choice to comply but by all means, if possible, never let them take you to a different location. Taught my sons, my mom and my sister (who lives alone and adopted two blind and deaf dogs - she works at a zoo so she has a thing for rescuing what others would overlook) and my mom used the moves (I taught them some other moves as well) she learned and when she was 62 years old and faced a situation that warranted it. She said she initially froze but that is typically a first response. She won the round and since she was screaming it alerted a store owner who was closing up shop. He called 911 while running towards them.
If you live in a prohibition state, you can get this kind of stuff (pepper spray & tazers) from less conservative merchants on eBay (and even some Amazon sellers too) with no problems.
Remember “concealed carry” means shut the fuck up about what you are carrying. Keep 'em wondering what you might have, make them think twice about being bad.
@uwacn as with all thing you can’t buy in new york, ebay is the place to get it
i bought bedbug spray that cant be shipped to NY.
so i found an ebay seller in florida who doesnt care
only cost $2 more too
@communistjack What’s wrong with bedbug spray that it is so heavily regulated in NY?
@cengland0 It might exterminate bedbugs and make the refugee population uncomfortable.