And for extra kicks and giggles, he will suddenly bolt off my chest using my boob as a starting block/brace to get that extra leverage going. He’s 11 pounds. It’s not nearly as fun for me as it is for him!
@Clumber@medz@shampshire I have cats that do that. And they jump from the dresser to my chest if I am lying in bed on my back. I am NOT a landing pad!!!
@Clumber@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@medz@shampshire I, too, get regular, spontaneous & unwelcome mammograms from my dog. It’s like they have internal GPS for sensitive body parts!
Product: 2-Pack: Peach Leaf 2-in-1 Weighted 6-Pound Lap Pad / Pillow
Model: BA006038-0356
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$220 (for 2) at Macy’s
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Jul 13 - Monday, Jul 17
Does it provide significant protection against cats stepping on one’s balls?
@medz oddly specific…lol
@medz @PSUClaus1 happens more often than I’d like
I have ovaries and STILL the cats & dogs regularly squish them painfully with my weighted blanket over me!
They insist it’s a feature, not a bug. I just try to scream from the sudden painful awakening quietly so Spouse doesn’t wake, too.
@Clumber @medz so I’m the only one whose dog insists on putting all of his weight on one paw that is placed on one of my boobs?
@Clumber @medz @shampshire
My cat does that.
@flooners @medz @PSUClaus1
“more often than I’d like” ?!
@Kyeh yup!
And for extra kicks and giggles, he will suddenly bolt off my chest using my boob as a starting block/brace to get that extra leverage going. He’s 11 pounds. It’s not nearly as fun for me as it is for him!

@Clumber @medz @shampshire I have cats that do that. And they jump from the dresser to my chest if I am lying in bed on my back. I am NOT a landing pad!!!
Exactly! Mine is 14 lbs!
@Clumber @Kidsandliz @medz @shampshire
Oh, but you’re soft and warm - just perfect!
@medz @shampshire
They each have 4 legs to stab; boobs and balls/ovaries are just one available option.
What gets me is their ability to make any paw weigh 1000x more than their total weight. Cats, especially, have no respect for physics.
@Clumber @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @medz @shampshire I, too, get regular, spontaneous & unwelcome mammograms from my dog. It’s like they have internal GPS for sensitive body parts!
Looks like it’s $57.75 each at Macy’s. Still substantial savings, but not close to $200 (it’s about half that)
Anyone have suggestions to use these? I know weighted blankets are nice, but I’m wondering what I’d use the pillow configuration for
@flooners I think it’s just so you can store it folded up in a pillow rather than just folded loosely?
@Kyeh sounds meh
@flooners BEST (worst?) pillow fight ever
@rux that’s a funny visual image…

@k4evryng @rux @Kyeh @flooners
@flooners @ircon96 @k4evryng @rux
What a psycho!
Machine washable? Any part of them?