Product Name: 2-Pack: Day 1 Fitness 13" Foam Rollers
Available in Black, Teal, or Orange
These high-quality, high-density EVA (non-toxic, odorless dyes) massage rollers offer a strategically placed nodule pattern to provide an effective self-myofascial release (tool-assisted, self-massage)
This roller will not break down or lose its shape
500lb weight capacity
Includes a convenient nylon cinch bag for protection while traveling or in storage
@growyoungagain, these ain’t no bananas! BTW, I’m not da word police, but it’s ‘And I wanna go homes’, JSYK & I’m just trying to help, so, please, don’t shoot the messenger!
@growyoungagain, I always thought it’s, ‘Daylight comes, and me wanna go home’, but if you say it’s ‘Daylight comes an me wanna go home’, then I relent, but will only say, that doesn’t make much grammatical sense. Does the YouTube video have the word caption with the song, as I know they do have some songs that do? Anyway, My Bad, an I’ll shoot myself in the head later this morning,…an, an, an I’m Very Sorry!!
Mmmm, nopers all around. The recorded and released version of the song is almost the same age that I am, but the traditional Jamaican work song upon which it’s based is as old as the banana export business that spawned it. Here’s the best rendition I can find: Day-o lyrics
@1DisabledWarVet@growyoungagain Most of the time the captions furnished by YouTube are “autogenerated” (by artificial quasi-intelligence, I guess) and are NOT all that accurate. Lyrics uploaded IN the video tend to be much more accurate.
@1DisabledWarVet@werehatrack Those are the same lyrics that I referenced and since the internet is sometimes wrong, I listened to Harry Belafonte’s original recording of the song. No plurals of come or home. It’s an old Jamaican work song that yes pre-dates Harry Belafonte’s 1956 release.
@growyoungagain@werehatrack, I’m sooo very, Thankful for the link that you provided. I was beginning to think my mind was cracking , but this does show my version of those lyrics Are correct [Daylight Comes, AND Me Wanna Go Home]!! Great,…I didn’t mean to keep harping on this minor detail & probably gave growyoungagain a big headache. I Do get very paranoid at times because I was exposed to Agent Orange in the war, and a new condition, Parkinson’s Disease [or Syndrome] was added to the looong list + my late Dad had the illness. I am holding up fairly good though considering, but my freaking comments were made tween 2 & 3:30ish AM, so, yeah, I do get a little nutty in those hrs!! Anyway, again #3, My Bad!! And, Yes, I’m writing a book!!
@growyoungagain@werehatrack, gya, i’m gonna try to explain what I genuinely tried to explain to you before. This had nothing whatsoever to do with plural words. What I simply brought up was the collective conjunction ‘And’, where you [I assumed you did this all by accident] used the word ‘An’, instead. I hope this explanation’s a bit more clear. I really can’t understand what you meant by the plural word because neither ‘come’, nor ‘home’ are plural [more than one] words, but another nice meh member provided a link to the ‘Banana Boat Song’ & what stumps me about what you keep asserting is neither ‘come’, nor ‘home’ is in those lyrics, but the link to the song clearly says, Daylight ‘come’ & me wanna go ‘home’! Now, the link did reference Harry’s song only. Also, I can’t check, until I post this to see if my spell-check made the words ‘come’, or ‘home’ plural on it’s own; my fn Smart phone Is Not really that smart!! LOL!! E.g. it just tried to change the word Home to Homework & change Come to Comes, so I Will go back & check & I do admit this communication is kinda getting too lengthy, and a bit drawn out, so if you can not understand, or agree with with any of this, then I beg ya to , please, take this with a grain of salt because it was not my intention to intimidate you, or your remarks, JSYK.
Cinch bag potentially serves several purposes:
– Keeps the dust off between uses. (One may wonder how much of a reality check that represents, if frequency of use might be so low that detectable dust would have time to accumulate.)
– Keeps others from having to directly touch your sweaty foam exercise roller. (Foam. Sweat. Will it ever get clean? Pretty sure I want to not know.)
– Perhaps might keep your cat from shredding the lovely claw-snagging foam?
– Cinch cord provides a dangly-handle for greater versatility in lugging this along with the rest of the crap you carry to the fitness place? Some folks carry almost nothing, others have large-duffel-plus, at the one near me.
There may be other (possibly even less rational) “features” of the inclusion of the bag.
Although, I’ll admit my penis is Not quite 13¹/²" [], I have to also admit I don’t have 1 of anything with a 6½" Length & 6¹/²" Width, but is meh really sure about all of these (Three) measurements¿ 3,…What, Really¿Am I missing some- thing here,…jeese!!
If you’ve never used a foam roller before this one might be a little brutal to start with. (assuming it’s fairly hard and those nubs don’t just simply collapse)
Foam rolling is really good for warming up. I have a screwed up nerve in my right leg and foam rolling on it is almost orgasmic. It’s weird.
Mine arrived and so far I’m really happy; using them to work out some BS with a chronic foot injury and they’re really doing the job. Build quality’s high, too, which I appreciate.
What’s in the box?
Price Comparison
$53.96 for 2 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Oct 4 - Thursday, Oct 7
lol thanks for $16 in the mehrethon
@TheStas Yeah I bought too and this kinda pisses me off.
@TheStas i ran to the comments to look for other disgruntled mehrathon buyers.
YES, this is some shady
I would’ve expected that during the mehrathon is when things would be the absolute cheapest! Hmm
@TheStas Damn inflation is worse than anyone thought. Plus taking “price game” lessons from amazon.
@Lynnerizer @TheStas I’ve noticed that mehrathon prices are often more than regular prices. I don’t even bother anymore.
/giphy goofy-gray-hospital

Day-o, Da-ay-ay-o, Day 1 Fitness come an me wanna go home.

@growyoungagain, these ain’t no bananas!
BTW, I’m not da word police, but it’s ‘And I wanna go homes’, JSYK & I’m just trying to help, so, please, don’t shoot the messenger!
@1DisabledWarVet Not according to Harry Belafonte’s version. No plural homes. Check it out on google, youtube or the movie Beetlejuice.
@growyoungagain, I always thought it’s, ‘Daylight comes, and me wanna go home’, but if you say it’s ‘Daylight comes an me wanna go home’, then I relent, but will only say, that doesn’t make much grammatical sense. Does the YouTube video have the word caption with the song, as I know they do have some songs that do? Anyway, My Bad, an I’ll shoot myself in the head later this morning,…an, an, an I’m Very Sorry!!
@growyoungagain, I did have one question. What did you mean by, “No plural homes”?
@1DisabledWarVet @growyoungagain
Mmmm, nopers all around. The recorded and released version of the song is almost the same age that I am, but the traditional Jamaican work song upon which it’s based is as old as the banana export business that spawned it. Here’s the best rendition I can find: Day-o lyrics
@1DisabledWarVet @growyoungagain Most of the time the captions furnished by YouTube are “autogenerated” (by artificial quasi-intelligence, I guess) and are NOT all that accurate. Lyrics uploaded IN the video tend to be much more accurate.
@1DisabledWarVet @werehatrack Those are the same lyrics that I referenced and since the internet is sometimes wrong, I listened to Harry Belafonte’s original recording of the song. No plurals of come or home. It’s an old Jamaican work song that yes pre-dates Harry Belafonte’s 1956 release.
@growyoungagain @werehatrack, I’m sooo very, Thankful for the link that you provided. I was beginning to think my mind was cracking , but this does show my version of those lyrics Are correct [Daylight Comes, AND Me Wanna Go Home]!! Great,…I didn’t mean to keep harping on this minor detail & probably gave growyoungagain a big headache. I Do get very paranoid at times because I was exposed to Agent Orange in the war, and a new condition, Parkinson’s Disease [or Syndrome] was added to the looong list + my late Dad had the illness. I am holding up fairly good though considering, but my freaking comments were made tween 2 & 3:30ish AM, so, yeah, I do get a little nutty in those hrs!! Anyway, again #3, My Bad!! And, Yes, I’m writing a book!!
@growyoungagain @werehatrack, gya, i’m gonna try to explain what I genuinely tried to explain to you before. This had nothing whatsoever to do with plural words. What I simply brought up was the collective conjunction ‘And’, where you [I assumed you did this all by accident] used the word ‘An’, instead. I hope this explanation’s a bit more clear. I really can’t understand what you meant by the plural word because neither ‘come’, nor ‘home’ are plural [more than one] words, but another nice meh member provided a link to the ‘Banana Boat Song’ & what stumps me about what you keep asserting is neither ‘come’, nor ‘home’ is in those lyrics, but the link to the song clearly says, Daylight ‘come’ & me wanna go ‘home’! Now, the link did reference Harry’s song only. Also, I can’t check, until I post this to see if my spell-check made the words ‘come’, or ‘home’ plural on it’s own; my fn Smart phone Is Not really that smart!! LOL!! E.g. it just tried to change the word Home to Homework & change Come to Comes, so I Will go back & check & I do admit this communication is kinda getting too lengthy, and a bit drawn out, so if you can not understand, or agree with with any of this, then I beg ya to , please, take this with a grain of salt because it was not my intention to intimidate you, or your remarks, JSYK.
Just like Meh. Ask us about our pain, but really don’t want to hear about how we suffer.
Meh, you are getting more like corporate executives and government bureaucrats every day. Just sale us a cheap health thingy and hope we go away.
Do they make a bigger model that I can use to build a new Flintstones car?
'Cause I wouldn’t want it to break down, and they say these won’t.
Yeah, I definitely need me some new modalities. My old modalities are somewhat meh, but not quite Meh enough.
Includes a convenient nylon cinch bag for protection while traveling or in storage.
Yes, mostly in storage and definitely being stored. So meh.
@whomeyesu, yeah, 'lil bags, even though they are so darn Indestructible that they won’t break down. Does any part of this make any sense¿?
@1DisabledWarVet @whomeyesu
Cinch bag potentially serves several purposes:
– Keeps the dust off between uses. (One may wonder how much of a reality check that represents, if frequency of use might be so low that detectable dust would have time to accumulate.)
– Keeps others from having to directly touch your sweaty foam exercise roller. (Foam. Sweat. Will it ever get clean? Pretty sure I want to not know.)
– Perhaps might keep your cat from shredding the lovely claw-snagging foam?
– Cinch cord provides a dangly-handle for greater versatility in lugging this along with the rest of the crap you carry to the fitness place? Some folks carry almost nothing, others have large-duffel-plus, at the one near me.
There may be other (possibly even less rational) “features” of the inclusion of the bag.
@werehatrack @whomeyesu Yeah, like kind of hiding the Dildo looking contraptions!! Is that use #5, or what¿?
Although, I’ll admit my penis is Not quite 13¹/²" [
], I have to also admit I don’t have 1 of anything with a 6½" Length & 6¹/²" Width, but is meh really sure about all of these (Three) measurements¿
3,…What, Really¿
Am I missing some- thing here,…jeese!! 
It’s the tears of the mehrathoners that made me buy these.
/giphy tense-manageable-disease

Nostalgic! My wife used to wear six of these while driving around in her Ford Comet. Good times!
Comet without the Mercury badge, 1961-62, including the probably extinct S22 version with bucket seats.
Impulse buy in under 5 seconds. Also have to amortize my meh monthly membership fee…
/giphy strong-mimicking-toy

If you’ve never used a foam roller before this one might be a little brutal to start with. (assuming it’s fairly hard and those nubs don’t just simply collapse)
Foam rolling is really good for warming up. I have a screwed up nerve in my right leg and foam rolling on it is almost orgasmic. It’s weird.
@Pufferfishy how exactly are you using your rollers?
@Pufferfishy, ‘warming up’ B4 What¿?
Once again I would buy then if shipping were free.
@MichaelTa membership for a month covers shipping for the month
The pain and inflammation from fibromyalgia is the worst. It’s like trying to function every day with the flu.
@Harbingerdc, it could be a lot worse; ya could have both & Have COVID•19, 20 & 21!!
Mine arrived and so far I’m really happy; using them to work out some BS with a chronic foot injury and they’re really doing the job. Build quality’s high, too, which I appreciate.