Bought these last time. They’ve held up well but they’re a bit too abrasive for my wife. I really like the reach, it’s great for the back, and the exfoliation has really cleared up the skin on my back!
@uscpsycho Pretty sure they’re the same. I think they’d be okay for a car window. The trick with these sounds like it’s okay if you don’t apply much pressure. So really more of a dusting tool than a scrubber. I need a dusting implement for the vaulted ceiling, so I’m taking a chance here. Wish me luck!
@mehvid1 I use these for the skylight in my bathroom and can barely reach.
For my high ceilings in the living room and above the stairs this works great: DELUX Microfiber Feather Duster Extendable Cobweb Duster with 100 inches Extra Long Pole Duster
@Raysrny Depending on your state, it actually can be. Keep in mind that it’s shipping and handling.
A general rule of thumb for included shipping charges is as follows:
If the contents of the shipment are taxable, the charges to ship it are taxable
If the contents of the shipment are exempt, the charges to ship it are typically exempt
If the shipment contains both exempt and taxable products, the portion of the charge allocated to the taxable sale is taxable, and the portion attributed to the exempt sale is exempt
@narfcake@pmarin@Raysrny State laws are unpredictable. I’m in Michigan and no tax was added to my $5 monthly bill.
It wouldn’t bother me if it were taxed. Taxes are what keeps things working. I like living in a place with functional sewers and clean water. I would certainly be willing to pay more taxes just so school teachers would have reasonable salaries.
Are the pads the same or are there two different kinds? I bought a product similar to this for scrubbing a bathtub and shower walls, but I think it’s really more for that kind of cleaning, with water and some toxic chemicals. (the good way!).
But the text here seems to imply they are for dusting in hard-to-reach places, which is quite a bit different from scrubbing a bathtub. I can imagine the same pole system could work fine for both tasks but you’d need different pads.
What’s in the Box?
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$41.98 at Amazon for a 2 Pack
90 days
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Friday, Sep 17 - Tuesday, Sep 21
Those Pokemon tarot cards are pretty cool. When will a deck of those be up for sale?
Bought these last time. They’ve held up well but they’re a bit too abrasive for my wife. I really like the reach, it’s great for the back, and the exfoliation has really cleared up the skin on my back!
@Seeds It worked! Your order number is: willful-glamorized-plot
/image willful glamorized plot

@mediocrebot @Seeds Boss Hogg had a bazooka? “Some wars have less action.”
How would these be for cleaning the inside of a car windshield?
Is this the same one that meh linked to on Amazon? Because the reviews for that are pretty awful.
@uscpsycho Pretty sure they’re the same. I think they’d be okay for a car window. The trick with these sounds like it’s okay if you don’t apply much pressure. So really more of a dusting tool than a scrubber. I need a dusting implement for the vaulted ceiling, so I’m taking a chance here. Wish me luck!
@mehvid1 I use these for the skylight in my bathroom and can barely reach.
For my high ceilings in the living room and above the stairs this works great: DELUX Microfiber Feather Duster Extendable Cobweb Duster with 100 inches Extra Long Pole
@callow Thanks for the info and the recommendation!
Want to try them when Walter leaves his little presents on the floor when walking around the house and it dries.
@alacrity Are you sure that’s what she said?
@hchavers once she lowered the decibels and started using consonants, she was quite specific.
I’ll start buying from meh again when you STOP CHARGING SALES TAX ON SHIPPING!!!
Shipping is not taxable!!!
@Raysrny Depending on your state, it actually can be. Keep in mind that it’s shipping and handling.
@narfcake, laws be pesky
/giphy laws be pesky

@narfcake @Raysrny I pay my monthly fee for my “free” shipping, and I’m pretty sure that sales tax is added to that monthly fee each month.
However if you move to Oregon or Alaska, then you won’t have to pay state sales tax. (Oregon Income and Property tax are high, though.)
@narfcake @pmarin @Raysrny State laws are unpredictable. I’m in Michigan and no tax was added to my $5 monthly bill.
It wouldn’t bother me if it were taxed. Taxes are what keeps things working. I like living in a place with functional sewers and clean water. I would certainly be willing to pay more taxes just so school teachers would have reasonable salaries.
I just read the TV violence article from @seeds order. Now I’m nostalgic for early 1980s “violent” television. #fallguyrules
I’m sorry, but these things kinda SUCK…
@Mandamm But isn’t that in essence how they clean?
No, I don’t want no scrubs…
An extensible handle with a spade tip. So many jokes, so little interest. Meh
Are the pads the same or are there two different kinds? I bought a product similar to this for scrubbing a bathtub and shower walls, but I think it’s really more for that kind of cleaning, with water and some toxic chemicals. (the good way!).
But the text here seems to imply they are for dusting in hard-to-reach places, which is quite a bit different from scrubbing a bathtub. I can imagine the same pole system could work fine for both tasks but you’d need different pads.
Will these get longer as my arms get shorter?
(I seem to be shrinking as I age.)
@phendrick Shorter arms I could deal with. My wife said something else was shrinking as I aged…
@phendrick @pmarin But you don’t use that appendage to clean do you?
Can the handle be removed and upgraded to a proper wood handle?
@rustyh3 Duct tape
Duct tape.
/giphy duct tape, dude.

So what do you do if your ceilings are more than 37 inches high?
The expendables scrubbers includes “now you see meh” cena
These things are friggen awesome bought these last time they are use full and well worth the money at 5 bucks delivered !!!
I’m disappointed in the copy writers. The song “Do You Scrub Me?” was right there, man…
/giphy absorbed-errant-plantation