@jst1ofknd I bought 3 from meh, and 2 of them switch back and forth as my every day carries. (one is smaller for work pants, and the other is larger for all my other pants).
I was really considering adding these to my collection. (I have 5 other CRKT knives.)
After a bunch of price-checking and reading about them I realized there’s no clip on the damn things!
How am I supposed to carry the damn thing to a wedding, like an adult? Is it supposed to sit in the bottom of my pocket so I can fiddle around in there while being attacked by a drunken groomsman?
@ShotgunX Why will you have more money after the knives arrive? Are you planning on opening some well-sealed bales of money you have lying around and you don’t have any knives yet? Because that or reselling the knives are the least illegal reasons I can think of.
@phendrick I think there is some confusion here (some, but not all, of it mine). The R1802 is the almost foot-long knife I gave the above link for. The R1804 that Meh is selling is the “compact” version, its a little under 5 inches. Both are shown in the Amazon listing, depending on which button you select.
@Troy or whomever. I believe the specs are merged in the Meh descriptions!
I wanted the bigger 'un; but I will let my order stand.
@Mothersnakes I noticed that too. I did see in camelcamelcamel that it was closer to $42 a piece prior to the meh sale (and still showing $42 to their servers).
Now that Amazon does that different prices for different people for the same product (sometimes), the lines get blurred.
That said, I did see $46.65 each right near when this meh sale went live.
@gwrankin ex-con,ex-boyfriend,ex-communicated…my reputation seems to proceed me.
but…but…but…you love it? If I would have known you were gonna love it, I would have done it a long time ago! (Negative attention is still attention,right?)
But seriously, I sweated over doing that for months and months.
I guess I could learn to love it…sorta like ex-CIA.
@wew Now that you mention it, I’m a lot of ex things too.
I was really sweating over the decision, then I realized that I could charge it to work since many of the purchases are for work anyway.
I may have made the same decision as you otherwise.
@robson Oh god I own too many speaker docks (and bluetooth speakers).
Since I also buy things for work, I have many still in the packages in my stock shelves.
@bdb I’m so glad that link still works! It was awesome in its time, I thought of it immediately when seeing the offer and other comments… Meh will be known for this always
I bought this last time. I wanted a decent sized knife with at least partial serrations for breaking down boxes on recycle morning. I don’t pay as much attention as some of you others and missed that it doesn’t have a clip. But I don’t miss it; it’s personally too big at almost 6 inches when opened to be my EDC knife. This one’s for my garage. Very smooth opening/closing. Good blade; I recommend it.
@holmesness I agree with your evaluations. I find the substantial blade and aggressive serrations are excellent, it holds a sharp edge, the grip is good in my average size hands. A bit bulky (square edges) for EDC but my “go to” working in the shop.
My Smith&Wessons (from meh) are good for EDC, open/close easily with one hand, but need more frequent honing to hold a razor edge.
bought these last time they were on sale (July 6th)…VERY nice knives and they are nicely presented in boxes…Would make great gifts. Like @holmesness said above me, maybe a shade too big for EDC for some…but with a GLOCK 26 IWB holster, the knife in my pocket feels tiny, lol…These were the last thing I purchased on MEH that were great…Meh, you suck!..start getting back to great products and great pricing!
@amillar7@nolrak LOL…I didn’t even realize it had an ambi slide stop till you mentioned it…and I’ve been shooting the 26 and my 19g5 (which also has it) for 6 months…can’t be that bad if i never noticed it or it doesn’t interfere with shooting them.
@fastharry I’d be mildly concerned about that getting snagged on the draw — or at the very least, any kydex/polymer holsters will need to be redesigned. I wonder if they offer a replacement single sided slide stop?
@nolrak not sure…but I have no issues drawing from a Vedder Light Tuck Kydex…you might be right about the redesign…most companies, gen 5’s are different//
I just ordered again. These are really sturdy knives but not what I want to carry every day. I’m putting them in my car glove boxes and getting two more so I can give them to some others. These knives are the best $15 values out there, by far.
Got these last time around. No clip, and no flipper. Thumb opening only. Also, the only sharp part of the blade is the serrations. I wouldn’t recommend.
@nbrucecaldwell Yes but they’ll be on the higher end of the cost curve. This blade is 8Cr13MoV, a Chinese steel that is actually pretty nice in this market segment. Most U.S. made knives are going to be in the $100+ range (emphasis on that plus). For most people purposes 8Cr13MoV Chinese made knives like this are just fine.
@cdsoder I agree with that. I mentioned the same thing on another knife offering, and got shit for it from the community. My hands are ugly too, would not want to use for modeling. Anyway, meh use someone with more attractive hands for your pics!
What a great knife! Super light, very tough, smooth out of the box. Bill Harsey is a world class designer of knives meant for the hardest use environments on the planet (Harsey designed the world famous “Yarborough” Green Beret knife, awarded to all graduates of the US Special Forces Q-Course). Thanks for a great deal on a super competent folding knife.
What’s in the Box?
2x CRKT Ruger Go-N-Heavy Compact Knives
Price Comparison
$93.30 (for 2) at Amazon
1 Year CRKT
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
For you Meh cut ups — it’s meh Holiday weekend and this deal is Meh- valous no matter how you slice it
@AttyVette Upper Cuts too
Watch out Glen!!!
Insert obligatory Crocodile Dundee “that’s not a knife” joke here.
I see you’ve played knifey spoony before…
A knife I already have (which I got from meh).
@jst1ofknd that looks like a much different knife.
@jst1ofknd I bought 3 from meh, and 2 of them switch back and forth as my every day carries. (one is smaller for work pants, and the other is larger for all my other pants).
It is, but it’s the knife I prefer to carry. Basically I answered the poll question in the product topic.
I apologize to all for the mistake I am too lazy to fix.
He’s fine. He’s on meh car.
@jst1ofknd @shahnm What you hit him with your car so now he is on your car?
@jst1ofknd @shahnm
Did you mean Mehdicare?
I was really considering adding these to my collection. (I have 5 other CRKT knives.)
After a bunch of price-checking and reading about them I realized there’s no clip on the damn things!
How am I supposed to carry the damn thing to a wedding, like an adult? Is it supposed to sit in the bottom of my pocket so I can fiddle around in there while being attacked by a drunken groomsman?
@gwrankin The lack of a clip is a head scratcher. I guess it was a design choice, but still.
@craigthom @gwrankin Just don’t use the knives to scratch… look sharp !
@gwankin: You could wear it on your belt like a kukri or in your garter like a sgian dubh.
The description mentions a “sheath”. Is there a picture of said “sheath”? Does it have a belt loop, etc.?
@Achromatter yes it has a belt loop. And the sheath is branded RUGER
in red letters.
Can anyone lend me $29? I promise I’ll pay it back (with interest) about a day or two after the package gets here.
I’ll gladly pay you on Tuesday for two knives today.
@ShotgunX Why will you have more money after the knives arrive? Are you planning on opening some well-sealed bales of money you have lying around and you don’t have any knives yet? Because that or reselling the knives are the least illegal reasons I can think of.
@yeppers What’s with the inquisition? I thought this was a capitalist paradise, man.
@ShotgunX @yeppers
All right. Who wants to put together a song Capitalist Paradise? Like Amish Paradise?
@ShotgunX @yeppers They’re gonna rob a train at knifepoint.
Its knice to see Meh has nifes to sell again.
@hchavers English is weird.
An Amazon customer gave this link for more info:
Shows more pix, incl. folded knife and carry pouch. and some more specs.
@phendrick got my two-fer
/giphy fabled-queasy-tinkerbell

I imagine Tinkerbell would get queasy, using one of these .
@phendrick I think there is some confusion here (some, but not all, of it mine). The R1802 is the almost foot-long knife I gave the above link for. The R1804 that Meh is selling is the “compact” version, its a little under 5 inches. Both are shown in the Amazon listing, depending on which button you select.
@Troy or whomever. I believe the specs are merged in the Meh descriptions!
I wanted the bigger 'un; but I will let my order stand.
And, of course, Amazon is not much help, since they mix reviews of different versions/models of products all together.
Why does the front page say it’s $93.00 for two from Amazon while the price comparison says the Amazon price is $42.44 for two?
@Mothersnakes ?.. I see 46.65 ea
@Mothersnakes Obviously the price comparison line in the description is an error. Maybe they’ll fix it.
@davido they corrected the price comparison to match the front page.
@Mothersnakes I noticed that too. I did see in camelcamelcamel that it was closer to $42 a piece prior to the meh sale (and still showing $42 to their servers).
Now that Amazon does that different prices for different people for the same product (sometimes), the lines get blurred.
That said, I did see $46.65 each right near when this meh sale went live.
At the risk of meh beating a theme to death, I miss the twofer knives deals.
@wew This is the first time I’m seeing the ‘ex-VMP’ icon. I love it. lol
@gwrankin ex-con,ex-boyfriend,ex-communicated…my reputation seems to proceed me.
but…but…but…you love it? If I would have known you were gonna love it, I would have done it a long time ago! (Negative attention is still attention,right?)
But seriously, I sweated over doing that for months and months.
I guess I could learn to love it…sorta like ex-CIA.
@wew Now that you mention it, I’m a lot of ex things too.
I was really sweating over the decision, then I realized that I could charge it to work since many of the purchases are for work anyway.
I may have made the same decision as you otherwise.
And I miss the speaker docks! Maybe tomorrow? Would be like old times with meh
@robson Oh god I own too many speaker docks (and bluetooth speakers).
Since I also buy things for work, I have many still in the packages in my stock shelves.
@robson knivesandspeakerdocks.com for the win?
@bdb I’m so glad that link still works! It was awesome in its time, I thought of it immediately when seeing the offer and other comments… Meh will be known for this always
Is it Tuesday already? Did I have a drunken holiday? Fuck?
@sligett Yeah you missed Sunday and Monday. Hope you aren’t late to work today.
@Kidsandliz Naw, I made it to work. In fact it looks like I’m early - the parking lot is empty.
I bought this last time. I wanted a decent sized knife with at least partial serrations for breaking down boxes on recycle morning. I don’t pay as much attention as some of you others and missed that it doesn’t have a clip. But I don’t miss it; it’s personally too big at almost 6 inches when opened to be my EDC knife. This one’s for my garage. Very smooth opening/closing. Good blade; I recommend it.
@holmesness I agree with your evaluations. I find the substantial blade and aggressive serrations are excellent, it holds a sharp edge, the grip is good in my average size hands. A bit bulky (square edges) for EDC but my “go to” working in the shop.
My Smith&Wessons (from meh) are good for EDC, open/close easily with one hand, but need more frequent honing to hold a razor edge.
bought these last time they were on sale (July 6th)…VERY nice knives and they are nicely presented in boxes…Would make great gifts. Like @holmesness said above me, maybe a shade too big for EDC for some…but with a GLOCK 26 IWB holster, the knife in my pocket feels tiny, lol…These were the last thing I purchased on MEH that were great…Meh, you suck!..start getting back to great products and great pricing!
@fastharry OMG YOU HAVE A GLOCK?
Or, wait…maybe you just have the holster.
Glock G26g5, Vedder Holster…and one of the Ruger knives…
@amillar7 @fastharry Hey FH, if you vape, how come you have a bic lighter on your bed stand?
@amillar7 @therealjrn It’s the remote for my alarm system…
@amillar7 @fastharry Remind me to always ring the doorbell first.
@amillar7 @therealjrn probably a good idea…
@amillar7 @fastharry the 5th gens have an ambi slide stop? I’m not sure how I feel about that
@amillar7 @nolrak LOL…I didn’t even realize it had an ambi slide stop till you mentioned it…and I’ve been shooting the 26 and my 19g5 (which also has it) for 6 months…can’t be that bad if i never noticed it or it doesn’t interfere with shooting them.
@fastharry I’d be mildly concerned about that getting snagged on the draw — or at the very least, any kydex/polymer holsters will need to be redesigned. I wonder if they offer a replacement single sided slide stop?
@nolrak not sure…but I have no issues drawing from a Vedder Light Tuck Kydex…you might be right about the redesign…most companies, gen 5’s are different//
Sounds like a good deal. I haven’t carried a knife since I was big enough to kill a man with my bare hands.
It’s a tape measure, not a tape measurer. Ask anyone.
@hansthecat PICKY PICKY![PICKY]
I just ordered again. These are really sturdy knives but not what I want to carry every day. I’m putting them in my car glove boxes and getting two more so I can give them to some others. These knives are the best $15 values out there, by far.
I’d get this if it were the full size version or if they had a clip. The compact is too normal of a size to not include a clip.
I am guessing that TSA has a bunch of these even cheaper!
Those look like the most uncomfortable handles ever seen on a knife. Looks like recycled milk crates or something.
@SoftAsFur I had concerns but they’re actually great.
@holmesness @SoftAsFur I agree…they fit the hand nice…love mine
@SoftAsFur They sure look uncomfortable but they feel pretty nice and are really grippy.
I would really like 1. Anybody want to go halfsies?
Got these last time around. No clip, and no flipper. Thumb opening only. Also, the only sharp part of the blade is the serrations. I wouldn’t recommend.
Does the U.S. make knives anymore?
@nbrucecaldwell Yes but they’ll be on the higher end of the cost curve. This blade is 8Cr13MoV, a Chinese steel that is actually pretty nice in this market segment. Most U.S. made knives are going to be in the $100+ range (emphasis on that plus). For most people purposes 8Cr13MoV Chinese made knives like this are just fine.
@nbrucecaldwell @nekomancer Communist Red China has some good shit nowadays.
@nbrucecaldwell Kershaw has some made in the USA knives that you can get for under $30 on sale, but most American-made knives cost more.
If you want a good knife for under $20 I think made in China is your only option.
I’ve got an Ontario knife I like a lot that I paid under $30 for, but it was made in Taiwan.
C.R.K.T.= Chinese Reject Kutting Toys
Where do you plug in the Bluetooth on these things?
So this site is legit?
@JeromeWalker It’s really Bizzaro Woot looking at the products and prices in the last couple months…
Meh I have anxiously been awaiting for you to post a toothbrush for sale again. I will post this everyday until you finally sell another one again.
You guys seriously need to up your hand model game.
@cdsoder I agree with that. I mentioned the same thing on another knife offering, and got shit for it from the community. My hands are ugly too, would not want to use for modeling. Anyway, meh use someone with more attractive hands for your pics!
@cdsoder @robson

@cdsoder @robson they look like normal man hands to me.
Everyone knows who he is. He’s not Brian Tighe.
What a great knife! Super light, very tough, smooth out of the box. Bill Harsey is a world class designer of knives meant for the hardest use environments on the planet (Harsey designed the world famous “Yarborough” Green Beret knife, awarded to all graduates of the US Special Forces Q-Course). Thanks for a great deal on a super competent folding knife.